Joomla one install file that installs component, modules and plugins - installation

I'm looking for a way to setup the XML install file for my component and for it to also install the plugins and modules that go along with it all in a single installation. Has anyone done this before, how can this be achieved?
Many thanks

Try checking out the basic editor installs the component and the affiliated plugin. Simply, it used the xml put the files in the correct places and uses an install.php script to finish. It does a lot of detailed things in some of the steps that you can ignore like all the component plugins etc.


Where are vagrant plugins installed?

I'm curious to find where exactly vagrant plugins are installed. I'm currently looking at a vagrant installation on Windows, and my example is the vagrant-timezone plugin. My best guess was in the C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\gems\gems\vagrant-1.8.1\plugins, but I'm not seeing "timezone" anywhere around there?
From some more research, it appears that information for plugins is spread across a few locations:
lists all installed plugins
Directory (not sure what all the files do, but this looks like the bulk of it)
For my use case, I was looking to manually extract and install a plugin, so these seemed to be all that I needed to account for.

BasicMediaPlayerPluginMac an example project by firebreath

I have followed the following steps:
ran examples
tried to build the FireBreath.xcodeproj got a lot many errors then added two header files and SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h to the only then i was able to build the project on success i linked it to Library/InternetPlugins folder. On opening the html page for the media player it says plugin missing. Application of x-vnd.fbBasicMediaPlayer not found, cannot read the plugin as error. I tried adding two other frameworks namely coregraphics/coregraphics.h and cocoa/cocoa.h but the build was unsuccesfull. I'm trying to look into the plugin and how it is developed.
Start from simplest possible setup. Build FBTestPlugin, it should not require any changes to the setup. Put the plugin to /Library/Internet-Plug Ins and restart your browser before trying to load it by the html sample supplied.
Note that project files should be never modified explicitly, only through cmake files and prep-scripts.
Good luck, these plugins are not simple to develop :)

Ember-Validations: Installation

I have an Ember-CLI application that is very form heavy.
I started using Ember Forms to help with layout and templating, which is nice and seems to be working fine.
Apparently for validation, it requires Dockyard's Ember-Validation as well... This particular dependency seems to be installed differently and I am lost as how to do this.
I am used to using something simple like bower install ... and then just adding the dependency in brocfile, but in this case, Dockyard provides a huge list of builds to choose from and I have no idea which one to use?
Does anyone have experience installing ember-validation in an ember-cli project and getting to play nicely with ember-forms? Or perhaps it is actually more simple than I think, and I am just getting thrown off by all the builds to choose from?
To install it you can add manually the url to the build in bower.json
"ember-validations": "",
And after that run bower install it should work fine.
Hope it helps.

Joomla plugin manager missing options, how do I start trouble shooting this?

There are no options displayed when I'm looking at a plugin with the plugin manager. Where there should be a menu for basic and advance options is just white space. How can I start trouble shooting this problem? Other installed extensions work fine and hours of searching about plugin options make me think this is a peculiar error. This is what my menu looks like
The plugin you are using is not written for Joomla 1.6, the XML manifest needs to be updated at the very least. The plugin itself may also need to be rewritten. I would start withe the XML file first, you can find details on the changes that need to be made here -

Any existing pure PHP "make" tools?

Let me elaborate on the question...
I have a custom CMS (built on codeigniter FTW) that includes many different types of modules.
Every time we have a new project come through the door, it is a variation and amalgamation of a few of the existing modules.
Sometimes a project comes through with requirements that are not satisfied by the existing modules, in that case I will write a new module...
All the modules are separated out in folders and the code is VC-ed using GIT. Every module has it's own Model, View, Controller, SQL and Javascript files. All the dependencies are also separated and folder-ed nicely...
The next step for me is to create some sort of installer script that will take me through the "scaffolding" process step by step, allowing me to choose from the existing modules. A glorified "makefile" if you may...
Rather than rolling my own, does anyone know of any such thing out in the wild.
I know of Apache ANT (java), what I need is something in pure PHP with very low or no dependencies...
I would like something as simple as running a git pull and then php make.php
The "Ant-like" alternative I am aware of in PHP land is phing it is written in PHP and it will allow you to perform several tasks for packaging, deploying and testing your web applications. The documentation is a great starting point if you want to hit the ground running.
It is can also be extended to define new tasks if needed (examples and explanations are provided in the documentation)
Reading through the doco it appears to be possible to install Phing without PEAR as documented here you would have to correctly setup the environment on each machine you wish to use Phing on. I can not confirm this method though as I use PEAR for all my installs.
