What are zeromq use cases? - zeromq

Could you give some examples of zeromq?

Let's say you want to have a bulletin board of some kind. You want to allow only some people to see it, by subscribing to the bulleting board.
This can be done using the publisher/subscriber model of ZeroMQ.
Now, let's say you need to send some asynchronous messages. That is, when a message is sent from system A and needs to get to system B, it is guaranteed to be delivered later, even if systems A and B cannot communicate at the moment when that message is sent. You can imagine a use case being SMS messages.
This can be done using asynchronous messaging model of ZeroMQ.
Basically, any JMS compliant solution like ZeroMQ will allow you to reliably broadcast or send a "message", whatever that message may be, to some other party with as little hassle as possible.

Please see the ZeroMQ blog -- they regularly post usage stories about different deployments, language bindings, etc.

IPython uses ZeroMQ for parallel computing features, the qt console and the notebook.

Last time Rick Olson created a "clone" of Dropbox: https://gist.github.com/122849a52c5b33c5d890

My personal use of this library is cross language communication:
I pass data between Python and Haskell

They also have an excellent guide that offers a complete peek into the possible use cases and their real time applications.
And if you have more time, you can go thru the whole website


Simplest C++ library that supports distributed messaging - Observer Pattern

I need to do something relatively simple, and I don't really want to install a MOM like RabittMQ etc.
There are several programs that "register" with a central
"service" server through TCP. The only function of the server is to
call back all the registered clients when they all in turn say
"DONE". So it is a kind of "join" (edit: Barrier) for distributed client processes.
When all clients say "DONE" (they can be done at totally different times), the central server messages
them all saying "ALL-COMPLETE". The clients "block" until asynchronously called back.
So this is a kind of distributed asynchronous Observer Pattern. The server has to keep track of where the clients are somehow. It is ok for the client to pass its IP address to the server etc. It is constructable with things like Boost::Signal, BOOST::Asio, BOOST::Dataflow etc, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if something simple already exists. I got very close with ZeroMQ, but non of their patterns support this use-case very well, AFAIK.
Is there a very simple system that does this? Notice that the server can be written in any language. I just need C++ bindings for the clients.
After much searching, I used this library
It turns out that doing this with this framework is relatively straightforward. The only real "impediment" to using it is that the library seems to have gotten an API transition recently and the documentation .pdf file has not completely caught up with the source. No biggie since the example programs and the source (.hpp) files get you over this hump. However, they need to bring the docs in sync with the source. In addition, IMO they need to provide more interesting examples on how to use c++ Actors for extreme performance. For my case it is not needed, but the idea of actors (shared nothing) in this use-case is one of the reasons people use it instead shared memory communication when using threads.
Also, getting used to the syntax that the library enforces (get used to lambdas!) if one is not used to state of the art c++11 programs it can be a bit of a mind-twister at first. Then, the triviality of remembering all the clients that registered with the server was the only other caveat.

Replace ZeroMQ's select() on windows

It is unbelievable that ZeroMQ uses select() on Windows, I didn't know that until I have completes my code and started performance test. They should present this information on their web site with big red font.
Is there anyway to replace ZeroMQ's select()?
IOCP is proactor model and can't be easily integrated into it, how about WSAEventSelect, this is also a reactor model and have a near performance like poll.
Another choice for me is http://nanomsg.org/, but it is still alpha.
One of the main objectives in Zeromq is to provide a consistent API for communication between threads, processes, nodes, and clusters. Protocol specific optimization is outside of this scope because of the ways that it can effect other areas of communication. For example, shared memory would be a better form of IPC, but UNIX domain sockets make a consistent API easier. It would also be nice to know when an endpoint disconnects, but how would you implement such behavior between threads?
Their main goal is to allow every pattern to work the same way regardless of topology, protocol, system, or language, to the point that any mixture can be used regardless of how odd it may seem (node.js Websockets communicating with C# brokers passing messages to Ruby and PHP workers which share work with java threads, etc.)
Each of it's features would be enhanced greatly if optimised for each specific protocol and system, but that would also make uniform patterns close to impossible.
BTW, they might accept a pactch if you could find a way to implement iocp while still maintaining this versatility and neutrality.
PPS, nanomsg is made by one of the main original developers of Zeromq. Crossroads.IO is a direct fork of Zeromq, by original Zeromq developers as well and including some developers of nanomsg. if I'm not mistaken, Nano will likely become the core of crossroads when complete.

