Setting process name on Mac OS X at runtime - macos

I'm trying to change my process' name as it appears in ps and Activity Monitor at runtime. I found several notes that there is no portable way to do this (which I don't care about).
Here's what I tried. None of these approaches worked for me.
Changing argv[0] (seems to be the way to go on some Unix systems)
Calling [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] setProcessName:#"someName"]
Calling setprogname (calling getprogname returns the name I set, but that is irrelevant)
I also read about a function called setproctitle which should be defined in stdlib.h if it is available, but it's not there.
There must be a way to accomplish this because QTKitServer - the faceless decoder for QuickTime Player X - has its corresponding QuickTime Player's PID in its process name.
Does anybody have a clue about how to accomplish this? I'd very much prefer a Core Foundation or POSIXy way over an Objective-C method to do this.
Edit: If it is in any way relevant, I'm using Mac OS X 10.6.5 and Xcode 3.2.5

There are good reasons to change the process name. Java software should change process names because when running different java tools I want to see which java process is for which tool.
Chromium does it:
Node.js uses same code to implement Process.title = 'newtitle':
Note: This fails if someone does su to a different not logged-in user:
Here the source code in its full complex glory. By the way, someone told me it also works for Mac OS X Lion and also fails with su.
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
void SetProcessName(CFStringRef process_name) {
if (!process_name || CFStringGetLength(process_name) == 0) {
NOTREACHED() << "SetProcessName given bad name.";
if (![NSThread isMainThread]) {
NOTREACHED() << "Should only set process name from main thread.";
// Warning: here be dragons! This is SPI reverse-engineered from WebKit's
// plugin host, and could break at any time (although realistically it's only
// likely to break in a new major release).
// When 10.7 is available, check that this still works, and update this
// comment for 10.8.
// Private CFType used in these LaunchServices calls.
typedef CFTypeRef PrivateLSASN;
typedef PrivateLSASN (*LSGetCurrentApplicationASNType)();
typedef OSStatus (*LSSetApplicationInformationItemType)(int, PrivateLSASN,
static LSGetCurrentApplicationASNType ls_get_current_application_asn_func =
static LSSetApplicationInformationItemType
ls_set_application_information_item_func = NULL;
static CFStringRef ls_display_name_key = NULL;
static bool did_symbol_lookup = false;
if (!did_symbol_lookup) {
did_symbol_lookup = true;
CFBundleRef launch_services_bundle =
if (!launch_services_bundle) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to look up LaunchServices bundle";
ls_get_current_application_asn_func =
launch_services_bundle, CFSTR("_LSGetCurrentApplicationASN")));
if (!ls_get_current_application_asn_func)
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find _LSGetCurrentApplicationASN";
ls_set_application_information_item_func =
if (!ls_set_application_information_item_func)
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find _LSSetApplicationInformationItem";
CFStringRef* key_pointer = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef*>(
ls_display_name_key = key_pointer ? *key_pointer : NULL;
if (!ls_display_name_key)
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find _kLSDisplayNameKey";
// Internally, this call relies on the Mach ports that are started up by the
// Carbon Process Manager. In debug builds this usually happens due to how
// the logging layers are started up; but in release, it isn't started in as
// much of a defined order. So if the symbols had to be loaded, go ahead
// and force a call to make sure the manager has been initialized and hence
// the ports are opened.
ProcessSerialNumber psn;
if (!ls_get_current_application_asn_func ||
!ls_set_application_information_item_func ||
!ls_display_name_key) {
PrivateLSASN asn = ls_get_current_application_asn_func();
// Constant used by WebKit; what exactly it means is unknown.
const int magic_session_constant = -2;
OSErr err =
ls_set_application_information_item_func(magic_session_constant, asn,
NULL /* optional out param */);
LOG_IF(ERROR, err) << "Call to set process name failed, err " << err;
Edit: It's a complex and confusing problem.
On OS X there is no setproctitle(3). One has to write into the argv array (ugly
and a bit dangerous because it is possible to overwrite some environment variables with bogus stuff). Done correctly it works very well.
Additionally Apple has the ActivityMonitor application, something like the Task Manager under Windows. The code above manipulates ActivityMonitor but this manipulation doesn't seem to be encouraged by Apple (hence the use of undocumented functions).
Important: ps and ActivityMonitor don't show the same information.
Also important: ActivityMonitor is not available if you don't have GUI. This can happen if you ssh in to a remote Apple box and there is nobody logged in by GUI. Sadly there is a bug by Apple IMO. Just querying if there is a GUI sends an annoying warning message to stderr.
Summary: If you need to change ActivityMonitor, use the code above. If you have GUI-less situations and and dislike warnings on stderr, redirect stderr temporarily to /dev/null during the call of SetProcessName. If you need to change ps information, write into argv.

