I've recently had to make a change to a core module that means that my error pages are sent using HTTP 1.0 and the rest of my site is HTTP 1.1. Background is here and here. I've seen advice that indicates that making one site speak different versions of HTTP for different pages is a Bad Idea, eg here, but they don't say what can go wrong. It seems like http 1.1 offers some performance improvements in the form of allowing persistent connections and better caching, which are things I wouldn't want to lose if I can avoid it for some of my pages... hence the mixing of http versions.
Am I headed towards disaster? Or alternatively, is the performance improvement of http 1.1 actually small enough that I should consider ditching it for the sake of better practice?
I've recently had to make a change to a core module
Don't do that! If it's in any way possible, roll a module. If there is a problem with the core, please submit a patch (it will help other developers, and also make it easier for you to keep current).
The HTTP issue is a tricky one. As you have said, HTTP 1.1 adds persistent connections and things like that, which your browser may decide to use on your website. How a browser behaves if a website suddenly sends out an HTTP 1.0 I do not know, nor what happens if an HTTP 1.0 response is sent over a persistent connection.
However, the background questions you linked are for a very specific situation - where a reverse proxy (nginx) is in front of your site. If this is the case, read on:
The only agent accessing your site directly is nginx. As long as nginx works, you don't have a problem. There is no benefit to serving your website to nginx as HTTP 1.1 because it only supports 1.0 for proxying. However, nginx will transparently handle connections to your users as HTTP 1.1 - i.e. they can use persistent connections etc, while nginx is setting up and tearing down connections to the backend in the background.
My advice would therefore be, knock your entire website down to HTTP 1.0, and verify that nginx is still serving it as HTTP 1.1. You might find that the 404 header is still escaping, but I think nginx will properly capture and handle that, too. Test and find out!
In the HTTP/2 chapter in the High Performance Browser Networking book, there is a mention that
all existing applications can be delivered without modification.
Existing application using HTTP/1.1 use a request line, like POST /upload HTTP/1.1.
I think some code in our application should instead move the request line to a header frame. That means our application should consider the change from request line to header frame and deal with data frames as well.
Isn't that a modification?
This assumes your application is abstracted away from the raw HTTP implementation - as most applications are.
For example, let's assume you have created a Javascript web application (e.g. Angular), that talks through REST APIs to a web server (e.g. Apache), which proxies requests to a backend server (e.g. Node.js).
By adding HTTP/2 to the Apache Webserver your website and web application should benefit from HTTP/2 and be downloaded faster without any changes to your code. This despite the fact that your application (at both the front end Angular app and the back end Node.js server) likely uses a lot of HTTP semantics (e.g. Methods like GET and POST, headers... etc.). The web browser and web server should handle all the HTTP/2 stuff for you with no requirement to change your code or realise that you are using a different version of HTTP than what you originally write this app for as, fundamentally the concepts of HTTP have not changed even if the delivery method on the wire has.
Of course if you are writing at a lower level, and directly reading the bytes from the HTTP request then this may not be the case. But in most cases, unless you are writing a web server or browser, you will be going through a library and not looking at the direct request line and/or HTTP/2 frames.
Additionally, as the author of that book states above and below this quote, while changes will not be necessary in most cases to keep the application functioning, to get the most out of HTTP/2 may require changes to stop using HTTP/1.1 optimisations and learn new HTTP/2 optimisations.
To elaborate on BazzaDP's answer, from an application standpoint running on a web application framework, nothing changes. Those frameworks provide an abstraction of the underlying HTTP innards.
For example ASP.NET running on IIS provides a Request and Response object to the developer.
You can still use those objects' properties like Request.Headers or Response.Body, even though in HTTP/2 jargon those are called and transported different from HTTP/1.x.
The web server itself or the application framework running on top of it will handle the translation from network traffic to that object's properties and vice versa.
I am managing a shop that forces HTTPs on the register/login/account/checkout pages, but that's it, and I've been trying to convince people to force HTTPs on everything.
I know that it's recommended to use HTTPs everywhere, but not sure why.
Are there any good reasons to keep part of the site on HTTP ?
One good reason is that page perfomance has a massive impact on sales (there's lots of published studies) and SSL has a BIG imact on performance - particularly if it's not tuned right.
