Best Alternative for Converting VB6 to run under Windows 8 - windows

I originally (many years ago) wrote my applications using VB6 on the assumption that it was a strategic Microsoft product and so I would be able to run them as long as I wanted. However with Windows 8 it looks like VB6 will not longer be able to run.
What do people think is a good strategic alternative to VB6 as a simple development environment for applications not needing Internet access (they just run on the PC)? I really do not want to have to convert the applications again in the future.

Go for .net , it runs on a "virtual machine" and it seems it will be here for long time to come. The development cycle is similar to VB6.

You can look at PowerBasic Compiler for Windows + PowerBasic Forms 2.0...

Delphi is an option and depending on how complex your programs are there are some conversion tools available.

Alternatives abound, and choosing a good one is hard enough. Forget finding a "best" one.
Some people like Jabaco, which has the advantage of targeting multiple platforms.

VB6 SP6 run perfectly on 8 full version, some kb update will stop system info and rtf tools from loading, so be careful if in case you app uses them, when doing some kb updates be careful and reimage your system regularly.


Is Visual Studio 2010 beta 1 usable?

I saw that Beta 1 of VS2010 was publicly availible.
My question to those of you who has tried it is: does it work good?
Will it cause my computer to blow up in tiny pieces? Will it crash randomly? Will it work with some minor glitches? Or is it just perfect from bottom up?
I'm only coding school- and hobby-stuff, so nothing that someones life depend upon, but i still want software that works. How close to a final product is it? Is it worth trying?
It's a bit slow, and there's no offline MSDN, but it's worth trying IMO. Having said that it's slow, I still use it on my NC10 netbook, so it's clearly not that bad :)
I've got it side-by-side VS2008, and that hasn't caused any problems.
I've seen a couple of glitches (once the keyboard handling went completely wonky) but it's certainly usable. The main question is what you want to get out of trying it - in my case I absolutely need to code against C# 4 to explore the new features. I do most of that from the command line in fact, where the speed of VS obviously isn't an issue, but it's nice to see the VS-specific features as well (like the debug threading views for Parallel Extensions).
It seems more or less usable on the .NET side. The C++ side is a bit more sketchy. On one hand, they've added support for some very nice new C++0x features, on the other, they've broken some absolute fundamentals.
Your plain old main function won't compile in 32-bit with unicode enabled. (Workarounds: Either compile as 64-bit, disable unicode, or rename the function to wmain).
This seems to me to be a strong hint that the C++ side of things is nowhere near release-worthy. I'd probably wait for beta2 before doing any serious work with that.
I would say it is great, but the performance hurts a bit.
Here is an idea for you: Install it into a VirtualPC. Then you can play and not care what it does. You don't like it, delete the VPC image and keep on trucking. That is how I play with Microsoft betas now. I never install them on any real machine - too risky.
Usable: Yes.
Recommended: Not if you'r a touchpad-addict or dislike crashing apps.
I've been trying it for 2 weeks now coding small C#-projects and these are my impressions
Reasons to use 2010:
Looks good
Multi monitor support
I can see myself using the code templating but right now i couldnt find any really useful stuff except for reducing the fontsize of comments.
Zoom in the editor
Select a variable and then press shift+up/down to go to next usage of this variable
Ctrl+, brings up instant search of classes and functions in the entire project. (i've become really addicted to this)
Floating watches for single objects
Reasons to not use 2010:
TOUCHPAD SCROLL DOESN'T WORK IN THE EDITOR!!! (this is reason enough to not upgrade if you are using it on a laptop)
I've had some random app-crashes in the middle of just writing code, once or twice per day maybe.
UI sometimes freezes randomly for about 30seconds and then returns to normal.
It started to use 100% CPU power from one of my cores once when it was minimized in basic editing-mode and i was doing other stuff in other programs, i only noticed it because the fan started to go wild.
Otherwhise it's pretty similar to 2008. I haven't noticed any difference in speed like other people say.
You need to ask yourself: what is the advantage for you in using VS2010 over VS2008? I would suggest that there is no advantage if all you are doing is "school- and hobby-stuff".
I'm still using VS2008 for business related stuff (and, indeed, VC6 for some stuff). I prefer to wait until all the early adopters have tested it (and Microsoft has released at least one service pack after the real product release) before I do their testing for them.
It seems to co-exist with other versions of VS without causing any problems.
Regarding the slowness - it seems to be the UI that is slow, rather than building. Once it's going it doesn't seem much slower on my fast quadcore. I've yet to try it on my laptop.
It's usable enough, the small glitches that I've encounter weren't that bad. However, certain VS extensions(like XNA) don't work in VS2010 at the moment.
It's fun to toy with. Not usable for me, cause re#er does not support it yet (had to install TestDriven .NET which works through keyboard shortcuts only to run my tests).
Gave me an insight how addicted I am. :/
Btw, on Win7, without virtual pc it seemed even faster than vs2008 for me.
VS2010 doesn't yet support mobile device projects, which might or might not matter to you.
VC++ wise - VS2010 has a built-in 64-bit compiler, VS2008 does not.
You can supposedly add 64-bit support to VS2008, but it takes some effort.
I've been using VS 2010 beta (with .NET 4.0 beta) on Windows 7 RC. I've been trying to rewrite parts of a large-scale business application in it to see what can be done with it.
The UI freezes frequently. I'm talking 1-10 minutes between freezes. The UI does not come back, so I'm forced to kill devenv.exe every time it happens. Microsoft probably puts my error reports in their spam folder by now.
For me, VS 2010 beta 1 classifies as unusable. However, it's fast, the new IDE functions are very handy, and it's pretty. I keep coming back to it despite my resolutions to wait for a stable build.

