Can anyone recommend the maximum number of hours a task should be in a project estimate breakdown? [closed] - project-management

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Closed 3 years ago.
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What I mean is if I am breaking a programming project estimate down into tasks as much as possible would there be a good maximum to make the tasks. Meaning if I say the max is 4-6 then if any task is more hours than that it needs to be broken down into more tasks. I feel like there is a point where this becomes not much more useful though and think that a max of 10-12 hours is acceptable, the boss does not agree. The idea here is to be able to know as well as possible how much time is needed to complete the task but at the same time I think there is a point where too much breakdown is meaningless until you actually dive into the code. Any thoughts or common practice?

Make the breakdown structure detailed enough to allow you make a proper estimation, but not too detailed so you'll have trouble maintaining and tracking it later, when things change (not if things change, but when things change).
It doesn't really matter the number of hours a task in WBS is estimated.

When I was writing my own time breakdowns for a task, I found the most useful number to go with as a goal for a single task to be max'd at about 4 hours. Then, if it turned out to be really difficult and take a lot longer than I expected, it wasn't so terrible.
I don't think it is useful to actually hold any of these projects as meaningful unless:
1.) The person performing the task created the projection.
2.) The person creating the projection is familiar enough with the work.
At my last job, I didn't even start projecting tasks until I had been there for three months. After that, it was another month or two before my projections were meaningful.
I think that this is a very individual thing. If you are used to thinking about things at an extremely detailed level, it makes more sense to have lots of small tasks. If you like to think of things in more general terms, it makes sense to have a few big tasks. I believe if you and your boss try and enforce this sort of personal preference into task projection, you will find that your projections are meaningless at best and a creator of hostility at worst.
I hope my experiences and expression of them is useful to you.
-Brian J. Stinar-

What does a task look like?
write a document? Write a chapter of document? Write a sentence in a document?
Write a programme? Write a class? Write a method?
I think the following need to be true:
1). A task is big enough so that you know you've finished it. A single sentence or method doesn't stand alone. You typically can't deliver something that small in isolation, the receiver can't "test" it.
So, for example, you can unit test, document and check some code into an SCM that's a task.
I can't imagine tasks smaller than one hour, and typically for me they are half-days.
2). A task is small enough that you can be confident you can do it in the estimated time. You've analysed the problem well enough to understand the chunks.

People are not machines.
Having that said, the way I see it there are two main development modes:
For the second one you can gain experience on how long tasks should take - the developer knows the code and most of the times he can give a good prediction what is wrong and what should be done to make it work (in that case tight monitoring + buffer to keep getting good cooperation is in order, if the developer can't get a good estimation - that is an indication of a very big problem)
For the first one - it's more complicated:
if this is hard labor job - one that requires no brain and just take the program from point a to point b than... you can define tight schedule.
If you need the developer to get creative, to think about good implementation etc... You can not wait forever for a masterpiece, yet you will not get much from a developer that have only survival thoughts :)
Learn about Agile -where the team leaders and the developers sets the goals together- the goals may be very demanding but within the development period the developer which feels as responsible as the manager... can manage his time.
So sometimes, with the correct management system - tasks can and perhaps should be a week long.
There is no magic number. Understand your type of programing and find an appropriate management management system.
Good luck


