Tracking XWindow Protocol - x11

Is it possible to track XWindow protocol with a tool? I thought wireshark would be a good framework to host such an idea but there seems no support. What should be done to achieve this goal?

Wireshark does have the ability to dissect the X-Window protocol.
However: You first have to be able to capture the actual X-Window traffic between an X-client (app) and an X-Server before Wireshark can dissect it.
X-Windows traffic between an app (X-Windows client) and an X-Windows Server both running on your local machine probably uses "Unix Domain sockets" to do direct interprocess communication (IPC) between the client and the server. There's no underlying network protocol used and thus the traffic is (AFAIK) not capturable for dissection by Wireshark).
It's been a while since I've dealt with X but I think basically what is needed is that an X-Server be running on a box such that the server is listening for (and willing to accept) network connections. If an Xclient app on a remote node (or local node ?) then connects to the XServer over the network, you will then be able to capture that traffic for dissection by Wireshark.
X is complicated; If you're not familiar with the details of running X, you'll need to do some reading or ask for additional info. I've long since blanked out details related to X.

It is possible in principle to capture X-Window protocol that goes through Unix socket using strace. Then it is possible to wrap this packet for Wireshark using text2pcap.
capture X-window protocol frames that goes to X-server with pid 1998 on unix socket with file descriptor 41:
bash$ sudo strace -e trace=read,write -e read=41 -p 1998 2>&1 | grep '^[ ]|' >/tmp/xdata.log
prepare the captured data for wireshark:
bash$ text2pcap -T 1234,6000 /tmp/xdata.log /tmp/xdata.dump
Now one can use wireshark on /tmp/xdata.dump.

Back in the '80s, there was an open source Xwindow proxy program that would be placed between the Server and the client. It was written in 'C' and easily modifiable to count types of messages, or volume of data passing in each direction. It also recognized malformed Xprotocol that would result when folks used the wrong functions in interrupt handlers.
I can't remember the name, but maybe searching on "Xwindow proxy" might help...

I'm not sure what the XWindow protocol is, but you could make a Lua Dissector for Wireshark:


Sniffing/recording application layer only

I am looking for a tool (preferably on Linux) that can sniff UDP traffic and record only the application layer to file(s).
I couldn't make tcpdump/wireshark to do so, as they always write the lower layers' headers too.
I tried working with snort (./snort -qd -l ./logs), but it kept storing data to files even if there was no application layer data in a packet.
Perhaps somebody knows such a tool...
oh, and the UDP traffic is also multicast...
I tried also the multicat (VideoLAN's). They claim it's the netcat of multicast. But I don't know, besides the payload that I send manually using the netcat, it also stores some other binary garbage (for me)...
Anyone familiar with multicat?
Wireshark has filters that parse most protocols headers, and will definitely recognize UDP, IP, Ethernet, etc headers. I am not sure what you want to accomplish with the logging, but if the format of the file is important (i.e. that no headers should even be stored to file), you could try using a UDP proxy.
Using netcat, you could do something like
nc -u -l 12345 | tee mydumpfile.out | nc -u 12345
You have to do the reverse as well to dump 2-way communication. If you are doing this for reverse engineering, you may have to edit your /etc/hosts file as well to point the target DNS name to localhost. I did this for TCP connections a couple of times, but I did not try it for UDP, there may be problems with packet boundaries etc due to buffering of the piped data.
If you want maximum control, write it yourself (it is only a dozen or so lines if you use e.g. Python+Twisted)

Is there a way to monitor what process sends UDP packets (source/dest IP and port) in Windows?

