Script to Add Computer Accounts to AD from list - vbscript

Ok, I have tried to google this and keep running into things that are close, but not quite there. I mess with them for a few hours and can't bridge it across to what I need.
Requirements: Read a list of computer names and add them to specific OUs.
The list can be formated however, but right now I have it as a csv.
Comp2,servers,New Jersey,test,temp,training,Room3,trainers,mydomain,com,
Comp3,computers,New Jersey,test,temp,training,Room3,students,restricted,mydomain,com
Comp4,computers,New Jersey,test,temp,training,Room3,students,power users,mydomain,com
As you can see, the domains portion is not the same on all the machines.
I tried using a vbscript but all I would get is "unable to connect to LDap" so I was thinking about storing the lines in an array and using dsadd and building the command line from the variables in the array.
I already have the portion written to browse for the file, and dsquery, dsadd, etc are all on the server that this will be run from.
This is probably a lot easier than I am trying to make it, I tend to over complicate things if I don't finish it right away.

Look at this:
Automating the creation of computer accounts


Monitor A File For Additions And Get Last Added Line

I'm having trouble monitoring a file for changes. I need to be able to know when a file changes, and when it does, I need the new line that was added. I intend to parse each line and find ones that match certain criteria, and act on information in those lines. I know the expected number of matching lines ahead of time, but I do not know how many lines in total will be added to the file, or where the matching lines will be.
I've tried 2 packages so far, with no avail.
As fas as I can tell, fsnotify can only tell me when a file is modified, not what the details of the modification was. Since I need to know what exactly was added to the file, this is no good for me.
(As a side-question, can this be run in a loop? The example that I tried exited after just one modification. I need to monitor for multiple modifications.)
This package tries to mimic the Unix tail command, but it seems to have its own issues. The output that I get includes timestamps and other data - I just want the added line, nothing else. Also, it seems to think a file has been modified multiple times, even when it's just one edit. Further, the deal breaker here is that it does not output the last line if the line was not followed by a newline character.
Delegating to tail
I came across this answer, which suggests to delegate this work to the tail command itself, but I need this to work cross-platform (specifically, macOS, Linux and Windows). I don't believe that an equivalent command exists on Windows.
How do I go about tackling this?
Usually changed diff is out of scope of file watchers' functionality, because, you know, you could change an image, and a watcher would need to keep a track several Mb of a diff in memory, and what if we have thousands of files?
However, as bad as it sounds, this may be exactly the way you want to implement this (sure, depends on your app, etc. - could be fine for text files), i.e. - keeping a map of diffs (1 diff per file) since last modification. Cannot say I like it, but sounds like fsnotify has no support for changes/diffs that you need.
Also, regarding your question about running in a loop, maybe you can get some hints here:
Its a framework that allows to build a server that watches for TypeScript file changes. So sounds similar to your case/question.

Using VBScript to control an MMC object

Alright, so, I'm working on a script to execute some commands in an MMC Snapin, and I'm not very experienced with doing this kind of scripting, but i've made a lot of progress...the problem I am having, is if I create a new object every time the script runs, it will massively delay my overall script while the snapin and everything in it loads(which can take as long as five minutes). If it could load the snapin content once and then just take control of it as needed, and only create a new object IF there's not one open already, I'll save a massive amount of time when I run the script sometimes 100 times in a day.
The problem is, I'm not entirely certain how to achieve this. I thought, after some research, that it would be GetObject, but when I do
Dim objMMC
Set objMMC = GetObject("", "MMC20.Application")
It seems to create a new mmc window with no snapins loaded, rather than get the existing one with snapins loaded that I want.
Any advice? Am I just totally off base here, using completely the wrong command, or is there some simple change that I can make to fix this?
Is there some weird workaround way I could achieve this, like storing an object to a temporary file so i can at least reuse it through a single session.
I'm in a weird situation where I am trying to add functionality to a powershell script and couldn't find a way to do it directly in powershell, so i'm setting up a vbscript to do one piece of it and calling the vbscript from powershell. I already had to do a lot of research to figure out how to do it in vbscript(and i'm still not sure about all of it) so i guess before i go any further, I'll try to figure out if this is even viable(in vbscript or c# or c++ or any other language someone could suggest)...
What i want to do, overall, is check if an MMC window is open that contains a DHCP snapin. If so, assign it to a variable. If not, create one.
Then it will read from a csv or txt file, and use the values to determine what node to navigate to within the snapin(DHCP>ServerName>IPv4>ScopeName>Scope Options).(I've mostly solved this part in vbscript, but don't know how to do it in C++ or C#)
Finally, I need to be able to execute a right-click menu item to "configure options", navigate the tabs of the popup that comes up, enter a value, and apply the changes/hit ok to close the popup. Worst case, If I can't do it "normally" by actually sending commands to the objects themselves, this part I can do with imitating keystrokes, but i don't want to do that if it's avoidable because it's sloppy.
Then, I basically will just need to somehow alert the powershell script that i'm "finished" so it can continue, or give an alert if there's an error.
I'm not asking anyone to walk me through all this, I just want to know if any of those steps aren't viable as i've described them, especially if I'm going to have to switch to c++ or c# to achieve the first part and therefore relearn the commands needed.
... and only create a new object IF there's not one open already ...
No, this is not possible in VBS, you need to do
Dim objMMC
Set objMMC = WScript.CreateObject("MMC20.Application")
if I create a new object every time the script runs, it will massively delay my overall script
In this case is the VBS the wrong language, you need to use C# or C++ executable.

