writing an interpreter - analyzer

I was going to write a lexical analyzer for Java in Python. Is this even a possibility? Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated


Gaining shell using SSRF?

I'm learning penetration testing and I ran into someone saying that it is possible to gain shell on a server using SSRF though I can't find anywhere how exactly this is done. Was hoping you guys could help me. Cheers

Ruby: Create Hot-Swap

I'm currently working on a project in Ruby that requires me to be able to hotswap code whilst it's operating. However, the only method I know (because, to be honest, I am quite new to Ruby) is to do a full reboot, and that takes too long. Is this possible? Do I have to override my code? Include a console? Or something else?
I'd be glad if somebody could help me with my problem.
Best Regards

Learning Windows Batch File Scripting

What would be the best course for me to take in regards to learning how to script with Windows? I am a beginner and would like an accelerated course or list of great informational steps to take to become an advanced scripter. In all areas of Windows. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
PowerShell is what you want to learn. Google, notepad and experimentation. I'm sure there are great books as well, but find a tutorial or two and you will be off to the races.
A good starting point could be this=>

does mallet have a GUI?

Has anyone seen a GUI for Mallet?
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Using ini-files with VB 6.0

I must be getting daft, but I can't seem to find how to read old-fashioned ini files with VB 6.0. All I can seem to find is about reading from and writing to the registry. Can someone push me in the right direction? Mind you, I am not a programmer, just a hobbyist trying to have some harmless fun with his computer, so please don't be to harsh when you point out the bleedin' obvious.
See the top answer on this thread. Nope, it's no different in VB! :-)
Use the GetPrivateProfile* functions. Some examples of how to do this with a Declare statement are here:
