How to export query result to csv in Oracle SQL Developer? - oracle

I'm using Oracle SQL Developer 3.0. Trying to figure out how to export a query result to a text file (preferably CSV). Right clicking on the query results window doesn't give me any export options.

Version I am using
Update 5th May 2012
Jeff Smith has blogged showing, what I believe is the superior method to get CSV output from SQL Developer. Jeff's method is shown as Method 1 below:
Method 1
Add the comment /*csv*/ to your SQL query and run the query as a script (using F5 or the 2nd execution button on the worksheet toolbar)
select /*csv*/ *
from emp;
That's it.
You can also use spool to automatically save it as a CSV file:
spool "/path/to/file.csv";
select /*csv*/ *
from emp;
spool off;
Just be sure to "Run as Script" or press F5.
Method 2
Run a query
Right click and select unload.
Update. In Sql Developer Version 3.0.04 unload has been changed to export
Thanks to Janis Peisenieks for pointing this out
Revised screen shot for SQL Developer Version 3.0.04
From the format drop down select CSV
And follow the rest of the on screen instructions.

Not exactly "exporting," but you can select the rows (or Ctrl-A to select all of them) in the grid you'd like to export, and then copy with Ctrl-C.
The default is tab-delimited. You can paste that into Excel or some other editor and manipulate the delimiters all you like.
Also, if you use Ctrl-Shift-C instead of Ctrl-C, you'll also copy the column headers.

FYI, you can substitute the /*csv*/
for other formats as well including /*xml*/ and /*html*/.
select /*xml*/ * from emp would return an xml document with the query results for example.
I came across this article while looking for an easy way to return xml from a query.

FYI to anyone who runs into problems, there is a bug in CSV timestamp export that I just spent a few hours working around. Some fields I needed to export were of type timestamp. It appears the CSV export option even in the current version (3.0.04 as of this posting) fails to put the grouping symbols around timestamps. Very frustrating since spaces in the timestamps broke my import. The best workaround I found was to write my query with a TO_CHAR() on all my timestamps, which yields the correct output, albeit with a little more work. I hope this saves someone some time or gets Oracle on the ball with their next release.

To take an export to your local system from sql developer.
Path : C:\Source_Table_Extract\des_loan_due_dtls_src_boaf.csv
SPOOL "Path where you want to save the file"

CSV Export does not escape your data. Watch out for strings which end in \ because the resulting \" will look like an escaped " and not a \. Then you have the wrong number of " and your entire row is broken.


sql*plus is truncating the columns names according to the values in that columns

I have two broad questions:
Q1. Are executing the lines of code in Oracle SQL Developer and executing the same code in sqlplus command prompt same things?
(reason I ask this that I heard that not all the sqlplus commands are executable in SQL Developer. If answer to above question is yes then please then few useful links will help).
Q2. I am spooling the results of a sql query to a .csv file, but the thing is that columns names are truncated according the maximum length of the values in that column.
My code is:
set colsep ","
spool C:\Oracle\sample.csv
select * from acct_clas_rule;
spool off;
Output of above code is (middle column is having null values)
WS , ,GH
In above output, columns names have been truncated. I want full names of the columns to be displayed. Can anyone help?
I have seen the question in this link, but I didn't understand how to apply the answers provided there as there was no particular example cited. I am new to these things so I couldn't understand.
Original names of my columns (from left to right in above table) are :
PS -
1. I am using Oracle SQL developer to run sqlplus commands. I think because of which few of my commands are not working (like set underline, set linesize etc.).Please let me know if this is the case. I actually want remove those underlines beneath the columns names.
2. Also let me know that whether you answer is applicable to Oracle SQL Developer or sqlplus.
Thank You
There are a couple of things you can do, in addition to #JChomel's approach - that will work in either SQL Develoepr or SQL*Plus, while these suggestions are specific to SQL Developer.
Let's start with a dummy query based on a CTE to get something like your situation:
set colsep ","
with acct_clas_rule (abdc_1, abcd_2, abcd_3) as (
select cast('AB' as varchar2(5)), cast(null as varchar2(5)), cast('WSD' as varchar2(4)) from dual
union all select 'ABCD', null, 'WSD' from dual
-- ...
union all select 'WS', null, 'GH' from dual
select * from acct_clas_rule;
When run as a script in SQL Developer (from the document+arrow icon, or F5) the output is:
WS , ,GH
If you change the query to include the SQL Developer-specific formatting hint /*csv*/ then you get the output you want:
select /*csv*/ * from acct_clas_rule;
except that the strings are all enclosed in double-quotes, which might not be what you really want. (It depends what you're doing with the spooled file and whether any of your string values contain commas, which would confuse Excel for instance).
With more recent versions of SQL Developer you can get exactly the same result without modifying the query using the sqlformat option:
set sqlformat csv
select * from acct_clas_rule;
but again you get the double-quotes. You could change the double-quotes to different enclosure characters, but that probably doesn't help.
A different approach is to use the built-in export tools instead of spool. If you run the query as a statement (green 'play button' icon, or control-enter) then rather than appearing in the Script Output panel, a new Query Result panel will open next to that, showing the results as a grid.
If you right-click on the results you'll get a contextual menu, and choosing Export... from that will give you a wizard to export the results in a format of your choice, including CSV:
You can leave the left and right enclosures as double-quotes to get the same results as the options above, except that null values use the word 'null' instead of an empty string:
or you can change them, or remove them by choosing 'none', which gives you:
#thatjeffsmith has commented on how to change the null-replacement text for the /*csv*/ approach. For export it looks like having the word 'null' might have been a bug in 17.2.0; in 17.3.1 that does not appear, and instead you see:
or enclosed empty strings ("") if you leave the enclosures set.
Q1: TI'm not an expert of SQL Developer. There might be a mode like "command line" or something where you could get similar result, but unsure.
Q2: You have to set the right option to sqlplus: here is a trick I know of (it will also remove the --- --- --- that will cause other issue):
SET HEADING OFF`, to avoid column name to be printed
Union all the column names at the beginning of your script:
set colsep ","
spool C:\Oracle\sample.csv
select 'ABCD_DFGT_SDF', 'ABCD_EDF_GH', 'ABCD_DFRE' from dual
select * from acct_clas_rule;
spool off;
use the sql plus set command -----> set underline off

