Porting DirectX to OpenGL ES (iPhone) - opengl-es

I have been asked to investigate porting 10 year old Direct X (v7-9) games to OpenGL ES, initially for the iPhone
I have never undertaken a game port like this before (and will be hiring someone to do it) but I'd like to understand the process.
Are there any resources/books/blogs that will help me in understanding the process?
Are there any projects like Mono that can accomplish this?

TBH A porting job like this is involved but fairly easy.
First you start by replacing all the DirectX calls with "stubs" (ie empty functions). You do this until you can get the software to compile. Once it has compiled then you start implementing all the stub functions. There will be a number of gotchas along the way but its worth doing.
If you need to port to and support phones before iPhone 3GS you have a more complex task as the hardware only supports GLES 1 which is fixed-function only. You will have to "emulate" these shaders somehow. On mobile platforms I have written, in the past, assembler code that performs "vertex shading" directly on the vertex data. Pixel shading is often more complicated but you can usually provide enough information through the "vertex shading" to get this going. Some graphical features you may just have to drop.
Later versions of the iPhone use GLES 2 so you have access to GLSL ... ATI have written, and Aras P of Unity3D fame has extended, software that will port HLSL code to GLSL.
Once you have done all this you get on to the optimisation stage. You will probably find that your first pass isn't very efficient. This is perfectly normal. At this point you can look at the code from a higher level and see how you can move code around and do things differently to get best performance.
In summary: Your first step will be to get the code to compile without DirectX. Your next step will be the actual porting of DirectX calls to OpenGL ES calls. Finally you will want to refactor the remaining code for best performance.
(P.S: I'd be happy to do the porting work for you. Contact me through my linkedin page in my profile ;)).

Not a complete answer, but in the hope of helping a little...
I'm not aware of anything targeting OpenGL ES specifically, but Cadega, Cider and VirtualBox — amongst others — provide translation of DirectX calls to OpenGL calls, and OpenGL ES is, broadly speaking, OpenGL with a lot of very rarely used bits and some slower and redundant parts removed. So it would probably be worth at least investigating those products; at least VirtualBox is open source.
The SGX part in the iPhone 3GS onwards has a fully programmable pipeline, making it equivalent to a DirectX 10 part, so the hardware is there. The older MBX is fixed pipeline with the dot3 extension but no cube maps and only two texture units. It also has the matrix palette extension, so you can do good animation and pretty good lighting if multiple passes is acceptable.


Measuring WebGL efficency

I’m working on a ThreeJs project that requires some heavy-duty work done with in a fragment shader so I am looking for a way to use lower quality if the device can’t handle the work.
By pure accident I recently included an ‘uint’ uniform in my shader code and found it just would not run-on older devices. So, the availability of WebGL2 became an obvious and good switch.
The problem is that WebGL2 is a browser choice and some older devices with later software will still run it even if very badly.
Is there a quick test to determine WebGL efficiency so I can fall back to lower quality if needed.
Measuring FPS is not an option since even on a modern device it can take a few seconds for it to stabilize for a new page.
This is not a general solution.
But in my particular situation I am using a very expensive SDF that is needed in both the Hi and Lo versions of the graphicsis. It is generated once and stored in a FBO, then used again multiple times as a texture.
Even on a desktop using a RTX 3060 Ti it takes more than 20mS to generate the texture, on the old S4 it's 320+ mS to generate.
They're not ideal metrics but with a bit tuning they should provide a way of guesstimating the GPU's capability and give a good indication of when to fall back to simpler graphics.
There will always be a cut off of what we support but being able to get the best from older devices is not a bad thing.

