Learning AI by practice ( Perceptrons, Neural networks and Bayesian AI) - algorithm

I'm about to take a course in AI and I want to practice before. I'm using a book to learn the theory, but resources and concrete examples in any language to help with the practice would be amazing. Can anyone recommend me good sites or books with plenty of examples and tutorials ?
Thanks !
Edit: My course will deal with Perceptrons, Neural networks and Bayesian AI.

Really depends on what area you want to specialize on. There is the startup - resource : is
here. I learned about neural nets from their example. Can you elaborate what kind of AI it should be?
Ah and i forgot: this link is a very nice forum where you can look at problems other people have and learn from that.

My advice would be to learn it by trying to implement the various types of learners yourself. See if you can find yourself a dataset related to some interest you have (sports, games, health, etc.) and then try and create a learner to do some kind of classification (predicting a winner in a sports game, learning how to classify backgammon positions, detecting cancer based on patient data, etc.) using different methods. Start with Decision Trees if that's part of your future course work since they're relatively simple, then move on to neural networks.

Here is a set of sources, each one of which i recommend highly--for the quality of the explanation, for the quality of the code, and for the 'completeness' of the algorithm demo.
Least-Squares Regression
k-means clustering (Python)
Multi-Layer Perceptron (Python)
Hopfield Network (Python)
Decision Tree (ID3 & C4.5)
In addition, the excellent textbook Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, et al. is actually free to download. The authors have an R package that accompanies this textbook which contains all of the code. This book includes detailed discussion of most (if not all) of the major classes of ML algorithms, with specific examples that refer to working code and 'real-world' data.

Personally I would recommend this M.Tim.Jones book on AI.
Has many many topics on AI and almost every type of AI discussion is followed by C example code. Very pragmatic book on AI indeed !!

Russel & Norvig have a good survey of the broad field.


Practical use cases for machine learning algorithms

I am just starting out studying machine learning and currently doing Andrew Ng's course on Coursera. I am going through the course but am a bit lost. It will make studying all those algorithms/theory a lot rewarding if I can see some use cases for them.
For example, the first topic I read about was gradient descent and then linear regression and logistic regression. Are these used directly in practice or are other algorithms like k-means and kernel density used? I guess I am trying to get real world (software engineering, data mining) examples of these topics. Can some one suggest a post that might have some explanation of any machine learning algorithm(s) usage? It will be greatly helpful.
NO FREE LUNCH THEOREM states that if algorithm A outperforms algorithm B for some problem, then loosely speaking there must exist exactly as many other problems where B outperforms.
So, it is difficult to link algorithm with particular use case.
If you are looking only for use cases where you can use machine learning algorithms, visit https://www.kaggle.com/wiki/DataScienceUseCases
Update : Just now, i came across http://pkghosh.wordpress.com Check it out. (use cases with algorithms)

Are Evolutionary algorithms biotechnology?

For my research project in biology for my final year I need to present a project in the field of Biotechnology. Being passionate about programming I immediately thought of Evolutionary Algorithms! However I am not sure if Evolutionary Algorithms would fall into the category of Biotechnology, hence I would rather confirm with the best and most passionate programming experts on the world.
Unfortunately no, a genetic algorithm (ga) is just an optimization technique that is inspired from various evolutionary processes like mutation or crossover. They belong to the area of evolutionary computing and artificial intelligence and not biotechnology.
Please follow this link for a brief introduction to genetic algorithms.
Biotechnology from the other hand has to do with actual organisms that are used in some way to make a product or an application. It sounds kind of broad but that is only because the particular field is in itself very broad. We use forms of biotechnology for thousands of years now in many common and not so common ways. This is not bad though as it gives you a lot of freedom regarding your project. Choose anything from food production to medicine and you will still be relevant to the subject.
Maybe the links provided will give you some inspiration.
Link one
Link two
Until you're implementing your evolutionary algorithms with organic material, no.
They are, of course, inspired from the way modern organisms have come to exist. But there's no biology in what you're doing.
No. It's just an example of a biological algorithm adapted for computational purposes.
Other examples include Ant-Colony Optimization, Flocking behavior, etc.
IIRC, Biotechnology requires the use of actual biology (i.e., living things or parts of them) adapted for technological purposes, not just an algorithmic emulation or modelling of their processes.