How to use spool in Plsql developer

I was wondering if we could use spool in Plsql developer. I am currently running a query in plsql developer which is resulting in a result set of 1 million rows. I need to export that data to an excel file but when I am selecting the columns and right clicking on the data to copy it to the excel file, it copies only 10 or 11 rows, To load all the rows, I need to press the downward arrow in the image here
and it takes so much time to load. I was wondering if there is any easy way I could export my huge amount of data directly to an excel file in plsql developer?
Most SQL*Plus commands work in a PLSQL Dev Command window. spool does. Of course, spooling 1000000 rows of data is going to take a long time.
Plus you'll need to handle the CSV formatting manually, with other SQL*Plus commands. Find out more.
You can use the ORA_EXCEL package for export data from sql developer in excel format.
Please visit this site :

SqlDeveloper SPOOL: Blank first line

I want to export multiple tables to a semicolon separated file each using SqlDeveloper (version is
Currently I use
spool ..\dir\table1.csv
select * from table1;
spool off;
for each table in a script, which is fine.
The problem is that the resulting file has a blank first line. Is it somehow possible to delete it? I've done some research and it looks like the function which would take care of that in SqlPlus is not implemented in SqlDeveloper.
I've also tried to accomplish the same in SqlPlus, but I didn't even get close to the result which is produced by SqlDeveloper.
If it's not possible to get rid of that blank line using spool, is there any sql inbuilt function I could use to manipulate the resulting flag so I don't have to run a SqlDeveloper and then a bash script to get proper files?
If anyone stumbles upon this question:
As Alex pointed out in the comments, this is a bug in version 4.1.15 (and maybe earlier versions) of SqlDeveloper. To get rid of it, upgrade to 4.2.0.
If you are, like me, for some reason stuck with an earlier version, you can use sqlcl which is shipped together with the SqlDeveloper to execute your script without the described problems.
My .sql script looks like this:
SET sqlformat delimited ; " "
spool ..\relative\path.csv
select * from table1;

