Maven pre-defined "bin" assembly not working? - maven

I have a project that uses the maven-assembly-plugin to create source and binary tar and zip files for download. However, whenever I try to build the bin assembly it fails with an error that says "A tar file cannot include itself."
I can reproduce this problem with a minimal Maven project created with the maven-archetype-plugin and adding the following to the pom.xml:
With this plugin declaration in place I get the above-mentioned error message if I execute either "mvn site" or "mvn assembly:assembly".
Does anyone have any idea why this isn't working?
I'd be happy to provide any other information needed to help diagnose the problem.

It looks like there is a problem with version 2.2 of the Maven Assembly Plugin, your snippet works with the version 2.1 of the plugin.
I didn't check Jira for an existing issue. If you can't find any, it would be nice to raise a new one.


Executing Maven Project [duplicate]

I have a code base which I want to distribute as jar. It also have dependency on external jars, which I want to bundle in the final jar.
I heard that this can be done using maven-assembly-plug-in, but I don't understand how. Could someone point me to some examples.
Right now, I'm using fat jar to bundle the final jar. I want to achieve the same thing using maven.
Note: If you are a spring-boot application, read the end of answer
Add following plugin to your pom.xml
The latest version can be found at
After configuring this plug-in, running mvn package will produce two jars: one containing just the project classes, and a second fat jar with all dependencies with the suffix "-jar-with-dependencies".
if you want correct classpath setup at runtime then also add following plugin
For spring boot application use just following plugin (choose appropriate version of it)
You can use the maven-shade-plugin.
After configuring the shade plugin in your build the command mvn package will create one single jar with all dependencies merged into it.
Maybe you want maven-shade-plugin, bundle dependencies, minimize unused code and hide external dependencies to avoid conflicts.
actually, adding the
declaration to maven-jar-plugin does not add the main class entry to the manifest file for me.
I had to add it to the maven-assembly-plugin in order to get that in the manifest
You can use the onejar-maven-plugin for packaging. Basically, it assembles your project and its dependencies in as one jar, including not just your project jar file, but also all external dependencies as a "jar of jars", e.g.
Note 1: Configuration options is available at the project home page.
Note 2: For one reason or the other, the onejar-maven-plugin project is not published at Maven Central. However tracks the original project and publishes it to with the groupId com.jolira.
An alternative is to use the maven shade plugin to build an uber-jar.
<version> Your Version Here </version>
<!-- put your configurations here -->
Read if you want to use the maven-assembly-plugin.
As other answers have already outlined, it seems that the maven-shade-plugin offers more features and is the recommended plugin to build a fat jar, but in case you would like to use the maven-assembly-plugin the following plugin configuration will work.
The answer of #jmj explains that the correct classpath can be setup with an additional maven-jar-plugin, but this will only add the classpath to the original jar and not the fat jar. The information must instead be directly included into the configuration section of the maven-assembly-plugin.
When you now run maven package, your normal and fat jar will be created and you can run your fat jar with java -jar yourJar.jar.

Building a fat jar using maven

I have a code base which I want to distribute as jar. It also have dependency on external jars, which I want to bundle in the final jar.
I heard that this can be done using maven-assembly-plug-in, but I don't understand how. Could someone point me to some examples.
Right now, I'm using fat jar to bundle the final jar. I want to achieve the same thing using maven.
Note: If you are a spring-boot application, read the end of answer
Add following plugin to your pom.xml
The latest version can be found at
After configuring this plug-in, running mvn package will produce two jars: one containing just the project classes, and a second fat jar with all dependencies with the suffix "-jar-with-dependencies".
if you want correct classpath setup at runtime then also add following plugin
For spring boot application use just following plugin (choose appropriate version of it)
You can use the maven-shade-plugin.
After configuring the shade plugin in your build the command mvn package will create one single jar with all dependencies merged into it.
Maybe you want maven-shade-plugin, bundle dependencies, minimize unused code and hide external dependencies to avoid conflicts.
actually, adding the
declaration to maven-jar-plugin does not add the main class entry to the manifest file for me.
I had to add it to the maven-assembly-plugin in order to get that in the manifest
You can use the onejar-maven-plugin for packaging. Basically, it assembles your project and its dependencies in as one jar, including not just your project jar file, but also all external dependencies as a "jar of jars", e.g.
Note 1: Configuration options is available at the project home page.
Note 2: For one reason or the other, the onejar-maven-plugin project is not published at Maven Central. However tracks the original project and publishes it to with the groupId com.jolira.
An alternative is to use the maven shade plugin to build an uber-jar.
<version> Your Version Here </version>
<!-- put your configurations here -->
Read if you want to use the maven-assembly-plugin.
As other answers have already outlined, it seems that the maven-shade-plugin offers more features and is the recommended plugin to build a fat jar, but in case you would like to use the maven-assembly-plugin the following plugin configuration will work.
The answer of #jmj explains that the correct classpath can be setup with an additional maven-jar-plugin, but this will only add the classpath to the original jar and not the fat jar. The information must instead be directly included into the configuration section of the maven-assembly-plugin.
When you now run maven package, your normal and fat jar will be created and you can run your fat jar with java -jar yourJar.jar.

