Free Hosted Project Planners That Aren't Iterative [closed] - project-management

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am currently using Pivotal Tracker and I like it for its features. The project I am working on though is basically just a hobby game project on the side (even though I plan to sell it when I am done). So while I do want to advance and work on it in a timely matter, I really don't feel like being "timed" with iterations like Pivotal Tracker does.
I really like Trac, but I don't want to host it on my home server because I don't run that server 24/7 and I have another person working on the project that doesn't have access to my server. So I want that person to be able to access the tracker at all times. So are there any project trackers like Trac that are hosted?

It looks like SourceForge can do what you want. Free hosting with issue tracking, etc.

Check out something like Assembla. For a relatively low price, they'll have issue tracking, SVN hosting, and even a simple wiki.

I was able to find a good tracker called Acunote ( It is really good, and free for my project requirements.


TFS scrum board alternatives [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Due to some reasons I'm unable to use TFS scrum board, though I'm using TFS itself. Are there any tools/plugins which offer similar integration with TFS tasks? The only one I found is Scrum Power Tools, but it's in my opinion insufficient and not so good quality. Are there any alternatives to TFS scrum board?
If you are still looking, Eylean Board offers a two way integration with TFS. All the information is shared and updated in both systems, so you can use the scrum board in Eylean and have all the information updated in TFS.
Besides the scrum board itself, it allows to add various information and details to the tasks, track time and generates reports for your convenience.
Try SEP Teamworks by I saw it somewhere recently and it looked ok.
I am prefer Work Item Manager and Project Dashboard from Telerik. I like for aggregation features, it is useful when you need review tasks of other developers.

Dashboards for Development Metrics [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a private, host my own, behind-a-firewall dashboard like Geckoboard or Ducksboard.
Widgets for Atlassian products, Git, Junit based results and Splunk would be ideal.
More context-
Geckoboard and Ducksboard look great to me, but my Atlassian products, Git, etc. are all behind a firewall. Opening up the firewall for Geckoboard, Ducksboard, etc. is not an option.
I know they both have APIs where I could push data to, but I don't really want to write custom REST calls for aforementioned products.
Know of any similar dashboards where I can install locally?
You can check out Dashing
It's a dashboard written by the guys from Shopify, written in Ruby.
You can see the list of widgets it supports in the link below, though I know it doesn't really cover what you are after. But you should be able to write your own widgets.
I've only played around it for a little bit, but seems quite easy to get started.

Anyone know of a hosted TeamCity build provider? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking to set up a TeamCity server for continuously building a .NET web application. I already have hosting, so I don't want to get a whole new hosting account such as AppHarbor.
I don't maintain my own physical server, nor do I want to.
I also don't want to have to pay $50 or more per month for an entire dedicated Windows machine, just to host TeamCity.
I really don't care if it's slow and on a shared machine, as it's just continuous build which will be running in the background.
I'll want to have the outputs automatically deployed to a server of my choice through FTP.
Is there anyone on the market providing hosted TeamCity environments?
AppVeyor CI provides hosted continuous integration for .NET developers.
Disclaimer: I'm the developer of this service.
If your open source project you can get a free account at Code Better I don't know of any for non open source. offers Cloud Powered Continuous Deployment for.Net websites and services.
Disclosure: I am the developer and founder of this service.
Just came across BuildBox (now Buildkite) from a tweet from someone I follow. Seems like a suitable solution to this.

Where can I find good collaboration tool? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm working on a project where I'm using as a tool when brainstorming new ideas.
Now I need a tool where I can define roles and what responsibilities they have, and link this to a person / persons. It would also be nice if I could add tasks with a due date for each person.
Are there any open source websites which has this?
The tool must be light weight, and not strictly for programmers only.
Main usage would be before development stage.
Ok, after some more thinking, it looks like I need some kind of project template tool.
I have this project. In order to be succesfull, I need to cover task A, B and C.
Task A has sub tasks like a1, a2 and a3.
Now this is still just descriptions of things I must think of / answer, in order to have a successful project.
When those Qs have ben answered, I can start delegating tasks to project members which again can break down the tasks.
I personally like Trac - it is a lightweight wiki and issue tracking tool.
"Redmine" has many features to collaborate with others in projects.
Also, using a Redmine client app, such as "mintRedmine", will help your team get the best outcome out of the features in Redmine fast and easy.
GanttProject is good for breaking down project responsibilities to persons and defining timelines.
Collabtive is the best one I've used. I think it should cover the functionality you're asking for. They also offer hosting for reasonable prices.
DotProject is also an alternative, but without the good looks...
Redmine is great.

Task management for team [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm looking for a web application to manage tasks (not necessary programming-oriented) for a small team. It must be easy to setup and maintain, and I don't look for an SaaS solution. It must offer file upload and mail users in case of a change. There is hundred of solutions available but most are too complex for what we want or are not "stable" (not updated since a long time, not very well programmed). i was wondering if stack overflow's folks have some recommendations...
lighthouse -
gemini -
We had a very similar requirement and after much searching we eventually decided on Redmine.
Does all that you require and more. Setup couldn't be easier if you use one of the Bitnami stacks. We went down the virtual image route as we had a VMWare server - but installers for existing platforms are also available.
I tried Basecamp some time ago but I don't need a web based solution. But it was pretty good.
Redmine is a great project management, used by many open source projects. It is also quite actively maintained and really stable.
It's worth mentioning that even though Redmine is software oriented, it can easily be used as a project management software. All you have to do is ignore all the parts about repositories and you have a full-fledged project management software.
