How to uninstall a Firefox extension from command line? - firefox

I have installed Firefox extension by double clicking abc.xpi file. Now I want to know where those files are copied, so that I can delete them. Or any other way to uninstall an extension except by going to Addons & then uninstalling it manually. I want to uninstall it programmatically.

The files created as part of the extension installation process are stored within the Firefox profile which you were using at the time. If you aren't aware of setting up more than one profile, you're probably using the "default" one which you got when you installed Firefox. Messing around with stuff within the profile directory can be extremely unwise, but if you want to try it you might want to think about:
locating the profile directory - this will depend on your operating system, but looking under the directory specified in the environment variable USERPROFILE would be a good start
finding the id for the extension you wish to remove
removing the subdirectory corresponding to the extension id under the extensions directory within the profile
remove the reference to the extension from the extensions.ini file
possibly remove the extensions.rdf file completely, to allow it to be regenerated
I am currently unaware of an automated way of doing this from the command line, if you don't want to do it yourself, but there might be tools out there to do it for you.


How does Firefox generate the hash values when installing extensions

I wrote some code that manually takes a XPI that was already installed from one Firefox profile, and set's up the xpi to be manually set up on a different profile or computer entirely.
So the I set everything up fine within the extensions.sqlite Database that is within the user profile folder. I can even rename the extension on the fly when I move the xpi itself into the extension folder.
Here's my question: When I extract the XPI, there is a file called 'harness-options.json'. Within that file there are two variables, docsSHA256 and jsSHA256.
These to hash variables must be based on the extension in some way, but I am not sure how exactly.
Could anyone point me in the right direction as to how firefox generates these hash codes?
Firefox does not generate these hashes at all. It is the Add-on SDK which does. The Firefox extension manager does not care about harness-options.json at all. The SDK loader in turn, does care about harness-options.json a bit, but doesn't do anything with jsSHA256 or docsSHA256 at the moment. Other tools, such as the validator that runs when you upload something to, do care about jsSHA256 at least.
It should be noted that add-ons not using the SDK do not (normally) contain a harness-options.json file at all.
There will be one jsSHA256 per module lib/, e.g. one for main.js and so on.
docsSHA256 for main.js will be generated from when the SDK builds the XPI. Apparantly, is not packed into the XPI. For all other modules it appears docsSHA256 appears to be null.
The code in question lives in
In the end you shouldn't mess with the XPI (other than repacking an unpacked extension) and/or extensions.sqlite at all. Especially the latter isn't meant to be modified externally.
Just drop the your XPIs files in the corresponding extensions/ folder of the profile and the Add-on manager will automatically pick them up the next time you start the browser.

develop a firefox extension in place (not via encoding to xpi first)?

