I'm just getting started with Sinatra. I'm running Ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu. After my first issue, I've run into another one:
When I follow the simple sample application instructions at sinatra.rubyforge.org/doc/, I modify my source file, but the changes aren't apparent until I restart Sinatra - even though the tutorial mentions there is no need to restart.
How can I edit my source and view the results without having to restart Sinatra every time?
The book has something on the topic now: http://sinatra-book.gittr.com/#automatic_code_reloading
I'm working on a gem locally, referenced it using bundle config local.GEMNAME (this is confirmed by the printout of bundle install). However, unless I bump the version on the gem, I can't use the most up-to-date code. When errors occur in the old code, it references the file in the right place, where I have fixed the error. I temporarily had bundler-cache-all switched on, but have turned that to false (and deleted .bundle/config).
Where is this cache living (I'm on OSX, using RBenv and ruby 2.1.2), and how can I turn it off?
Have you tried running spring stop and restarting your server (assuming this is a Rails app)?
If it's referencing the file in the right place but executing the wrong code, that indicates that the old code is still loaded into memory. Often, this is because of the Spring pre-loader, which is used by default with Rails 4.1+.
In my Rails app, using Ruby 2.0.0-p0 and Rails 3.2.13, I also use the gem debugger for debugging purpose. If I have to debug an area in my source code, for e.g. a controller method, I will put debugger inbetween and when I execute the action, it will go to the source code and then travserse through the framework code a lot and that really mess-up the normal debugging. I can see many commands through help, but don't know how to handle with that.
I just want to traverse through the source code only..
Please help me to have a solution. Thanks :)-
Use byebug instead. It was created to overcome debugger's problems with ruby-2.0.0, like the one that makes it "step" when you use command "next", unexpectedly leading you to framework sources.
Disclaimer: I'm byebug's author
I recently changed an image on the landing page of my herokuapp built in rails. I realized that everything worked fine except that the landing page threw a 500 error. Upon some research I realized i should run RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
After doing so, the images and some of the styling came back but some of it is still screwy and I cannot understand why.
I've read through just about every stackoverflow thread, the rails guide on the asset pipeline, and others but I can't get it to work. I've amended the files that need amending
as far as I know but nothing is working to make the styling revert to how it should be.
However, on the rails guide it notes that there are two caveats to locally precompile:
You must not run the Capistrano deployment task that precompiles
assets. You must change the following two application configuration
settings. In config/environments/development.rb, place the following
config.assets.prefix = "/dev-assets"
I did the change within development.rb but I am not sure on how I can not run Capistrano. I dont think I'm doing that so maybe it's throwing some things off - idk, but each time I try to recompile now, the rake aborts. Any help is very much appreciated.
I want to automate testing of an e-commerce website. I installed Ruby, Watir, Gems and Ruby Mine.
Though I played around with RubyMine I could not figure how to start writing a simple script:
How do I start writing a simple script using RubyMine? I created a project. What is the next step? Do I have to create an rspec file now? And probably search for a sample program, and run it?
Can someone give me a sample of opening a website and maybe clicking a link so that I can see it running?
I would be grateful for simple documentation which helps me.
Did you even check Watir web site? There is plenty of documentation on how to get started there.
Here is the sample project that is using Cucumber and Watir to open a search page, send a query and verify the results.
Gemfile specifies the required gems, make sure they are installed or can be installed in your environment. If you are on Windows you need to install DevKit.
I am developing a Ruby gem, Ampere, that acts as an ORM for the Redis database. I am trying to shore up its Rails integration, and was able to tie in an initializer and console hook, but my generators do not work yet. I have a generator, ampere:config that installs a default configuration YAML file, and a replacement for the model generator as well.
When I install my gem into a testing Rails app, the ampere:config generator shows up in the list when I run rails generate on the command line, but when I type rails g ampere:config, I get:
Could not find generator ampere:config.
and nothing else. My generator lives in "lib/rails/generators/config/" within the gem, and clearly Rails knows about it since it showed up in the rails g list, but something's not right. If anyone can help or knows of some better documentation for this than the Rails Guides, which are sparse to say the least, it'd be much appreciated.
Ok so I finally got this. For the generators to work, they have to call source_root with the relative path of their templates, and they have to live in lib/rails/generators/your_gem_name/, then the directory structure in your_gem_name/ is what you'd expect from reading the documentation (or running rails g generator in a Rails project).
The documentation is not very clear about this, so it was a bit confusing, but after looking at a few examples I tried this and it worked.