linq where clause problem on multiple join tables - linq

var studentDetails = from aspUser in db.aspnet_Users
join aspMembership in db.aspnet_Memberships on
aspUser.UserId equals aspMembership.UserId
join expUser in db.explore_users on
aspUser.UserId equals expUser.aspnetUserId
where expUser.Id.Equals(studID)
select new { expUser.DOB,
expUser.Id };
gv1.DataSource = studentDetails;
I have no idea why this did not work. When i remove where clause everything is running.
I have try to put where expUser.Id == studID is also did not work
if anyone can help me pls

Shouldn't that be where expUser.aspnetUserId.Equals(studID)?
If ID is the correct column then (as already commented) of what type are expUser.ID and the variable studID? Are they of the same type? If so then does the studID value exist in db.explore_users?


Entity Framework returns wrong data after execution of two similar queries

I have two similar queries, the first one:
var activatedSerialNumbers = (from activation in entities.Activations
where !canceledActivationsIds.Contains(activation.Id)
where activation.CustomerId == customerId
join licenseConfiguration in entities.LicenseConfigurations
on activation.Id equals licenseConfiguration.ActivationId
where licenseConfiguration.ProductId == productId
join activatedSerialNumber in entities.ActivatedSerialNumbers
on activation.Id equals activatedSerialNumber.ActivationId
where deactivatedSams.All(dsn => dsn.ToLower() !=
select new SamWithLicense
Name = activatedSerialNumber.Name,
Features = licenseConfiguration.LicenseFeatures
The second:
var activationsForSam = (from activation in entities.Activations
where !canceledActivationsIds.Contains(activation.Id)
where activation.CustomerId == customerId
let activatedSerialNumbers = activation.ActivatedSerialNumbers
.Select(sn => sn.Name.ToLower())
where activatedSerialNumbers.Contains(loweredSn)
join licenseConfiguration in entities.LicenseConfigurations
on activation.Id equals activatedProduct.ActivationId
select new SamWithLicense
Name = selectedSerialNumber,
Features = licenseConfiguration.LicenseFeatures
In some situations I execute them one after another and in most cases it works fine, but somethimes - not. In the result of second query Counter takes from another row:
Visual Studio - Quick watch
SQL Management Studio
I guess it's a matter of a EF cache or smth, but don't know how to fix it properly.
In your first query you are joining the Activation Id (PK) to LicenseConfigurations ActivationId (FK)
join licenseConfiguration in entities.LicenseConfigurations
on activation.Id equals licenseConfiguration.ActivationId
in your second query, it looks like you are joining on a value defined outside of the query "activatedProduct"
join licenseConfiguration in entities.LicenseConfigurations
on activation.Id equals activatedProduct.ActivationId

Problems getting System.Linq.Dynamic to work.

I have included the System.Linq.Dynamic library in my project via Nuget. The following is my linq query which works fine if I use typed fields to be returned in the select. But using System.Linq.Dynamic I should be able to use a string value for the select. I've followed the examples that I found but all I get back from the select is the string itself.
What am I missing?
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.False<Name>();
predicate = predicate.And(d => d.ID == "100053");
var results = from n in Names
.Where(n=> n.ID=="100053")
join d in InstitutionDemographics on n.ID equals d.ID
join m in MemberAdhocIds on n.ID equals m.ID
join a in NameAddresses on n.BillingAddressNumber equals a.AddressNumber
join mas in MemberAdhocServices on n.ID equals mas.InstitutionID
If you're telling the select statement to select a string, it's not going to return the values for those strings. What happens if you try without the quotes?
I'm not fluent in C#, being a VB fiend, but you could try something like:
Select New With {.Id = n.ID, .Company = n.Company, ...etc}
Does that make sense? Apologies if I've misunderstood your question.
My mistake. I didn't realize how the extension worked. I was expecting the extension to work in query syntax when in reality it would only work in method syntax.
.Select("new (ID,Name)");
(this works)
(this doesn't work)

LINQ/LinqPad: same query different results

So we copy and paste the exact same query from LinqPad into our EF 4.3 application, pointed at the exact same database and get a different result. In LinqPad we get 2 records returned. In our application we reaise an error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
var Shippings = shippingRepository.All.ToArray();
var SalesOrderHeaders = salesOrderHeaderRepository.All.ToArray();
var Customers = customerRepository.All.ToArray();
var Stores = storeRepository.All.ToArray();
var Departments = departmentRepository.All.ToArray();
var toShip = from sh in Shippings
join h in SalesOrderHeaders on sh.OrderId equals h.SalesOrderHeaderId
join c in Customers on h.CustomerId equals c.CustomerId
join st in Stores on h.StoreId equals st.StoreId
join d in Departments on h.DepartmentId equals d.DepartmentId into outer
from o in outer.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
OrderId = sh.OrderId,
CustomerName = c.Name,
StoreName = st.Name,
DepartmentName = (o.Name == null) ? o.Name : "None",
DeliveryDate = h.DeliveryDateTime
In the application code, when we remove the outer join (to add Departments) and it's associated field the query returns the same 2 records asn in LinqPad.
Does anyone have any insight into how to fix this feature?
Click on "Add a connection" in linqpad and select datacontext from assembly like
You can choose Entity Framework datacontext or Entity Framework BDContext with POCO depending upon your scenario. click next and provide path to the assembly along with connection string and you will be good to go.
In LINQPad are you actually querying against your entity model? Take a look at this link if you aren't. I had a similar problem when starting out and didn't realize I had set up a default LINQ to SQL connection earlier and was querying against that.

Help required to optimize LINQ query

I am looking to optimize my LINQ query because although it works right, the SQL it generates is convoluted and inefficient...
Basically, I am looking to select customers (as CustomerDisplay objects) who ordered the required product (reqdProdId), and are registered with a credit card number (stored as a row in RegisteredCustomer table with a foreign key CustId)
var q = from cust in db.Customers
join regCust in db.RegisteredCustomers on cust.ID equals regCust.CustId
where cust.CustomerProducts.Any(co => co.ProductID == reqdProdId)
where regCust.CreditCardNumber != null && regCust.Authorized == true
select new CustomerDisplay
Id = cust.Id,
Name = cust.Person.DisplayName,
RegNumber = cust.RegNumber
As an overview, a Customer has a corresponding Person which has the Name; PersonID is a foreign key in Customer table.
If I look at the SQL generated, I see all columns being selected from the Person table. Fyi, DisplayName is an extension method which uses Customer.FirstName and LastName. Any ideas how I can limit the columns from Person?
Secondly, I want to get rid of the Any clause (and use a sub-query) to select all other CustomerIds who have the required ProductID, because it (understandably) generates an Exists clause.
As you may know, LINQ has a known issue with junction tables, so I cannot just do a cust.CustomerProducts.Products.
How can I select all Customers in the junction table with the required ProductID?
Any help/advice is appreciated.
The first step is to start your query from CustomerProducts (as Alex Said):
IQueryable<CustomerDisplay> myCustDisplay =
from custProd in db.CustomerProducts
join regCust in db.RegisteredCustomers
on custProd.Customer.ID equals regCust.CustId
custProd.ProductID == reqProdId
&& regCust.CreditCardNumber != null
&& regCust.Authorized == true
select new CustomerDisplay
Id = cust.Id,
Name = cust.Person.Name,
RegNumber = cust.RegNumber
This will simplify your syntax and hopefully result in a better execution plan.
Next, you should consider creating a foreign key relationship between Customers and RegisteredCustomers. This would result in a query that looked like this:
IQueryable<CustomerDisplay> myCustDisplay =
from custProd in db.CustomerProducts
custProd.ProductID == reqProdId
&& custProd.Customer.RegisteredCustomer.CreditCardNumber != null
&& custProd.Customer.RegisteredCustomer.Authorized == true
select new CustomerDisplay
Id = cust.Id,
Name = cust.Person.Name,
RegNumber = cust.RegNumber
Finally, for optimum speed, have LINQ compile your query at compile time, rather than run time by using a compiled query:
Func<MyDataContext, SearchParameters, IQueryable<CustomerDisplay>>
GetCustWithProd =
(MyDataContext db, SearchParameters myParams) =>
from custProd in db.CustomerProducts
custProd.ProductID == myParams.reqProdId
&& custProd.Customer.RegisteredCustomer.CreditCardNumber != null
&& custProd.Customer.RegisteredCustomer.Authorized == true
select new CustomerDisplay
Id = cust.Id,
Name = cust.Person.Name,
RegNumber = cust.RegNumber
You can call the compiled query like this:
IQueryable<CustomerDisplay> myCustDisplay = GetCustWithProd(db, myParams);
I'd suggest starting your query from the product in question, e.g. something like:
from cp in db.CustomerProducts
join .....
where cp.ProductID == reqdProdID
As you have found, using a property defined as an extension function or in a partial class will require that the entire object is hydrated first and then the select projection is done on the client side because the server has no knowledge of these additional properties. Be glad that your code ran at all. If you were to use the non-mapped value elsewhere in your query (other than in the projection), you would likely see a run-time exception. You can see this if you try to use the Customer.Person.DisplayName property in a Where clause. As you have found, the fix is to do the string concatenation in the projection clause directly.
Lame Duck, I think there is a bug in your code as the cust variable used in your select clause isn't declared elsewhere as a source local variable (in the from clauses).