Fundamentals and maths required for algorithms

I have been working on RTOS and Linux driver development for quite some time. Now I am interviewing at semiconductor companies and failing to answer questions about algorithms on strings, and time and space complexity. I have not studied discrete maths and algorithms during my as I have an electronics background.
How can I overcome this gap?
Start with something simple like: Algorithms in a Nutshell (good starting point for interview like questions)
Or Algorithms For Interviews
When you feel you know the above book, then you can think of diving into introduction to Algorithms.
You need to review most of the course material for a Data Structures and Algorithms class. In order to answer those types of interview questions, you don't generally need the material covered in Discrete Math.
If you want to take the long way around (and actually understand the topic), I recommend you actually work through the class material and listen to the lectures. Since UC Berkeley posts some of their lectures online, you can watch just such a class (with an excellent instructor) here:
Pay particular attention to the lectures on Big O notation, and the sorting and searching algorithms. Those tend to be the bits that people ask about for job interviews.
If you can't be bothered to actually spend the 30 hours watching the lectures and many more working through the problems, you should at least consult the book that course uses:
Goodrich and Tamassia's Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
Introduction to Algorithms is a great algorithms book (and also happens to be listed 6th on the great influential book question)
I would suggest you Introduction to Algorithms(by CLRS) and Algorithm design manual for algorithms and complexity(by steven skienna) for understanding the Algorithms and complexity.Other than that there are quite a few good tutorials on algorithms and complexity at top coder ( site : topcoder.com/tc ) , you can check them out too.

naive bayesian spam filter question

I am planning to implement spam filter using Naive Bayesian classification model.
Online I see a lot of info on Naive Bayesian classification, but the problem is its a lot of mathematical stuff, than clearly stating how its done. And the problem is I am more of a programmer than a mathematician (yes I had learnt Probability and Bayesian theorem back in school, but out of touch for a long long time, and I don't have luxury of learning it now (Have nearly 3 weeks to come-up with a working prototype)).
So if someone can explain or point me to location where its explained for programmers than a mathematician, it would be a great help.
PS: By the way I have to implement it in C, if you want to know. :(
The book Programming Collective Intelligence has chapter that covers this and other methods. The chapter (#6) can be understood without reference to previous chapters, is written clearly, and discusses only the minimal mathematics necessary to get the job done.
You could try this website. It's got some source code.
I would highly recommend Andrew Moore's tutorials and I think you should start with this one.
You could also take a look at POPFile, an open source spam filter engine.
Have you looked at dspam?

Where can I learn more about "ant colony" optimizations?

I've been reading things here and there for a while now about using an "ant colony" model as a heuristic approach to optimizing various types of algorithms. However, I have yet to find an article or book that discusses ant colony optimizations in an introductory manner, or even in a lot of detail. Can anyone point me at some resources where I can learn more about this idea?
On the off chance that you know German (yes, sorry …), a friend and I have written an introduction with code about this subject which I myself find quite passable. The text and code uses the example of TSP to introduce the concept.
Even if you don't know German, take a look at the code and the formulas in the text, this might still serve.
link Wikipedia actually got me started. I read the article and got to coding. I was solving a wicked variation of the traveling salesman problem. It's an amazing meta-heuristic. Basically, any type of search problem that can be put into a graph (nodes & edges, symmetric or not) can be solved with an ACO.
Look out for the difference between global and local pheromone trails. Local pheromones discourage one generation of ants from traversing the same path. They keep the model from converging. Global pheromones are attractors and should snag at least one ant per generation. They encourage optimum paths over several generations.
The best suggestion I have, is simply to play with the algorithm. Setup a basic TSP solver and some basic colony visualization. Then have some fun. Working with ants, conceptually, is way cool. You program their basic behaviors and then set them loose. I even grow fond of them. :)
ACOs are a greedier form of genetic algorithms. Play with them. Alter their communicative behaviors and pack behavior. You'll rapidly begin to see network / graph programming in an entirely different way. That's their biggest benefit, not the recipe that most people see it as.
You just gotta play with it to really understand it. Books & research papers only give a general sky-high understanding. Like a bike, you just gotta start riding. :)
ACOs, by far, are my favorite abstraction for graph problems.
National Geographic wrote an interesting article awhile back talking about some of the theories.
The best resource for these topics is Google scholar. Ive been working on Ant Colony Optimization algorithms for a while, here are some good papers:
Ant Colony Optimization - A New Metaheuristic
Ant Colony Optimization - Artificial Ants as a Computational Intelligence Technique
Just search for "Ant Colony" on google scholar.
Also, search for papers published by Marco Dorigo.
I am surprised nobody has mentioned the bible of ACO:
Marco Dorigo & Thomas Stützle: Ant Colony Optimization
This book is written by the author of ACO and it is highly readable. You can take it to the beach and have fun reading it. But it is also the most complete resource of all, great as a reference when implementing the thing.
You can read some excerpts on Google Books
Another great source of wisdom is the ACO Homepage
See for example this article on scholarpedia.
There is also discussion here in the What is the most efficient way of finding a path through a small world graph? question.
At first glance this seems to be closely related to (or prehaps a special case of) the Metropolis algorithm. So that's another possible direction for searching.
Addition: This PDF file includes a reference to the original Metropolis paper from 1953.
Well, i found the Homepage of Eric Rollins and his different Implementations (Haskell, Scala, Erlang,...) of a ACO Algorithm helpfull.
And also the Book from Enrique Alba, titled "Parallel Metaheuristics: A New Class of Algorithms" where you can find a whole chapter of explanation about ACO Algorithms and their different usages.
