Cocoa get Power Adapter Status - cocoa

I'm currently working on a Backup Application, and I have received a lot of requests for features to be added recently, and the top one of them is adding a checkbox like "Back Up when on Battery Power" like Time Machine has.
So, is there a way I can get the status of the Power Adapter (plugged in and plugged in)? I assume that if one had a Desktop Mac, like iMac, etc, I would probably just get Plugged In all the time. Therefore, I need means of detecting if the computer is a portable or not.
I assume IOKit would be a library to look at, but I simply could not find anything in the docs, that are barely existent anyways on that Framework. Then, since it is an older Carbon Framework, is there a way to register a callback that gets called when that power state changes? That way I can properly implement this checkbox's functionality.
I'd appreciate help in clarifying this subject.

IOPowerSources.h has the functions you need. Start with IOPSNotificationCreateRunLoopSource() to create a run loop source and in your callback interrogate the power source info starting with IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo() and working your way down. There may be better examples, but this file appears to be a reasonable demonstration of how it's done; enough to get you started.


Help needed with windows hooks

I am working on building a system that can monitor how users react to security alerts on their systems (software updates, warnings etc.). It also needs to monitor the web traffic and the processes running on the system and I am looking to the community to help me design this system. We intend to provide users with test laptops and monitor their behavior over a period of time to see how they react to security alerts thrown by various applications and the OS(windows in this case).
Following are my questions
Can I use windows hooks to solve the first problem i.e finding how users reacted to the alerts thrown by various applications. Specifically, can global hooks be used to solve this?
(How this information should be collected (XML?) and relayed back to a server(how frequently?) is another problem)
Can I do this in C# or it has to be done only in c++ or VB?
Do you know any alternate approach to solve the problem? Is there any software that has these capabilities.
I have many more questions but getting these answered would be a good first step. Really hoping for some good insights from the knowledgeable people on this community
Thank you in advance
Example scenario is when adobe prompts you to update the flash player or the antivirus prompts you to update definitions or any application displays a notification(security related having keywords like update, warning, install etc.) needing the user to take some action. Windows system updates is another example. I want to know how the user reacted to these alerts/notifications/updates (which are typically a pop-up window). So i was wondering if i placed a global hook that can monitor the content of the windows displayed on screen and notify me(server) when certain words like update, alert, warning etc. appear in the content/title of the windows and what the user did with the message(dismissed it, Oked it etc). Unfortunately, i do not have any more specifications than this. I can use anything I want to achieve this and I am not clear on what my choices are.
Edit 2:
After having reviewed my requirements and having read about hooks, I feel like I could achieve this by a combination of hooks and the following textGrab SDK, I want some guidance to know if I am on the right track. I am thinking if I can install hooks then it gives me handles to all possible windows on the screen and I can use the textGRAB SDK to look for certain keywords in those windows. Although this may capture some interesting text, I am still not sure how I will know what action the user had taken on the window. Anybody having any experience with either hooks or textGRAB, please let me know if this looks like a reasonable thing to do. If the community has some other Ideas on how I could possibly monitor security related messages thrown by any application in the system, please suggest. I am looking forward to some useful advice for completing a challenging project.
First of all, you need to define, how you will "see" security alerts in code. "Security alert" is quite a vague term. Will it be some window with some caption and some message to the user or ... ?
Next, about web and processes: Windows hooks won't help you with your task. They are more low-level and not as advanced as you'd need. You can't hook network traffic (you need either network filter driver for pre-Vista or Microsoft Filtering Platform for Vista and later). See this question for some information about checking the process list with C# (there seems to be no easy way to catch process startup either).
It honestly sounds like you need a more solid direction. I commend you for trying to provide details, but It appears that you still need more information about your problem(s)..
I will attempt to answer some of your questions, but like I said - it sounds like you need to know more about your problems before we can provide you with optimal answer(s).
-Alerts is too vague a term, you will need to define this better. Are these 'alerts' applications that YOU have control over or are they third party applications? Not every application will show an 'Alert' in the same fashion, and even if they did - I think using a System Level Hook would probably be too problematic to implement your solution with. I'm not saying it's necessarily impossible, but you're talking about possibly implementing a different set of logic(to determine the data for a given application's Alert(s)) for each application that you want to monitor.
-It's impossible for any of us to determine the optimal storage mechanism for your particular needs, that is something that you will either need to provide more details about or decide on your own.
-How often you collect data is also something that you will have to either provide more details for or decide for on your own.
-C/C++ Would probably provide you with the most portable solution, although there is nothing preventing you from using c# to call Win32 API. (Not everyone has the .NET framework installed - believe it or not)
-The problem that you mentioned appears to be a somewhat specialized problem... I don't know of any existing software that will do everything that you want to do.
Another possible issue that you haven't touched on:
You haven't specified your target audience for this 'service', but I want you to know that if I found an application monitoring as many events as what you're talking about doing, I would promptly remove it and write a nasty letter to the company that wrote it.
In summary, Read this Article on hooks to get a better understanding of how they work.