Three and ASMjs

I recently started doing some investigations into ASM and I've played with a few of the demos online. I must say that the Unreal demo was quite impressive... I've been developing an app using Three for a large number of months now. It works beautifully on fast machines, but on lower end ones it tends to struggle. When I ran the unreal demo on my lower end machines, the demo worked like a dream. My question is, what place might ASM have with Three - could it vastly speed up the engine? Is it worth while investigating or developing a solution that utilises both and switching between them based on the browser? Also would there be any plans for Three to take advantage of it in the future?
I came from a C++ background, and would be quite interested in the prospect of developing something. But at the same time it would mean having to re-learn the language and even more problematic might be the large amount of time it would take to get it to a usable point.
What are your thoughts?
This is my opinion:
First and foremost, asm.js isn't really meant to be written by hand. Altough I say that It certainly is possible to write it as it has a validator. The unreal demo is something that has been compiled into asm.js with emscripten. It also doesn't need to interact with other code outside the code that gets compiled. So it generates highly optimized code because of the fact that the unreal demo is already highly optimized code in C++, It gets optimized by a compiler and then gets another run of optimisations through asm.js.
Secondly, asm.js is actually only supported by firefox. Altough all other browsers can execute it but on most it still incurs a performance penalty. This penalty is if you compare asm.js code that does the same as normal javascript code. Just search jsperf.com for examples of this.
Okay, This is some general guide lines about asm.js. Now let's talk about Three.js.
Firstly, because THREE.js has to interact with usercode, it isn't easy to write an asm.js library because of it's many restrictions (no objects).
Secondly, Three.js will not gain much performance a whole lot in performance for calculations where asm.js is strong in. But will gain more from future updates from the browsers. (for instance, the creation of typedarrays in chrome which is now a pain point in THREE.js is comming soon. V8 issue)
Thirdly, The code in asm.js needs to manage its own memory. Which would mean that THREE.js has to figure out a way to make a large apps work with limited memory. Or make every application very memory hungry.
Fourth, comparing the unreal demo with three.js is a bit unfair due to the fact that three.js tries to allow everyone to write 3D apps while the unreal engine is a highly optimized engine for 3D games.
As you've noticed, I'm mostly against asm.js in three.js. But that's becuase it's too early to tell what the best way to go is. There is a high probability that asm.js will get a place in three.js eventually but for more a limited use as renderer-only for instance. But for now, there are still too many unsolved questions around asm.js.
But If you want to use asm.js and use C++, Then i recommend emscripten which was used to build the unreal demo.
This is of course my opinion. But I think it somewhat represents what #Mr.doob and #WestLangley had in mind. And sorry about the long post.
The best way to find out is to write a small demo in C (by hand) then compile to asm.js and run it, then write the same small demo in JS with Three.js (by hand) then run that, and compare the differences in both developer experience as well as performance.

Why not use GDI to repeatedly fill a window with RGB data from an array?

