Blue/Black line appearing on exception thrown in Visual Studio 2005 - visual-studio

I'm having a problem with VS2005. Whenever I have an exception thrown and my program breaks, the line that it breaks on is not readable because it turns black and blue. Please see my screenshot for a better idea of what I'm talking about.
I had resharper installed but I went ahead and disabled it but this is still happening.

This is more than just a color change. The line is entirely overwritten with garbage. Must be some other misbehaving add-in. Verify this by running devenv.exe with the /SafeMode command line option.

Have you attempted to reset your default settings for Visual Studio? Sometimes settings can stick when you uninstall add-ons. Go to your Visual Studio command line, usually found in your VS Tools directory.
devenv /ResetSettings
Restart VS and see if that clears up your color scheme issues. Note this will reset all of your default settings, so only use it if you want the factory default for VS.

There are a few settings you should check in Tools-->Options-->Environment-->Fonts and Colors.
Breakpoint (Error)
Breakpoint - Advanced (Error)
Breakpoint - Mapped (Error)
Current Statement
If it's not one of these, you may have to go through the list and look for the Display Item that has the Item Background/Foreground set to what you're seeing, then change it to something that is more legible.


Just my code - Visual Studio 2010

I have enabled Just My Code in the debugging options, but it says it's for managed only.
When I have the debugger in the managed mode, it runs but closes straight after and I can't step into each line of code.
How can I make it work?
When Just My Code is enabled, it is possible to choose Break on the Debug menu and stop execution at a location where there is no My Code to display. When that happens, no code is displayed. Additionally, if you choose a Step command, it will take you to the next line of My Code.
First try to read How to: Step Into Just My Code and then will understand what they do.
As you're saying that debugger is not running, there might be many reasons:
You could type Devenv.exe /SafeMode, which starts Visual Studio in safe mode, loading only the default environment and services.
If it does not work, you could type Devenv.exe /resetsettings. It restores Visual Studio to default settings. Optionally, reset the settings to the specified .vssettings file.
More information about the Devenv.exe command line.
Switch other accounts or create a new account and try it again.
If it doesn’t work still, please uninstall Visual Studio via Add/Remove Program thoroughly and reinstall it again.

Visual Studio 2010 Exceptions dialog is empty (as of today)

Starting today, I noticed that the Exceptions dialog within VS2010 appears empty, and I can therefore not make any selections within it. I am not sure where to go to begin trying to fix this, as I see no error or anything. This has previously worked. Following is a screenshot:
I have tried checking if any updates were installed recently (none were), and no new updates are available. Any help would be appreciated.
You could try starting visual studio in safe mode by starting it with the /SafeMode command line option. Once open, see if the exceptions are there - changing a setting here may reset the view back when you start Visual Studio normally.
Alternatively, try resetting Visual studio back to its original settings by starting it with the /Setup command line option.

Visual Studio 2008 Blank Tool Window

I have a blank property window that I can not get rid of in Visual Studio 2008 SP1. I have tried every thing to get rid of it.
If I close it it shows right back up after going into debug mode or restarting visual studio. I have tried every thing to fix all the way to reinstalling VS with no luck.
Does any one have a solution for this?
Use the following fix:
Close all instances of Visual Studio Navigate to the following directory (I am using 2008 – for a different version change the 9.0 to reflect the correct version number/folder)
"%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0".
You should see four files:
Move these files to another folder (or, if you are very brave, delete them altogether. Note, this is very much a case of “Worked on my (colleague’s) PC” – do this at your own risk. Restart Visual Studio and hey presto, your Toolbox should be back to where it needs to be. The user in question did not have any custom items in his toolbox so I can only assume that the fix reverted the toolbox to the original Visual Studio state.
Click Window, Reset Window Layouts.
If that doesn't help, click Tools, Import and Export Settings, Reset all settings. (But backup your current settings)
One thing to try is via the Visual Studio 2008 command line you can run the following command.
devenv /resetsettings
This will restore to factory settings, this could clear up the issue, re-install wouldn't do this for you.