Estimating time to complete tasks [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I know this question has been asked several times on here/programmers and it is quite a common, classic question:
Just how do you accurately give estimates for how long a task will take?
The problem I have is for point-and-click tasks in Windows, I can give accurate estimates. For coding something new (as in using APIs I am not familiar with) I cannot estimate an accurate time to save my life. It's a case of thinking of and saying the first number (of days/weeks/whatever) that comes into my head. For code that uses APIs I am familiar with and apps I can instantly say I can develop (e.g. a notepad-type app) I could give an estimate that is accurate.
Any help appreciated.
Focus on the pieces. When you try and estimate a task at a high level, not only is it daunting, but you will fail to accurately factor everything that will comprise the total time.
Instead, do not even try to guess at the total (not only is it not useful, but it can actually bias your estimates of individual tasks), but rather sit down and just try to think of all the sub tasks that comprise the task. If those feel too big, break them down into even smaller sub tasks.
Once you've done this, give each of the sub tasks an estimate. If any of them are larger then about 4 hours, the sub task probably hasn't been broken down enough. Add all of these sub estimates up. This is your estimate.
Using this approach forces you to reason out what is actually required to complete the task and will let you produce better estimates.
Make sure you think of the non obvious steps required to complete a task as well. If you're writing a piece of code, did you include time estimates for writing the associated unit tests? For testing the code? For documenting it?
When converting hours to days, use realistic expectations about how much time you actually spend heads down working. The general consensus is that a developer can complete 4-6 hours of work in any given 8 hour work day. This roughly matches my personal experience.
If you have other team members, you can try a technique called Planning Poker. At its simplest, the idea is to get each member of the team to go off and estimate each of the tasks individually. Once that is done, the team gets together and compares estimates looking for large deviations. This tends to bring to light if the task wasn't clear enough, if there are members of the team who posses relevant information that the others don't, or if there are different assumptions being made by different team members.
When doing your estimations, be aware of your assumptions and document them as part of the estimates. Assuming x, y, & x, task q should take n hours. These could be things like assuming the availability of a QA engineer to test the feature, assuming the availability of a development environment to deploy the feature to for testing, assuming the compatibility of two third party frameworks that haven't been tested together yet, assuming that feature z that the task is dependent on is ready by a certain date... Etc. We make tons of these assumptions all the time without being aware of them. Documenting them forces you to be aware of them and allows other parties to validate that your assumptions are correct. And if the estimates do turn out to be wrong, you have much more information to analyze why.
Even following all of this advice, you will still frequently make inaccurate estimates, but don't feel too bad because our brains are hardwired to produce terrible estimates for abstract tasks. We have a multitude of cognitive biases that affect our ability to gauge task size and effort.
I recommend reading this article for even more information and advice:
I've mostly worked on projects with "smaller" durations, but something that has worked well for me is to break apart the task into small enough sub-tasks that I think I could implement each one in about a day. For some items, this means just two or three sub-tasks, for others, this might mean dozens or hundreds. Add in some overhead percentage that gets wasted on non-productive activities, some overhead for exploring wrong directions, and hopefully you'll get a number that's within a reasonable range of the end result.
what I usually do is breaking down the tasks to small tasks. the largest task should not exceed 2 days. estimating small tasks is not that difficult. each small task has its test time included in the estimation, so I don't end up with a ton of untested code at the end of project.
Breaking down the task to small pieces only is possible if there is a high level design in place otherwise the estimate is just a rough guess which is usually 2 weeks, which is the famous 2 weeks most developers use;)
adding some time to the end of the project to integrate-stabilize-bug fix makes it a reasonable estimate.
Similar to what sarnold mentions, breaking apart the task is key...but it may be more difficult to get it down to fine grained 1-day increments if you don't understand the domain/technologies involved. In your case, I would suggest the following (especially if this clearly doesn't look to be a task that is going to take less than a few days to complete):
1) Firstly, you need to ask around to your team/colleagues to see if they can shed some light (and/or if they've used the same API/technologies you're using). If nobody knows anything, you're going to have to own up to the fact that you simply don't have enough data to hazard a reasonable guess and will need to spend X days to investigate (the amount of time to investigate needs to be aligned with the complexity of the API/Domain you are working with)
2) At the end of the time you've allocated to investigate the new technology, you should be able to do a very basic hello, world-ish type application that uses the API (compiles, links, and runs fine). By this time, you should be in a good position to determine if your task is going to take days, weeks, or months.
3) The key thing to do next is to, as soon as possible, identify any major roadblocks/hiccups that are going to blow away your predictions...this is key. The absolute worst thing you can do is continually go to your manager/customer on the due date and mention you need a significant amount of additional time to deliver. They need the heads up as soon as possible to help remedy the situation and/or come up with a Plan B.
And that's pretty much's not rocket science but you basically provide an estimate once you're in a position to give one and then make sure that you update that estimate based on new, unanticipated events that have a significant impact on your ability to make anticipated dates.

organizing code and how to hit deadlines in a programming deadline [closed]

