Xcode find in document stuck in case-sensitive - xcode

When in Xcode editing code for my objective C files, I often press Command-F to bring up the little Find-In-Document banner across the top. Sometimes this gets stuck in case-sensitive search, and when it does that it also won't loop through the entire document and sometimes won't even display the selected found string.
I can't find any options to turn off the case sensitivity, and I never intentionally turned it on. I've restarted xcode several times hoping that would be it but it's changed nothing.
Slightly off-topic, but this was the best place I could think of to ask this question. Thanks for any response!
EDIT: I've also tried restarting the computer. Still no dice. Also this happens on any project I open in xcode and is not specific to one project.

Anna's comment is the correct answer: When you press Cmd-F, clicking on the little magnifying glass next to the search input brings up a menu where you can check/uncheck Ignore Case.

You can set parameters for search by clicking on magnifier placed in left-side of search-bar.
There is provision to select/de-select "Match Case" i.e. case-sensitive search on pop-up shown.
Below is screenshot for the same.


How to make Solution Explorer return to its previous state after clearing search?

I currently have a VS installation with no extensions to see how that works out. For navigation that means making heavy use of Ctrl+; aka Search Solution Explorer. While the search itself is ok, it has one major drawback for me that makes it a pain to use for me (both with keyboard and mouse):
Solution with two projects, one collapsed, one opened:
Use Ctrl+; and start typing until match found from collapsed project
What I want now is to simply clear the search and return to the previous view. Seems like a pretty standard requirement, no? But there seems to be no such functionality built in. Problem with the current commands that come close (pressing Esc, clicking Back or Home buttons in Solution Explorer Toolbar) is all the same: they have the extremely annoying behaviour that they insist on suddenly uncollapsing the previously collapsed project and track the match found! (Btw the Track Active Item in Solution Explorer option is turned of in the options). This makes no sense from a UX point of view? You select some kind of 'undo' command, the search box clears which is expected, but then suddenly there's an item visible from a previous search:
So if the collapsed project has like 50 items in it, solution explorer is now useless visually since it litters the screen with stuff you don't want to see, and worse you have to manually collapse the project again to return to the previous view.
Is there a way around this? I thought maybe keyboard shortcuts for Back/Home would be different, but the commands do not seem to be registered. I looked into EnvDTE80.DTE2.ToolWindows.SolutionExplorer but it has no properties/methods that have anything to do with this issue. And somewhere in the tree there is a Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI.SolutionPivotNavigator which is probably the class responsible for this behaviour, but I have no idea how to access it?
Recently updated to VS2013 SP3 and I have the impression there was a change (or I didn't notice this properly earlier, though my question says otherwise): if I use the Back button in the Solution Explorer view it properly takes me back to the previous view without expanding anything that wasn't expanded before. Using Esc or clearing the search box still behave the same which is a pitty, but at least if I remember to use just the back button it's workable.
update Not really an answer but since I started using Edit.NavigateTo (which is basically 'Go to Anything' including symbols/files) bound to a keyboard shortcut I found no reason to use Window.SolutionExplorerSearch anymore.

Xcode Code Completion "flicker"

I've recently upgraded from Xcode 4.3 to 4.4 and I'm about to bash my screen in with frustration.
The problem I'm having is with the code completion. As I type a variable or method name, the completion window pops up with the suggestions like it's supposed to. But if I attempt to use the cursor keys to scroll between the suggestions, the suggestions disappear and the cursor moves in the code, not between the suggestions. If I press enter to accept the default suggestion, it again dismisses the suggestions and inserts a return into the code taking the cursor to the next line.
This doesn't happen every time I attempt code completion, but it does occur more often than not. For a given name I'm trying to complete, it either works or it doesn't (e.g. if I press escape to get the suggestions back, it will disappear just as quickly as the first time it disappeared for that line/name I was trying to complete). When I get to the next line of code, it's a whole new bet whether it will work or not. It seems that the closer to the actual completion of the name I am, the more likely it is to actually work and accept the suggestion or move between the suggestions. Sometimes, if I act quickly enough, I can move the highlighted suggestion one or two lines before the suggestions disappear. I'm aware that if you don't select a suggestion quickly enough that it's supposed to eventually remove the suggestions (on the order of several seconds), but this behavior is not what I'm describing. I'd be VERY happy at this point if I had a single second to actually respond and select a suggestion from the pop-up.
So far I've tried a clean of the project, deleting all of the project's derived data, and restarting xcode. All of which don't seem to affect the behavior. Any ideas? I've searched stackoverflow and google and haven't found any other people reporting this problem ...
Thanks for any ideas,
After upgrading to the XCode 4.6 release version (and 4.5 somewhere in the middle there), this problem is still present ... and making edits in the left/main editor window is still a work-around.
I am seeing the same with Xcode 4.4.1. It seems to be related to where the completion window pops up. Debugger pane open or closed does not change anything here.
When in the Assistant Editor trying in the right pane the completion windows flickers. Same line of code in the left window works fine. Single editor works, too.
Try upgrading to Xcode 4.4.1. I used to have this problem, but I don't seem to have it after upgrading.
If this doesn't solve the problem, a crude workaround seems to be to put a lot of blank lines at the bottom of each file - the problem seems to occur from frequently when the file is scrolled all the way to the bottom.
There is a fix (at least Xcode 4.6.3): re-create the affected file by deleting it. Now create a new file and copy the content to it and drag it into the project - done. Fixes the issue here. It seems to be tied to certain files.

