Array to Hash Ruby - ruby

Convert this Array:
a = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"] a Hash:
{ "item 1" => "item 2", "item 3" => "item 4" }
i.e. elements at even indexes are keys and odd ones are values.

a = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"]
h = Hash[*a] # => { "item 1" => "item 2", "item 3" => "item 4" }
That's it. The * is called the splat operator.
One caveat per #Mike Lewis (in the comments): "Be very careful with this. Ruby expands splats on the stack. If you do this with a large dataset, expect to blow out your stack."
So, for most general use cases this method is great, but use a different method if you want to do the conversion on lots of data. For example, #Łukasz Niemier (also in the comments) offers this method for large data sets:
h = Hash[a.each_slice(2).to_a]

Ruby 2.1.0 introduced a to_h method on Array that does what you require if your original array consists of arrays of key-value pairs:
[[:foo, :bar], [1, 2]].to_h
# => {:foo => :bar, 1 => 2}

Just use Hash.[] with the values in the array. For example:
arr = [1,2,3,4]
Hash[*arr] #=> gives {1 => 2, 3 => 4}

Or if you have an array of [key, value] arrays, you can do:
[[1, 2], [3, 4]].inject({}) do |r, s|
r.merge!({s[0] => s[1]})
end # => { 1 => 2, 3 => 4 }

This is what I was looking for when googling this:
[{a: 1}, {b: 2}].reduce({}) { |h, v| h.merge v }
=> {:a=>1, :b=>2}

Enumerator includes Enumerable. Since 2.1, Enumerable also has a method #to_h. That's why, we can write :-
a = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"]
# => {"item 1"=>"item 2", "item 3"=>"item 4"}
Because #each_slice without block gives us Enumerator, and as per the above explanation, we can call the #to_h method on the Enumerator object.

You could try like this, for single array
irb(main):019:0> a = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"]
=> ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"]
irb(main):020:0> Hash[*a]
=> {"item 1"=>"item 2", "item 3"=>"item 4"}
for array of array
irb(main):022:0> a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
=> [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
irb(main):023:0> Hash[*a.flatten]
=> {1=>2, 3=>4}

a = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"]
Hash[ a.each_slice( 2 ).map { |e| e } ]
or, if you hate Hash[ ... ]:
a.each_slice( 2 ).each_with_object do |(k, v), h| h[k] = v end
or, if you are a lazy fan of broken functional programming:
h = a.lazy.each_slice( 2 ).tap { |a|
break { |h, k| h[k] = a.find { |e, _| e == k }[1] }
#=> {}
h["item 1"] #=> "item 2"
h["item 3"] #=> "item 4"

All answers assume the starting array is unique. OP did not specify how to handle arrays with duplicate entries, which result in duplicate keys.
Let's look at:
a = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4", "item 1", "item 5"]
You will lose the item 1 => item 2 pair as it is overridden bij item 1 => item 5:
=> {"item 1"=>"item 5", "item 3"=>"item 4"}
All of the methods, including the reduce(&:merge!) result in the same removal.
It could be that this is exactly what you expect, though. But in other cases, you probably want to get a result with an Array for value instead:
{"item 1"=>["item 2", "item 5"], "item 3"=>["item 4"]}
The naïve way would be to create a helper variable, a hash that has a default value, and then fill that in a loop:
result = {|hash, k| hash[k] = [] } # with block defines unique defaults.
a.each_slice(2) {|k,v| result[k] << v }
=> {"item 1"=>["item 2", "item 5"], "item 3"=>["item 4"]}
It might be possible to use assoc and reduce to do above in one line, but that becomes much harder to reason about and read.