Stuck on a subquery that is grouping, in Linq`

I have some Linq code and it's working fine. It's a query that has a subquery in the Where clause. This subquery is doing a groupby. Works great.
The problem is that I don't know how to grab one of the results from the subquery out of the subquery into the parent.
Frst, here's the code. After that, I'll expplain what piece of data i'm wanting to extract.
var results = (from a in db.tblProducts
where (from r in db.tblReviews
where r.IdUserModified == 1
group r by
into productGroup
orderby productGroup.Count() descending
ReviewCount = productGroup.Count()
r =>
r.IdProductCode_Alpha== a.IdProductCode_Alpha&&
r.IdProductCode_Beta== a.IdProductCode_Beta&&
r.IdProductCode_Gamma== a.IdProductCode_Gamma)
where a.ProductFirstName == ""
select new {a.IdProduct, a.FullName}).ToList();
Ok. I've changed some field and tables names to protect the innocent. :)
See this last line :-
select new {a.IdProduct, a.FullName}).ToList();
I wish to include in that the ReviewCount (from the subquery). I'm jus not sure how.
To help understand the problem, this is what the data looks like.
Sub Query
IdProductCode_Alpha = 1, IdProductCode_Beta = 2, IdProductCode_Gamma = 3, ReviewCount = 10
... row 2 ...
... row 3 ...
Parent Query
IdProduct = 69, FullName = 'Jon Skeet's Wonder Balm'
So the subquery grabs the actual data i need. The parent query determines the correct product, based on the subquery filters.
EDIT 1: Schema
tblReviews (each product has zero to many reviews)
IdProductCode_Alpha (can be null)
IdProductCode_Beta (can be null)
IdProductCode_Gamma (can be null)
So i'm trying to find the top 3 products a person has done reviews on.
The linq works perfectly... except i just don't know how to include the COUNT in the parent query (ie. pull that result from the subquery).
Cheers :)
Got it myself. Take note of the double from at the start of the query, then the Any() being replaced by a Where() clause.
var results = (from a in db.tblProducts
from g in (
from r in db.tblReviews
where r.IdUserModified == 1
group r by
into productGroup
orderby productGroup.Count() descending
ReviewCount = productGroup.Count()
Where(g.IdProductCode_Alpha== a.IdProductCode_Alpha&&
g.IdProductCode_Beta== a.IdProductCode_Beta&&
g.IdProductCode_Gamma== a.IdProductCode_Gamma)
where a.ProductFirstName == ""
select new {a.IdProduct, a.FullName, g.ReviewCount}).ToList();
While I don't understand LINQ completely, but wouldn't the JOIN work?
I know my answer doesn't help but it looks like you need a JOIN with the inner table(?).
I agree with shahkalpesh, both about the schema and the join.
You should be able to refactor...
r => r.IdProductCode_Alpha == a.IdProductCode_Alpha &&
r.IdProductCode_Beta == a.IdProductCode_Beta &&
r.IdProductCode_Gamma == a.IdProductCode_Gamma
into an inner join with tblProducts.