This is a follow-up to this question. I'm currently writing a simple game and am looking for the fastest way to (repeatedly) display an array of RGB data in a Win32 window, without flickering or other artifacts.
Several different approaches were recommended in the answers to the previous question, but there was no consensus on which would be the fastest. So, I threw together a test program. The code simply displays a framebuffer on the screen repeatedly, as fast as possible.
These are the results I obtained, for 32-bit data running in a 32-bit video mode - they may surprise some people:
- Direct3D (1): 500 fps
- Direct3D (2): 650 fps
- DirectDraw (3): 1100 fps
- DirectDraw (4): 800 fps
- GDI (SetDIBitsToDevice): 2000 fps
Given these figures:
Why are many people adamant that GDI is simply too slow for this operation?
Is there any reason to prefer DirectDraw or Direct3D over SetDIBitsToDevice?
Here is a brief summary of the calls made by each of the Direct* codepaths. If anyone knows a more efficient way to use DirectDraw/Direct3D, please comment.
LockRect(); memcpy(); UnlockRect(); DrawPrimitive()
2. CreateTexture(0, D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM); CreateTexture(0, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT);
LockRect(); memcpy(); UnlockRect(); UpdateTexture(); DrawPrimitive()
3. CreateSurface(); SetSurfaceDesc(lpSurface = &frameBuffer[0]);
memcpy(); primarySurface->Blt();
4. CreateSurface();
Lock(); memcpy(); Unlock(); primarySurface->Blt();
There are a couple of things to keep in mind here. First of all, a lot of "common knowledge" is based on some facts that no longer really apply.
In the days of AGP, when the CPU talked directly to the GPU, it always used the base PCI protocol, which happened at the "1x" rate (always and inevitably). AGX 2x/4x/8x only applied when the GPU was taking to the memory controller directly. In other words, depending on when you looked, it was up to 8 times as fast to have the GPU load a texture from memory as it was for the CPU to send the same data directly to the GPU. Of course, the CPU also had a great deal more bandwidth to memory than the PCI bus supported.
When things switched to PCI-E, however, that changed completely. While there can be differences in bandwidth depending on path, there's no general rule that memory->GPU will be faster than CPU->GPU. The one generalization that's (mostly) safe is that if you have a dedicated graphics card, then the GPU will almost always have more bandwidth to the memory on the graphics card than it does to main memory on the motherboard.
In your case, that doesn't matter much though -- you're talking about moving data from CPU space to GPU space regardless. The main speed difference with using DirectX (or OpenGL) happens when you keep all (or most) of the computation on the GPU, and avoid using the CPU (or main memory) at all. They don't (now that AGP is history) provide any substantial improvement in memory->display bandwidth.
Jerry Coffin makes some good points. The thing to bear in mind is what the DI stands for in SetDIBitsToDevice. It stands for Device Independent. Which means you were ALWAYS at the mercy of drivers. Some drivers used to be complete rubbish and it affected the performance massively. DirectDraw suffered from similar issues as well ... but you also had access to the hardware blitters so it was generally more useful. IHVs also tended to put more time in to writing proper drivers for DirectDraw because of its gaming association. Who wants to be the bottom of the performance pile when the hardware is quite capable of doing better?
These days many graphics cards can accept the bit data directly so no conversion happens. If it does need to be swizzled this is also INCREDIBLY quick in this day and age.
The reason your Direct3D performance is so terrible, by comparison, is that Direct3D, by nature of the fact it is meant to be used totally internally to the GPU, uses odd and complex formats to improve cache performance and so forth.
Couple that with the fact that you aren't testing like for like (with DDraw and D3D) by creating a texture/surface, locking it, copying, unlocking and then drawing over the back buffer (via various methods). To get best performance you'd be best off directly locking the backbuffer using a DISCARD lock then memcpy'ing directly into the returned buffer before unlocking. This will bring your performance much closer to the SetDIBitsToDevice. I still would expect D3D to be slower than DDraw, however, for the reasons outlined above.
The reason you will hear people trounce on GDI is that it used to just be old windows API calls. The newer versions of it (that were called GDI+ when I last looked at em) are actually just an API placed on top of DirectX calls. So using GDI may seem fairly simple programming wise at times, but adding a layer between things always slows things down. As mentioned in the response from Jerry Coffin, your examples are about moving the data, and that is the slow time. I am a bit surprised that DirectX is that much slower though but I can not be much more help with out digging through the DirectX documentation (which has been pretty awesome for quite some time really.. Might want to check out www.codesampler.com. I have always found good starting places from him and actually, while I may be insane for saying this, I would swear the improvements to the DirectX SDK in doc and examples were done based on this guys work!)
As for the DirectDraw vs Direct3D (and not the GDI calls) discussion. I would say go to Direct3D. I believe DirectDraw has been deprecated since 8.0 or so, and 9.0 has been around for quite a long while. And at the end of the day all of DirectX is 3D, it just varies on the levels of helpful 2D apis that are around, but you may find you can do some very interesting things in a 2D environment when you are actually using 3D space. (I had a pretty neat randomly generated lightning weapon for a space invaders clone at one time :))
Anywho, hope this helped!
PS: It should be noted that DirectX is not always the fastest. For keyboard input (unless this has changed in 10 or 11) it has pretty much always been recommended to use the windows events.. as DirectInput was actually just a wrapper for that system!.. XInput however is -awesome-!!