TFS vs2005 always get on accessing a file

In vs2005 opening a file causes a dialog to pop up "Contacting server to get a list of items to update"... everytime... I'm not checking out / editing ... just opening to view.
Reset vs2005 settings etc ... but to no avail ...
No settings appear to be diff. between mine and other devs boxes here.
Appears to be nothing on google.
No addins etc
driving me nuts - anytime something changes on the server I get the change ... not to mention the interruption.
any ideas?
This is obviously not normal behaviour as you can tell from looking at the other developers machines. I would personally suspect a plug-in of some sort. You could try looking in Tools, Add-in Manager to see if anything is there. If that doesn't work, close Visual Studio and start a Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt and then type
devenv /SafeMode
And see if the problem still occurs. If it does you could try resetting Visual Studio by typing the following at a Visual Studo 2005 command prompt (warning it will reset all your preferences etc)
devenv /ResetSettings
But all of these are a shot in the dark - I've never seen the behaviour that you are describing...

How do I REALLY reset the Visual Studio window layout?

I had a plugin installed in Visual Studio 2008, and it created some extra dockable windows. I have uninstalled it, and I can't get rid of the windows it created - I close them, but they always come back. They're just empty windows now, since the plugin is no longer present, but nothing I've tried gets rid of them. I've tried:
Window -> Reset Window Layout
Deleting the .suo files in my project directories
Deleting the Visual Studio 9.0 folder in my Application Settings directory
Any ideas?
Have you tried this? In Visual Studio go to Tools > Import and Export Settings > Reset all settings
Be sure you back up your settings before you do this. I made the mistake of trying this to fix an issue and didn't realize it would undo all my appearance settings and toolbars as well. Took a lot of time to get back to the way I like things.
Try devenv.exe /resetuserdata. I think it's more aggressive than the Tools > Import and Export options suggested.
Also check Tools > Add In Manager and make sure there aren't any orphans there.
How about running the following from command line,
Devenv.exe /ResetSettings
You could also save those settings in to a file, like so,
Devenv.exe /ResetSettings "C:\My Files\MySettings.vssettings"
The /ResetSettings switch, Restores Visual Studio default settings. Optionally resets the settings to the specified .vssettings file.
MSDN link
I had similar problem except that it happened without installing any plugin. I begin to get this dialog about source control every time I open the project + tons of windows popping up and floating which I had to close one by one.
Windows -> Rest Windows Layout, fixed it for me without any problems. It does bring the default setting which I don't mind at all :)
If you want to reset the window layout. Then
If you have an old backup copy of CurrentSettings.vssettings, you can try restoring it.
I had a completely corrupted Visual Studio layout. When I tried to enter debug, I was told that VS had become unstable. When I restarted, my window layout would then be totally screwed. I tried restoring the VS current user settings in the registry from a backup, but that didn't help. However, restoring CurrentSettings.vssettings seems to have cured it.
There seems to be a bunch of binary stuff in there and I can imagine it gets irretrievably corrupted sometimes.
Note: if you have vs2010 and vs2008 and you want to reset the 2008, you will need to specify in command line the whole path. like this:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /resetsettings
If you don't specify the path (like devenv.exe /resetsettings), it will reset the latest version of Visual studio installed on your computer.
I close them, but they always come back
When you say "they always come back" do you mean "next time you restart Visual Studio" or "immediately"?
One quirk of Visual Studio (at least VS2005) is that settings aren't saved until you exit. That means that if VS crashes at all while you are using it, any layout changes you made will be lost. The way around this is to always gracefully exit when you have set up everything like you want it to be.
Not sure if this will help your particular situation though.
I tried most of the suggestions, and none of them worked. I didn't get a chance to try /resetuserdata. Finally I reinstalled the plugin and uninstalled it again, and the windows went away.
If you've ever backed up your settings (Tools -> Import and Export Settings), you can restore the settings file to get back to a prior state. This is the only thing that I've found to work.
If you want to reset your development environment of your visual studio, then you can use Import and Export setting wizard. see this for all steps:
Window -> Reset Window Layout didn't exist for me. For anybody looking in 2022 or later, I finally found the answer! The crucial information, buried in a VSCode update release note, was right at the bottom of this section. Here it is if the link breaks in the future:
If you'd like to reset all views back to the default layout, you can run Views: Reset View Locations from the Command Palette.
