"Undefined reference" when linking C code in Linux - gcc

I have a code library (written entirely in C) that I typically compile under Windows, into a .DLL.
I want to compile it under Linux so I can distribute it. I don't care if I distribute it as a .a, a .so, or a bunch of .o files.
All of the individual .c files compile successfully. But when I try to compile a test executable that includes all the .o files, I get a bunch of undefined reference errors.
All of the .o files are on the command line as full paths, and I don't get any errors about missing files.
cc testctd.c -o testctd.out -lm -lc $LIBRARY-PATH/*.o
I also have undefined references to _open, _write, etc.

You have the -l options in the wrong place
-l library
Search the library named library when linking. (The second alternative with the library as a separate argument is only for POSIX compliance> and is not recommended.)
It makes a difference where in the command you write this option; the linker searches and processes libraries and object files in the order they are specified. Thus,
foo.o -lz bar.o
searches library z after file foo.o but before bar.o. If bar.o refers to functions in z, those functions may not be loaded.
The linker searches a standard list of directories for the library, which is actually a file named liblibrary.a. The linker then uses this file as if it had been specified precisely by name.

You haven't given enough information for a complete answer, but I think I know one of your problems: The functions open, read, write, close, etc. have underscores in front of their names on Windows, but they do not on Linux (or any other Unix for that matter). The compiler should have warned you about that when you compiled the .c files -- if it didn't, turn on warnings! Anyway, you're going to have to remove all those underscores. I would recommend a header file that does something like the following:
#ifdef _WIN32
#define open(p, f, m) _open(p, f, m)
#define read(f, b, n) _read(f, b, n)
#define write(f, b, n) _write(f, b, n)
#define close(f) _close(f)
/* etc */
and then use only the no-underscore names in your actual code.
Also, -l options (such as -lm) must be placed after all object files. It is unnecessary to specify -lc (and it may cause problems, under circumstances which are too arcane to go into here).