How to register a custom built jar file as maven main artifact?

I have a project expected to deliver a jar file:
but the jar is built in a custom way, so the default packaging done with jar:jar has been disabled
but then when I want to apply shade:shade on the existing jar I get an error
The project main artifact does not exist.
I assume that maven doesn't know about the .jar file created by my custom tool. How to let it know, because antrun attachArtifact doesn't work
<attachartifact file="./bin/classes.jar" classifier="" type="jar"/>
the error I get is
An Ant BuildException has occured: org.apache.maven.artifact.InvalidArtifactRTException: For artifact {:jar}: An attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact.
So this is not the method to register main artifact... Is there any (without writing custom java plugin)?
I checked the sources of JarMojo and it gave me an idea how to solve it with Groovy (via gmaven)
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes.jar"))
and it works!:)
Something like this
While your solution may work for a build to the install+ phase or where there are no dependencies in the reactor, in cases where only building to the compile or test phase the unpackaged classes won't be found by dependencies.
Building to compile happens when using plugins like the maven-release-plugin.
Extending your chosen solution to include identifying the unpacked classes during compile
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes"))
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes.jar"))
By default the maven-install-plugin will use the identified artifact along the lines of
So another option might go something like this
We were having the same problem, with getting the "attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact" error. We found the solution in the following excellent blog post:
As detailed in this section, you can fix the problem by adding a classifier so Maven can distinguish between the ant-built jar and the maven-built jar. Since you're using antrun attachartifact, you'd need this:
<attachartifact file="./bin/classes.jar" classifier="foo" type="jar"/>
Note you'll also need to include that classifier (along with groupId, artifactId and version) whenever you want to grab this jar as a dependency in other projects.

Maven: Extract dependency resources before test

I have a multimodule Maven project. One subproject hosts XSL/XML resource files. The other project hosts Java code that needs to use these files in its unit tests.
In the dependency's jar, the resources lie in the folder xml-resources.
I found this example and tried to change it for my needs:
This doesn't do anything when I run the process-test-resources phase. Am am sure that there are some errors in there - I do not see where I can specify the dependency the resources should be taken from, and <classifier> does not seem to actually specify the source where the resources should be copied from.
I'm lost here, can somebody tell me how to do this right?
Try something like this
<includes>foobar.txt, loremipsum.xml</includes>
Have a look at the unpack-dependencies parameters for detailed explanation or further information.

Unable to get unpack-dependencies to run before jar:jar,

I cannot get maven-dependency-plugin/unpack-dependencies to run before maven-jar-plugin/jar when running mvn clean install from the command line.
Every time, I see it running jar:jar before the unpack stuff runs, I saw in my googling some talk of adding a pre-package phase to the maven lifecycle, doesn't seem to be working thought.
Basically I want to create a single jar file containing all necessary classes (all 2600 of them). This jar gets a Manifest which enables it to be run in the manner of:
java -jar blah.jar
If I ever get it to work...
And here's the xml snippet...
In your original question, replace the phase with the following phase.
this will cause the jars to be extracted first. For your problem, the shade solution is better, but I will still post this here as a reference for other with similar problems where shade does not help.
The output path is set to make sure that jar's contents end up in dir that the jar:jar goal packages (target/classes).
Full plugin execution xml snippet:
I had similiar issue with single jar creation.
My solutions incorporates standard maven-dependency plugin with unpack goal (unpacks all dependencies during compile process and move it into custom outputDirectory.
The secret is, JAR plugin takes all from target/classes directory and packs as a one JAR.
That's why I defined custom outputDirectory. Have a look at the code below:
You may run it by identifying the goal sequentially as
"mvn clean dependency:unpack jar:jar install"
I hope this may help you to achieve the requirement
Charlee Ch.
