Ruby: How to chain multiple method calls together with "send" - ruby

There has to be a built in way of doing this, right?
class Object
def send_chain(arr)
arr.each{|a| o=o.send(a) }
return o

I just ran across this and it really begs for inject:
def send_chain(arr)
arr.inject(self) {|o, a| o.send(a) }

Building upon previous answers, in case you need to pass arguments to each method, you can use this:
def send_chain(arr)
Array(arr).inject(self) { |o, a| o.send(*a) }
You can then use the method like this:
arr = [:to_i, [:+, 4], :to_s, [:*, 3]]
'1'.send_chain(arr) # => "555"
This method accepts single arguments as well.

No, there isn't a built in way to do this. What you did is simple and concise enough, not to mention dangerous. Be careful when using it.
On another thought, this can be extended to accept arguments as well:
class Object
def send_chain(*args)
args.each do |arg|
case arg
when Symbol, String
o = o.send arg # send single symbol or string without arguments
when Array
o = o.send *arg # smash the inner array into method name + arguments
raise ArgumentError
return o
this would let you pass a method name with its arguments in an array, like;
test =
test.send_chain :a_method, [:a_method_with_args, an_argument, another_argument], :another_method

How about this versatile solution without polluting the Object class:
def chain_try(arr)
[arr].flatten.inject(self_or_instance, :try)
def chain_send(arr)
[arr].flatten.inject(self_or_instance, :send)
This way it can take a Symbol, a String or an Array with a mix of both even.🤔
example usage:
chain_send([:method1, 'method2', :method3])


Ruby Enumerable#find returning mapped value

Does Ruby's Enumerable offer a better way to do the following?
output = things
.find { |thing| thing.expensive_transform.meets_condition? }
Enumerable#find is great for finding an element in an enumerable, but returns the original element, not the return value of the block, so any work done is lost.
Of course there are ugly ways of accomplishing this...
Side effects
def constly_find(things)
output = nil
things.each do |thing|
expensive_thing = thing.expensive_transform
if expensive_thing.meets_condition?
output = expensive_thing
Returning from a block
This is the alternative I'm trying to refactor
def costly_find(things)
things.each do |thing|
expensive_thing = thing.expensive_transform
return expensive_thing if expensive_thing.meets_condition?
def costly_find(things)
Is there something better?
Of course there are ugly ways of accomplishing this...
If you had a cheap operation, you'd just use:
To make Ruby call operation only "on a as-needed basis" (as the documentation says), you can simply prepend lazy:
I don't think this is ugly at all—quite the contrary— it looks elegant to me.
Applied to your code:
def costly_find(things)
I would be inclined to create an enumerator that generates values thing.expensive_transform and then make that the receiver for find with meets_condition? in find's block. For one, I like the way that reads.
def costly_find(things) { |y| things.each { |thing| y << thing.expensive_transform } }.
class Thing
attr_reader :value
def initialize(value)
#value = value
def expensive_transform*2)
def meets_condition?
value == 12
things = [1,3,6,4].map { |n| }
#=> [#<Thing:0x00000001e90b78 #value=1>, #<Thing:0x00000001e90b28 #value=3>,
# #<Thing:0x00000001e90ad8 #value=6>, #<Thing:0x00000001e90ab0 #value=4>]
#=> #<Thing:0x00000001e8a3b8 #value=12>
In the example I have assumed that expensive_things and things are instances of the same class, but if that is not the case the code would need to be modified in the obvious way.
I don't think there is a "obvious best general solution" for your problem, which is also simple to use. You have two procedures involved (expensive_transform and meets_condition?), and you also would need - if this were a library method to use - as a third parameter the value to return, if no transformed element meets the condition. You return nil in this case, but in a general solution, expensive_transform might also yield nil, and only the caller knows what unique value would indicate that the condition as not been met.
Hence, a possible solution within Enumerable would have the signature
class Enumerable
def find_transformed(default_return_value, transform_proc, condition_proc)
or something similar, so this is not particularily elegant either.
You could do it with a single block, if you agree to merge the semantics of the two procedures into one: You have only one procedure, which calculates the transformed value and tests it. If the test succeeds, it returns the transformed value, and if it fails, it returns the default value:
class Enumerable
def find_by(default_value, &block)
result = default_value
each do |element|
result =
break if result != default_value
You would use it in your case like this:
my_collection.find_by(nil) do |el|
transformed_value = expensive_transform(el)
meets_condition?(transformed_value) ? transformed_value : nil
I'm not sure whether this is really intuitive to use...

