TextMate click to end of line [closed] - textmate

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I use a variety of editors and for the life of me I can't remember if this is a default feature of TextMate or if it's a setting I've turned on somewhere along the line but each time I click on a line (in the empty space part after content) the cursor moves to the exact position I've clicked rather than jumping to the end of the line like every other editor seems to do. I've also noticed that Showing invisible characters (such as CR) displays nothing.
Can anyone tell me how to reset this behaviour? It seems to be the same for all types of syntax from plain text to markdown to languages. I just want to be able to see the invisibles and to click and have the cursor move to the end of that line and not to the actual position I've clicked with the mouse.

Aha, got it! It seemed that I had turned on Freehand Editing Mode. Unchecking this option in Edit > Mode > Freehand Editing solved the problem and helped to convince me that I wasn't going mad. :S

I had the same problem. I must have accidentally hit the keyboard shortcut for Freehand mode and it was driving me a little crazy as well. In case anyone else was wondering what that shortcut is, it's command-option-E.


Assigning special characters to keyboards permanetly [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is there a way in Windows 10 and/or Ubuntu to set new special characters in my keyboard?
I'm using a notebook, so I don't have Num Pad (or maybe I do but don't know yet). I have some characters that are fairly important, and I don't know how to type ALT+xxxx without the regular Num Pad. Googling for these characters every time is very cumbersome.
For instance, the left arrow character ←, which is assigned as Alt+2190.
Is there a way to type it directly in the keyboard without the regular Num Pad, or maybe a code or software I could use to set it.
When I say Windows 10, think Notepad, but it could also be on OneNote or a browser, if there are an easier way on those.
Ubuntu has keyboard shortcuts directly in settings. For Windows you can look into the third party app AutoHotKeys for keyboard shortcuts.
Also, try this answer for your numpad issue.
I found my own solution: how should I proceed with this question on Stack Overflow?
The answer was it the Wikipedia entry Unicode Input:
Some Windows' software accept the Alt + x solution:
Open the Wordpad¹ software (it should come by default on Windows 10).
Type the plain Unicode hex code in your text. Just the hex code, like 2190 for ← or f1 for ñ, no need for the U+ or anything before it.
Press the left ALT key plus the x character - Alt + x.
The text should automatically change the hex code to the sign you want.
Copy and paste the symbol into whatever you want it.
Not the perfect solution, but it is still better
¹ This may only work in specific software programs. It worked on Word, Wordpad, OneNote and Outlook, but not the simpler Notepad, neither Office online.

New colors for highlighting text in mac preview [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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There are only 5 colors in mac preview to highlight your text.
Does anyone know any way to add more colors to this? or at least to change a couple of them.
These colors are too dark for me for highlighting!!!
There is a way, but it may be a little more troublesome.
You can click on the icon located on the top right of the preview
window that looks like a briefcase. A toolbar will pop up.
Click on
the 3rd icon in the new toolbar. It auto-straightens your drawn line
if it is pretty straight.
Colour options are the in the third last
icon. There are many many options. To make it semi-transparent like a highlight, just need to click "Show colors" and adjust the "Opacity" slider in the Color window.
Lastly, the thickness of the line
as a highlight can be controlled in the fourth-last icon.
Speed tips:
To make it faster to highlight multiple lines, you can click your
first highlight, Control-C to copy it, then Control-V to paste it.
This eliminates the need to redraw every time. Just need to move it
to your next highlighting line.
If you have a whole block that
you need to highlight, you can copy a previous block, say of 3
lines, and paste it, then drag it to the new area. To do this, you
just have to select the first highlight, press and hold the Shift
key, and select the next 2 highlights. Then Control-C and Control-V
as before.
If you're highlighting a block for the first time, you can draw or move a previously copied highlight on to the last line of your block. Then, once you copy your new highlight, pasting it each time subsequently will automatically paste it one line higher than the previous. For this to work, you will have to copy right after you paste your new line.
(Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, etc.)
Note for pasting in a different page:
After you Control-C the highlight(s), click on the new page, and then Control-V.

Why doesn't TAB indent C++ Code in Visual Studio 2010? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I believe this is not standard behavior, but when I press the TAB key immediately before or after a variable or constant, Visual Studio will not indent the code using tab spacing. Instead, it highlights the value with a pink underscore and advances to the next instance of that value. If I continue to press TAB, I will rotate through all the instances of that value/variable within the current scope.
I have not been able to find a setting that turns this auto-search style behavior off and return back to simple indentation. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Frankly, I'm starting to lose my mind....
Standard behavior is as you desire; i.e. TAB indents (and shift-TAB un-indents). You may have an extension installed that's messing it up. Or perhaps you inadvertently remapped the key binding. Or perhaps when you installed you selected an editing environment that uses a different key binding map (I always choose C++).

How do I get the behaviour of the 'Insert' key on VIM using a Macbook Pro without an insert key? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Because the apple store couldn't help me, and indeed had never seen VIM before, despite the fact it comes installed as standard on OSX ;-).
With iTerm or iTerm2 you can map an unused key to insert. For example, I've mapped F19 to "send escape sequence" [2~ (that's the xterm escape sequence for the insert key).
In iTerm2, go to preferences, "Bookmarks", select the "Keyboard" tab, click the "+", press the key you want to map, select action "send escape sequence" and then enter [2~.
Surely you can just do a simple:
inoremap <C-l> <Insert>
I can't say I've ever had to use replace mode enough that <Esc>R wasn't quick enough for me.
You can use i instead of insert.
Taken from here:
Toggling insert mode
Press Ctrl-Space to start and to stop insert mode (the same suggestion using Shift-Space is above):
nnoremap i imap
Or you may prefer to map Ctrl-Space to a rather than i so that repeatedly pressing Ctrl-Space does not move the cursor back (remember that pressing I allows you to insert a character at the beginning of the line):
nnoremap a imap
You would put this in your .vimrc so it happens on start-up.
Either use Mac's onscreen keyboard or use a hotkey program to rebind one of your existing keys to Insert. One Superuser thread provides several Autohotkey equivalents for Mac such as Quicksilver.

Is it possible to select a specific tab in OSX Terminal.app using keyboard shortcuts? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I know I can cycle through my tabs using cmd+{ or cmd+}, but is it possible to select a specific tab (i.e. cmd+3 for the third tab in iTerm) in Leopards' Terminal.app?
This is an option. Tab Switching in Terminal
Yes it is, you use Command-1, Command-2 etc.
Have a look under the Window menu, and you'll see the windows listed with their shortcut equivalent. (The 'clover-leaf' is the symbol for the Command key - also known as the Apple key.)
My apologies - missed the fact you were referring to Tabs first time around. I don't believe there is any other keyboard shortcut to switch between Tabs beyond Cmd-{ and }. Perhaps if that's important, don't group them in the first place? Leave them as separate windows?
I would highly suggest using GNU Screen if you really need tabs that much. I have a particular .screenrc file that makes life easier, just put the following in your home directory in a file called .screenrc:
defscrollback 1024
hardstatus on
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string "%{.bW}%-w%{.rW}%n %t%{-}%+w %=%{..G} %H %{..Y} %m/%d %C%a "
Also, when starting screen, I run screen -c ~/.screenrc.programming which looks like this:
source $HOME/.screenrc
screen -t World
screen -t Server
screen -t Console
screen -t Command
screen -t Editor
screen -t MySQL
This will open a bunch of 'tabs' that you can switch between using Ctrl-A,n and Ctrl-A,p or Ctrl-A followed by a number to switch directly to one.