xcode ld detect duplicate symbol in static libraries

This question has been asked previously for gcc, but Darwin's ld (clang?) appears to handle this differently.
Say I have a main() function defined in two files, main1.cc and main2.cc. If I attempt to compile these both together I'll get (the desired) duplicate symbol error:
$ g++ -o main1.o -c main1.cc
$ g++ -o main2.o -c main2.cc
$ g++ -o main main1.o main2.o
duplicate symbol _main in:
ld: 1 duplicate symbol for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
But if I instead stick one of these into a static library, when I go to link the application I won't get an error:
$ ar rcs libmain1.a main1.o
$ g++ -o main libmain1.a main2.o
(no error)
With gcc you can wrap the lib with --whole-archive and then gcc's ld will produce an error. This option is not available with the ld that ships w/ xcode.
Is it possible to get ld to print an error?
I'm sure you know that you're not supposed to put an object file
containing a main function in a static library. In case any of our readers
doesn't: A library is for containing functions that may be reused by many programs.
A program can contain only one main function, and the likelihood
is negligible that the main function of program will be reusable as the main
function of another. So main functions don't go in libraries. (There are a few odd exceptions to this rule).
On then to the problem you're worried about. For simplicity,
I'll exclude linkage of shared/dynamic libraries from consideration in the rest of this.
Your linker detects a duplicate symbol error (a.k.a. multiple definition error)
in the linkage when the competing definitions are in different input object files
but doesn't detect it when one definition is an input object file and the other
is in an input static library. In that scenario, the GNU linker can detect
the multiply defined symbol if it is passed the --whole-archive option before
the static library. But your linker, the Darwin Mach-O linker,
doesn't have that option.
Note that while your linker doesn't support --whole-archive, it has an
equivalent option -all_load. But don't run away with that, because the worry is groundless anyhow. For both linkers:
There really is a multiple definition error in the linkage in the [foo.o ...
bar.o] case.
There really is not a multiple definition error in the linkage in the [foo.o ... libbar.a] case.
And in addition for the GNU linker:
There really is a multiple definition error in the linkage in the
[foo.o ... --whole-archive libbar.a] case.
In no case does either linker allow multiple definitions of a symbol to
get into your program undetected and arbitrarily use one of them.
What's the difference between linking foo.o and linking libfoo.o?
The linker will only add object files to your program.
More precisely, when it meets an input file foo.o, it adds to your program
all the symbol references and symbol definitions from foo.o. (For starters
at least: it may finally discard unused definitions if you've requested that,
and if it can do so without collaterally discarding any used ones).
A static library is just a bag of object files. When the linker meets an input file
libfoo.a, by default it won't add any of the object files in the bag to
your program.
It will only inspect the contents of the bag if it has to, at that point in the linkage.
It will have to inspect the contents of the bag if it has already added
some symbol references to your program that don't have definitions. Those
unresolved symbols might be defined in some of the object files in the bag.
If it has to look in the bag, then it will inspect the object files to
see if any of them contain definitions of unresolved symbols already in the
program. If there are any such object files then it will add them to the program and consider afresh whether it needs to keep looking in the bag. It stops looking in the bag when it finds no more object files in it that the program needs or has found definitions for all symbols referenced by the program, whichever comes first.
If any object files in the bag are needed, this adds at least one more symbol
definition to your program, and possibly more unresolved symbols. Then the linker carries on.
Once it has met libfoo.a and considered which, if any, object files in that bag it needs for your program,
it won't consider it again, unless it meets it again, later in the linkage
Case 1. The input files contain [foo.o ... bar.o]. Both foo.o and bar.o
define symbol A. Both object files must be linked, so both definitions of A must
be added to the program and that is a multiple definition error. Both linkers detect it.
Case 2 The input files contain [foo.o ... libbar.a].
libbar.a contains object files a.o and b.o.
foo.o defines symbol A and references, but does not define, symbol B.
a.o also defines A but does not define B, and defines no other symbols
that are referenced by foo.o.
b.o defines symbol B.
At foo.o, the object file must be linked. The linker adds the
definition of A and an unresolved reference to B to the program.
At libbar.a, the linker needs a definition for unresolved reference B so it looks in the bag.
a.o does not define B or any other unresolved symbol. It is not linked. The second definition of A is not added.
b.o defines B, so it is linked. The definition of B is added to the program.
The linker carries on.
No two object files that both define A are needed in the program. There is no
multiple definition error.
Case 3 The input files contain [foo.o ... libbar.a].
libbar.a contains object files a.o and b.o.
foo.o defines symbol A. It references but does not define, symbols B and C.
a.o also defines A and it defines B, and defines no other symbols
that are referenced by foo.o.
b.o defines symbol C.
At foo.o, the object file is linked. The linker adds to the program the definition of A and a unresolved references to B and C.
At libbar.a, the linker needs definitions for unresolved referencesB
and C so it looks in the bag.
a.o does not define C. But it does define B. So a.o is linked. That adds the required definition of B, plus the not-required, surplus definition of A.
That is a multiple definition error. Both linkers detect it. Linkage ends.
There is a multiple definition error if and only if two definitions
of some symbol are contained in object files that are linked in the program. Object files from a static library are linked only to provide definitions of symbols that the program references. If there is
a multiple definition error, then both linkers detect it.
So why does the GNU linker option --whole-archive give different outcomes?
Suppose that libbar.a contains a.o and b.o. Then:
foo.o --whole-archive -lbar
tells the linker to link all the object files in libbar.a whether
they are needed or not. So this fragment of the linkage command is simply equivalent
foo.o a.o b.o
Thus in case 2 above, the addition of --whole-archive is a way of
creating a multiple definition error where there is none without it. Not
a way of detecting a multiple definition error that was not detected without
And if --whole-archive is mistakenly is used as a way "detecting" fictitious
multiple definition errors, then in those cases where the linkage nevertheless
succeeds, it is also a way of adding an unlimited amount of redundant code
to the program. The same goes for the -all_load option of the Mach-O linker.
Not satisfied?
Even when all that is clear, maybe you still hanker for some way to make it
an error when an input object file in your linkage defines a symbol that
is also defined in another object file that is not needed by the linkage but
happens to be contained in some input static library.
Well, that might be a situation that you want to know about, but it just
isn't any kind of linkage error, multiple-definition or otherwise. The purpose
of static libraries in linkage is to provide default definitions of symbols
that you don't define in the input object files. Provide your own definition
in an object file and the libary default is ignored.
If you don't want linkage to work like that - the way it is intended to work -
You still want to use a static library
You don't want any definition from an input object file ever to prevail over
one that's in a member of the static library
You don't want to link any redundant object files.
then the simplest solution (though not necessarily the least time-consuming at build time)
is this:
In your project build extract all the members of the static library as a
prerequisite of the link step in a manner that also gives you the list of
their names, e.g.:
$ LIBFOOBAR_OBJS=`ar xv libfoobar.a | sed 's/x - //'g`
foo.o bar.o
(But extract them someplace where they cannot clobber any object files you build). Then, again before the link step, run a preliminary throw-away
linkage in which $LIBFOOBAR_OBJS replaces libfoobar.a. E.g
instead of
cc -o prog x.o y.o z.o ... -lfoobar ...
cc -o deleteme x.o y.o z.o ... $LIBFOOBAR_OBJS ...
If the preliminary linkage fails - with a multiple definition error or
anything else - then stop there. Otherwise go ahead with the real linkage.
You won't link any redundant object files in prog. The price is performing
a linkage of deleteme that is redundant unless it fails with a multiple
definition error1
In professional practice, nobody runs builds like that to head off the
remote possibility that a programmer has defined a function in
one of x.o y.o z.o that knocks out a function defined in a member of
libfoobar.a without meaning to. Competence and code-review are
counted on to avoid that, in the same way they are counted on to avoid
a programmer defining a function in x.o y.o z.o to do anything that
should be be done using library resources.
[1] Rather than extracting all the object files from the static
library for use in the throw-away linkage, you might consider a
throwaway linkage using --whole-archive, with the GNU linker,
or -all_load, with the Mach-O linker. But there are potential pitfalls with
this approach I won't delve into here.