How Soon Should I Start Getting My Program Ready for Windows 7?

Microsoft already has a Windows 7 Beta Customer Preview Program on their MSDN site where they encourage us to: "Evaluate and jump-start your development efforts on Windows 7 Beta".
Do you feel it is worthwhile to spend my time now re Windows 7, or should I wait a few releases, or even until after Windows 7 is released?
What are the advantages and disadvantages to starting this early?
As Paul said, there's absolutely no reason not to start now. What you fix now is something less to fix later - and you also get the benefit of having an application that is deployable on an OS that over 2.5m people are expected to download and install over the next few weeks.
Of course, you can expect to run the risk of having to make minor adjustments to your program as bug fixes are implement, or as new features are rolled out, but what you do now will still save you time - even if it just saves you having to become familiar with any platform-specific constraints further down the line, when pressures from potential clients, customers, etc. will be significantly higher.
I've installed windows 7 on two computer. So far, there has only been one small issue (the software did not find a USB device). I ran the compatibility wizard and now it works fine.
They have made it easy enough for a end user to take care of.
It's basically Vista 6.2. Lots of good improvements but not a new operating system. So it's no rush to test,
I've downloaded the Windows 7 beta and will be installing it into a VM shortly.
There's really no reason not to check your stuff on it now. It's way better for you to find and fix any problems before your users do.

Is Windows Vista worth considering when developing for Windows XP?

