Text disappears in subclass of NSTextFieldCell - cocoa

I've spent many hours trying to figure this one out with no luck. Someone had a similar problem on the Apple mailing lists a while ago and no one answered. Basically, it comes down to this: I've subclassed NSTextFieldCell and overridden the drawWithFrame: method to create a custom bezel. Then I call drawInteriorWithFrame: at the end of the method to draw the text. Everything works perfectly except for the fact that sometimes the text disappears. Everything else is drawn, except for the text. I think it might have something to do with the field editor, but I really don't know. Has anyone run into this problem before?

I apologize that this question wasn't better, but I feel others might run into this mysterious drawing problem someday and I have found a solution. The key to subclassing NSTextFieldCell is that when you override drawWithFrame:, you want to call [super drawWithFrame:] or else you might get these rendering problems. You can set the backgroundColor of the cell to whatever you want and use setClip to get the desired look, but you don't want to do all of the drawing yourself. At least this worked for me.


Properly push NSViews

I had a great system (It worked but was probably not the correct way to accomplish the task) going to animating one NSView over another. The user clicked a button and an NSView flew in over the other "replacing" it. The problem came in with window resizing. Due to the way I set it up, one view was sitting in a non-visible location and animating in with animator, resizing was nearly impossible. I also tried this which seemed promising but failed to deliver a method (and I couldn't come up with one) for handeling window resizes. So how can one accomplish the seemingly simple task of swapping views with a nice transition? Sorry for the long winded question and hopefully I explained the system I had clearly enough.
Thanks for any help/advice
Just add your controller as the window's delegate and implement the windowWillResize:toSize: delegate method.
In your implementation of the method you should set the size of your off-screen view appropriately.

CAAnimation on a UIButton

I have been trying to create a simple swipe transition. However buttons seem immune to any CAAnimation that crops.
I am trying to get it so that a bar moves across the screen and as it goes over the button it removes the part it has just gone over.
I have tried bounds.width, size.x and many other key-value paths to achieve the affect but I haven't got what I wanted. It just relocates the text which always remains entirely visible
I have also tried changing the UIButton to a UIImage but the text does not seem to print on a UIImage.
I tried using masks too but I have heard they should be used as infrequently as possible as they consume the phones resources. I didn't really get very far with this either anyway as I hadn't used them much before.
I also tried placing it in a container view and then change the dimensions of that but again all of the text remained entirely visible.
I know I could have a view hide the button but I am trying to reveal the view behind as the bar swipes.
Does anyone have any suggestions of how to achieve a swipe transition on a UIButton?
Help would be much appreciated.
I think what you're looking for really is a mask. See the tutorial here:
What I'd do in your situation is create a custom UIButton class, and add a mask as in the tutorial, then animate the position of the mask. Slide the mask of, nothing shows. Slide it on, part shows until the whole thing is visible.
Edit: I haven't really heard anything about hogging resources, especially since it appears to be simple core graphics.

cocoa -- What is the proper way to tell an NSWindow to redisplay its contents?

According to the NSWindow Class Reference, you should "rarely need to invoke" the NSWindow methods "display" or "setViewsNeedDisplay". So what is the usual way to redisplay the window's contents?
EDIT: I am having trouble dealing with resizing events. I just want to have everything scale proportionally. See this question. As no one seems to have any ideas for using masks to get it to happen, I want to redraw the whole thing.
Jason's comment really should be an answer:
Generally you don't need to. Instead, you invalidate whatever view needs to be invalidated for whatever reason within the window.
In addition to that comment, I'd add that you might want to explain why you feel you need to do this. While there are sometimes perfectly valid reasons to force the whole window to redraw, they are rare and you should suspect You're Doing It Wrong™.
Use this method to flag subviews for redisplay:
- setNeedsDisplay:YES

UIDesign Advice

I want to achiece the following scenario,
My idea is to have three different tableview. But i have stuck up with the scrolling problem that if i scroll tableview3 vertically, tableview1 & tableview2 should also scroll.
Is there any other idea for implementing this? Or else a solution for my scrolling problem?
Note: The number of columns are dynamic.
Happy Coding
I'm currently in the process of implementing a similar UI system, I gave up on using UITableView for it in order to make things a little more 'dynamic'. Re-implemnting all of UITableView from scratch is a really fun exercise!
If UITableView will still work for you, all you need to remember is tableview's are subclasses of UIScrollView, which has delegate methods for scrolling. Use those, along with setContentOffset and you can trivially sync the scrolling of multiple tables.

Links in NSTableView NSCell

I have been reading and experimenting with allowing links in a custom drawn NSCell for the last few days and have basically got nothing usable, there's always issues with each approach.
Does anyone know of a way of doing this that works?
I am custom drawing the NSCell using - (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)theCellFrame inView:(NSView *)theControlViewm
The NSCell is just a variable height block of text with links inside it, some cells have links, some do not.
I've tried using nsattributedstring with NSLinkAttributeName
I've tried intercepting all hits to the cell and then trying to match up where they clicked to where the link would be in the text but that never works out.
I've basically tried all suggestions that I could find on all boards but most comments are old so I'm hoping someone has figured out a good way to do this.
Thanks, David
I haven't tried this exactly, but give this a try:
First, for hyperlinks I use a category on NSAttributedString, akin to this post from Apple developer docs. The example here gives you a method on NSAttributedString 'hyperlinkFromString:withURL:`
Second, create a delegate for the table, and implement tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row: method.
In that method,
setAttributedStringValue:[NSAttributedString hyperlinkFromString:YOUR_STRING withURL:YOUR_URL]
or, if you need non-hyperlinked string text as well,
setAttributedStringValue:[SOME_NON_HYPERLINKED_STRING appendAttributedString:[NSAttributedString hyperlinkFromString:YOUR_STRING withURL:YOUR_URL]]
If that is the only reason you are custom drawing an NSCell, you can try getting rid of your custom class, because this should work with an NSTextFieldCell. I've seen online, though, that some people have had trouble with centering attributed strings in text field cells, so I hope it works ok. One other caveat: with the delegate method, be sure that you set the cell attribute that you are changing for all conditions. I quote:
Because aCell is reused for every row in aTableColumn, the delegate must set the display attributes both when drawing special cells and when drawing normal cells.
from "http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/NSTableViewDelegate_Protocol/Reference/Reference.html" (sorry, StackOverflow won't let me post more than one hyperlink yet)
Hope this helps.