Two ways of linking to static libraries

Here are a couple of ways to use functions from a static library, built with ar (i.e. libSOMTEHING.a):
ld -o result myapp.o -Lpath/to/library -lname
ld -o result myapp.o path/to/library/libname.a
Since we omit any dynamic libraries from the command line, this should build a static executable.
What are the differences? For example, are the whole libraries linked in the executable, or just the needed functions? In the second example, does switching the places of the lib and the object file matter?
(PS: some non-GNU ld linkers require all options like -o to be before the first non-option filename, in which case they'd only accept -L... -lname before myapp.o)
In the first line, a search for a dynamic library (libname.so) occurs before the static library (libname.a) within a directory. Also, the standard lib path is also searched for libname.*, not just /path/to/library.
From "man ld"
On systems which support shared libraries, ld may also search for
files other than libnamespec.a. Specifically, on ELF and SunOS
systems, ld will search a directory for a library called
libnamespec.so before searching for one called libnamespec.a. (By
convention, a ".so" extension indicates a shared library.)
The second line forces the linker to use the static library at path/to/lib.
If there is no dynamic library built (libname.so), and the only library available is path/to/library/libname.a, then the two lines will produce the same "result" binary.

Makefile -L command

If I have this line in the make file:\
libpqxx_Libs = -L/share/home/cb -lpqxx-2.6.9 -lpq
Does this indicate the compiler to use the lpqxx-2.6.9.so shared object file or does this indciate the compiler to use all the .so in the foler lpqxx-2.6.9? Or is this something else altogether?
Thanks for the help!
-L in this context is an argument to the linker, that adds the specified directory to the list of directories that the linker will search for necessary libraries, e.g. libraries that you've specified using -l.
It isn't a makefile command, even though it's usually seen in makefiles for C projects.
The -L is actually not a makefile command (as you state it in the title of your question).
What actually happens in this line is an assignment of a value to the variable libpqxx_Libs -- nothing more and nothing less. You will have to search in your makefile where that variable is used via $(libpqxx_Libs) or ${libpqxx_Libs}. That is most likely as a argument in a link command, or a compile command that includes linking.
In that context, the meaning of -L and -l can be found in, for example, the gcc man pages, which state that
Use the library named library when linking.
The linker searches a standard list of directories for the li-
brary, which is actually a file named `liblibrary.a'. The linker
then uses this file as if it had been specified precisely by
The directories searched include several standard system direc-
tories plus any that you specify with `-L'.

