when does LINQ outperforms ado.net - linq

we know that linq is a layer built on top on the ado.net stack. it is very nice feature and makes database querying much better but linq is an additional layer and thus it adds some overhead to translate linq queries to sql queries and maps back the results while in ado.net we write the sql queries directly.
my question is when does linq performs faster than using the normal ado.net methods.

When the time saved in writing all those queries in raw SQL and managing all the other translation etc allows you to spend more time on finding performance bottlenecks.
LINQ isn't about outperforming SQL. It's about making code simpler and clearer, so you can concentrate on more important aspects. There may occasionally be times where the natural LINQ expression of query ends up with faster SQL than you'd have come up with yourself - although there are plenty of times the opposite will happen, too. You should still look at the SQL being generated, and profile it accordingly.

You will always be able to beat LINQ backed to a db with a stored procedure accessed from ADO and then either acted on directly or (if you must deal with objects) used to construct a an object with just the amount of data required for the task in hand.
However, LINQ lets us very quickly create a query which returns just that information needed for that task by returning anonymous objects.
To do the same with custom code per query would require either to not stop dealing with ADO at other layers (fraught in several ways) and/or to create a very large amount of objects that duplicate most of their functionality, but share no code.
So, while it can be beaten on performance, it can't be beaten in this case without a lot of rather repetitive code. And it can beat the more natural approach (to return entity objects with bloat we won't use) on performance.
Finally, even in cases where it doesn't win, it can still be faster to write, and clearer hot the operation relates to the way the entities are defined (this latter is the main reason I'm quite fond of it).


Why does query optimization affect performance?

I am a student who is learning spring and jpa recently. While developing 'get api' with conditions, I came to think about which method is advantageous in terms of performance.
When it is necessary to query data based on conditions, jpql or querydsl are usually used to generate dynamic queries. Can you tell me why generating a dynamic query like this and looking up only the necessary data is better than using the java stream filter() function after looking up the entire data?
Also, can you tell me why generating fewer queries is advantageous in terms of performance?
I know that generating fewer queries has a performance advantage, but I lack an understanding of why I say it has a performance advantage.
Can you tell me why generating a dynamic query like this and looking up only the necessary data is better than using the java stream filter() function after looking up the entire data?
In general addressing the database or any other external storage is much more expensive than most of operations on Java side because of networking latency. If you query all the data and use e.g. list.stream().filter() than the significant amount of data is transferred over the network. And if one vice versa queries only some data filtered on the DB side the transferred amount in lower.
Pay attention, that while this is true in general there might be a cases when filtering on Java side could be more effective. This is highly dependent on several things:
query complexity
amount of data
database structure (schema, indices, column types etc.)
As of number of queries here we have the same considerations: query execution costs, data transfer costs, so the less queries you have - the better. And again, this is not an axiom: in some cases having multiple lightweight queries with grouping/filtering on Java side might be faster, than one huge and complicated SQL-query.

Pitfalls in prototype database design (for performance viability testing)