You can use the lsappinfo tool which comes with macOS since at least 10.6 and up to present day (10.13.2):
lsappinfo setinfo <PID> --name <NAME>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
void setProcessName (pid_t pid, std::string name)
std::ostringstream cmd;
cmd << "/usr/bin/lsappinfo setinfo " << pid;
cmd << " --name \"" << name << "\"";
system (cmd.str().c_str());


Has there been any change between kernel 5.15 and 5.4.0 concerning ioctl valid commands?

We have some custom driver working on 5.4.0. It's pretty old and the original developers are no longer supporting it, so we have to maintain it in our systems.
When upgrading to Ubuntu 22 (Kernel 5.15), the driver suddenly stopped working, and sending ioctl with the command SIOCDEVPRIVATE (which used to work in kernel 5.4.0, and in fact is used to get some necessary device information)now gives "ioctl: Operation not supported" error with no extra information anywhere on the logs.
So... has something changed between those two kernels? We did have to adapt some of the structures used to register the driver, but I can't see anything concerning registering valid operations there. Do I have to register valid operations somewhere now?
Alternatively, does somebody know what part of the kernel code is checking for the operation to be supported? I've been trying to find it from ioctl.c, but I can't seem to find where that particular error comes from.
The driver code that supposedly takes care of this (doesn't even reach first line on 5.15):
static int u50_dev_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd) {
struct u50_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
if (cmd == SIOCDEVPRIVATE) {
memcpy(&ifr->ifr_data, priv->tty->name, strlen(priv->tty->name));
return 0;
And the attempt to access it that does no longer work:
struct ifreq ifr = {0};
struct ifaddrs *ifaddr, *ifa;
for (ifa = ifaddr; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifa->ifa_name, IFNAMSIZ);
if (ioctl(lonsd, SIOCDEVPRIVATE, &ifr) < 0) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Ioctl:%d: %s\n", __LINE__, strerror(errno));
and structure for registration
static const struct net_device_ops u50_netdev_ops = {
.ndo_init = u50_dev_init,
.ndo_uninit = u50_dev_uninit,
.ndo_open = u50_dev_open,
.ndo_stop = u50_dev_stop,
.ndo_start_xmit = u50_dev_xmit,
.ndo_do_ioctl = u50_dev_ioctl,
.ndo_set_mac_address = U50SetHWAddr,
If you need some code to respond to SIOCDEVPRIVATE, you used to be able to do it via ndo_do_ioctl (writing a compatible function, then linking it in a net_device_ops struct in 5.4). However, in 5.15 it was changed so now you have to implement a ndo_siocdevprivate function, rather than ndo_do_ioctl, which is no longer called, according to the kernel documentation.
Patch that did this:

KEXT: vnode_open() result in Kernel Panic

Sorry if it was asked before, but I can't really google any.
I was trying to read files within the KEXT of OSX, using vnode_open() like the following:
struct vnode *vp = NULL;
kern_return_t kret;
vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_current();
kret = vnode_open(path, FREAD, 0, 0, &vp, ctx);
if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
// Error log
} else {
proc_t proc = vfs_context_proc(ctx);
kauth_cred_t vp_cred = vfs_context_ucred(ctx);
char *buf = NULL;
int resid;
int len = sizeof(struct astruct);
buf = (char *)IOMalloc(len);
kret = vn_rdwr(UIO_READ, fvp, (caddr_t)buf,
len, 0, UIO_SYSSPACE, 0, vp_cred, &resid, proc);
vnode_close(fvp, FREAD, ctx);
if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
// Error log
// Do something with the result.
Once the kext was loaded, the system panics and reboots. As long as vnode_open() is there, it panics.
Am I doing it wrong?
One thing that immediately stands out:
You shouldn't be using vfs_context_current() - use vfs_context_create(NULL). What's worse, you're subsequently calling vfs_context_rele(ctx); on the returned context. Only vfs_context_create retains, vfs_context_current() does not, so you're over-releasing the VFS context. This could certainly cause a kernel panic.
In general, when developing kexts, you can really be doing a lot more than just letting the system reboot after a kernel panic:
Panic logs are written to NVRAM, and on next boot, are saved to file. You can inspect them via, under "System Diagnostic Reports" starting with "kernel".
Panic logs contain a stack trace, which is by default unsymbolicated. You can symbolicate them after the crash, but it's a lot more convenient to set the keepsyms=1 boot argument and get the crash handler to symbolicate for you.
You can set up the debug boot argument to make crashes initiate the kernel debugger or core dumps, write the stack trace to serial/firewire console, etc.
These things are documented in part on Apple's site, but a bit of searching on the web might get you some more detailed information. In any case, they're incredibly useful for debugging problems like this.