Porting Wii and/or PSOne Games to OpenGL ES

I have been asked to investigate porting Wii games and some (Sony) PSOne games to OpenGL ES (can you guess what platform?).
I have never undertaken a game port like this before (and will be hiring someone to do it) but I'd like to understand the process.
Does the Wii use OpenGL? If not what does it use and how easy is it to port to OpenGL / OpenGL ES?
Are there any resources/books/blogs that will help me in understanding the process?
Will my company have to become an official Wii developer? If so where do I start that process?
Porting from the Wii or the PSOne is a complex and involved task that can be broken down into multiple separate engineering efforts working in parallel to produce a working end product. The best possible thing you can do before moving to the target hardware is to compartmentalize all of the non-portable code while ensuring that the game continues to run as expected. When you commit to moving to the new platform, your effort switches to reimplementing the non-portable compartmentalized parts.
So, to answer your question, yes, you will need to become or work with a Sony and Nintendo licensed developer in order to take this approach. In the case of Sony, I don't even know if they offer a PSOne development program anymore which presents issues. Your Sony account rep can help clarify.
The major subsystems that are likely to be the focus of your porting effort are:
Rendering Graphics code contains fundamental assumptions about the hardware it is being run on in order to perform optimally. API-level compatibility is superficial compatibility and does not get you as much as you may hope it does. Plan on finding the entry point to the renderer and determining what data you need to render a scene and rewriting all the render code from there for your target hardware.
Game Saving Game state serialization and archival will need to be separated out. Older games often fwrite() structs with #pragma packed fields. Is that still going to work for you?
Networking Wii games write to high level services that are unavailable on your target hardware. At the low level, sockets are still sockets. What network services do your Wii games rely on?
Controls From where you are coming from to where you are going, anything short of a full redesign or reimagining of input will result in poor reviews of the software.
Memory Management Console games often make fundamental assumptions about the rate the system software returns memory from the heap, how much fragmentation it will cause and the duration the game needs to operate under these conditions. These memory management assumptions are obsolete on the new platform. It is wise to write your own memory manager that provides a cushion from the operating system. Also, console games compiled for release are stripped of most error handling and don't gracefully handle running out of memory-- just a heads up.
Content Your bottleneck will be system memory. Can you fit the necessary assets into memory? With textures, you can reduce mip where necessary and with graphics hardware timing, you can pull in the far clipping plane. With assets resident in memory, you may need a technical artist to go through and reduce the face density of your models or an animation programmer to implement a more size-friendly animation codec. This is very game specific.
You also run into the standard set of problems with things like bit compatibility (though the Wii and PSOne are both 32-bit), compiler idiosyncrasies, build script incompatibilities and proprietary compiler extensions.
Games are relatively challenging to test. A good rule of thumb is you want to have enough testers on your team to run through the game in a maximum of two days, covering all major aspects of play. In games that take a long time to beat (RPGs with 30+ hours of gameplay), your testing team needs to be quite large to offer full coverage. Because you are just doing a port, you can come up with a testing plan that maximizes coverage of your new code without having a testing team punch every wall in your game to make sure it (still) has clipping. The game shipped once.
Becoming a licensed developer requires you to apply. The turnaround time, from experience, is not good. Generally speaking, priority is given to studios with shipped titles and organized offices with reasonably good security and the ability to buy the (relatively) expensive development kits. You may be better off working with a licensed developer if you do not meet these criteria.
Console and game development is challenging for people already experienced in it. There is no book that covers it all. My recommendation is to attempt to recruit an expert who has experience shipping titles in a position of systems or engine programmer. What types of programmers and skillsets exist in games is a whole different question for Stack, though.