Find all values that match a parameter in a nested ruby hash

If I have a multi-nested hash like so
"Group 1"=>[
{:name=>"Event A", :type=>"Private"},
{:name=>"Event B", :type=>"Public"},
"Group 1"=>[
{:name=>"Event c", :type=>"Private"},
{:name=>"Event D", :type=>"Public"},
{:name=>"Event E", :type=>"Private"},
"Group 1"=>[
{:name=>"Event F", :type=>"Private"},
{:name=>"Event G", :type=>"Public"},
"Group 1"=>[
{:name=>"Event H", :type=>"Private"},
I would like to be able to search within the hash for all Events that have a type that is equal to Private
How would I go about doing this without knowing exactly what the values of the keys will be in the hash?
If using the gem is an option, there is iteraptor, that is explicitly about iterating deeply nested structures.
Assuming your original hash is named hash, here we go:
each(full_parent: true, yield_all: true).
with_object({}) do |(parent, (k, v)), acc|
(acc[parent[0...-1]] ||= []) << k if
parent.last.is_a?(Integer) && v.nil? && k.is_a?(Hash) && k[:type] == "Private"
Resulting in:
#⇒ {["Monday", "North", "Group 1"] =>
# [{:name=>"Event A", :type=>"Private"}],
# ["Monday", "South", "Group 1"] =>
# [{:name=>"Event c", :type=>"Private"},
# {:name=>"Event E", :type=>"Private"}],
# ["Tuesday", "North", "Group 1"] =>
# [{:name=>"Event F", :type=>"Private"}],
# ["Tuesday", "South", "Group 1"] =>
# [{:name=>"Event H", :type=>"Private"}]}
In solving this recursively I have made three assumptions:
There can be any number of nested arrays and hashes;
:type is the only known key;
if a hash contains the key :type it contains exactly one other key.
def get_em(obj)
arr = []
case obj
when Hash
obj.values.each do |v|
case v
when "Private"
arr += obj.values-[v]
when Hash, Array
arr += get_em(v)
when Array
obj.each { |e| arr += get_em(e) if Hash === e || Array === e }
If h is the hash given in the example,
#=> ["Event A", "Event C", "Event E", "Event F", "Event H"]
Note Hash === e is equivalent to e.is_a?(Hash).
Try this recursion:
def hash_match(the_hash)
the_hash.each do |key, value|
if value.is_a?(Hash)
if hash_match(value)
if value.has_key :name
puts value[:name]
elsif value.is_a?(Array)
value.each do |element|
if element.is_a?(Hash)
if hash_match(element)
if element.has_key? :name
puts element[:name]
if key==:type && value=="Private"
return found
Then just call hash_match(your_hash)