Detecting if laptop lid is closed/integrated screen is off

Is there a Windows API to detect if a laptop lid is closed (= integrated laptop screen is off)?
There's already the "same" question asked:
Get current laptop lid state
Though the (self-)accepted answer relies on an integrated screen "device" being removed, when the lid closes. But that does not happen on all laptops. Some keep the screen "available" to the system (while not displaying anything actually), even when the lid is closed. This means that the Windows desktop still stretches over the closed screen (if the "Multiple Displays" settings is set to "Extend these displays").
I have not determined yet, if this behavior can be configured or if it is driver-specific:
Remove closed laptop screen from Windows desktop
But even on such systems, the OS knows that the lid closes, as it can shutdown/sleep the machine when it does. And it broadcasts a notification (WM_POWERBROADCAST):
Detect laptop lid closure and opening
Background: I have an application that starts on the same display, where it was closed the last time. If it was closed on the integrated laptop screen and the lid is closed the next time the application starts (because the user is now using an external monitor), my application starts on the now-invisible integrated laptop screen.
Hence I want to detect that the lid is closed and force the application onto an external monitor.
So I'm looking either for a way to detect, if lid is closed. Or for a way to detect, that a particular screen is off (what would be a cleaner solution).
Sounds like you don't really care if the lid is closed or not and just want to know if the screen area where you are about to launch your application is available or not.
If the OS "still uses the shut off screen for its extended desktop" then that means (from the OS's point of view) that the screen is available to be used for applications. In other words - your application would not be the only one suffering from that issue. Though I have to say I have never observed that particular behavior first-hand.
If you need to move your application while it is running then you can register for the RegisterPowerSettingNotification and act on it.
However if you are launching and need to know if the screen is on or off you have two options:
This will provide you with the information on whether your screen is attached to a desktop and is active. This is "system info" that you get from the API in User32.dll
ddi.cb = sizeof(ddi);
DWORD iDevNum = 0; // or iterate 0..15
EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, iDevNum, &ddi, /*EDD_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_NAME*/0);
if( (ddi.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER) == 0 &&
(ddi.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_ACTIVE) != 0 ){...}
This gives you basically the same info as above but with a more modern approach (and potentially fewer false positives). Of course that would require you to link-in DXGI for this to work and include the header which will increase your application size:
#include <atltypes.h>
IDXGIAdapter * pAdapter;
std::vector <IDXGIAdapter*> vAdapters;
IDXGIFactory* pFactory = NULL;
// Create a DXGIFactory object.
if(FAILED(CreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory) ,(void**)&pFactory)))
for(UINT i = 0; pFactory->EnumAdapters(i, &pAdapter) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; ++i){
UINT j = 0;
IDXGIOutput * pOutput;
while(pAdapter->EnumOutputs(j, &pOutput) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
// in here you can access od.DesktopCoordinates
// od.AttachedToDesktop tells you if the screen is attached
Hope that helps.
This method also provides display information but in a slightly different way - via a list of adapters and monitors attached to those adapters. Remember to link-in d3d9 library for this to work:
void d3d_adapterInfo(IDirect3D9 * _pD3D9, UINT _n)
const DWORD flags = 0;
if(SUCCEEDED(_pD3D9->GetAdapterIdentifier(_n, flags, &id))){
// id provides info on Driver, Description, Name
HMONITOR hm = _pD3D9->GetAdapterMonitor(_n);
// and based on that hm you get the same monitor info as
// with the first method
void d3d_enumDisplays()
cout << endl << "--- Information by Direct3D9 ---" << endl;
IDirect3D9 * pD3D9 = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
const auto nAdapters = pD3D9->GetAdapterCount();
cout << "A total of " << nAdapters << " adapters are listed by Direct3D9" << endl;
for(UINT i = 0; i < nAdapters; ++i){
d3d_adapterInfo(pD3D9, i);
All 3 code snippets are from some of my projects so you can just copy-paste the code and it should work (baring some minor fixes for missing functions or variables as I was modifying the code on-the-fly to reduce its size when posted it here)

