How can I see other schemas apart from my own when connecting to an Oracle database through server explorer? - oracle

I am attempting to add a connection to an Oracle database through Server Explorer. The 'Test' Connection' is successful, however whenever I go to view the list of tables / schemas, I can only see the one associated with my login.
I realise this sounds silly, but when I use the same login/password through Toad for Oracle, I am still allowed to browse "All Schemas" to find the tables I want.
Is this possible through Server Explorer? Or do I need to find a specific login for the schema I want to access?
Solution (just so it's here and not just on the OTN forums)
Right-click on connection in Server Explorer
Choose filters
Select the "Dispalyed Schemas" row in the property grid (it should be selected by default)
In the Property/Condition/Value fields, click the "..." button for Value
Pick any schemas you want to see and click Ok.
Conversely, instead of using the dialog that appears after clicking the "..." button, you can list the schemas separated by commas in the Value textbox.

Oracle's way of dealing with users and schemas is different from SQL Server's. So I suspect the default Visual Studio behaviour won't work properly with Oracle.
Have you installed the free Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio? Find them here. If you do that then you can manually add the other schemas to the filter of your main connection. I found instructions in this OTN forum thread:
"highlight the connection node you
want to moidy and choose filters or
right click on the specific connection
node and choose modify then click on
the filters tab to modify the
I agree this is clunky, and it should be done automatically. I guess there's a limit to how VS can be extended.


Oracle SQL Developer - node "tables" missing from navigation pane

I must have done something to my configuration because my SQL Developer is missing the "tables" node in the lefthand navigation tree -- note the absence of "Tables" as very first item, between the DB connection node and "Views":
Where in SQL Developer can a user configure what nodes are displayed? I've tried googling for this but my keywords return a lot of irrelevant stuff so I might have missed if the answer was really there.
This is SQL Developer v4.0.
There is indeed a way to selectively disable some items in there, but you can't really do that accidentally - your installation might have corrupted itself somehow.
To unhide the "Table" item, go to Tools -> Preferences. Then expand the Database item and select Navigation Filter. If Tables is unchecked there, check it.
You can disable the feature entirely from the same page (checkbox at the bottom of the UI).

SSDT schema compare - ignore system service brokers (VS 2013)

I have a database project in my solution and a database imported from windows azure via SSMS "Import data-tier app..." option. When using schema compare, the comparison shows system "service brokers" (message types, queues, etc.) in the delete section. When I apply the update, everything works, but these system service brokers are not deleted and appear again and again.
I suppose that it is not possible to delete them, but is there a possiblity to ignore them in the schema compare?
If you click on the settings icon (looks like a cog on the compare tool toolbar) and then navigate to the Object Types tab you should be able to select/deselect the object types you wish to include/ignore in your comparison.
The icons in the Object Types tab match those in the comparison so it should be pretty easy to ignore what you wish to ignore.

SQL Developer not showing tables

So, I'm kinda new to SQL Developer, but I always heard a lot about it and how it was good. The thing is, my SQL Developer never showed my tables, nor had a "Tables" tab. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but, I've searched everywhere and, wherever I search they simply show that SQL Developer automatically generate the "Tables" tab when you connect. This never happened to me.
One more question, all of a sudden, my SQL Developer toolbars changed and the old ones simply vanished. And, when I say "all of a sudden" I mean it. I closed it and, when I opened, it changed. Also, the buttons doesn't work, none of them.
Your screenshot shows that you have the Data Modeler extension active. All those toolbar buttons are for creating logical data models and ERDs.
It's a little weird as you have a worksheet active, so the worksheet/SQLDev toolbar should be active.
Glad a restart helped.
If this happens again, try Window > Reset Windows to Factory Settings
You're looking at the DBA view. You probably want to be looking at the Connections view. Go to View and choose "Connections". That will bring up the window that contains the tree view that lets you navigate to different object types (like tables) rather than the tree view that lets you navigate to different DBA tasks.
If you are on Windows, try this
View(from the top menu bar) --> Connection(click it)
Clicking on Connection will open the Connection view with all the tables.

How to see SQL objects from Visual Studio 2010

I created a database project in VS2010, created the connection to my SQL Server 2008 R2 database and I know it's connected because I can write a SQL command and it works. It even auto-suggests table names as I type.
I want to be able to use SSMS-style things like browse table names & stored procedures, right-click on them and do the tasks.
But I'm not even able to see the tables. I have both Solution Explorer and Schema View on the right side and it shows the whole tree, but not a single table under Schemas >> dbo >> tables.
Here's the schema view
And here is the server explorer view after adding the server.
What am I missing?
if i understand you right, Use server explorer you can find it in VIEW tap OR Click
Ctrl + Alt + S
And connect to your server and database it will show every thing on that database

Can I disable Query Designer in Visual Studio in favor of plain SQL editor with highlighting?

I hate the standard Query Designer window that comes up when you select New Query on a data connection in Server Explorer. I'd much rather have a T-SQL Editor come up. Is this possible?
Maybe not replace that functionality but a shortcut key or something that would bring up a T-SQL editor?
Tools > Options > Database Tools > Query and View Designers > Panes shown by default
Uncheck the Diagram and Criteria (and Results if you want even more clean look)
I found a workaround, although it does not solve the problem completely:
Open Tools > Customize > Commands
Select Context menu: Other Context Menus | Server Explorer
Remove annoying New Query
Click Add Command...
Locate Data > New Query Connection...
Click OK to add it to Server Explorer context menu
This adds New Query Connection... context menu to all Server Explorer connections (as well as the root Data Connections item):
This will fire up the T-SQL Editor.
The only problem with this workaround is that, invoked this way, T-SQL Editor has no way of knowing which connection was selected so it asks for connection settings again. You will also have to specify the database in the toolbar (easy if you're working with just one).
Although it's not perfect, I find it a better solution that constantly hitting the Query Designer awkwardness.