Ruby bad array to Hash

I have a ugly array that looks like this
["advert 0", "[1404915231, 1404920520]", "advert 4", "[1404915231]", "advert 5", "[1404915231]", "advert 6", "[1404915231]", "advert 7", "[1404915231]", "advert 8", "[1404915231]", "advert 9", "[1404915231]"]
I've tried to get it to look like this but I have been unsuccessful.
{advert1: [1404915231, 1404920520], advert4: [1404915231]}
Here is a way(if it helps you) :-
require 'yaml'
arr = [
"advert 0", "[1404915231, 1404920520]",
"advert 4", "[1404915231]", "advert 5",
"[1404915231]", "advert 6", "[1404915231]",
"advert 7", "[1404915231]", "advert 8",
"[1404915231]", "advert 9", "[1404915231]"
Hash[arr.each_slice(2).map { |a, b| [a.gsub(/\s+/,'').to_sym, YAML.load(b)] }]
# => {:advert0=>[1404915231, 1404920520],
# :advert4=>[1404915231],
# :advert5=>[1404915231],
# :advert6=>[1404915231],
# :advert7=>[1404915231],
# :advert8=>[1404915231],
# :advert9=>[1404915231]}
Enumerable#each_slice(2) - Is sending 2 items from the collection, to the Enumerable#map block. Now OP wants, string to be converted as symbols. Thus, I used first, to removes the white spaces in between strings. It is done by String#gsub method. I passed the regex, /\s+/ as an Argument to the method #gsub, which as per the regex, will find each white space and replace them with empty strings(''). That means
"advert 0".gsub(/\s+/,'') # => "advert0"
Now as OP wants, all keys to be symbols, I apply String#to_sym.
"advert0".to_sym # => :advert0
So finally, I need to covert all string arrays to array, thus YAML::load will be helpful.
YAML::load "[1404915231, 1404920520]" # => [1404915231, 1404920520]
Till now what I said, will give us -
arr.each_slice(2).map { |a, b| [a.gsub(/\s+/,'').to_sym, YAML.load(b)] }
# => [[:advert0, [1404915231, 1404920520]],
# [:advert4, [1404915231]],
# [:advert5, [1404915231]],
# [:advert6, [1404915231]],
# [:advert7, [1404915231]],
# [:advert8, [1404915231]],
# [:advert9, [1404915231]]]
Now, I will make it a Hash. Look this Hash[ key, value, ... ] → new_hash.
Hash[:a,[1],:b, [2,3]] # => {:a=>[1], :b=>[2, 3]}
Hope it helps.
Arup gives a great answer, but if you're looking for alternatives, here are some thoughts I had:
Break down the problem
Let's break down the problem. We have ugly_array, and we want to use its even elements ("advert 0", "advert 2") as keys in a Hash, and its odd elements as the corresponding values. We want to transform both the keys (into symbols) and the values (into arrays of numbers) on the way.
Create a (temporary) Hash
A useful method in Ruby is Hash[], which will create a Hash using its odd arguments as keys and even arguments as values. For example:
Hash[ :foo, 1, :bar, 2 ]
# => { :foo => 1, :bar => 2 }
In order to use the items in ugly_array as separate arguments, we put * ("splat") before it:
ugly_hash = Hash[ *ugly_array ]
This is equivalent to Hash[ "advert 0", "[1404915231, 1404920520]", "advert 4", ... ], and it gives us this Hash:
{ "advert 0" => "[1404915231, 1404920520]",
"advert 4" => "[1404915231]",
"advert 5" => "[1404915231]",
# ...
Transform the keys
Now we need to transform the keys and values. First, the keys. You want to turn the string "advert 0" into the symbol :advert0, which we can do like this:
"advert 0".gsub(" ", "").to_sym
# => :advert0
To clarify gsub(" ", "") replaces all spaces (" ") with nothing, which effectively removes them. We could also use a regular expression like /\s+/, but it looks like the extra flexibility isn't really needed here. Now we have the string "advert0", and to_sym converts it into the symbol :advert0.
Transform the values
We want to turn a string like "[1404915231, 1404920520]" into an array of numbers like [1404915231, 1404920520]. There are a lot of different ways to do this, but one way that doesn't require using a module like JSON or YAML is this:
"[1404915231, 1404920520]".scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)
# => [ 1404915231, 1404920520 ]
This does two things. First, scan(/\d+/) uses a regular expression to find sequences of consecutive digits (\d) in the string and returns them as an array, yielding an array of strings: ["1404915231", "1404920520"]. Then we use map(&:to_i) to call the to_i method on each of the strings, yielding an array of numbers.
Transform the temporary Hash
