Load testing consumer websites - performance

I am looking to load test a consumer website. I have tried using JMeter. However, in that case, all the requests originate from one machine. What I really want is to simulate real users across the country some on low speed dialup connections and others on highspeed.
What are the best practices to follow in such a scenario?

JMeter supports distributed testing - so if you're already comfortable with it as a tool, you can use it to power these distributed requests from an arbitrary number of machines, too.
Note that all machines run the exact same test plan, so either your plan should have some random selection of fast/slow environments, or you may be able to select which profile to use based on some system properties.

You might want to consider using a 3rd party service such as Load Impact.

You've expressed two different but related concerns - traffic coming from a single machine and simulating various end-user network speeds.
Why is the first one a concern for your testing? Unless you have a load balancer that uses the IP address as part of its load-distributing algorithm, the vast majority of servers (and application platforms) don't care that all the traffic is coming from a single machine (or IP address). Note also that you can configure the OS of your load generator for multiple IP addresses and the better load-testing tools will make use of those IP addresses so that traffic comes from all of them.
For the simulation of end-user network speeds, again, the better load-testing tools will do this for you. That can give you a pretty good feel for how the bandwidth will affect the page load time, without actually using distributed load generation. But tools frequently do not account for latency. That is where there is no substitute for distributing your load generation.
You can do distributed testing with JMeter, though it can be a bit cumbersome. How many locations do you need? Without knowing more about what you need, my first suggestion would be to choose a tool that has features designed specifically to do what you need. I will pimp our product, Web Performance Load Tester, but there are certainly other options. Load Tester can emulate various end-user connection speeds and has built-in support for generating load from Amazon EC2 (US east and west coast and Dublin, IR...support for Asia coming soon). Once you set up an EC2 account, you can be running your first test from the cloud in 10 minutes.


Jmeter Mobile Native App Testing

I have Two Question related to Native App Performance Testing?
1)I have a Payment App, and it comes with bank security which is installed at the time of app installation. It sends an token number and rest of the data in encrypted format. Is it possible to handle such kind of request using Jmeter or any other performance testing tool, do i need to change some setting in app server or jmeter to get this done ?
2)Mobile App uses Device ID, so if i simulated load on cloud server it will use same Device ID which i used while creating script? is it possible to simulate different mobile ID to make it real-time?
any Help or references will be appreciated ..:)
(1) Yes. This is why performance testing tools are built around general purpose programming languages, to allow you (as the tester) to leverage your foundation skills in programming to leverage the appropriate algorithms and libraries to represent the same behavior as the client
(2) This is why performance testing tools allow for parameterization of the sending datastream to the server/application under test
I'm not an expert in JMeter. But work a lot with Loadrunner (LR) (Performance Testing Tool from HP). Though JMeter and LR are different tools, they work under same principle and objective and so objective of performance testing.
As James Pulley mentioned, the performance testing tool may have the capability. But the question is,
Have your tried recording your app with JMeter? Since your app is a native kind, please do the recording from simulator/emulator and check the feasibility. JMeter might not be the right candidate for mobile app load testing.
Alternatively there are lot of other tools available (both commercial and opensource) in market for your objective.
Best Regards
With the raise of several mobile network technologies, load testing a mobile application has become a different ball game in comparison with normal web app load testing. This is because of the differences in the response times that occur in different mobile networks such as 2G, 3G, 4G, etc. Additionally the client being a mobile device has plenty of physical constraints such as limited CPU, RAM, internal storage etc. All of these need to be considered while conducting performance testing of a mobile application if one wants to simulate a scenario close to a real time condition.
Coming to your 2 questions,
1) Yes it is possible but the amount of manual effort that needs to be invested to make the script execution ready might vary (since you are mentioning there is data in encrypted format - some are easy to understand and some are just crude and difficult to handle using JMeter). But there might not be any app server setting that would be required to change (unless of course you are unable to handle the encryption with JMeter in which case, the encryption might have to be disabled for QA phase)
2) As rightly said by James Pulley, these values can be parameterized. However, I fear that these values will be validated by the app server and hence the values need to be appropriately fed in the requests.
You can refer to this link for reference on how to do Mobile Performance Testing for Native application http://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/en/html/#4234.htm#o4237
.The same could be extrapolated to JMeter to an extent.