How to read some data from a Windows application memory?

I have an application, which displays me some data. I need to attach to this app's process, find the data I need in memory (one single number, actually), and save it somewhere. This application doesn't seem to use standard windows controls, so things aren't going to be as simple as reading controls data using AutoIt or something similar.
Currently I'm a self-learner database guy and have quite shallow knowledge about windows apps debugging. Not even sure if I asked my question correctly enough.
So, can you give me some starter guidelines about, say, what should I read first, and general directions I should work on?
To read memory of other application you need to open the process with respect of OpenProcess with at least PROCESS_VM_READ access rights and then use ReadProcessMemory to read any memory address from the process. If you are an administrator or have debug privilege you will be able to open any process with maximal access rights, you need only to enable SeDebugPrivilege before (see for example
If you don't know a much about the memory of the destination process you can just enumerate the memory blocks with respect of VirtualQueryEx (see How does one use VirtualAllocEx do make room for a code cave? as an example where I examine the program code. The program data you can examine in the same way).
The most practical problem which I see is that you ask your question in too general way. If you explain more what kind of the data you are looking for I could probably suggest you a better way. For example if you could see the data somewhere you could examine the corresponding windows and controls with respect of Spy++ (a part of Visual Studio Tools). The most important are the class of windows (or controls) and the messages which will be send at the moment when the most interesting window are displayed. You can also use Process Monitor to trace all file and registry access at the time when the windows with the interesting information will be displayed. At least at the beginning you should examine the memory of the process with ReadProcessMemory at the moment when the data which you are looking for are displayed on the window.
If you will have no success in your investigations I'd recommend you to insert in your question more information.
My primary advice is: try to find any other method of integration than this. Even if you succeed, you'll be hostage to any kinds of changes in the target process, and possibly in the Windows O/S. What you are describing is behaviour most virus scanners should flag and hinder: if not now, then in the future.
That said, you can take a look at DLL injection. However, it sounds as if you're going to have to debug the heck out of the target process at the disassembly level: otherwise, how are you going to know what memory address to read?
I used to know the windows debugging API but it's long lost memory. How about using ollydbg:
And controlling that with both ollydbg script and autoit?
Sounds interesting... but very difficult. Since you say this is a 'one-off', what about something like this instead?
Take a screenshot of this application.
Run the screenshot through an OCR program
If you are able to read the text you are looking for in a predictable way, you're halfway there!
So now if you can read a OCR'd screenshot of your application, it is a simple matter of writing a program that does the following:
Scripts the steps to get the data on the screen
Creates a screenshot of the data in question
Runs it through an OCR program like Microsoft Office Document Imaging
Extracts the relevant text and does 'whatever' with it.
I have done something like this before with pretty good results, but I would say it is a fragile solution. If the application changes, it stops working. If the OCR can't read the text, it stops working. If the OCR reads the wrong text, it might do worse things than stop working...
As the other posters have said, reaching into memory and pulling out data is a pretty advanced topic... kudos to you if you can figure out a way to do that!
I know this may not be a popular answer, due to the nature of what this software is used for, but programs like CheatEngine and ArtMoney allow you to search through all the memory reserved by a process for a given value, then refine the results till you find the address of the value you're looking for.
I learned this initially while trying to learn how to better protect my games after coming across a trainer for one of them, but have found the technique occasionally useful when debugging.
Here is an example of the technique described above in use:

Extracting information from a MAC OS X application

I have a simple problem, I will be straighforward.
Suppose I have a third-party cocoa application running that has a chat box inside. Well, I need to capture the text inside that chat-box in real time from another application and write a logfile in real time with that information.
I am sure there is a way, I just don't know where to start. I have experience with cocoa and objective C, I have some apps in the iphone app store.
Thank you very much
Unless the app is suitably scriptable (e.g. AppleScript) or has some kind of external API then you're not going to be able to do this.
In short: Contact the developer of the application, but don't get your hopes up.
Unfortunately, in this day and age of protected memory and whatnot, we more or less have to be content with what the applications give us to work with.
However: You are not entirely without recourse. Using F-Script you might be able to attach to the process and cause some controller or other to emit notifications that you can capture and log.
Edit: If, as appears to be the case, it's a Carbon application, you are well and truly hosed:
F-script and similar is unlikely to be possible.
Even if it is, trying injection on a Carbon app, that is to say, a C++ app, is likely to be an exercise in futility and disappointment, if not completely impossible.
Seeing as how Carbon is deprecated (and how!), the application is unlikely to be updated with a proper API for that sort of thing.
All of the above.
Reedit: One tiny little aber; it is possible, although unlikely, that you can achieve something using Interface Scripting, but again; I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Guidance : I want to work at Process Information level

