Require all files in sub-directory - ruby

I have the following directory tree.
- app.rb
- folder/
- one/
- one.rb
- two/
- two.rb
I want to be able to load Ruby files in the folder/ directory, even the ones in the sub-directories. How would I do so?

Jekyll does something similar with its plugins. Something like this should do the trick:
Dir[File.join(".", "**/*.rb")].each do |f|
require f

With less code, but still working on Linux, OS X and Windows:
Dir['./**/*.rb'].each{ |f| require f }
The '.' is needed for Ruby 1.9.2 where the current directory is no longer part of the path.

Try this:
Dir.glob(File.join(".", "**", "*.rb")).each do |file|
require file

In my project this evaluates to ["./fixset.rb", "./spec/fixset_spec.rb", "./spec/spec_helper.rb"] which causes my specs to run twice. Therefore, here's a tweaked version:
Dir[File.join(".", "**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f unless f[/^\.\/spec\//]}
This'll safely ignore all *.rb files in ./spec/


Ruby 1.9.3 - Locate file local to ruby program regardless of where program is called from

I've been working on my first Ruby project, and in the process of trying to organize my files into different directories, I've run into trouble with having .rb files load non-ruby files (e.g. .txt files) local to themselves.
For example, suppose a project has the following structure:
And the file contents are as follows:
require_relative '../lib/foo.rb'
foo.rb'./fooinfo.txt') do |file|
while line = file.gets
puts line
If I cd to lib and run foo.rb, it has no trouble finding fooinfo.txt in its own directory and printing its contents.
However, if I cd to bin and run runner.rb, I get
in `initialize': No such file or directory - ./fooinfo.txt (Errno::ENOENT)
I assume this is because searches relative to whatever directory the top level program is run from.
Is there a way to ensure that foo.rb can find fooinfo.rb regardless of where it is run/required from (assuming that foo.rb and fooinfo.rb always maintain the same location relative to eachother)?
I'd like to be able to run foo.rb from bin/runner.rb, and a test file in test/, and have it be able to find fooinfo.txt in both cases.
Ideally, I'd like to have a solution that would work even if the entire myproject directory were moved.
Is there something like require_relative that can locate a non-ruby file?
Try using __FILE__ and File.dirname to build absolute paths. For example: + './fooinfo.txt') do |file|
In this case, the simplest thing is to just change'./fooinfo.txt')
That will work from from any project subdirectory directly under your project root (including lib/).
The more robust solution, useful in larger projects, is to have a PROJECT_ROOT constant that you can use from anywhere. If you have lib/const.rb:
module Const
PROJECT_ROOT = File.expand_path("..", File.dirname(__FILE__))
Then (assuming you've requireed that file) you can use: + '/lib/fooinfo.txt')

Is it possible to recursively require all files in a directory in Ruby?

I am working on an API that needs to load all of the .rb files in its current directory and all subdirectories. Currently, I am entering a new require statement for each file that I add but I would like to make it where I only have to place the file in one of the subdirectories and have it automatically added.
Is there a standard command to do this?
In this case its loading all the files under the lib directory:
Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/lib/**/*.rb"].each { |f| load(f) }
require "find"
Find.find(folder) do |file|
next if File.extname(file) != ".rb"
puts "loading #{file}"
This will recursively load each .rb file.
like Miguel Fonseca said, but in ruby >= 2 you can do :
Dir[File.expand_path "lib/**/*.rb"].each{|f| require_relative(f)}
I use the gem require_all all the time, and it gets the job done with the following pattern in your requires:
require 'require_all'
require_all './lib/exceptions/'
def rLoad(dir)
Dir.entries(dir).each {|f|
next if f=='.' or f=='..'
load(f) if File.fnmatch('*.rb', f)
This should recursively load all .rb files in the directory specified by dir. For example, rLoad Dir.pwd would work on the current working directory.
Be careful doing this, though. This does a depth-first search and if there are any conflicting definitions in your Ruby scripts, they may be resolved in some non-obvious manner (alphabetical by folder/file name I believe).
You should have a look at this gem. It is quite small so you can actually re-use the code instead of installing the whole gem.

Best way to require all files from a directory in ruby?