Following on from my previous question, I'm looking to run some performance tests on various potential schema representations of an object model. However, the catch is that while the model is conceptually complete, it's not actually finalised yet - and so the exact number of tables, and numbers/types of attributes in each table aren't definite.
From my (possibly naive) perspective it seems like it should be possible to put together a representative prototype model for each approach, and test the performance of each of these to determine which is the fastest approach for each case.
And that's where the question comes in. I'm aware that the performance characteristics of databases can be very non-intuitive, such that a small (even "trivial") change can lead to an order of magnitude difference. Thus I'm wondering what common pitfalls there might be when setting up a dummy table structure and populating it with dummy data. Since the environment is likely to make a massive difference here, the target is Oracle running on RHEL 3.
(In particular, I'm looking for examples such as "make sure that one of your tables has a much more selective index than the other"; "make sure you have more than x rows/columns because below this you won't hit page faults and the performance will be different"; "ensure you test with the DATETIME datatype if you're going to use it because it will change the query plan greatly", and so on. I tried Google, expecting there would be lots of pages/blog posts on best practices in this area, but couldn't find the trees for the wood (lots of pages about tuning performance of an existing DB instead).)
As a note, I'm willing to accept an answer along the lines of "it's not feasible to perform a test like this with any degree of confidence in the transitivity of the result", if that is indeed the case.
There are a few things that you can do to position yourself to meet performance objectives. I think they happen in this order:
be aware of architectures, best practices and patterns
be aware of how the database works
spot-test performance to get additional precision or determine impact of wacky design areas
More on each:
Architectures, best practices and patterns: one of the most common reasons for reporting databases to fail to perform is that those who build them are completely unfamiliar with the reporting domain. They may be experts on the transactional database domain - but the techniques from that domain do not translate to the warehouse/reporting domain. So, you need to know your domain well - and if you do you'll be able to quickly identify an appropriate approach that will work almost always - and that you can tweak from there.
How the database works: you need to understand in general what options the optimizer/planner has for your queries. What's the impact to different statements of adding indexes? What's the impact of indexing a 256 byte varchar? Will reporting queries even use your indexes? etc
Now that you've got the right approach, and generally understand how 90% of your model will perform - you're often done forecasting performance with most small to medium size databases. If you've got a huge one, there's a ton at stake, you've got to get more precise (might need to order more hardware), or have a few wacky spots in the design - then focus your tests on just this. Generate reasonable test data - and (important) stats that you'd see in production. And look to see what the database will do with that data. Unless you've got real data and real prod-sized servers you'll still have to extrapolate - but you should at least be able to get reasonably close.
Running performance tests against various putative implementation of a conceptual model is not naive so much as heroically forward thinking. Alas I suspect it will be a waste of your time.
Let's take one example: data. Presumably you are intending to generate random data to populate your tables. That might give you some feeling for how well a query might perform with large volumes. But often performance problems are a product of skew in the data; a random set of data will give you an averaged distribution of values.
Another example: code. Most performance problems are due to badly written SQL, especially inappropriate joins. You might be able to apply an index to tune an individual for SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE blah but that isn't going to help you forestall badly written queries.
The truism about premature optimization applies to databases as well as algorithms. The most important thing is to get the data model complete and correct. If you manage that you are already ahead of the game.
Having read the question which you linked to I more clearly understand where you are coming from. I have a little experience of this Hibernate mapping problem from the database designer perspective. Taking the example you give at the end of the page ...
Animal > Vertebrate > Mammal > Carnivore > Canine > Dog type hierarchy,
... the key thing is to instantiate objects as far down the chain as possible. Instantiating a column of Animals will perform much slower than instantiating separate collections of Dogs, Cats, etc. (presuming you have tables for all or some of those sub-types).
This is more of an application design issue than a database one. What will make a difference is whether you only build tables at the concrete level (CATS, DOGS) or whether you replicate the hierarchy in tables (ANIMALS, VERTEBRATES, etc). Unfortunately there are no simple answers here. For instance, you have to consider not just the performance of data retrieval but also how Hibernate will handle inserts and updates: a design which performs well for queries might be a real nightmare when it comes to persisting data. Also relational integrity has an impact: if you have some entity which applies to all Mammals, it is comforting to be able to enforce a foreign key against a MAMMALS table.
Performance problems with databases do not scale linearly with data volume. A database with a million rows in it might show one hotspot, while a similar database with a billion rows in it might reveal an entirely different hotspot. Beware of tests conducted with sample data.
You need good sound database design practices in order to keep your design simple and sound. Worry about whether your database meets the data requirements, and whether your model is relevant, complete, correct and relational (provided you're building a relational database) before you even start worrying about speed.
Then, once you've got something that's simple, sound, and correct, start worrying about speed. You'd be amazed at how much you can speed things up by just tweaking the physical features of your database, without changing any app code. To do this, you need to learn a lot about your particular DBMS.
They never said database development would be easy. They just said it would be this much fun!