I couldn't find a suitable title for this. I'm going to express my query with examples.
Consider following softwares:
Process explorer from sysinternals (an advanced task manager)
Resource Manager : resmon.exe (lists each and every fine detail about resource usage about each process).
For me these softwares seems like miracles. I wonder how these are even made. C'mon how a user process can know such fine details about other processes? Who tells this software, what processes are running and what all resources are utilized? Which dlls are used? etc..
Does windows operating system give these software that information? I mean though (obviously the most lower level api) WIN32API. Are there some functions,which on calling return these values
abstractly say:
GetMemoryUsedByProcess(Process* proc)
Other similar applications are
network Packet Capture software. How does it get information about all those packets? It clearly sits just infront of the NIC card. How is it possible?
Anti-virus: It scans memory for viruses. Intercepts other processes. Acts like a sandbox for the user application space. How? How??
If its WIN32API. I swear, I'm going to master it.
I don't want to create a multi-threaded application. I want to get information about other multithreaded applications.
I don't want to create a program which communicates using sockets. I want to learn how to learn how to capture all communication packets.
I actually want to work at the lower level. But I don't know, what should I learn. Please guide me in proper direction.
This is really a pretty open-ended question. For things like a list of running processes, look up "PSAPI" or "Toolhelp32". For memory information about a particular process, you can use VirtualQuery.
Capturing network packets is normally done by installing a device driver. If you look, you should be able to find a fair amount about how to write device drivers, though don't expect to create wonders overnight, and do expect to crash your machine a few times in the process (device drivers run in kernel mode, so it's easy for a mistake to crash the machine hard).
I can't say as much with any certainty about anti-virus, because I've never tried to write one. My immediate guess would be that their primary technique is API hooking. There's probably more to it than that, but offhand I've never spent enough time looking at them to know what.
Mark Russinovich's classic, Windows Internals, is the go-to book if you want to get deep in this kind of stuff. I notice that the just-released 5th edition includes Vista. Here's a sample chapter to peek at.
If you like Process Explorer, this is the guy who wrote that, and there are lots of examples using it in the book.
Plus, at 1232 hardcover pages, you can use it to press your clothes.

Is it possible to recover keyboard input that was done while Mac OS was starting up?

I wonder if it is possible to figure out what keys user was pressing while his Mac OS was starting up?
Any way will do. As far as I understand it there is no easy way to simply hook an app/script to start working and capturing keystrokes simultaneously along with the OS. But maybe there is a way to some kind of reverse engineer this? Maybe looking into a specific log file or something like that?
Any results will do. Basically what I'm interested in is in finding out, which key the user pressed/held during the OS startup. It may be string, a character code or a hex, doesn't really matter.
UPDATE: guided by Pekka's advice I've found a kernel extension that should do the job. And it, hopefully, will do it, after this follow-up question - Why this keyboard intercepting kernel extension doesn’t work? is answered. :)
I'm no OS guru, but I think very, very, very hardly. I don't suppose stuff like this is automatically recorded anywhere.
I guess you would have to look whether the part of the system that handles the startup keys is somehow accessible, and can be extended to invoke a command defined by you.
The second best thing that comes to mind is for you to write some sort of custom device driver or startup script that gets loaded at startup, and listens to keypress events.
How to approach this depends completely on what point in the boot process you want to check for keys.
If you want to check really early, your only choice is to play with the EFI (firmware) environment -- maybe you could modify rEFIt to do what you want?
After the firmware, control passes to boot.efi (BootX on PPC Macs). This could presumably be replaced/hacked, and I'd expect the source to be available from as part of Darwin, but I don't see it on a quick inspection.
After that, the kernel loads (you could build your own kernel) with a minimal set of cached drivers (you could write a driver, not sure how to get it to be cached, though).
After that, all sorts of things happen more or less at once. Normal drivers get loaded, /etc/rc.local gets run, launchd items in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons and Library/LaunchDaemons become active... If you're willing to wait until this phase of the boot process, you have many options.
It's not just not recorded anywhere, for quite a while during startup there is no keyboard driver. So from the point of view of software, during that interval the keyboard simply doesn't exist.