What's the best way to require all files from a directory in ruby ?
How about:
Dir["/path/to/directory/*.rb"].each {|file| require file }
If it's a directory relative to the file that does the requiring (e.g. you want to load all files in the lib directory):
Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/*.rb'].each {|file| require file }
Edit: Based on comments below, an updated version:
Dir[File.join(__dir__, 'lib', '*.rb')].each { |file| require file }
Try the require_all gem:
It lets you simply:
require_all 'path/to/directory'
Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/*.rb'].each do |file|
require File.basename(file, File.extname(file))
If you don't strip the extension then you may end up requiring the same file twice (ruby won't realize that "foo" and "foo.rb" are the same file). Requiring the same file twice can lead to spurious warnings (e.g. "warning: already initialized constant").
Dir.glob(File.join('path', '**', '*.rb'), &method(:require))
or alternatively, if you want to scope the files to load to specific folders:
Dir.glob(File.join('path', '{folder1,folder2}', '**', '*.rb'), &method(:require))
Dir.glob takes a block as argument.
method(:require) will return the require method.
&method(:require) will convert the method to a bloc.
The best way is to add the directory to the load path and then require the basename of each file. This is because you want to avoid accidentally requiring the same file twice -- often not the intended behavior. Whether a file will be loaded or not is dependent on whether require has seen the path passed to it before. For example, this simple irb session shows that you can mistakenly require and load the same file twice.
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'test'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require './test'
=> true
irb(main):003:0> require './test.rb'
=> false
irb(main):004:0> require 'test'
=> false
Note that the first two lines return true meaning the same file was loaded both times. When paths are used, even if the paths point to the same location, require doesn't know that the file was already required.
Here instead, we add a directory to the load path and then require the basename of each *.rb file within.
dir = "/path/to/directory"
Dir[File.join(dir, "*.rb")].each {|file| require File.basename(file) }
If you don't care about the file being required more than once, or your intention is just to load the contents of the file, perhaps load should be used instead of require. Use load in this case, because it better expresses what you're trying to accomplish. For example:
Dir["/path/to/directory/*.rb"].each {|file| load file }
Instead of concatenating paths like in some answers, I use File.expand_path:
Dir[File.expand_path('importers/*.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))].each do |file|
require file
Instead of using File.dirname you could do the following:
Dir[File.expand_path('../importers/*.rb', __FILE__)].each do |file|
require file
Where .. strips the filename of __FILE__.
Dir[File.join(__dir__, "/app/**/*.rb")].each do |file|
require file
This will work recursively on your local machine and a remote (Like Heroku) which does not use relative paths.
In Rails, you can do:
Dir[Rails.root.join('lib', 'ext', '*.rb')].each { |file| require file }
Update: Corrected with suggestion of #Jiggneshh Gohel to remove slashes.
I'm a few years late to the party, but I kind of like this one-line solution I used to get rails to include everything in app/workers/concerns:
Dir[ Rails.root.join *%w(app workers concerns *) ].each{ |f| require f }
And what about: require_relative *Dir['relative path']?

Ruby path management

What is the best way to manage the require paths in a ruby program?
Let me give a basic example, consider a structure like:
If in my test i use require '../src/myclass' then I can only call the test from \MyProgram\test folder, but I want to be able to call it from any path!
The solution I came up with is to define in all source files the following line:
ROOT = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/.." unless defined?(ROOT) and then always use require "#{ROOT}/src/myclass"
Is there a better way to do it?
As of Ruby 1.9 you can use require_relative to do this:
require_relative '../src/myclass'
If you need this for earlier versions you can get it from the extensions gem as per this SO comment.
Here is a slightly modified way to do it:
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "src"))
By prepending the path to your source to $LOAD_PATH (aka $:) you don't have to supply the root etc. explicitly when you require your code i.e. require 'myclass'
The same, less noisy IMHO:
$:.unshift File.expand_path("../../src", __FILE__)
require 'myclass'
or just
require File.expand_path "../../src/myclass", __FILE__
Tested with ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.0 on (Debian) Linux - please tell me if it works on Windows, too.
Why a simpler method (eg. 'use', 'require_relative', or sg like this) isn't built into the standard lib? UPDATE: require_relative is there since 1.9.x
provides a the absolute path in a dynamic way.
Use following code to require all "rb" files in specific folder (=> Ruby 1.9):
path='../specific_folder/' # relative path from current file to required folder
Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/'+path+'*.rb'].each do |file|
require_relative path+File.basename(file) # require all files with .rb extension in this folder
sris's answer is the standard approach.
Another way would be to package your code as a gem. Then rubygems will take care of making sure your library files are in your path.
This is what I ended up with - a Ruby version of a setenv shell script:
# Read application config
$hConf, $fConf = {}, File.expand_path("../config.rb", __FILE__)
$hConf =$fConf) {|f| eval(} if File.exist? $fConf
# Application classpath
$: << ($hConf[:appRoot] || File.expand_path("../bin/app", __FILE__))
# Ruby libs
$lib = ($hConf[:rubyLib] || File.expand_path("../bin/lib", __FILE__))
($: << [$lib]).flatten! # lib is string or array, standardize
Then I just need to make sure that this script is called once before anything else, and don't need to touch the individual source files.
I put some options inside a config file, like the location of external (non-gem) libraries:
# Site- and server specific config - location of DB, tmp files etc.
:webRoot => "/srv/www/myapp/data",
:rubyLib => "/somewhere/lib",
:tmpDir => "/tmp/myapp"
This has been working well for me, and I can reuse the setenv script in multiple projects just by changing the parameters in the config file. A much better alternative than shell scripts, IMO.

Finding relative libraries when using symlinks to ruby executables

Imagine you have an executable foo.rb, with libraries bar.rb layed out in the following manner:
In the header of foo.rb you place the following require to bring in functionality in bar.rb:
require File.dirname(__FILE__)+"../lib/bar.rb"
This works fine so long as all calls to foo.rb are direct. If you put as say $HOME/project, and symlink foo.rb into $HOME/usr/bin, then __FILE__ resolves to $HOME/usr/bin/foo.rb, and is thus unable to locate bar.rb in relation to the dirname for foo.rb.
I realize that packaging systems such as rubygems fix this by creating a namespace to search for the library, and that it is also possible to adjust the load_path using $: to include $HOME/project/lib, but it seems as if a more simple solution should exist. Has anyone had experience with this problem and found a useful solution or recipe?
I know this is ages old, but I just found this:
require 'pathname'
APP_ROOT = File.join(File.dirname(,'..')
You can use this function to follow any symlinks and return the full path of the real file:
def follow_link(file)
file = File.expand_path(file)
while File.symlink?(file)
file = File.expand_path(File.readlink(file), File.dirname(file))
puts follow_link(__FILE__)
Probably worth mentioning that + works nicely with Pathname objects and also there is Kernel.Pathname method, so #Burke's original code could be made even shorter:
require 'pathname'
APP_ROOT = + "../../lib"