Does JMeter performance testing effect live websites

I have been using my blog to learn JMeter and I wondered how risky this could be. For example if I load test a site ex:- randomsite.com(Which has limited resource where the website is hosted) with 100,000 users or more wouldn't it effect the website? Are there mechanisms to prevent such scenario.
Yes it will affect your web site. Performance benchmarking tools do introduce load and are designed to stress test applications, websites and databases. The idea is to do this before you deploy your application, web site and other systems to know what your theoretical limits are. Also keep in mind by monitoring the systems performance with a tool you are also adding extra load. Thus the number you get from these tools are not always 100% accurate. Its better to know the theoretical limitations then not knowing at all.
One mechanism you can use to stop such tools being used in a malicious way is to run some intrusion detection system(IDS) on the network edge. These system will probably identify this type of activity as a DOS attack of sorts and then block the originating IP.
DDOS attacks makes things a lot more difficult to cope with. This is where 1000's of machines make requests small enough not to be picked up by the IDS as a DOS attack at the same target. The IDS just sees a lot of small amounts of traffic,request etc coming from a lot of addresses. This makes it very hard to determine what is a real request and what is a request that is an attack.

What differentiate virtual users / real users when performing load test?

Anyone can point out the difference between virtual user and real user?
In the context of web load testing, there are a lot of differences. A virtual user is a simulation of human using a browser to perform some actions on a website. One company offers what they call "real browser users", but they, too, are simulations - just at a different layer (browser vs HTTP). I'm going to assume you are using "real users" to refer to humans.
Using humans to conduct a load test has a few advantages, but is fraught with difficulties. The primary advantage is that there are real humans using real browsers - which means that, if they are following the scripts precisely, there is virtually no difference between a simulation and real traffic. The list of difficulties, however, is long: First, it is expensive. The process does not scale well beyond a few dozen users in a limited number of locations. Humans may not follow the script precisely...and you may not be able to tell if they did. The test is likely not perfectly repeatable. It is difficult to collect, integrate and analyze metrics from real browsers. I could go on...
Testing tools which use virtual users to simulate real users do not have any of those disadvantages - as they are engineered for this task. However, depending on the tool, they may not perform a perfect simulation. Most load testing tools work at the HTTP layer - simulating the HTTP messages passed between the browser and server. If the simulation of these messages is perfect, then the server cannot tell the difference between real and simulated users...and thus the test results are more valid. The more complex the application is, particularly in the use of javascript/AJAX, the harder it is to make a perfect simulation. The capabilities of tools in this regard varies widely.
There is a small group of testing tools that actually run real browsers and simulate the user by pushing simulated mouse and keyboard events to the browser. These tools are more likely to simulate the HTTP messages perfectly, but they have their own set of problems. Most are limited to working with only a single browser (i.e. Firefox). It can be hard to get good metrics out of real browsers. This approach is far more scalable better than using humans, but not nearly as scalable as HTTP-layer simulation. For sites that need to test <10k users, though, the web-based solutions using this approach can provide the required capacity.
There is a difference.
Depends on your jmeter testing, if you are doing from a single box, your IO is limited. You cant imitate lets say 10K users with jmeter in single box. You can do small tests with one box. If you use multiple jmeter boxes that s another story.
Also, how about the cookies, do you store cookies while load testing your app? that does make a difference
A virtual user is an automatic emulation of a real users browser and http requests.
Thus the virtual users is designed to simulate a real user. It is also possible to configure virtual users to run through what we think a real users would do, but without all the delay between getting a page and submitting a new one.
This allows us to simulate a much higher load on our server.
The real key differences between virtual user simulations and real users is are the network between the server and thier device as well as the actual actions a real user performs on the website.

Can you use proxies to do load/stress testing on a server, with proxy serving as a sort of mirror?

Suppose I want to test a server's and its web application's ability to handle many simultaneous connections well and show decent latency.
So ideally I would want a thousand machines to bombard it with usage requests, but that's not practicable. So instead, can I just make a testing script with a thousand threads to run on the same server and have them perform the testing, connecting to the server via a geographically far-away proxy?
My reasoning here is that the signal will have to travel realistically big distances to the proxy and back, so that sort of emulates the reality of real clients accessing the server.
Then again, to take this one step further, are there prepackaged emulators/frameworks that could perform a similar test without using internet at all, just simulating the latency of the network, realistically creating all the socket connections and other resource intensive stuff etc?
There are lots of load testing products (open source and commercial) that have bandwidth/latency simulation. Running through various remote proxies is overly complex. On the open source side, look at JMeter and Pylot. On the commercial side, my company, BrowserMob, provides a website load testing product that uses the Amazon cloud to generate load. We actually do generate load from thousands of machines/IPs, without breaking the bank :)

bandwidth and traffic simulator for web apps?