Games consoles don't use OpenGL but their own, custom libraries. The main reason is that they are pretty slow and have little RAM. So you need to squeeze out every drop of performance you can get. And that means: Custom code. Usually, you get a framework with the developer kit which gets you started and then, you build your code from that. Eventually, you'll start replacing parts from the developer kit with your own special code to get all the speed and special effects you need.
There is a reason why PSOne games are so ugly on the PS3 despite the fact that the developers have access to the sources: Revenue just doesn't justify to touch the code.
Which is one reason why game development is so expensive: Every game is (more or less) a completely new product. Sometimes, game companies can reuse a bit of code from the last version but more often than not, they have to develop everything again. They also don't talk much with each other.
In recent years, kits have become more complex and powerful and you can get complete game engines (with all kinds of effects and 3D support) but each engine is a completely different kind of beast, so you can't even copy code from engine A to B.
Today, media content (video, audio and render sequences) are so expensive that the actual game engine is often a minor detail, so this isn't going to change any time soon.
Net result: If you want to port a game, write an emulator for the hardware (which is usually pretty simple and allows you to run all kinds of games).
[EDIT] To develop software for the Wii, see here: http://www.warioworld.com/
For a Wii emulator, see http://wiiemulator.net/
I ported a couple of games, when I was a new game programmer, from working with one version of our engine to a newer version (where backwards compatibility was neither ignored nor pursued). Even copying (and possibly renaming) the files and placing them in a home in the new project was a bit of work. Following that, the procedure was:
fix many of the hundreds of errors [in many places, with the same error occurring over and over again]
"wire up" calls from the new game engine to the appropriate calls in the old code
"wire up" function calls from the old code into the new game engine
deal with other oddities (ex. in the old game engine, the 2d game would "swizzle" textures itself; in the new version, the engine did it (on specific platforms))
and, while I don't recall this clearly, it was probably mixed in with a bunch of #ifdeffing out portions of code so the thing would actually compile, and possibly creating function stubs to be filled in later.
As I recall, it was three or four days until I had something that compiled. (But, it did help when we ported other games from the old version to the new one!)
The magnitude of the task will come down to what the code you are getting is like. If it has generic 3D calls that you can intercept -- add a thunking layer to -- then you are in business. It depends on the level of abstraction in the code. If it is well-behaved and has things like "RenderModel" and "RenderWorld" calls, you can replace those functions, and even the structures that they work with. If drawing is occurring all over the place, and calls are more like "Draw Polygon" and "Draw Line" or "Draw using this highly optimised data structure", then you are likely in for a long slog.
You shouldn't need a Wii dev kit. Sometimes it is nice to verify that the code you are given does indeed compile in the original environment (and matches the shipping code!), but sometimes you can just take it on faith and make it work in its new environment.
Lastly, I don't think the Wii uses OpenGL, and I really don't know where to point you for further help.
What you may want to do is to start with designing the architecture of the game, write up a detailed specification for what the new game is like.
Once you have this, since you will be rewriting the code, you may find that some of the business logic that doesn't deal with the console can be ported over. But, anything dealing with I/O, user interaction or graphics/sounds will be rewritten, so you might as well do that from scratch.
A specification is very important, to make certain that you know how the current game is working so that the new port will give the same user experience, if that is what is desired.
You may want to keep the same bugs, if that is part of the experience, as, if I know that in the Wii I can jump down and bounce off the wall to safely land, then if I can't do that in the new version then that may be bothersome.
Well porting a PS1 game to an iPhone would be quite a task they work in very different ways. I'm sure its doable but it will be a LOT of work to replace all the fixed point maths and lack of Z-Buffer based rendering to a real graphics chip.
Wii would be a lot easier. The Wii API is very similar to OpenGL. However the Wii has some very nice fixed function features that just are not available on any other GL based platform. Should be doable, though ...
I'm not really sure I can say anything more than that. Have signed far too many NDAs over the years to be 100% sure of what I can and cannot say ;)
Still if you want to hire someone to do some porting work and are prepared to supply the required hardware then I might be free ;)

GDI has been accelerated. Does anyone know when this happened?