But running a mixed SSL and non-SSL is full of pitfalls for the unwary...
Exactly which pages you put inside SSL has a big impact on security too though - suppose you send a login form using HTTP with a POST target which is HTTPS - a trivial analysis would suggest this is secure - but in fact an MITM could modify the login page to send the post elsewhere or inject some ajax to fork a request to a different location.
Further with mixed HTTP and HTTPS you've got the problem of transferring sessions securely - the user fills their session-linked shopping basket outside the SSL site, then pays for it inside the SSL site - how do you prevent session fixation problems in the transition?
Hence I'd only suggest running a mixed site if you've got really expert skills in HTTP - and since you're asking this question here, that rather implies you don't.
A compromise solution is to use SPDY. SPDY requires SSL but makes most sites (especially ones that have not been heavily performance optimized) much faster. Currently it's not supported by MSIE - and (last time I checked) is not enabled by default in Firefox. But it's likely to make up a large part of HTTP/2.0 any time soon.
Using (good) CDNs over HTTPS also mitigates much of the performance impact of SSL.
There's really no need to use HTTPS on the whole website. Using HTTPS will cause the server to consume more resources as it has to do extra work to encrypt and decrypt the connection, not to mention extra steps/handshake in negotiating algorithms etc.
If you have a heavy traffic website, the performance hit can be quite big.
This will also mean a slow response time then using plain on HTTP.
You should only really use HTTPS on the parts of the site you actually need to be secure, such as when ever the user send important information to your site, completes forms, logs in, private parts of the site etc.
One other issue can be if you use resources from none secure URLS, maybe images/scripts hosted elsewhere. If they are not available over HTTPS then your visitors will get a warning about an insecure connection.
You also need to realise the fact HTTPS data/pages will hardly ever get cached. this will also add a performance penalty.
So, we have nginx + spdy running for our SSL requests / responses.
All works good.
Unfortunately, spdy is SSL only at this point.
Now, our service is fairly ajax heavy.
We have the option of fairly quickly making the required changes so the requests are sent to our ssl handler and our ssl handler reverse proxies them to where they need to go.
Does spdy really speed things up that much? Would it be worth spending what will probably be a couple of hours to make chrome / latest firefox send our ajax requests to our ssl handler and have our ssl handler reverse proxy them where they need to go?
a) This will only be active for a select group of white listed browsers (eg: chrome latest / firefox latest). Fairly simple js change there.
b) Yes, we know how to make http -> https ajax requests on these white listed browsers.
c) From our fairly extensive testing, the nginx + spdy combo works quite well. So yes, we know its slightly alpha/beta at this point. A small risk we are willing to take.
d) Bare in mind, our service is 90%+ ajax. Only initial entry is served via non-ajax, all other 'page views' are handled via ajax. So this has the potential to speed things up quite a bit for a large subset of our users.
Short answer: Hell yes.
Long answer: It depends. https://www.phusionpassenger.com is heavy on images. Loading the front page takes a lot of requests. By switching from plain HTTP to SPDY we reduced loading time by 25% because the browser can download more assets with fewer roundtrips. However SPDY requires recent Chrome and Firefox versions. In our case, most of our users are technical users so that's not a problem. If your visitors are mostly MSIE, or if you don't load assets in a way that would benefit from parallelism, then SPDY will not help you much. In all other cases SPDY is great.
I have a site that is being polled rather hard for the JSON representation of the same resources from multiple clients (browsers, other applications, unix shell scripts, python scripts, etc).
I would like to add some caching such that some of the resources are cached within the server for a configurable amount of time, to avoid the CPU hit of handling the request and serialising the resource to JSON. I could of course cache them myself within the handlers, but would then take the serialisation hit on every request, and would have to modify loads of handlers too.
I have looked at the openrasta-caching module but think this is only for controlling the browser cache?