Developing an extension for Mozilla Firefox I wonder if there is an "easier way" to what I do right now. Currently I do:
Create a folder - in which to develop - for example myextension
Inside this folder: Create and Edit the Files (like install.rdf, chrome.manifest, xul files. Basically all the other structure of a Firefox extension (no problem here))
Zip-compress the content of the myextension to a ZIP-file (i.e. named
Rename to myextension.xpi
Install the xpi-file-firefox-extension then in firefox
Restart Firefox
Test the extention
After each edit to the codebase of the extension I need to undergo the process of 3. zip-compress, 4. Rename, 5. install XPI file to firefox, 6 restart browser.
Of course I could automate some of this but still I wonder if there is another way to develop the firefox extension directly in the running firefox profile folder .
The extensions I know are stored in the Firefox profile folder as:
I cannot remember well, but I think that there was a way to have the extension being stored unzipped as a folder there too? This way I would still need to restart after edits but not do all the laboursome zipping-renaming-installing.
Any ideas?
It is possible to setup a directory to "in-place-edit" a firefox extension. By this the effort between editing and testing of the Firefox-extension can be reduced.
I have found the good explanation on the blog
Here I want to give the principal steps necessary to achieve the "in-place-edit"
Step 1: You have to find your profile directory of Firefox.
For example in Linux this would often be often something like this:
Step 2: Go to this profile directory
Step 3: If you already have any extensions installed (like for example adblock+ or noscript), then inside this profile directory you will find a folder named extensions. If you do not have yet any additional extension installed, it might be easy to simply install any, only to have the **extensions" folder be setup for you.
Step 4: In this extensions folder you can create a new directory (let us name it "myextensions_1"), which shall contain the stuff of your plugin. This stuff would be the ordinary things like the install.rdf, chrome.manifest files and the content,skin,locale subdirectories. In effect all the stuff you would normaly zip up to become the XPI file.
Step 5. Create a file that is equal to the content of the <em:id> tag that you used in your ìnstall.rdf file. So if you used <em:id></em:id> you need to create a file named Inside this file you will write the location of the "in-place-edit-extension-folder" we created before. In our example this we would have
the file
which contains only the text ~/.mozilla/firefox/#%#%.default/extensions/myextensions_1
Of course the text depends on the location of the folder you use for your plugin.
If you did all things correctly - and maybe double-checked with the instructions of the link above - you can restart or "newly start" firefox. The browser will ask you if you want to allow the usage of the plugin, which you can conceed.
Now you can edit in the folder ~/.mozilla/firefox/#%#%.default/extensions/myextensions_1 and need not to worry about zipping-up -> renaming -> installing.
You simple restart Firefox and the edits to your extensions code will become available.
This will allow you swifter and faster developing "in-place".
Note: this is a shameless self-plug - I am talking about an extension I created myself.
Developing an extension in place is possible but has so many issues (mostly caching of all kinds) that it really isn't a good option. Still, you can simplify your development cycle a lot. For that you need to install the Extension Auto-Installer add-on in your Firefox. Then you can put a batch file (assuming that you are developing on Windows) into your extension directory along the lines of:
zip -r test.xpi * -xi *.bat *.xpi
wget --post-file=test.xpi http://localhost:8888/
del test.xpi
The required command line tools are all preinstalled on Unix-based systems, for Windows you can easily download them: zip, wget.
Then you will only need to run that batch file to update your extension in Firefox. If your extension isn't restartless then Firefox will restart automatically. So this replaces your steps 3 to 6.

Pointing to an extension

I'm doing this tutorial on how to setup your environment in creating a firefox extension and I don't understand this part:
Pointing to an extension
In your development profile folder, you will find a folder named extensions. In it, you will have code for all your installed extensions. Instead of placing your code there, you can create a pointer file. Do that by creating a file with a unique name for you (this will have to be the same as you chose for your em:id value in your install.rdf file – more on that below).
This part can be found in this link: How to develop a Firefox extension
I am doing it in Ubuntu. Is this the same as creating a symbolic link? I am confused on this part.
No, not all operating systems that Firefox runs on have symbolic links - so a different mechanism had to be invented. You need to create a text file with the name matching the extension ID and with the path to the extension directory as its contents. A symbolic link with the same name pointing to this directory should do just as well but might be less resistant if the extension manager decides that an update is available for your extension (update installation will remove the symbolic link and replace it by a regular extension install, not sure whether this happens with a text file as well).
Personally, I realized that properly installing extensions produces more consistent results - you don't get the ugly situation where some parts of your extension are updated while others are not. This is why I wrote Extension Auto-Installer (note: this is self-promotion), it simplifies the installation process a lot - especially when you are developing a restartless extension.

How to prevent Installshield from removing files?