Anyone know anything about OLAP Internals?

I know a bit about database internals. I've actually implemented a small, simple relational database engine before, using ISAM structures on disk and BTree indexes and all that sort of thing. It was fun, and very educational. I know that I'm much more cognizant about carefully designing database schemas and writing queries now that I know a little bit more about how RDBMSs work under the hood.
But I don't know anything about multidimensional OLAP data models, and I've had a hard time finding any useful information on the internet.
How is the information stored on disk? What data structures comprise the cube? If a MOLAP model doesn't use tables, with columns and records, then... what? Especially in highly dimensional data, what kinds of data structures make the MOLAP model so efficient? Do MOLAP implementations use something analogous to RDBMS indexes?
Why are OLAP servers so much better at processing ad hoc queries? The same sorts of aggregations that might take hours to process in an ordinary relational database can be processed in milliseconds in an OLTP cube. What are the underlying mechanics of the model that make that possible?
I've implemented a couple of systems that mimicked what OLAP cubes do, and here are a couple of things we did to get them to work.
The core data was held in an n-dimensional array, all in memory, and all the keys were implemented via hierarchies of pointers to the underlying array. In this way we could have multiple different sets of keys for the same data. The data in the array was the equivalent of the fact table, often it would only have a couple of pieces of data, in one instance this was price and number sold.
The underlying array was often sparse, so once it was created we used to remove all the blank cells to save memory - lots of hardcore pointer arithmetic but it worked.
As we had hierarchies of keys, we could write routines quite easily to drill down/up a hierarchy easily. For instance we would access year of data, by going through the month keys, which in turn mapped to days and/or weeks. At each level we would aggregate data as part of building the cube - made calculations much faster.
We didn't implement any kind of query language, but we did support drill down on all axis (up to 7 in our biggest cubes), and that was tied directly to the UI which the users liked.
We implemented core stuff in C++, but these days I reckon C# could be fast enough, but I'd worry about how to implement sparse arrays.
Hope that helps, sound interesting.
The book Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services Unleashed spells out some of the particularities of SSAS 2008 in decent detail. It's not quite a "here's exactly how SSAS works under the hood", but it's pretty suggestive, especially on the data structure side. (It's not quite as detailed/specific about the exact algorithms.) A few of the things I, as an amateur in this area, gathered from this book. This is all about SSAS MOLAP:
Despite all the talk about multi-dimensional cubes, fact table (aka measure group) data is still, to a first approximation, ultimately stored in basically 2D tables, one row per fact. A number of OLAP operations seem to ultimately consist of iterating over rows in 2D tables.
The data is potentially much smaller inside MOLAP than inside a corresponding SQL table, however. One trick is that each unique string is stored only once, in a "string store". Data structures can then refer to strings in a more compact form (by string ID, basically). SSAS also compresses rows within the MOLAP store in some form. This shrinking I assume lets more of the data stay in RAM simultaneously, which is good.
Similarly, SSAS can often iterate over a subset of the data rather than the full dataset. A few mechanisms are in play:
By default, SSAS builds a hash index for each dimension/attribute value; it thus knows "right away" which pages on disk contain the relevant data for, say, Year=1997.
There's a caching architecture where relevant subsets of the data are stored in RAM separate from the whole dataset. For example, you might have cached a subcube that has only a few of your fields, and that only pertains to the data from 1997. If a query is asking only about 1997, then it will iterate only over that subcube, thereby speeding things up. (But note that a "subcube" is, to a first approximation, just a 2D table.)
If you're predefined aggregates, then these smaller subsets can also be precomputed at cube processing time, rather than merely computed/cached on demand.
SSAS fact table rows are fixed size, which presumibly helps in some form. (In SQL, in constrast, you might have variable-width string columns.)
The caching architecture also means that, once an aggregation has been computed, it doesn't need to be refetched from disk and recomputed again and again.
These are some of the factors in play in SSAS anyway. I can't claim that there aren't other vital things as well.