To sketch the background of this question : at work we use Dell Precision workstations. My current one has got an NVidia Quadro FX1700.
My team is developing the graphics components for a real time data acquisition system.
So we are always looking out to see if the graphics operations don't use up too much CPU time. For quick checks, we have a couple of test programs that we run, which draw scenes at a specified rate ( e.g. 10 fps ) and we use plain old Task Manager to see where CPU usage is at.
One of these programs is heavy on GDI DrawRectangle calls ( which are filled ). This program always used to consume about 40% CPU user-time, but since about a year or so ( just guessing here ) it only uses about 2-3 % kernel-time. So clearly some hardware acceleration is going on here. And indeed, if I turn HW-accell off, we're back to the original 40% user-time.
All of this is of course good news, because we were already thinking about going to OpenGL. Year after year GDI never got the benefit of hardware acceleration. Until some time ago that is.
Does anyone know anything more about this? Did Microsoft do this? Or is it gfx-card vendor specific?
Thnx for the answers already ( Ferrucio, Torlack and Rob Walker ) but my question has not been answered yet. We are talking about a filled rectangle here. Probably the most trivial function to optimize : just send a couple of coordinates to the GPU and let it rip. Yet it was always implemented on the CPU side.
So far the answers lead me to believe that NVidia finally saw the light ( after more than 10 years ) and accelerated GDI. And no announcement about this? There's no information to be found on this at all.
My internal customers ask me about the speedup of the graphics, and all I can say is "well, we got lucky".
It does seem like it is driver related according to the different answers. So, then NVidia has made crappy GDI drivers for its workstation cards for years. It really was an accepted fact within this company that GDI was not accelerated and all the tests confirmed this.
GDI works by calling various functions in the graphics device driver. There are a core set of functions that every driver must implement. Other functions may be implemented by the driver. If they are not, GDI will perform those functions itself.
If a particular function is not implemented in hardware then there is no point in the driver doing a software implementation of that function since GDI can probably do a better job. GDI is extremely well optimized for performance.
As more functions are implemented in hardware, not only do those functions perform much better, but there is also less work for GDI to do, resulting in less CPU time spent on graphics.
It may also be the case that the graphics card vendor, in an effort to get a card out to market quickly, may not have implemented all possible hardware functions that the card could perform. Later versions of that driver may then implement that functionality, resulting in improved performance.
GDI was accelerated for quite awhile. Far as I recall it did depend on your hardware and drivers to some extent. Why you've seen such a jump in performance only recently seems odd.
However, don't get too happy - GDI hardware acceleration is no longer supported in Vista. The new desktop composition engine doesn't support it. However, in Vista you do gain fast moving of windows since content doesn't always have to be re-drawn by the application (and no tearing I think?).
To some extent, GDI has always been accelerated. Even back in the old Win31 days I remember buys cards (Number9) who's main selling point was hardware acceleration of GDI.
Vista has a new display driver architecture which would provide an opportunity for a dramatic increase in performance. Are you comparing like hardware/OS combinations?
A lot of the 2D stuff has been accelerated for some time, each new major version of windows has changed the way display drivers have worked. I believe it was with XP that windows revamped it's window manager layer. Hard to compare, really, since XP is more similar to windows 2000/NT than any earlier versions.
Some more info on wikipedia, Development of Windows XP.
Windows 2000, certainly, was the first NT-kernel-based windows to include DirectX, and had some graphical improvements as well. Windows 2000 (wikipedia)
I don't believe there have been major changes to the display driver model/2D subsystem between releases. So if you noticed a change like that, it's likely due to something nVidia did.
