UAC giving problems with my application - vb6

i was making an installer for my app its working fine on xp but on vista the UAC is giving problem unless i do a run as administrator the Unexpected error appears when i run my app afters installation, any idea?
i am installing the application in C:\xfolder\x

There is nothing you can do. You MUST run the installer as administrator.
As for the application, you will also need to run it as administrator with elevated priviledges but thre are options to make it ask automatically for elevation via application manifest. You can do a search on because there are more post related to this issue.
Here is a link to a post that might help.
Here are a couple more usefull link on app manifest and UAC:
App Manifest (1)
App Manifest (2)
UAC technology.
They are in C# but then again translating to is like a walk in the park.
You can make a windows service. And put all operations that require elevated rights into that service. You install the service as SYSTEM account and you communicate with the client via .net remoting or any other way for vb6.

if your app exe is an active x exe then you will need to register all the ocx file using regsvr command and then register your exe with regsvr32 command, for an active class to be used in win vista it first must be registered. make a batch to do these registration.


Automatically elevate Windows setup to admin mode

We have legacy desktop native app with custom setup. The setup is signed and must be run as administrator. Current prod setup EXE that was built and signed 5 years ago is automatically elevated and run as admin on Windows 7 or 8. The setup we rebuilt now and is also signed with different cert and has the same name as old one is not automatically elevated to admin and therefore fails.
What makes Windows to run the setup EXE automatically as admin?
Signing is not related to admin privileges, so don't worry about it in that respect.
To expand on Harry Johnson's comment (which is correct), early versions of UAC on Windows used to automatically elevate programs that looked like setup programs. I don't know the exact algorithm used, but programs with setup or install in the names or descriptions were elevated. That doesn't happen any more, and on UAC programs run by admins are not elevated unless they explicitly elevate with a manifest or a run as administrator.
Without knowing where that setup.exe comes from, if you build it. or it comes with a version of a setup tool (Visual Studio?) then it's hard to say how to fix it.
If this happens to be an MSI-based install then the MSI will ask for elevation if it's marked that way. It's not clear from the question which part of the setup requires elevation, but if it's setup.exe that actually does the install, then all of it needs elevation and it needs an elevation manifest.

Handling admin rights in mixed user/admin windows app

My MFC app usually runs with admin rights, however, there is one operation which needs admin privileges (activation of the software where the status must be saved to HKLM).
For now, I created two .exe files: The ordinary app and "Activation.exe" which must run as admin and has requestedExecutionLevel=requireAdministrator in the Manifest. The activation is started with a button which makes ShellExecute(Activation.exe).
However, both applications share lots of code so I would like to merge the two exe into one exe. But how do I make sure then that specific parts of the code are executed with admin privileges? This method should/must be compatible down to NT4.
One idea is to integrate the functionality of Activation.exe in the main exe using a switch (e.g. "myapp.exe -activate"). A small bootstrapper makes sure that it can only run as admin (requireAdministrator in Manifest) and does nothing more than ShellExec(myapp.exe -activate). But is this really the best way?
I don't know if it's the best way (no-one answered) but I did that now :) The bootstrapper has just requireAdministrator in the Manifest and does a ShellExecute to the main executeable with switch "/Activate" ...
I would typically use a call to ShellExecuteEx with a verb of runas to launch any executable as administrator, even if it's manifested asInvoker.
Note that on systems where UAC has been disabled, the resulting launch may not receive administrator privileges; I believe this caveat also applies to the approach of launching an exe manifested requireAdministrator.

How to run a process as an administrator from Win32 \C++

I have a console application written in c#, which downloads a file to program files. So of course it needs to run as admin. This program gets called from a Win32 C++ application which almost certainly is not running as administrator
What are my options. How can I get this to work on UAC and non UAC enabled boxes ( I don't know if there needs to be separate solution in each case )
Oh and the console app is in .NET 2.0
On a machine with UAC you need to include a manifest resource to specify that you want the process to run as administrator.
On a machine without UAC you will simply have to instruct your users that they need to run it as a user in the administrators group. Almost all users of XP (the version that you will most commonly encounter without UAC) are in the administrators group so you won't encounter many problems.
I never tried it, but this can probably be done using the
CreateProcessAsUser Function.

Running application with administrator privilege

I have made an application that copy the vb components to the system32 folder of the windows and register those components with “regsvr32”. It works well in Window XP, but in Windows Vista and Windows7 it can’t perform its task without right clicking the application .exe file and selecting “Run as administrator”. Is there any code in vb that automatically allows the application .exe file to run as administrator?
To do precisely what you ask you can add an application manifest that specifies an execution level of "requireAdministrator" within it. However this means the application will always run elevated, and the user will also have to provide admin credentials or approve elevated execution for every run (UAC prompt).
Please just do things the right way.
I'm going to second Bob's excellent comment above and suggest that you use a tool like Inno Setup (it's free) to build a proper installer. One of the benefits of using a proper setup tool is that the setup application can request to the OS to run with administrative privileges without using external files and manifests to make that happen. The setup.exe that you build will have the necessary code built in to ask the OS for elevated privilege.
In windows 7, we can go to the properties of the file or an application exe file and then "Compatibility" tab. Then check the "Run this program as an administrator".
It will force the application to be executed under the administrator privilege.
I used this and my problem was solved.

Windows 7 folder sharing API

I wonder if it's possible to programmaticaly share folders in Windows 7 while running in restricted logon session:
1) NetShareAdd returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
2) Command line net share says the same.
3) But explorer has no problems creating new shares without invoking UAC. How does it do that?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
UAC in windows 7 is less strict than it was in Vista. Windows 7 regards Explorer as a trusted application so it will silently create the share without a UAC prompt (you can change this behavior in the Control Panel).
Your application isn't a trusted one (OK, you trust it, but the operating system does not). Probably you also don't explicitly demand administrator rights in your application. In that case Windows 7 treats your program as unprivileged and refuses access, that why the error message.
A solution could be adding a manifest to your program requesting an ExecutingLevel of requireAdministratior. See for example Demand UAC elevation for an application by adding a manifest. But then your whole application runs as administrator. There are some more granular solutions.