I am developing a package using Installshield 2008 Primer Edition and Project type is Installscript MSI project.
The problem I am facing is during installation I am installing some of the files to the following location C:\Program Files\Company\SystemFiles from this location I am copying and adding the set of files into System32 folder, it contains DLLs and OCX files, copying into the System32 folder has been done using Installscript.
Due to this during uninstallation, the installed file is getting removed from System32 due to this other dependent application which requires the same set of DLLs have stopped working.
I have approached Installscript to copy files from ProgramFiles to System32 Folder rather than using built-in options because we have an issue during the upgrade in order to avoid that I am using Installscript.
Even I have tried several workarounds like setting the file attributes after file copies to System32 using Installscript like FILE_ATTR_SYSTEM which sets the system attribute but still files are getting removed during uninstallation.
Any idea how to give file attributes as PERMANENT or SHARED; will this help, and if it will, then how can I set it using Installscript?
I have 2 ideas
1)I think you can use SHARED option as this wont remove the files while uninstallation.
2)Also when i was facing similar issue , what i did was putting all the required files in the installation directory itself so that while uninstalling only the installed files will be removed.(I know this is not a best solution)
(NOTE:I have worked on Install shield some 6 years back and so remember only certain things)
You can also disable logging from Install Script. This will make the installer "forget" that it installed specific files groups or features.
You should make sure to enable logging once again after you have copied the files that you want to permanently leave on the system.
If you don't remember to enable logging after you have disabled it, your uninstall process may not work correctly.
Syntax is as follows:
//Add code to copy your permanent files here
For InstallScript projects:
To prevent the files in a particular Component from being removed during uninstall:
1-Select the Components view from within the Organization folder.
2-Select the component that contains the files you do not wish to remove during uninstall.
3-Change the "Uninstall" property in the right pane to a value of "No."
For MSI Projects:
To prevent the files in a particular Component from being removed during uninstall:
1-Select the Components view from within the Organization folder.
2-Select the component that contains the files you do not wish to remove during uninstall.
3-Change the "Permanent" property in the right pane to a value of "Yes".
I see this is an old question but I just came across this. Seems to be a common problem. One good solution is to stage the files to a private directory mostly program files and then have a custom action do the copy and register (ocx etc). Installshield remembers what it copied so it tends to remove them. Do not disturb anything else like logging (my recommendation). Set conditions on the custom action so that it doesn't run during Uninstall.
Although sometime back I did another weird implementation which only programmers are used to doing.. Packed the files as resources and created my own code to extract and deploy (Something that Process Explorer kind of tool does). There were certain use cases that warranted this kind of implementation. But again this is complicated and obviously reinventing the wheel. Unless you are good with C/C++ and Windows API this would be difficult. I would still suggest you stay away from this kind of implementation because it is also considered a "virulent behavior". Yet, so far I never got warnings from the Anti-malware products.

Freeware tool for creating a single file installer from an msi file + config file (thats easy enough for an End-User to use)

My installer requires there be two files in the same directory in order for it to install.
The installer (.msi file)
An organization specific config file that the installer copies. (This file is customized by the organization and then distributed to it's end users).
Since there are two files, the file has to be distributed as a zip file. Which presents the issue of if a user tries running the .msi without actually extracting the zip... only the msi file gets extracted. I am able to detect the issue in the install process and tell the user they need to unzip the file... but you know how noone actually reads error messages.
So, I'd like to make it more foolproof and so i was wondering if there was a simple tool that i could let my customers (ie the organization) be able to make modifications to the config file and when finished create a .exe file which when clicked would extract to a temp folder and then run the msi. I know there are solutions for this which require commercial software. I'm wondering if a simple freeware tool exists that can do this.
Edit: Accepted Solution Notes:
The one issue i ran into is the iexpress wasn't designed to be used for .msi files. As a result on the step that asks you for the Install Program. It's a combo box which if you had added a .exe file in the previous step could just select the .exe file from. Instead you have to manually type in
msiexec /i yourinstaller.msi
I was very pleased to find such a simple solution that's built in to windows. The only way this could be better is if it allowed for wildcards so that your iexpress project would be able to handle changes in the msi file's name which occur with each version. And defaulting the Install Program to the .msi file. These minor inconveniences are offset by the fact that end user wouldn't need to install any new software to create the package so I have stopped looking for other tools.
You could try using iexpress.
It enables you to package up a set of files which can be extracted, with the option of running an installation command automatically after extraction. It also has options to enable you to prompt users about things, show a EULA, restart the computer, etc..
I believe it comes as part of Windows (part of IE?) - try running iexpress.exe from the run dialog to get the UI.
The Wix project has a bootstrapper and packager for dealing with this kind of thing.
I've used wix a lot but haven't really looked at the bootstrapper/packager much - last time I had a quick look it wasn't really usable but that was a long time ago so it may be better now.
I'm guessing that the config file is something like a properties file, and that you want users to set the values of the properties "foo" and "bar". You don't need a separate tool to update the file.
I would do this:
Put one or more dialogs in the install that ask the user what the values of foo and bar should be, and set a couple public properties accordingly.
Write a custom action that writes the config file out to whatever location you want, including whatever values you want for foo and bar. This would be pretty easy in vbscript.
Put the custom action somewhere in the execute sequence (ideally as a deferred execution action, since you're making changes to the system).
Add an entry to the RemoveFile table, so the config file is removed on uninstall (assuming you don't want it to be left behind.)
Add an entry to the LaunchCondition table, to prevent users from doing a silent install. Or if you want silent install to be allowed, make the names of the public properties that hold the config data known, and make them part of the LaunchCondition. You would block "msiexec /i myapp.msi", but you could choose to allow "msiexec /i myapp.msi FOO=Something BAR=SomethingElse".