Now that we know how to transform the keys and values, we can take our temporary Hash and build a new, transformed Hash from it. There are other ways to do this, but I'm fond of Enumerable#each_with_object. Suppose we do this:
ugly_hash.each_with_object({}) do |(key, val), hsh|
hsh[key] = val
Inside the block, hsh is the new, empty Hash ({}) we gave as the argument to each_with_object, and in each iteration we add val to it with the key key. This yields:
{ "advert 0" => "[1404915231, 1404920520]",
"advert 4" => "[1404915231]",
# ...
It looks exactly the same! But you can probably see that since we have key and val inside the block, we can transform them before using them.
Bring it all together
pretty_hash = Hash[ *ugly_array ].each_with_object({}) do |(key, val), hsh|
key =" ", "").to_sym
val = val.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)
hsh[key] = val
As you can see, this is the same code, except inside the block we're transforming key and val before using them to add an element to the Hash. And it gives us just what we're looking for:
p pretty_hash
# => { :advert0 => [ 1404915231, 1404920520 ],
# :advert4 => [ 1404915231 ],
# :advert5 => [ 1404915231 ],
# ...
# }
Apart from being relatively readable and not requiring external libraries, this method has the distinct advantage of iterating over the original data exactly once and performing only one (composite) operation on each key and value.
If you're so inclined, you can reduce the inside of the block to a single line, but be aware of how it impacts readability:
pretty_hash = Hash[*ugly_array].each_with_object({}) do |(key, val), hsh|
hsh[" ", "").to_sym ] = val.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)
I hope that's helpful!
I've assumed you want the result:
{ advert0: [1404915231, 1404920520], advert4: [1404915231] }
That is, I assume you meant advert0 where you wrote advert1; specifically, that you wish to select those pairs "advert x", arr (arr being an array) that correspond to given values of x (here 0 and 4) and convert the collection of those pairs to a hash. If this is not want you want to do, you need read no further.
You could do this as follows:
def doit(arr, *vals_at)
.map {|s1,s2|
[s1.split.last.to_i,[' ','').to_sym, s2.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)]]}
arr = ["advert 0", "[1404915231, 1404920520]",
"advert 4", "[1404915231]",
"advert 5", "[1404915231]"
(We don't need the rest of arr.)
doit(arr, 0, 4)
#=> {:advert0=>[1404915231, 1404920520], :advert4=>[1404915231]}
For the value of arr above, let:
b = a.each_slice(2)
#=> #<Enumerator: ["advert 0", "[1404915231, 1404920520]",
# "advert 4", "[1404915231]",
# "advert 5", "[1404915231]"]:each_slice(2)>
c =
#<Enumerator: #<Enumerator: ["advert 0", "[1404915231, 1404920520]",
# "advert 4", "[1404915231]",
# "advert 5", "[1404915231]"]:each_slice(2)>:map>
c may be thought of as a "compound" enumerator. When we add a block, each will pass each value of the following array into the block:
#=> [["advert 0", "[1404915231, 1404920520]"],
# ["advert 4", "[1404915231]"],
# ["advert 5", "[1404915231]"]]
b.to_a == c.to_a #=> true
d = c.each { |s1,s2| [s1.split.last.to_i,
[' ','').to_sym, s2.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)]] }
#=> [[0, [:advert0, [1404915231, 1404920520]]],
# [4, [:advert4, [1404915231]]],
# [5, [:advert5, [1404915231]]]]
Note that c.each is equivalent to
d == { |s1,s2| [s1.split.last.to_i,
[' ','').to_sym, s2.scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)]] }
#=> true
Let's pause a moment to see what's going on here. The first value the enumerator c passes into the block (["advert 0", "[1404915231, 1404920520]"]) is split into the two block variables by disambiguation:
s1 #=> "advert 0"
s2 #=> "[1404915231, 1404920520]"
#=> 0
r = s2.scan(/\d+/)
#=> ["1404915231", "1404920520"]
#=> [1404915231, 1404920520]
Ergo, the first element passed into the block:
["advert 0", "[1404915231, 1404920520]"]
is mapped to:
[0,[1404915231, 1404920520]]
Similarly, the second and the third elements of c are respectively mapped to:
[4=>[:advert4, [1404915231]]
[5=>[:advert5, [1404915231]]
Now that we have d,
e = d.to_h # or Hash[d] for Ruby versions < 2.0
#=> {0=>[:advert0, [1404915231, 1404920520]],
# 4=>[:advert4, [1404915231]],
# 5=>[:advert5, [1404915231]]}
Aha! Now you can see why I constructed e as I did:
f = e.values_at(0,4)
#=> [[:advert0, [1404915231, 1404920520]], [:advert4, [1404915231]]]
#=> {:advert0=>[1404915231, 1404920520], :advert4=>[1404915231]}

