How to configure IE proxying for the local system account? [closed] - windows

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Closed 11 years ago.
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See Server Fault: How do I configure proxy settings for LOCAL SYSTEM?
I have a Windows service that needs to start up IE with certain proxy settings (e.g. host name and port). If the service is configured to run as some normal user (e.g. me), I can ensure the required IE proxy configuration by programmatically setting the following values in the "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" registry key:
ProxyServer = myserver:9999
ProxyEnable = 0x1
ProxyOverride = (delete)
However if the service is configured to log on using the local system account, setting those registry values seems to have no effect on IE.
Is there a programmatic way to configure IE proxying for the local system account? Ideally I'd like a method that works both for that account and for normal users, to keep my program simple.
In case you're wondering why a service needs to start a browser, the program being run as a service is the Hudson continuous integration server, which in turn is configured to run some browser-based automated acceptance tests of a web application (using Sahi).
STOP PRESS: Since adding the bounty, I've discovered this is an exact duplicate of, which has an accepted answer, so a bounty is no longer applicable. Can I (or an admin) delete the bounty and get my rep back? Also, it doesn't seem possible to close a StackOverflow question as being a duplicate of a ServerFault question.

This is an exact duplicate of, which has an accepted answer.


How to cache every call made for an offline web experience [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm going up to the mountains with no internet connection to present something. I'd like to be able to use interactive examples since I'll be presenting on a certain website.
So is there a way I can set up a proxy caching server or something to cache every call made in order to have a fully cached website experience with no internet connection?
I've looked at but I'm not sure how it works or how to use it.
You might want to try something like this. It might be a lot more work than the steps below, but this could be a good starting point.
Create a local proxy server along with memcache or redis
Update the browser proxy settings to use your proxy server details
Make the local server look for the url in the redis server.
If found, return the data in the redis server
Else, do a web request and store the data in the redis server
You'll have to do this manually for the pages that you want while you have the internet connection. Once you've got all the data you need, you can work without the internet connection too.
If the pages are essentially static then you could use something like HTTrack to make an offline copy
If there's anything requiring server side interaction or dynamic generation of pages you're most likely going to need to run your own local instance of the server.

Web Page based Winsock [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a web page based version of vb6's Winsock?
I want a web page to send a message to a vb6 program on a different PC.
Any Examples would be great help, thank you
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: You could create a VB6 ActiveX control, but it would be impractical to use due to security lockdown in most IE instalaltions and lack of support in alternative contrarian browsers.
Real answer: You are probably going to look at using some sort of scriptable HTTP Request component (such as XmlHttpRequest) though you must consider cross-domain request security even then. The "VB program on a different PC" would need to be an HTTP server or run under one via classic ASP, as a CGI application, etc.
And of course there would need to be a path from the client web page to the server (i.e. you have firewall and NAT issues to address) in any case.

process-specific /etc/hosts [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm developing a service that talks to other services. To test these interaction, I have a fake http server. I'm using node.js and test via http requests. The tests are running external to the process, so I cannot (and don't want to) mock the request/response.
So far, I have an environment variable that allows me to switch hosts within the service itself. However, I cannot base the fake request/response on the hostname.
I also run a development version of the service that interacts with the real external services. I could programmatically change /etc/hosts during the test run, as I probably won't be "using" the development service while running tests, but I'd rather keep the purity of the test sandbox.
Ideally, I'd like to have a version of /etc/hosts apply only to the process. This would allow the fake http server to also glean the intended host of the request.
I'm also open to different approaches to achieving the test hostname sandbox.
/etc/hosts is used among other things by gethostbyname(), a system call that is actually performing the resolving.
There's no easy way to do it the way you want it.
How about a local DNS server with fake names/addresses?
This will work for a lot of implementations but it may not be feasible for you. You have a UNIX/OSX tag, so:
You have to put your process in what amounts to a chroot jail. chroot changes the root / to be some other location, ex.: /localroot.
You can then create your version of hosts under /localroot/etc/hosts. It is seen by the chrooted process as /etc/hosts
There is a lot of information on how to set one up on the web. And any user account you create is "locked" in there.
I cannot find basic OSX chroot information, this is more advanced, and is meant primarily for sftp users.:

Can't run a service under an account which has no password? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I can start the service correctly if the service's "Log on" account has a password. But when I remove the user password and try again, I got the error:
"Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure"
Can't a service runs under an account with empty password?
By default all modern versions of Windows have a Local Security policy that restricts users with blank passwords to logging on at the local console only. In other words, a user with a blank password must physically be at the computer in order to log on. The user cannot log on as a service, as a batch user, over a network, etc.
This can be changed by changing the policy under Local Policies -> Security Options. Or by changing the LimitBlankPasswordUse value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa to zero.
But, and this is very important, this will set up a serious hole in your security since users with blank passwords will now be able to log on remotely and blank passwords are pretty easy to guess. I can't think of any reason to have a service run under an account with no password, so my recommendation would be - don't do it.
What version of Windowss? I believe under Windows XP at least, a service can't be run as a user with a blank password.
If you've time spare, you could try setting things like "allow interaction with desktop" on the service, and "allow log on a service" for the user.
But I think you'd be better with a password, for several reasons. Why don't you want one?

blocking website via hosts file not working? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm trying to block a website using the hosts file using this tutorial :
but It doesn't work, the website I'v blocked In this case facebook still shows up, please can anyone help me out here?
link textI could not access the link (blocked in office) but i think this may help you edit your host file
"“WWW” has become the universal standard for the default host. It is just as common to define a site with no host as well. This means that as far as DNS goes & are two totally different sites, even though they resolve to the same place. Because of this to effectively block the site, you must also block all hosts. This would usually mean:"
check the link for more details.
Also i you trying to block multiple sites, its better to have a proper software like proxy server or firewalls which can block access to particular sites.
I think Kavitesh Singh made the most important point: Blocking the domain with and without www. this is the most common reason for an entry not working.
Also, not all browsers immediately react to changes in the hosts file. Have you tried re-starting your browser and / or system?