One complex query vs Multiple simple queries

What is actually better? Having classes with complex queries responsible to load for instance nested objects? Or classes with simple queries responsible to load simple objects?
With complex queries you have to go less to database but the class will have more responsibility.
Or simple queries where you will need to go more to database. In this case however each class will be responsible for loading one type of object.
The situation I'm in is that loaded objects will be sent to a Flex application (DTO's).
The general rule of thumb here is that server roundtrips are expensive (relative to how long a typical query takes) so the guiding principle is that you want to minimize them. Basically each one-to-many join will potentially multiply your result set so the way I approach this is to keep joining until the result set gets too large or the query execution time gets too long (roughly 1-5 seconds generally).
Depending on your platform you may or may not be able to execute queries in parallel. This is a key determinant in what you should do because if you can only execute one query at a time the barrier to breaking up a query is that much higher.
Sometimes it's worth keeping certain relatively constant data in memory (country information, for example) or doing them as a separately query but this is, in my experience, reasonably unusual.
Far more common is having to fix up systems with awful performance due in large part to doing separate queries (particularly correlated queries) instead of joins.
I don't think that any option is actually better. It depends on your application specific, architecture, used DBMS and other factors.
E.g. we used multiple simple queries with in our standalone solution. But when we evolved our product towards lightweight internet-accessible solution we discovered that our framework made huge number of request and that killed performance cause of network latency. So we sufficiently reworked our framework for using aggregated complex queries. Meanwhile, we still maintained our stand-alone solution and moved from Oracle Light to Apache Derby. And once more we found that some of our new complex queries should be simplified as Derby performed them too long.
So look at your real problem and solve it appropriately. I think that simple queries are good for beginning if there are no strong objectives against them.
From a gut feeling I would say:
Go with the simple way as long as there is no proven reason to optimize for performance. Otherwise I would put the "complex objects and query" approach in the basket of premature optimization.
If you find that there are real performance implications then you should in the next step optimize the roundtripping between flex and your backend. But as I said before: This is a gut feeling, you really should start out with a definition of "performant", start simple and measure the performance.

Linq To Sql vs Entity Framework Performance

I have been searching for recent performance benchmarks that compare L2S and EF and couldnt find any that tested calling stored procedures using the released version of EF. So, I ran some of my own tests and found some interesting results.
Do these results look right? Should I be testing it in a different way?
One instance of the context, one call of the sproc:
(dead link)
One instance of the context, multiple calls of the same sproc:
(dead link)
Multiple instances of the context, multiple calls of the same sproc:
(dead link)
I think you should test it in a somewhat different way, in order to distinguish startup costs vs. execution costs. The Entity Framework, in particular, has substantial startup costs resulting from the need to compile database views (although you can do this in advance). Likewise, LINQ has a notion of a compiled query, which would be appropriate if executing a query multiple times.
For many applications, query execution costs will be more important than startup costs. For some, the opposite may be true. Since the performance characteristics of these are different, I think it's important to distinguish them. In particular, averaging startup costs into the average cost of a query executed repeatedly is misleading.
This looks to be a pretty measurement of performance between LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework.
I did a couple of test asp.net pages trying to see which performs better. My test was:
Delete 10,000 records
Insert 10,000 records
Edit 10,000 records
Databind the 10,000 records to a GridView and display on the page
I was expecting LinqToSQL to be faster but doing the above LinqToSQL takes nearly 2 minutes while LinqToEntities takes less than 20 seconds.
At least for this test it seems LinqToEntities is faster. My results seem to match yours as well.
I didn't try Inserting/Editing/Deleting/Displaying more than 1 table joined together though.
I'm interested in finding out more... or if my test isn't a valid type of test I'd be interested in seeing some real tests.