Sort Ruby String Array by the number in the string

If I have a string array that looks like this:
array = ["STRING1", "STRING05", "STRING20", "STRING4", "STRING3"]
array = ["STRING: 1", "STRING: 05", "STRING: 20", "STRING: 4", "STRING: 3"]
How can I sort the array by the number in each string (descending)?
I know that If the array consisted of integers and not strings, I could use:
sort_by { |k, v| -k }
I've searched all around but can't come up with a solution
The below would sort by the number in each string and not the string itself
array.sort_by { |x| x[/\d+/].to_i }
=> ["STRING: 1", "STRING: 2", "STRING: 3", "STRING: 4", "STRING: 5"]
descending order:
array.sort_by { |x| -(x[/\d+/].to_i) }
=> ["STRING: 5", "STRING: 4", "STRING: 3", "STRING: 2", "STRING: 1"]
sort the array by the number in each string (descending)
array.sort_by { |x| -x[/\d+/].to_i }

Using each_with_index with map

I want to take a array and make it an order list. Currently I'm trying to do it in this way:
r = ["a", "b","c"]
r.each_with_index { |w, index| puts "#{index+1}. #{w}" }.map.to_a
# 1. a
# 2. b
# 3. c
#=> ["a", "b", "c"]
the output should be ["1. a", "2. b", "3. c"].
How do I get the proper output to be the new value for the r array?
a.to_enum.with_index(1).map { |element, index| "#{index}. #{element}" }
or { |element, index| "#{index}. #{element}" }
with_index(1) makes the index of the first element 1.
In the first solution the array is converted to an enum, and in the second solution the array is directly mapped.
> => { |w, index| "#{index+1}. #{w}" }
> => ["1. a", "2. b", "3. c"]
You need to map first, then puts:
r = %w[a b c] do |w, index|
"#{index + 1}. #{w}"
end.each do |str|
puts str
#=> ["1. a", "2. b", "3. c"]
# prints:
# 1. a
# 2. b
# 3. c
This is because each (and each_with_index) simply returns the original array.

Sequentially parse array to hash in Ruby

I have an array that looks like this:
array = [
"timestamp 1",
"data 1",
"data 2",
"data 3",
"timestamp 2",
"data "1",
"timestamp 3",
I want to loop through my array, and turn it into a hash data structure that looks like:
hash = {
"timestamp 1" => [ "data 1", " data 2", "data 3" ],
"timestamp 2" => [ "data 1" ],
I can't figure out a good "rubyish" way of doing it. I'm looping through the array, and I just quite can't seem to figure out how to keep track of where I am at, and assign to the hash as needed.
# Let's comb through the array, and map the time value to the subsequent lines beneath
array.each do |e|
if timestamp?(e)
hash["#{e}"] == nil
# last time stamp here => e
EDIT: Here is the timestamp? method
def timestamp?(string)
return true if string =~ /[a-zA-z][a-z][a-z]\s[a-zA-z][a-z][a-z]\s\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\s\d\d\d\d/
rescue => msg
puts "Error in timestamp? => #{msg}"
array = [
"timestamp 1",
"data 1",
"data 2",
"data 3",
"timestamp 2",
"data 1",
"timestamp 3",
"data 2"
hsh = {}
ary = []
array.each do |line|
if line.start_with?("timestamp")
ary =
hsh[line] = ary
ary << line
puts hsh.inspect
I would do as below:
array = [
"timestamp 1",
"data 1",
"data 2",
"data 3",
"timestamp 2",
"data 1",
Hash[array.slice_before{|i| i.include? 'timestamp'}.map{|a| [a.first,a[1..-1]]}]
# => {"timestamp 1"=>["data 1", "data 2", "data 3"], "timestamp 2"=>["data 1"]}
Hash[array.slice_before{|e| e.start_with?("timestamp ")}.map{|k, *v| [k, v]}]
"timestamp 1" => [
"data 1",
"data 2",
"data 3"
"timestamp 2" => ["data 1"],
"timestamp 3" => [".."]
You can keep track of the last hash key using an outside variable. It will be persisted across all iterations:
h = {}
last_group = nil
array.each do |e|
if timestamp?(e)
array[e] = []
last_group = e
h[last_group] << e
last_timestamp = nil
array.reduce({|hsh,k| hsh[k]=[]}) do |hsh, m|
if m =~ /timestamp/
last_timestamp = m
hsh[last_timestamp] << m
hash = ( { |this, key| this[key] = [] } ).tap do |hash|
current_timestamp = nil
array.each do |element|
current_timestamp = element if timestamp? element
hash[current_timestamp] << element unless timestamp? element
Using an outside variable to keep track of the current timestamp, but wrapping it in a closure to avoid polluting the namespace.
I know this has already been answered, but there are so many ways to do this.
I prefer these two ways, they might not be fast but i find them readable:
my_hash =
array.slice_before(/timestamp/).each do |array|
key, *values = array
my_hash[key] = values
one_liner = Hash[array.slice_before(/timestamp/).map{|x|[x.shift, x]}]