How to export large amount of data using sql developer - Oracle

I want to upload some data from UAT DB to DEV DB. When I try to do this from Export function in SQL Developer, I got an error File C:\Users\xxx\export.sql was not opened because it exceeds the maximum automatic open size
How can I copy the UAT data to DEV ?
ORACLE Version 12C
SQL Developer Version
found the below answer from a SQL Developer forum :
It appears that the "maximum automatic open size" is hard-coded to a value of 500000 (bytes, I believe) with no way to override it. By
limiting this, we nip in the bud any potential complaints of Java
OutOfMemory upon trying to open a huge file.
To view the file from within SQL Developer despite this limitation,
just use the File|Open menu. For those huge files, please use an
external editor. And if you don't want to open files automatically in
order to suppress the warning dialog, use
Tools|Preferences|Database|Export/View DDL Options and un-check the
"Open Sql File When Exported" box.
Are you certain the export file does not contain all the insert rows?
That would be a bug unless you hit an OutOfMemory or disk full
condition. I just tried your scenario on at 55000 row table that
produced an export.sql of about 20MB. All rows were included.
Gary Graham
SQL Developer Team
and as the summary, it suggested that the SQL developer is not the best tool to open a large size of data file.
hope Gary's answer will guide you to some extent.
If you need to get an idea of some tools that you can open large files, check this LINK
Solution 1:
Set these values to some higher value!
Solution 2:
change "save to" to worksheet!
I was having this error when exporting database in insert format, selecting loader format on the 1st Export wizard screen fixed the issue.
This is probably because insert format creates a single SQL script with DDL and data as insert statements. So all the database is dumped in a single script file.
loader option produces multiple files: control file, data file, and sql files. And there are separate files for each table. As a result the export will consist of hundreds of files and no one file will reach the size limit.
This may not however work with single tables with very large amounts of data as that table's data file would hit the limit.
You can try different options like below.
On SQL developer, when right click on Table and click export, export wizard will be launched you can select either "Save As" - "separate files" that will export data in same SQL file.
OR you can change the format type on the same wizard to CSV that will export data in CSV format.
If you want to transfer large amounts of data (or small amounts, too) from one database to another, you should consider the tools that were specifically designed for such tasks.
First and foremost, look into data pump. It has a bit of a learning curve, though.
exp and imp (also by Oracle) are a bit easier to handle, but they're older and not nearly as powerful as data pump.
You might also want to look into the SQL*Plus copy command.
There is a trick to copy large chunk of data (from SQL developer) into excel sheet.
steps to be followed : Right click ---> export data ----> select format type as 'Text' ---> select type as "Clipboard" ----> open an excel sheet and try to paste keeping the below in mind :)
Then paste the data
NOTE : **Do Not paste the data on the first cell of the excel. Ctrl+v in any of the columns **
This will work.
You can use spool the query and save the results as CSV or XLSX files for larger results. For example:
spool "D:\Temp\Report.csv"
SELECT /*csv*/ select id,name,age from EMP;
spool off;
1-You can create a database link (db link) on DEV DB pointing to UAT DB, to INSERT rows in DEV DB.
2-Or you can build in PL/SQL a procedure in UAT DB to export data to a file in CSV format and in DEV DB use oracle external tables to SELECT from that files.
Be carefull about DATE acolumns, write down using TO_CHAR.
3-Use Datapump to export data from UAT DB and then import into DEV DB; it's a bit tricky.
Oracle database commands can run both in SqlCl by Oracle and in SQL developer, so this is easy:
set feedback only -- for Oracle 12.2+, turn off terminal output
set sqlformat insert -- data in "insert into ..." format
-- set sqlformat csv -- data in csv format
spool /path/to/your/file.sql
select * from t; -- lines to export
spool off
set feedback off -- restore terminal output
Simplest way to this is to modify the "Save As" below in the screenshot to save to multiple files instead of single file while exporting-

Oracle query output in excel

I have an Oracle 10G database and I need to write a fairly straightforward query that joins two tables and selects some data. However, I'd like to export the result list to an excel, so end users can use this .xls document to see the results and filter by one of the fields (location)
When I write the query, is there an easy way I can generate/ create an excel document that would hold these results as described above? The SQL doesn't need to run from within excel, but I guess that would be a useful feature now that I think about it!
There is simple solution for your request.
By using ora_excel, small pl/sql package which generates Excel xlsx file, you can select data and export selected data to Excel and set filtering.
Please see following example:
ORA_EXCEL.add_sheet('My sheet');
ORA_EXCEL.query_to_sheet('select * from employees'); -- Select data from database
ORA_EXCEL.set_cells_filter('A1', 'K1'); -- Add cell filtering from column A1 to column K1
-- Save generated Excel to file with name example.xlsx to Oracle folder EXAMPLE_XLSX
ORA_EXCEL.save_to_file('EXPORT_DIR', 'example.xlsx');
For more details please check here
Pretty easy to do in excel; and when done user can right click the data and say "Refresh" to get the latest updates.
but why reinvent the wheel lots of online articles already explain how to do this... Here's one
After you've connected to a table, you can edit the properties on the connection and enter custom SQL (copy and paste from your developer tools)
Since you cannot use OLE DB in your version of Excel. Use SPOOL to create a CSV file.
SQL> SET echo off
SQL> SET verify off
SQL> SET colsep ,
SQL> SET pagesize 0
SQL> SET trimspool on
SQL> SET feedback off
SQL> SPOOL C:\data.csv
The .csv file should open in Excel by default. Use proper column aliases so that users understand the column headers.
Quick way:
At first create a view which contains your Query(Best way because you might need to change this query later).
Be sure to properly have installed oracle client.
In Excel(2007 and above) in Data tab go this way:
From Other sources -> From Data Connection Wizard -> Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Provider for Oracle
Now Enter your DataSource Name(Stored in tnsnames.ora) and user password
Find you view and Then You'll have what you need.
You can save password and set option to refresh automatically in connection properties.
You are able to query an oracle database directly from Excel 2003 however, your sql statements are interpreted by MS Query and because of this it can often be frustrating. I will assume the machine in question already has the ability to query your database and has properly configured the database naming.
To query your database from excel 2003 you must:
Install and configure oracle's ODBC Driver (You must have the 32bit drivers installed since excel03 is a 32bit application). ODBC can be configured under start > administrative tools > ODBC Data Source Administrator
Open excel 2003 and goto data > import external data > new database query.
This should bring up MS Query which is an Access-like interface.
Obviously this is a very brief starter to get you stepping in the right direction. If you have any specific questions, please comment and I will try and help you.
Step 1
Run Your Query
Right Click on Resultenter image description here
Step 2
Click on Export
enter image description here
Step 3
Select Format To Excel
Enter datasheet name and location
Step 4
Click on Next and then finish
enter image description here
You can do one thing.
First generate the output in a form that includes column separators using symbols (like , or #).
Import the data to the excel and then define the placeholders as the column separators.