Self enumerating function

I've got some code:
def my_each_with_index
return enum_for(:my_each_with_index) unless block_given?
i = 0
self.my_each do |x|
yield x, i
i += 1
It is my own code, but the line:
return enum_for(:my_each_with_index) unless block_given?
is found in solutions of other's. I can't get why they passed the function to enum_for as a parameter. When I invoke my function without a block, it won't return anything with or without enum_for. I could left sth like:
return unless block_given?
and it has the same result. Or am I wrong?
Being called without a block, it will return an enumerator:
â–¶ def my_each_with_index
â–· return enum_for(:my_each_with_index) unless block_given?
â–· end
#⇒ :my_each_with_index
â–¶ e = my_each_with_index
#⇒ #<Enumerator: main:my_each_with_index>
later on you might iterate on this enumerator:
â–¶ e.each { |elem| ... }
This behavior is specifically useful in some cases, like lazy iteration, passing block to this enumerator later etc.
Just returning nil cuts this ability off.
Think you for very precise answer. I recived also very good example to understand this issue for other new developers:
def iterator
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
puts "koniec"
iterator { |v| puts v }
it = enum_for(:iterator)
Just run and analyze this code.
For any method that accepts a block, a good method implementation should have a well-defined behavior when the block is not given.
In the example shared by you, each_for_index is being re-implemented by author, may be to provide additional semantics or may be just for academic purpose given that its behavior is same as Ruby's Enumerable#each_with_index.
The documentation has following for Enumerable#each_with_index.
Calls block with two arguments, the item and its index, for each item
in enum. Given arguments are passed through to each().
If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
In order to stay consistent with highlighted line indicating what should be the behavior if block is not given, one has to use something like
return enum_for(:my_each_with_index) unless block_given?
enum_for is interesting method
enum_for creates a new Enumerator which will enumerate by calling method on obj.
Below is an example reproduced from documentation:
str = "xyz"
enum = str.enum_for(:each_byte)
enum.each { |b| puts b }
# => 120
# => 121
# => 122
So, if one does not pass block to my_each_with_index, they have a chance to pass it later - just like one would have done with each_with_index.
e = obj.my_each_with_index
e.each { |x, i| # do something } # `my_each_with_index` executed later
In summary, my_each_with_index tries to be consistent with each_with_index and tries to be a well-behaved API.

What does to_proc method mean in Ruby?

I am learning rails and following this thread. I am stuck with the to_proc method. I consider symbols only as alternatives to strings (they are like strings but cheaper in terms of memory). If there is anything else I am missing for symbols, then please tell me. Please explain in a simple way what to_proc means and what it is used for.
Some methods take a block, and this pattern frequently appears for a block:
and people would like to write that in a more concise way. In order to do that they use a combination of: a symbol, the method Symbol#to_proc, implicit class casting, and & operator. If you put & in front of a Proc instance in the argument position, that will be interpreted as a block. If you combine something other than a Proc instance with &, then implicit class casting will try to convert that to a Proc instance using to_proc method defined on that object if there is any. In case of a Symbol instance, to_proc works in this way:
:foo.to_proc # => ->x{}
For example, suppose you write:
The & operator is combined with :foo, which is not a Proc instance, so implicit class cast applies Symbol#to_proc to it, which gives ->x{}. The & now applies to this and is interpreted as a block, which gives:
The easiest way to explain this is with some examples.
(1..3).collect(&:to_s) #=> ["1", "2", "3"]
Is the same as:
(1..3).collect {|num| num.to_s} #=> ["1", "2", "3"]
[1,2,3].collect(&:succ) #=> [2, 3, 4]
Is the same as:
[1,2,3].collect {|num| num.succ} #=> [2, 3, 4]
to_proc returns a Proc object which responds to the given method by symbol.
So in the third case, the array [1,2,3] calls its collect method and. succ is method defined by class Array. So this parameter is a short hand way of saying collect each element in the array and return its successor and from that create a new array which results in [2,3,4]. The symbol :succ is being converted to a Proc object so it call the Array's succ method.
For me the clearest explanation is seeing a simple implementation of it. Here's what it might look like if I were reimplementing Symbol#to_proc:
class Symbol # reopen Symbol class to reimplement to_proc method
def to_proc
->(object) { object.send(self) }
my_lambda = :to_s.to_proc
puts my_lambda.(1) # prints '1'; .() does the same thing as .call()
puts my_lambda.(1).class # prints 'String'
puts [4,5,6].map(&:to_s) # prints "4\n5\n6\n"
puts [4,5,6].map(&:to_s).first.class # prints 'String'
For anybody still a bit stumped, running the following code might make things a little clearer:
class Symbol
def to_proc
proc do |obj|
puts "Symbol proc: #{obj}.send(:#{self})"
class Array
def map(&block)
copy =
self.each do |index|
puts " copy <<{index})"
copy <<
remapped_array = [0, 1, 2].map &:to_s
puts "remapped array: #{remapped_array.inspect}"
These are not the actual implementations of Symbol.to_proc or, they are just simplified versions which I'm using to demonstrate how map &:to_s and similar calls work.