can I develop a publish subscribe system without using MOM

I am trying to develop a publish/subscribe system.
To this end, I have read some papers and articles regarding it.
And they all talk about Messaging service as an integral part of publish/subscribe system.
My question is, can I develop a publish subscribe system without using MOM like JMS?
Or am I missing or oversimplifying things?
I do not think you are oversimplifying things. There are stand-alone products available that provide advanced functionality based on publish/subscribe, without being part of a larger MOM system.
One of them is a group of products implementing the Data Distribution Service (DDS) specification, as standardized by the Object Management Group (OMG). Check out this Wikipedia entry for a very brief introduction and list of references.
DDS supports many advanced data management features like a strong-typed and content aware databus, distributed state management and historical data access. Its rich set of Quality of Service settings allows to off-load a lot of the complexity from your applications to the middleware. This is all based on the publish/subscribe paradigm.
If you would tell more about your application, then I might be able to point you to similar use cases using this technology -- if you are interested.
It depends what you mean by "MOM". If you think MOM = JMS then yes, there are plenty of pub/sub applications which are not JMS servers (off the top of my head): 0MQ, TIBCO Rendezvous and the many AMQP implementations around.
I guess my definition of MOM is an infrastructure for reliably getting a message from one system to another in an asynchronous manner. Pub/sub is a feature on top of the message transport which allows a message to be distributed to multiple other systems. Once you get beyond the point of opening a socket and stuffing a bunch of bytes down it, I would argue you are in the realm of MOM.
So, no you don't need JMS to do pub/sub....there are plenty of open-source and closed-source alternatives out there. Which one depends on your requirements and skills.
You can look at multicast that provides one to many communication. Multicast does not require MOM, instead it requires multicast enabled IP network. Usually the network routers take care of creating copies of message and delivering messages to destinations.

How to structure a client-server application with 'push' notifications

EDIT: I forgot to include the prime candidate for web applications: JSON over HTTP/REST + Comet. It combines the best features of the others (below)
Persevere basically bundles everything I need in a server
The focus for Java and such is definitely on Comet servers, but it can't be too hard to use/write a client.
I'm embarking on an application with a server holding data, and clients executing operations which would affect this data, and thus require some sort of notification across all interested/subscribed clients.
The first client will probably be written in WPF, but we'll probably need to add clients written in other languages, e.g. a Java (Swing?) client, and possibly, a web client.
The actual question(s): What protocol should I use to implement this? How easy would it be to integrate with JS, Java and .NET (precisely, C#) clients?
I could use several interfaces/protocols, but it'd be easier overall to use one that is interoperable. Given that interoperability is important, I have researched a few options:
supports notifications
The only .NET lib I could find, Jayrock doesn't support notifications
works well with JS
also true of XML-based stuff (and possibly, even binary protocols) BUT this would probably be more efficient, thanks to native support
IDL makes it easy to spit out model classes in each language
doesn't seem to support notifications
Thrift comes with RPC out of the box, but protobufs don't
not sure about JS
simple enough, but doesn't support notifications
SOAP: I'm not even sure about this one; I haven't grokked this yet.
seems rather complex
Message Queues/PubSub approach: Not strictly a protocol, but might be fitting
I hardly know anything about them, and got lost amongst the buzzwords`-- JMS? **MQ?
Perhaps combined with some RPC mechanism above, although that might not be strictly necessary, and possibly, overkill.
Other options are, of course, welcome.
I am partial to the pub/sub design you've suggested. I'd take a look at ZeroMQ. It has bindings to C#, Java, and many other platforms.
Bindings list: http://www.zeromq.org/bindings:clr
I also found this conversation on the ZeroMQ dev listing that may answer some questions you have about multiple clients and ZeroMQ: http://lists.zeromq.org/pipermail/zeromq-dev/2010-February/002146.html
As XMPP was mentioned, SIP has a similar functionality. This might be more accessible for you.
We use Servoy for this. It does automatic data broadcasting to web-clients and java-clients. I'm not sure if broadcasts can be sent to other platforms, you might be able to find an answer to that on their forum.
If you want to easily publish events to clients across networks, you may wish to look at a the XMPP standard. (Used by, amongst other things, Jabber and Google Talk.)
See the extension for publish-subscribe functionality.
There are a number of libraries in different languages including C#, Java and Javascript.
You can use SOAP over HTTP to modify the data on the server and SOAP over SMTP to notify the subscribed clients.
The server doesn't know anything about the subscription and the clients call the server by timeout to track updates they are interested in, using XML-RPC, SOAP (generated using WSDL), or simply HTTP GET if there is no need to pass back complex data on tracking.

What is the best way to handle incoming SMS messages?

I have a client who wants a solution to allow delivery people to text (SMS messaging) in that they have completed a pick up at a particular location. What I'm looking for is Code to read an imbound SMS message or a SMS component if appropiate. This would allow me to create a windows service to read the message and update a SQL record accordingly.
Probably not quite what you're looking for but one approach is to use a gateway like iTagg which provides a number of interfaces for developers to send and receive SMS/MMS etc. Depending on your location, iTagg may be no use but I'm sure there'll be an equivalent for your region.
Sometime ago I implemented something similar using a GSM modem. I think most of the GSM modems offer AT commands that can be used for receiving and sending SMS messages. At the time, I used a library in Java that provided a easy to use API. The commands to read and send SMS are really easy but I bet there is something in .Net for that purpose that can make the task even easier.
I made a little search and I found this article with an example of using AT commands to interact with a GSM phone. I looked into the supplied source and it includes a library with operations related to SMS.
In my previous project I used a Siemens GSM modem with a RS232 interface. It wasn't very expensive and was able to manage all the messages sent by onboard units placed in vehicles. But if you have a unused phone it can work as well.
Thanks Luke, I am thinking more of a GSM modem which would be connected to the server. I think this would give more control rather than go through a third party, but I take your point and will investigate further.