Can you suggest how to create a test environment to simulate various types of bandwidths and traffic in a web app?
Or maybe an open source program which does this against localhost?
I think this is a very important subject when programming web apps but it is not a usual topic, the only way i can imagine to create such kind of environment is to use some kind of proxy in a local network but before start looking into the squid documentation i would like to hear your suggestions.
if you're using apache you may want to take a look at apache ab
There are two approaches to shape network traffic to simulate a network link:
Run some software on the client or server that sits somewhere in the networking stack and shapes the traffic between the app and the network interface
Run the traffic shaping software on a dedicated machine with 2 network interfaces through which your traffic is routed
(2) is a better solution if you don't want to install software on the client or server (and possibly impact performance), but requires more hardware fiddling.
Some other features you might want to think about are what shaping parameters can be simulated. Most do delay and packet loss, some do jitter and bandwidth limiting as well. Some solutions can selectively filter traffic (for instance by port number, TCP or UDP etc).
Here is a list of some of the systems I've found:
Open Source or Freeware
DummyNet is an open source BSD Unix-based for dedicated devices. It is not clear if the software is being actively maintained
NistNet is an open source Linux-based system for dedicated devices. The software has not been actively maintained for several years.
Apposite Technoligies sell dedicated hardware solutions for simulating WAN links, with a Web based GUI for configuring the settings and collecting traffic measurements
East Coast DataCom sell hardware dedicated simulators for simulating routers and modems
Itrinegy offer both dedicated device solutions, and solutions for running on clients or servers.
Network FX offer several dedicated device products for simulating network impairments between the client & server
NetLimiter is a client side system that allows throttling of individual applications, and includes a firewall.
Shunra Software offer a range of products, from high end enterprise WAN simulation and testing, to a simple client-resident emulator.
The closest I can think of is doing something similar with VEDekstop from Shunra..
Simulating High Latency and Low Bandwidth in Testing of Database Applications
Shunra VE Desktop Standard is a Windows-based client software solution that simulates a wide area network link so that you can test applications under a variety of current and potential network conditions – directly from your desktop.
I wrote a php script awhile back which used CURL to run a sequence of page requests against my server which represented a typical use scenario. I had it output the times that it took for the server to respond to each of the requests. I then had another script which spawned a bunch of these test case scripts simultaneously for a sustained period and correlated the results into a file which I could then look at in a spreadsheet to see average times. This way I could simulate the number of users hitting the site that I wanted. The limitations are that you need to run the test script on a different server to the web server and that the client machine can become too loaded to give meaningful results past a certain point. I've since left the job otherwise I would paste the scripts here.
If you are running a Linux box as your server, Linux box as your client, or have the capability to put (perhaps a VM) a Linux router between your client and server, you can use NetEm.
NetEm is a Linux TC (Traffic Control) discipline which can delay (i.e. add latency) packets leaving a host. Although it's tricky to set up clever rules (e.g. add latency to some traffic, not to others), it's easy to add a simple "delay everything leaving the interface by 50ms" type rules and some recipes are provided.
By sticking a Linux VM between your client and server, you can simulate as much latency as you like. And you can turn it on and off dynamically. Linux has other TC disciplines which can be combined with NetEm to restrict bandwidth (but the script to set this up can be somewhat complicated). NetEm can also randomly drop packets.
I use it and it works a treat :)
Web Application Stress Tool (WAST) from Microsoft is what you need.
I haven't used it for years (lack of need, not because I'd found anything else), but xat webspeed would be the first thing I would point toward
As other people have mentioned, Apache's ab (comes with Apache, so you probably have it already) is good.
Other good options are:
HP's LoadRunner Apache
Jakarta's JMeter
Tsung (if you want to get your erlang on)
I personally like ab and JMeter the best.
We use Loadrunner to do bandwidth and traffic simulation in our App. Loadrunner is can start agents on various machines and you can simulate one machine as running on dialup modem v/s another on DSL v/s another on Cable internet.
We also use Loadrunner to simulate various kinds of traffic conditions from 10 user run to 500 user run. We can also insert think times in the script and simulate a real user executing the http request. The best part is that it comes with a recording studio where it will plug in with Internet explorer and you can record the whole scenario/Usecase that can be as simple as hitting one page to a full blown 50-60 page script or more.
i found this little java program that works great : sloppy
yet not a proffesional solution but it works for simple tests, i guess it uses java streams and buffers to slow down the connection .
Have you looked at Tsung? It's a great utility for seeing if your website will scale in event of attack, I mean massive popularity. We use it for our web frontend, and our internal systems too.
If you're interested in performing your tests out of your browser, there is also a really great Firefox plug-in.
Do not forget about Wanulator (http://www.wanulator.de/).
The name Wanulator comes from "WAN" and "simulator. This pretty much describes what the software does: It simulates different Internet conditions such as delay or packet loss. Furthermore it simulates user access line speeds e.g. modem, ISDN or ADSL.
Wanulator is currently packaged as a Linux boot CD based on SLAX. This will give you a full out of the box experience. You can turn any PC into a test-system within a blink - just by booting the Wanulator CD. The package already includes useful client SW such as web-browser and network sniffer (Wireshark). Nevertheless if the PC has 2 network interfaces the system can run as an intermediate system between your server and your client - as a switch - without any configuration hassles.