D programming language - input without pressing enter

I'm playing around with the D programming language and am wondering how I
can grab a character without requiring the user to press enter.
Pseudocode example of what I want:
In C++ I can use conio.h's "getch()", but i have yet to find anything similar here.
Edit: I am using Windows 7.
Edit 2: I found a solution at this forum, which I could alter for my own use.
module main;
import std.stdio;
void main() {
auto hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
for(;;) { // in default console mode, ctrl-C will terminate
DWORD numread;
while(inrec.EventType != KEY_EVENT) {
WaitForSingleObject(hCon, INFINITE);
ReadConsoleInputW(hCon, &inrec, 1, &numread);
auto keyEvent = inrec.KeyEvent;
writefln("VK: %x \tChar: %x \tState: %x",
You can also use various libraries. For example, my terminal.d can do this for windows and linux.
Here's an example file from my book (see my SO profile if you're interested) that demonstrates the usage
import terminal;
void main() {
auto terminal = Terminal(ConsoleOutputType.linear);
auto input = RealTimeConsoleInput(&terminal, ConsoleInputFlags.raw);
terminal.writeln("Press any key to exit");
auto ch = input.getch();
The input object does the necessary conversions to the console mode to turn off line buffering and cleans up after itself. Once you create one, you have methods like input.getch() and input.kbhit() similarly to conio.
My terminal library also offers other event types for things like mouse input if you want to get into more advanced usages.
To compile, just download terminal.d and add it to your command, e.g. dmd yourfile.d terminal.d.

FreeBSD newbus driver loading succesfully but cant create /dev/** file and debugging

I am installing a new newbuf driver on FreeBSD 10.0 . After compiling with make the driver.ko file has been created and than kldload can load successfully. kldload returns 0 and I can see the device at the kldstat output. When attempt to use the driver opening the /dev/** file, the file is not exist.
I think that this /dev/** file should be created by make_dev function which is located in device_attach member method. To test if the kldload reaches this attaching function; when write printf and uprintf to debug the driver, I can not see any output at console nor dmesg output.
But the problem is after writing printf at beginnings (after local variable definitions) of device_identify and device_probe functions, I can't see any output again at console nor dmesg.
My question is that even if the physical driver has problem (not located etc.), should I see the ouput of printf at the device_identify member function which is called by kldload at starting course (I think)?
Do I have a mistake when debugging newbuf driver with printf (I also tried a hello_world device driver and at this driver I can take output of printf at dmesg)?
Mainly how can I test/debug this driver's kldload processes?
Below some parts of my driver code (I think at least I should see MSG1, but I can not see):
struct mydrv_softc
device_t dev;
static devclass_t mydrv_devclass;
static struct cdevsw mydrv_cdevsw = {
.d_version = D_VERSION,
.d_name = "mydrv",
.d_flags = D_NEEDGIANT,
.d_open = mydrv_open,
.d_close = mydrv_close,
.d_ioctl = mydrv_ioctl,
.d_write = mydrv_write,
.d_read = mydrv_read
static void mydrv_identify (driver_t *driver, device_t parent) {
devclass_t dc;
device_t child;
printf("MSG1: The process inside the identfy function.");
dc = devclass_find("mydrv");
if (devclass_get_device(dc, 0) == NULL) {
child = BUS_ADD_CHILD(parent, 0, "mydrv", -1);
static int mydrv_probe(device_t dev) {
printf("MSG2: The process inside the probe function.");
if (device_get_unit(dev) != 0)
return (ENXIO);
device_set_desc(dev, "FreeBSD Device Driver");
return (0);
static int mydrv_attach(device_t dev) {
struct mydrv_softc *sc;
device_printf(dev, "MSG3: The process will make attachment.");
sc = (struct mydrv_softc *) device_get_softc(dev);
sc->dev = (device_t)make_dev(&mydrv_cdevsw, 0, UID_ROOT, GID_WHEEL, 0644, "mydrv_drv");
return 0;
static int mydrv_detach(device_t dev) {
struct mydrv_softc *sc;
sc = (struct mydrv_softc *) device_get_softc(dev);
destroy_dev((struct cdev*)(sc->dev));
return 0;
static device_method_t mydrv_methods[] = {
DEVMETHOD(device_identify, mydrv_identify),
DEVMETHOD(device_probe, mydrv_probe),
DEVMETHOD(device_attach, mydrv_attach),
DEVMETHOD(device_detach, mydrv_detach),
{ 0, 0 }
static driver_t mydrv_driver = {
sizeof(struct mydrv_softc),
DRIVER_MODULE(mydrv, ppbus, mydrv_driver, mydrv_devclass, 0, 0);
If you don't see your printf's output on your console then your device functions will probably not be called. Can you show us your module's code?
Have you used DRIVER_MODULE() or DEV_MODULE()?
What parent bus are you using?
I guess printf works fine, but I prefer to use device_printf as it also prints the device name, and will be easier when looking through logs or dmesg output. Also leave multiple debug prints and check the log files on your system. Most logs for the device drivers are logged in /var/log/messages. But check other log files too.
Are you running your code on a virtual machine? Some device drivers don't show up their device files in /dev if the OS is running on a virtual machine. You should probably run your OS on actual hardware for the device file to show up.
As far as I know, you can't see the output in dmesg if you cannot find the corresponding device file in /dev but you may have luck with logs as I mentioned.
The easiest way to debug is of course using the printf statements. Other than this, you can debug the kernel using gdb running on another system. I am not familiar with the exact process but I know you can do this. Google it.