XCode 4 Cursor Jumps To First Line When Auto Suggesting

I have a problem in XCode 4.2 when I have the autosuggest feature turned on. Whenever an autosuggest (autocomplete) pops up, the cursor will jump to the top of the file, to the second character of the first line. This happens regardless of whether or not I select the autosuggest or take any other action. As soon as I turn off the autosuggest feature, this behavior stops happening.
I have turned off all key binding associated with jumping to the top of the page and have deleted all derived data for the project as per some suggestions I have heard, but have not been able to solve the problem.
Anybody have a solution?
I had similar problem Xcode cursor jumped randomly. It was triggered by an editor theme using an italic font. I changed the font to a regular one, and the problem was resolved.
Simple solution (or workaround):
Open Preferences.
Open Fonts & Colors tab.
Select Basic theme.
I got the hint from this page.
Just in case there is a bounty awarded :) let me repeat my "solution" from above: I suggest moving aside your /Developer folder and re-installing Xcode. Simply running the installer w/o removing the old /Developer folder may not replace all the necessary files. Good luck.
I have had a similar problem where the cursor jumped to the top and I couldn't scroll down. I don't know if it is the same problem that you have but there is no real solution. Its just one of Xcode's bugs there are a lot more. Open another file in the project and go back to the file you were working on, close and reopen the project or restart Xcode. Thats the only solutions I found.
If thats not working, then you can always re-install Xcode

VB6 - View Code will not display code

This is probably a really dumb question but i'll ask anyway.
I was wondering if there was any reason as to why a form wouldn't display its code when i click "view code" from the right click context menu in vb6?
It was working awhile ago so i'm kind of stumped.
If forms are still not visible, try Window -> Cascade - This was the way I goit my forms visible again.
Maybe it is being displayed under something else. Check under the Window menu. Do you see it there?
Does the form display if you right click and select 'View Object'? If so, try double clicking on the form - that should display the source. You might also check the permissions to the file.
This is an old question, but since it's the first link retuned by a Google search, answering here may help many people.
Like someone else said, Window/Cascade does the trick, but with time it becomes annoying.
I have the same problem on my laptop with an external display. Closing the laptop cover (thus going back to only one display) fixes the issue.
An alternate way is to display the VB6 IDE on the main display (your main display is the one with icons on the bottom right corner). You can set your main display under System Preferences/Displays. There's a checkbox called "make this one the main display", it does not need to be your monitor #1.
Problem does not seem to occur if you have 2 displays side-by-side. Also, the fact that my laptop's resolution is not the same as the external display's resolution may cause the issue.
After taking these steps, you may have to restart the VB6 IDE to fix the issue.

How can you go forward/backward at the file level with Xcode 3.2?

Xcode 3.2 has implemented cursor-level history for the "Go Forward", "Go Backward" commands. Previously these worked at the file level, so you could navigate back and forth through recent files you've been editing. Now they navigate at a more fine-grained level, through the places within files where you have been editing.
The downside to this is if you navigate backwards through the files and make a minor edit, all of your forward history is wiped out, whereas in the past it used to be easy to return to the file you were working on. It also means issuing a lot more commands if you just want to move through files, since you have to skip through all the edit points within each file.
I can't find anything in the release notes or documentation about this new behavior, so does anyone know if it's possible to get the old 'go back/forward by file' commands in 3.2? If not, does anyone have any tips on other ways of easily navigating recent files in Xcode?
Hold down the option key while you click the forward/backward arrows at the top of the code view, this will use the Xcode 3.0 behavior and go back a file at a time.
I had the same question as well and and Rob's answer on holding Option while clicking the forward/backward arrows works well.
I needed a keyboard shortcut though and I've found that Shift-Option-Cmd-left/right works.
From the comments on this blog entry:
Hold down the Option key to get the old file-based Go Forward/Go Back behavior. We rarely change established behavior like this when adding new options, but in this case, the majority of users considered file-level navigation Broken and location-based navigation Correct, based on their experience in browsers and other IDEs. We chose to give what more people considered the “obvious” behavior the pride of place on the keyboard shortcut, but the old way is still there.
-- Chris Espinosa
But like you guys have said, after every keyboard edit, the forward file history is lost. This is incredibly frustrating to me, as this is a feature I have heavily relied on for years, which is now broken. Is there still no fix?
There are Next File and Previous File commands, however their history is also wiped out after an edit. That seems like a bug to me.
This is plain stupid! What's the reason for suddenly change this ? Shift-Option-Cmd-left/right... great, more stupid shortcuts from Apple. I guess I soon have to use Shift-Option-Cmd-Left-Alt-Enter-N for something I use all the time. Can't they just implement a recent file list on ctrl-tab or something, like the Cmd-tab and the app switcher. Why would I want to grab for the mouse when I'm coding ? Still I have to use it lots in Xcode.
Sorry for my rant :)