Refreshing a sinatra app reading from updated files

I'm writing a sinatra app in ruby that gathers information about my network into two different files. The first, a .csv, gathers information on the IP Addresses and given names of all workstations in the network. The second, a .txt, reads into an Asterisk server and gathers information on active SIP channels linking to specified IP Addresses.
My app is merely compiling the information from these two files and creating tables on a webpage matching up users currently logged into specific stations. However, I want the app to feign realtime-use. I have the two files being automatically updated every 5 minutes, but as the files being read by the app are being overwritten, the app's output doesn't change. Is there a way to rig it so the app is reading the "new" files after they are written?
I've dug around on stack overflow, and I've seen things mentioning Kqueue for python users to simply watch for changes in those files before rewriting them, which would be really nice. Is there a ruby version for that? Additionally, I want the app to be accessible at all times, and maybe only "refresh" when it needs to update something, so that would make sense.
I also came to a funny little epiphany when I realized I'm never closing my files after I read them. I won't post the whole app, but here's where I read the files:
#Pulls active SIP channels from Asterisk
$sip = {}'sip.txt').each do |line|
userid,ip = line.split(" ")
$sip[ip] = userid[0..3]
#Prepares hash of all stations, ip addresses
$machines = {}
CSV.foreach('/Volumes/Scripts/report-51.csv') do |row|
name = row[1]
address = row[0]
$machines[name] = address
Is it possible that because I never close the files, the program never opens up the "new" documents? Just trying to brainstorm here.
It's hard to tell the overall structure of what's going on, but yeah, whatever code is being called every 5 minutes and which in turn does the file reading, I would make sure that the files are closed and reopened in that code with every call. That should solve your problem.
You may also consider switching to a database approach for more robust results.

Script or way of creating many empty folders?

I store a lot of my music and some movies on my external hard drive so I can go upstairs and play them on my PS3. Not all of it is appropriate for her age group and so I am trying to devise a way to prevent her from viewing or listening to it so my parents don't yell at me. I would just encrypt it, but the PS3 does not support encryption and is a pain to decrypt a one time encryption every time I want to use it (if such a thing exists). So I thought I would employ a little steganography. If I created 100 empty folders, placing the real files in one undisclosed one she would have a 1% chance of guessing and would probably give up quickly. She could just look at the file size, but I highly doubt she would ever think of that. Anyone know how I can create a whole bunch of folders, I don't want to do it by hand. A simple executable script would be very helpful (e.g. just insert how many folders you want and where). Thanks!
If you're using bash then this will work:
for (( i=0; i<100; i++ )); do mkdir junk$i; done
It will create 100 directories named junk0 thru junk99. You can change junk to anything you like. If you want to get fancy you could read "man random" and figure out how to use random numbers rather than consecutive numbers.

How can I manipulate a local database with Perl?

I'm a Perl programmer with some nice scripts that go fetch HTTP pages (from a text file-list of URLs) with cURL and save them to a folder.
However, the number of pages to get is in the tens of millions. Sometimes the script fails on number 170,000 and I have to start the script again manually. It automatically reads the URL and sees if there is a page downloaded and skips. But, with a few hundred thousand, it still takes a few hours to skip back up to where it left off. Obviously, this is not going to pan out in the end.
I've been told that instead of saving to a text file, which is hard to search and modify, I need to use a database. I don't know much about databases, just messed around with MySQL on a school server a year ago. I just need the ability to add millions of rows and a few static columns, search/modify one quickly, and do this all locally on a lan (or a single computer if that's difficult). And of course, I need to access this database using perl.
Where should I start? What do I need to download to get a server started on Windows? Which Perl modules should I use? (I'm using an ActiveState distro)
There's many sorts of databases, but if you've already decided for an SQL database and are trying to make the setup process easy, you might want to have a look at SQLite and the DBI/DBD::SQLite modules, which allow you to use that from perl.
Since you only need to search on one column, you may wish to consider a key/value store database like the Berkeley DB by using either BerkeleyDB or DB_File.
Generally, you can think of these key/value databases as being Perl hashes that operate from a disk rather than memory. Exact key look ups are very fast. Everything else requires scanning the whole dataset.
Look into DBI. If you do not like SQL in your programs, try SQL::Abstract.