Quite a few comments to answers in a different post, Where are the best locations to write an error log in Windows?, gave me the impression that a lot of things regarding standard folders (%APPDATA%; %TEMP%) in Windows Vista are different from Windows XP, which should of course be taken into account when developing software that will have to run under Windows at some point.
But in my company, I do not see that happen in this decade, and maybe not in the next either. I mean, the central IT deployed SP2 only eight months ago, and any question about SP3 is met with disregard (well, if you're lucky...)
So what is your advice? Should I rewrite two modules in my current project to make them ready for Windows Vista, or should I not bother about it at all, until it is really needed?
Make them Vista-ready, if only for the fact that Windows 7 will have the same changes. Better to future-proof now when you have the chance, than later when time is critical.
Personally, I'd have a quick look at the effort level of what it would take to enable "Vista Support" in your application.
If the effort levels are acceptable based on the allotted time to make changes in your project then it's good to account for the future in any design.
You know your implementation better than anyone!
We've had some issues in-house here with shortcuts and such as they were generated in an older installation suite. It's the little things that we are currently addressing in getting our Vista Support fully up and running. I'm sure there will be some "unforeseen" obstacles you will come across as well.
Best of luck!
The big thing for supporting Windows Vista in most desktop applications is to use references like your %APPDATA% rather than hard-coding paths. That should resolve any changed folder locations. And don't do anything that requires write access in your program's install folder.
Interestingly, these rules are true for Windows XP, too. It's just that in the past it was a lot easier to get away with breaking them.
There is no need to hurry. So far it is not critical, and who knows what next the version of Windows would look like.
Since you can't foresee an OS upgrade in the near future, don't worry too much about it. You should, however, keep the potential for an OS upgrade in mind whenever you're changing code. If anything is OS-specific in a section of code when you make changes, tweak it so that it is either OS-independent or easy to locate and modify later to make it OS-independent (depending on how long it would take to update it).
If you get into a situation where you're just tackling lesser issues, consider specifically aiming your fixes towards areas that you know (or suspect might) have code that would need to be adjusted if your company upgraded to Vista or Windows 7.
Don't bother, Windows 7 is coming out relatively soon, you'd be best off waiting to see what changes they make to support that! Last thing you want is to spend time fixing things for Vista..... and then fixing them all over again for Windows 7.
If you planning on upgrading your software for Windows Vista, check out Windows Logo Program, Requirements for the Windows Vista Logo Program for Software (Microsoft Word document, 183 KB, file name Windows Vista Software Logo Spec 1.1.doc).
Is your company going to upgrade to Windows Vista at all? A lot of companies are ignoring Windows Vista and are planning to upgrade to the next Windows version when it comes out in the hopes that it will suck less than Windows Vista. If this is the case, it would be a complete waste of time. Who knows what will change in the next version of Windows. It is better to rewrite once for the new Windows than to rewrite once for Windows Vista and then again for the next Windows version.

Has anyone tried their software with ReactOS yet?

The Free MS Windows replacement operating system ReactOS has just released a new version. They have a large and active development team.
Have you tried your software with it yet?
if so what is your recommendation?
Is it time to start investigating it as a serious Windows replacement?
Targeting ReactOS specifically is a bit too narrow IMO -- perhaps a better focus is to target compatibility with WINE. Because ReactOS shares so many of its usermode DLLs with WINE, targeting WINE should result in the app running just fine on ReactOS.
Of course, there will always be things that WINE can't emulate well (hence the need for ReactOS). In this way, it seems that if something runs in WINE, it will run in ReactOS, whereas the fact that something runs in ReactOS doesn't mean that it will necessarily run in WINE.
Targeting WINE is well documented, perhaps easier to test, and by definition, should make your app compatible with ReactOS as a matter of course. In this way, you're not only gathering the rather large user base of current WINE users, but you're future-proofing yourself for whenever anyone wants to use your app with ReactOS.
In their homepage, at the Tour you can see a partial list of office, tools and games that already run OK (or more or less) at ReactOS. If you subscribe to the newsletter, you'll receive info about much more - for instance, I was quite surprised when I read most SQL Server 2000 tools actually work on ReactOS!! Query Analyzer, OSQL and Books Online work fine, Enterprise Manager and Profiler are buggy and the DBMS won't work at all.
At a former workplace (an all MS shop) we investigated seriously into it as a way to reduce our expenditure in licenses whilst keeping our in-house developed apps. Since it couldn't run MSDE fine, we had to abandon the project - hope in the future this will be solved and my ex-coworkers can push it again.
These announcements might as well be also on their homepage - I couldn't find them after 5 mins. of searching, though. Probably the easiest way to know all these compatibility issues is to join the newsletter, or look for its archives.
I have been tracking this OS' progress for quite some time. I believe it has all the potential to really bring an OSS operating system to the masses for it breaks the "chicken and egg" problem: it has applications and drivers from the very beginning (since it aims to have full ABI compatibility with MS Windows).
Just wait for their first beta, I won't be surprised if they surpass Linux in popularity really soon after that...
Post Edit: Found it! Look at section Support Database, it's the web place to go look for whether a particular piece of hardware of some program works on ReactOS.
ReactOS has been under development for a long long time.
They were in some hot water earlier because some of their code appeared to be line by line dissasembly of some NT kernel code, I think they have replaced all of it.
I wouldn't bother with cross platform testing until they hit the same market penetration as Linux, which I would wager is never.
Until ReactOS doesn't randomly crash just sitting there within 5 minutes of booting, I won't worry about testing my code on it. Don't get me wrong, I like ReactOS, but it's just not stable enough for any meaningful testing yet!
No, I do not think it is time to start thinking of it as a Windows replacement.
As the site states, it's still in the Alpha stages. More importantly, whos Windows replacement? Yours? Your users? The former is one thing, the latter is categorically a no-go.
As an aside, I'm not really sure who this OS is targetting. It has to be people who rely on Windows software but don't want to pay, because people who simply don't want Windows can use MacOS / Linux, and the support (community or otherwise) for these choices is good.
Moreover, if you use Linux you already have some amounts of Windows software support via Wine.
Back to people who rely on Windows software but don't want to pay. If they are home users they can just simply pirate it, if they are large business users they already have support contracts and trained people etc. It's hard enough for large businesses to be OK to update to new versions of Windows, let alone an open source replacement.
So I suppose that leaves small businesses who don't want to obtain illegal copies of MS software, can't afford the OS licences and rely on software that only runs on Windows and has bad of non-existent Wine compatibility.
It is a useful replacement for Windows when it runs 'your' software without crashing. At the moment it is not a general purpose os as it is too unstable (being only alpha) but people have used ReactOS successfully in anger for specific tasks already. As a windows replacement it has multiple potential uses, sandbox systems, test and development systems, multiple virtual instances, embedded devices, even packaging/bundling legacy apps with their own compatible o/s. Driver and application compatibility, freed from Microsoft's policy of planned obsolescence and regular GUI renewal, what's not to like?