So any suggestions for how I can get openrasta to cache the rendered representation of the resource, after the codec has generated it?
openrasta-caching does have preliminary support for server-side caching, with an API you can map to the asp.net server-side cache, using the ServerCaching attribute. That said it's not complete, neither is openrasta-caching for that matter. It's a 0.2 that would need a couple of days of work to make it to a good v1 that completely support all the scenarios I wanted to support that the asp.net caching infrastructure doesn't currently support (mainly, make the caching in OpenRasta work exactly like an http intermediary rather than an object and .net centric one as exists in asp.net land, including client control of the server cache for those times you want the client to be allowed to force the server to redo the query). As I currently have no client project working on caching it's difficult to justify any further work on that plugin, so I'm not coding anything for it right now. I do have 4 days free coming up though, so DM me if you want openrasta-caching to be bumped to 0.3 with whatever requirements you have in that that would fit 4 days of work.
You can implement something simpler using an IOperationInterceptor and plugging in the asp.net pipeline using that, or be more web-friendly and implement your caching out of process using squid and rely on openrasta-caching for generating the correct http caching instructions.
That said, for your problem, you may not even need server caching if the cost is in json. If you map a last modified or an Etag to what the handler returns, it'll generate correctly a 304 where appropriate, and bypass json rendering alltogether, provided your client does conditional requests (and it should).
There's also a proposed API to allow you to further optimize your API by doing a first query on last modified/etag to return the 304 without retrieving any data.
I have a site that works very well when everything is in HTTPS (authentication, web services etc). If I mix http and https it requires more coding (cross domain problems).
I don't seem to see many web sites that are entirely in HTTPS so I was wondering if it was a bad idea to go about it this way?
Edit: Site is to be hosted on Azure cloud where Bandwidth and CPU usage could be an issue...
EDIT 10 years later: The correct answer is now to use https only.
you lose a lot of features with https (mainly related to performance)
Proxies cannot cache pages
You cannot use a reverse proxy for performance improvement
You cannot host multiple domains on the same IP address
Obviously, the encryption consumes CPU
Maybe that's no problem for you though, it really depends on the requirements
HTTPS decreases server throughput so may be a bad idea if your hardware can't cope with it. You might find this post useful. This paper (academic) also discusses the overhead of HTTPS.
If you have HTTP requests coming from a HTTPS page you'll force the user to confirm the loading of unsecure data. Annoying on some websites I use.
This question and especially the answers are OBSOLETE. This question should be tagged: <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> so that it no longer appears in search results.
To make THIS answer relevant:
Google is now penalizing website search rankings when they fail to use TLS/https. You will ALSO be penalized in rankings for duplicate content, so be careful to serve a page EITHER as http OR https BUT NEVER BOTH (Or use accurate canonical tags!)
Google is also aggressively indicating insecure connections which has a negative impact on conversions by frightening-off would-be users.
This is in pursuit of a TLS-only web/internet, which is a GOOD thing. TLS is not just about keeping your passwords secure — it's about keeping your entire world-facing environment secure and authentic.
The "performance penalty" myth is really just based on antiquated obsolete technology. This is a comparison that shows TLS being faster than HTTP (however it should be noted that page is also a comparison of encrypted HTTP/2 HTTPS vs Plaintext HTTP/1.1).
It is fairly easy and free to implement using LetsEncrypt if you don't already have a certificate in place.
If you DO have a certificate, then batten down the hatches and use HTTPS everywhere.
TL;DR, here in 2019 it is ideal to use TLS site-wide, and advisable to use HTTP/2 as well.
If you've no side effects then you are probably okay for now and might be happy not to create work where it is not needed.
However, there is little reason to encrypt all your traffic. Certainly login credentials or other sensitive data do. One the main things you would be losing out on is downstream caching. Your servers, the intermediate ISPs and users cannot cache the https. This may not be completely relevant as it reads that you are only providing services. However, it completely depends on your setup and whether there is opportunity for caching and if performance is an issue at all.
It is a good idea to use all-HTTPS - or at least provide knowledgeable users with the option for all-HTTPS.
If there are certain cases where HTTPS is completely useless and in those cases you find that performance is degraded, only then would you default to or permit non-HTTPS.
I hate running into pointlessly all-https sites that handle nothing that really requires encryption. Mainly because they all seem to be 10x slower than every other site I visit. Like most of the documentation pages on developer.mozilla.org will force you to view it with https, for no reason whatsoever, and it always takes long to load.