How to force gcc to link like g++?

In this episode of "let's be stupid", we have the following problem: a C++ library has been wrapped with a layer of code that exports its functionality in a way that allows it to be called from C. This results in a separate library that must be linked (along with the original C++ library and some object files specific to the program) into a C program to produce the desired result.
The tricky part is that this is being done in the context of a rigid build system that was built in-house and consists of literally dozens of include makefiles. This system has a separate step for the linking of libraries and object files into the final executable but it insists on using gcc for this step instead of g++ because the program source files all have a .c extension, so the result is a profusion of undefined symbols. If the command line is manually pasted at a prompt and g++ is substituted for gcc, then everything works fine.
There is a well-known (to this build system) make variable that allows flags to be passed to the linking step, and it would be nice if there were some incantation that could be added to this variable that would force gcc to act like g++ (since both are just driver programs).
I have spent quality time with the gcc documentation searching for something that would do this but haven't found anything that looks right, does anybody have suggestions?
Considering such a terrible build system write a wrapper around gcc that exec's gcc or g++ dependent upon the arguments. Replace /usr/bin/gcc with this script, or modify your PATH to use this script in preference to the real binary.
if [ "$1" == "wibble wobble" ]
exec /usr/bin/gcc-4.5 $*
exec /usr/bin/g++-4.5 $*
The problem is that C linkage produces object files with C name mangling, and that C++ linkage produces object files with C++ name mangling.
Your best bet is to use
extern "C"
before declarations in your C++ builds, and no prefix on your C builds.
You can detect C++ using
#if __cplusplus
Many thanks to bmargulies for his comment on the original question. By comparing the output of running the link line with both gcc and g++ using the -v option and doing a bit of experimenting, I was able to determine that "-lstdc++" was the magic ingredient to add to my linking flags (in the appropriate order relative to other libraries) in order to avoid the problem of undefined symbols.
For those of you who wish to play "let's be stupid" at home, I should note that I have avoided any use of static initialization in the C++ code (as is generally wise), so I wasn't forced to compile the translation unit containing the main() function with g++ as indicated in item 32.1 of FAQ-Lite (http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/mixing-c-and-cpp.html).

Different ways to specify libraries to gcc/g++

I'd be curious to understand if there's any substantial difference in specifying libraries (both shared and static) to gcc/g++ in the two following ways (CC can be g++ or gcc)
CC -o output_executable /path/to/my/libstatic.a /path/to/my/libshared.so source1.cpp source2.cpp ... sourceN.cpp
CC -o output_executable -L/path/to/my/libs -lstatic -lshared source1.cpp source2.cpp ... sourceN.cpp
I can only see a major difference being that passing directly the fully-specified library name would make for a greater control in choosing static or dynamic versions, but I suspect there's something else going on that can have side effects on how the executable is built or will behave at runtime, am I right?
Ok, I can answer myself basing on some experiments and a deeper reading of gcc documentation:
From gcc documentation: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Link-Options.html
[...] The linker handles an archive file by scanning through it for members which define symbols that have so far been referenced but not defined. But if the file that is found is an ordinary object file, it is linked in the usual fashion. The only difference between using an -l option and specifying a file name is that -l surrounds library with lib' and.a' and searches several directories
This actually answers also to the related doubt about the 3rd option of directly specifying object files on the gcc command line (i.e. in that case all the code in the object files will become part of the final executable, while using archives, only the object files that are really needed will be pulled in).