Migrating from Stingray Objective Toolkit

We have a collection of commercial MFC/C++ applications which we sell using Stingray Objective Toolkit, we have source code license and have ported it in the past to Solaris/IRIX/HP-UX/AIX using Bristol Technologies WindU (Windows API on UNIX, including MFC).
Any long story short recently about 18 months ago we ported Stingray to Win64, but a long a tedious task, during this time I did some research on commercial and open source alternative MFC extension libraries things like Ultimate Toolbox and Prof-UIS.
Has anyone else used Stingray and moved to an alternative?
If so which one would you suggest?
What were the main perils of the move?
Yes, we haved moved away from Stingray. It depends on what Stingray components you are using. For the grid control, you can use the free MFC gridcontrol from or the commercial one from The free one is OK but development has stalled, so no modern UI rendering etc.
The 'layout editor' Stingray component can be replaced by the one from, but I don't have experience with that - we rewrote the functionality we needed from that on our own (it was only a subset of what Stingray provided).
As for alternative MFC toolboxes, I suggest bcgsoft because part of their toolbox is in the Visual Studio Feature Pack so it's free and fits very well with VS. I have looked at Ultimate Toolbox (stay away from it, stale code that isn't updated anymore) and Prof-UIs (OK but I found it not so easy to integrate).
Now that BCG is part of the 'official' MFC I don't see a reason to choose something else than BCG (except for maybe the cost, if you need a free alternative you can look at codeproject).
I have limited experience with Stingray.
However, I want to suggest trying CodeJock's Xtreme Toolkit Pro ( Its GUI is very good and its supported very well.
I have been using Stingray for last eight years or so, and have looked at moving off it a couple of times. So far, I've decided against, principally because I have ported a version to Windows CE & Mobile and don't see much else giving the same solution on this platform. While Stingray isn't perfect, they have now got a 64bit version, and it's a pretty stable product.
What I am doing, is replacing the very weak areas of Stingray, such as the XML support, with alternatives. In this case I went with Expat for performance reasons.
The perils of moving? You could go from something stable but old fashioned to pretty but flakey ;) In my case, I would also kill a fair number of my automated test scripts that work at GUI level.
Edit: Just to add a bit to the above, I moved from VS2003 to VS2008 this week and at the same time Objective Studio 2006 v2 to Objective Studio 10.1. The transition was pretty seamless, with one minor glitch that was promptly handled by RogueWave tech support. Even this would have gone unnoticed if we didn't have a very extensive GUI regression test suite. IMO, Stingray is a very mature, well supported, feature rich and most importantly stable product. I for won't be moving of it any time soon without very good reason.