I discovered almost accidentally that my machine was sending and receiving UDP packets to a machine in Poland. Not that I have any problem with Poland, I just don't know why my laptop has the need to communicate with a server there. Reverse DNS shows just the ISP providing the address to some end user. Using Wireshark, I can monitor the messages, which were indecipherable as they were probably encrypted. All packets sent from my machine had the same source port, so clearly the application that sent them opened this UDP socket to use it. I am searching for ways to:
1) enumerate all current sockets open in the system, including the process that created it and, for both TCP and UDP, what ports and addresses they are current bound to.
2) because applications can open these sockets, use them, and close them right away, I would love to find (or perhaps even write) a program that once started would somehow get notification each time a socket gets created, or really more importantly when bound to a source and/or destination address and port. For UDP, I would love to also be able to monitor/keep track of the destination IP addresses and ports that socket has sent messages to.
I don't want to monitor the traffic itself, I have Wireshark if I want to view the traffic. I want to be able to then cross reference to discover what application is generating the packets. I want to know if it is from a process I trust, or if it is something I need to investigate further.
Does anybody know of any applications (for the Windows platform) that can do this? If not, any ideas about a .NET or Windows API that provides this capability, should I want to write it myself?
After further research - looks like the APIs to use are GetExtendedUdpTable and GetExtendedTcpTable, has some samples wrapping these in .NET (see So a combination of this API and some sniffer code would be needed to monitor and keep track of what hosts at what ports using what protocol any particular application on your machine is talking to. If I ever get some free time, I'll consider creating this, if you know of an app that does all this, please let me know.
Try SysInternals TCPView. Despite its name, it handles UDP as well.
netstat -b to enumerate all ports along with the process names.
You can try using SysInternals' Process MOnitor (ProcMon.exe or ProcMon64.exe).
It allows for filtering of Processes by "UDP Send" Operation - and provides detailed UDP Connection data, including source and destination addresses(IP) and ports etc.

changing the protocol for client to server

I have to test the value from client to server using different protocols (Tcp , UDP , Sctp).
Please guide how it can be possible. Is there any way in windows to change the protocol or is there anyway to find it by using software like packet tracer .
While the question is not entirely clear, it sounds as though your interested in seeing the information sent between the client and the server when each of those protocols is used.
Windows does not provide a built in utility to view packet data but it can be viewed using a packet analyser such as Wireshark.
In order to see the values sent by each protocol you must run a client for each of the protocols and use it to connect to the server for that protocol. If you don't have a server to connect to, you may need to run one on your local machine.
You can narrow down the data captured to just the protocol you're interested in using a filter in Wireshark If you don't know the protocol being used, you can filter by the port number used for that connection which can be established using the netstat command.
You may need to use netstat -b to show you which programs are using which ports.
If you just have to generate packets using different protocols then the tool like netcat can also help. It supports TCP and UDP and has been ported to windows .

How to capture network traffic application wise using winpcap?

I have to make a windows based application for which captures network traffic per application where some of running application uses same port number for sending and receiving the packets.
I have used winpcap and successfully captured and filtered them port wise and destination wise but I dont know how to capture them application wise that means how to know application information from ip packets.
Is only winpcap can solve the problem or some other api's or library shoud be used.
Can we get the application information from which packet is generated from packet header?
Can anyone give me example that uses iphlpapi and winpcap in vc++ for capturing network traffic per application.
I don't think this is possible with winpcap.
Take a look at Windows Filtering Platform. It's not advanced at all.If you look in the samples you can find one which does exactly what you want.
winpcap doesn't have a good way to tell what process is sending what data.
But windows does.
try using
netstat -a -o
netstat is a program that tells you what ports are being used on your terminal.
-a switch says, "show me all the ports"
-o switch says, "show me the pid of the processes using this port"
you can't see what port your processes are sending on, but you can see what ports are receving on for udp packets.
for tcp packets you'll see all the info you could want, includeing the remote connections ip address.

tool:udp debugging tool on solaris

I am looking for UDP debugger tool, for the following requirement
1) netstat -s, shows udpInOverflows=23000 and this counter is increasing continuously.
how can I check udp packets which are thrown because of no buffer space.
2) what are the possible reason for this problem to occur and how to solve it.
3) is there any way to check incoming UDP packet which are received by kernel after all verification like udp socket is open for that port and no check sum error, snoop will not work because it capture direct from network interface.
If you are willing to spend a little time with kernel source you should be able to use dtrace to get at the information you want. For example "dtrace -n 'fbt::udp_input:entry{stack();}' will show you how packets are getting into udp_input (not all that interesting). You should also check the mib::: probes and fbt:ip:ip_drop*:. This is all dependent on the version of Solaris you are using of course.