Use of yield and return in Ruby

Can anyone help me to figure out the the use of yield and return in Ruby. I'm a Ruby beginner, so simple examples are highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
The return statement works the same way that it works on other similar programming languages, it just returns from the method it is used on.
You can skip the call to return, since all methods in ruby always return the last statement. So you might find method like this:
def method
"hey there"
That's actually the same as doing something like:
def method
return "hey there"
The yield on the other hand, excecutes the block given as a parameter to the method. So you can have a method like this:
def method
puts "do somthing..."
And then use it like this:
method do
puts "doing something"
The result of that, would be printing on screen the following 2 lines:
"do somthing..."
"doing something"
Hope that clears it up a bit. For more info on blocks, you can check out this link.
yield is used to call the block associated with the method. You do this by placing the block (basically just code in curly braces) after the method and its parameters, like so:
[1, 2, 3].each {|elem| puts elem}
return exits from the current method, and uses its "argument" as the return value, like so:
def hello
return :hello if some_test
puts "If it some_test returns false, then this message will be printed."
But note that you don't have to use the return keyword in any methods; Ruby will return the last statement evaluated if it encounters no returns. Thus these two are equivelent:
def explicit_return
# ...
return true
def implicit_return
# ...
Here's an example for yield:
# A simple iterator that operates on an array
def each_in(ary)
i = 0
until i >= ary.size
# Calls the block associated with this method and sends the arguments as block parameters.
# Automatically raises LocalJumpError if there is no block, so to make it safe, you can use block_given?
i += 1
# Reverses an array
result = [] # This block is "tied" to the method
# | | |
# v v v
each_in([:duck, :duck, :duck, :GOOSE]) {|elem| result.insert(0, elem)}
result # => [:GOOSE, :duck, :duck, :duck]
And an example for return, which I will use to implement a method to see if a number is happy:
class Numeric
# Not the real meat of the program
def sum_of_squares
(to_s.split("").collect {|s| s.to_i ** 2}).inject(0) {|sum, i| sum + i}
def happy?(cache=[])
# If the number reaches 1, then it is happy.
return true if self == 1
# Can't be happy because we're starting to loop
return false if cache.include?(self)
# Ask the next number if it's happy, with self added to the list of seen numbers
# You don't actually need the return (it works without it); I just add it for symmetry
return sum_of_squares.happy?(cache << self)
24.happy? # => false
19.happy? # => true
2.happy? # => false
1.happy? # => true
# ... and so on ...
Hope this helps! :)
def cool
return yield
p cool {"yes!"}
The yield keyword instructs Ruby to execute the code in the block. In this example, the block returns the string "yes!". An explicit return statement was used in the cool() method, but this could have been implicit as well.

Ruby: How to evalulate multiple methods per send command?

Let's say I have an XML::Element...I want to do something like:
In your case it's better to use instance_eval
"Test".instance_eval{chop!.chop!} #=> "Te"
And for your code:
Actually, Khelll was almost right.
Use this:
methods_chain = "parent.next_sibling.next_sibling"
result = my_xml_element.instance_eval( eval methods_chain )
This code is up to 20 times faster than using split() and allows you to pass chain methods with args, like this:
methods = "power!(2).div(57).+(12).to_f"
42.instance_eval { eval methods }
uh, that's not really what he was asking for if I'm understanding his question correctly. I mean send takes a string or a symbol as an arg, and your solution doesn't. I don't think there's a built in method that will do what you want, but I whipped up a method that will, with a test.
require 'test/unit'
class Example
def multi_send(str)
str.split('.').inject(self){|klass, method| klass.send(method) }
class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_multi_send
a =
methods = "class.to_s.downcase.chop!"
assert a.multi_send(methods) == 'exampl'
I think the question is that you specifically have a series of methods defined as a string, and you want to invoke that on some object, right?
class Object
def call_method_chain(method_chain)
return self if method_chain.empty?
method_chain.split('.').inject(self){|o,m| o.send(m.intern)}
=> "Virginia"
>> User.first.call_method_chain("")
=> "Virginia"
The problem with Alfuken's answer based on eval is
A) eval is pretty unsafe although fast
B) if you have an extra (consecutive) dot for method invocation like this
"example".instance_eval{eval "chop!..chop!"}.class
=> "examp".."examp"
"example".instance_eval {eval "chop!..chop!"}.class
=> Range # this is not what is desired