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I know this may not be exactly a coder question, but I feel it is still related to programming because I'm sure many developers have come across this before and might have some insight on how to resolve this or have advice. There is an actually programming question though.
My issue as a developer.
I work in a small company, roughly 15 people, 5 of which are developers include myself, the rest are tech support and management. Problem I'm having is, when we get a SOW (Statement of Work), our clients give us a rough description of the project they are requesting, which usually is a 1-3 page brief description, usually including a Visio document, now as a programming, I'm responsible for going over the document and relaying a time-line on how long it should take me to complete the project.
Unfortunately, there have been times, not only me, where we under-estimate the project because we didn't fully get into it till we actually developed it, which ends up slapping ourselves in the face, because my boss is upset because he is being hounded by the client, who is now upset because we missed our promised deadline.
My question is, how do you guys handle organizing basic project description when you need to give deadlines on more concept, and do you have any ideas on how to organize it.
I'm thinking of going to my boss and suggesting, instead of always pushing a estimated deadline to our clients which expect us to hit that, we should write up a detailed document that is more step-by-step (more like what to do) on how to develop the application they want, it may take a lot more time, but least if the project is moved to someone else it is laid out for them, and when I usually get back to it 4 months later, I don't have to refresh up again, I can just follow the steps I wrote.
What do you guys think? Ideas? Or better ways to handle this?
If you switch your development to using an iterative methodology (Agile, XP, Scrum, etc), then the customer will see results much earlier than any deadline you feel you have to promise - usually every 1 or 2 weeks.
The moment they see what you've developed, I can pretty much guarantee that they'll make changes to their initial requirements as they now have a visual representation of the product and it may not be quite what they were thinking of. Some of their changes might be quite radical, so best to get the feedback as early as possible.
In all the projects where i've insisted we do this, the customer was delighted - they saw the results early, could influence the project outcome, and we hit their end deadline. Unexpectedly, a whole load of features got left behind and - guess what - the customer did not mind at all as they got the top features they wanted and put the project/product straight into production as they'd had lots of time to refine it to suit their business, so they were already familiar with it.
It takes a lot of effort to get management, sales, creative, etc, to all buy-in to an iterative style, so you may need to implement a hybrid solution int he mean time, but in my experience, it is well worth it.
If a complete shift to iterative is not possible, split your project into tangible milestones and deliver on those milestones. As others have said, inflate your estimates. My previous manager doubled my estimates and the sales team doubled his too.
Inflate your project deadlines. It's something that most programmers should do (and I quote the VP of Freeverse, the company that I work at):
It is a well-known fact among people
who work in the software industry that
the last 5% of development always takes the longest.
If possible try to divide the higher level tasks as much as possible so that you can get a better approximation of how many man hours that sub-task would take.
Also, adding hidden buffers to your task execution helps in covering some of the unseen contingencies.
If you mock up (balsamiq or whatever) with your customer, you will get more details. Armed with those details and some experience, your estimates will be more accurate. And then double it and add 4 (hours,days,weeks,months)
First, unless you systematically under-estimate, your boss should not get upset. It's his job to answer to the client, and he should know that by definition, an estimate is NOT the future. Statistically, sometimes you should deliver earlier, sometimes later.
Personally, I think that the frame of "how long will it take" is not exactly the right discussion to have. Software development is a risky business, and change/surprises happen all the time. One approach which helps is to focus less on the "right" number, and more on the volatility. Look at the project, and consider the places where you are pretty clear on how long it will take (you have done it before and understand it well), and look at the places where you have uncertainty (unclear requirements, new technology), and for these, think about how bad it could go, and why. That will help you get not one number, but rather boundaries: what you think is reasonable, a worst-case scenario, maybe a best case scenario (which the client should never see :) ) - and convey that information to your boss, so that he can manage accordingly.
Additionally, this will allow you to identify the danger points of the project, and you can then prototype accordingly - look into the uncertainty points as early as possible, so that you can tighten up the timeline fast, and have early warnings for your boss and the client.

Becoming the most efficient one-man team [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Like many here, I am a one-man development team. I'm responsible for everything from gathering project requirements, designing concept-screens, planning and developing databases, and writing all code.
Being a one-man team is nice, but has its negatives. I don't have the ability to quickly consult with other developers, I rarely get a second set of eyes for my code, and I'm sure you guys can come up with many other negatives too.
To make the most of my time, and commit myself most efficiently to my work, what tips or practices could I implement into my day-to-day routine to be the best one-man team possible?
Daily list of what I am going to do.
Remove as many distractions as possible to focus on tasks. Turn off
email, turn off IM, etc... even if
for a set period of time and then
during a break check them.
Take time to learn about other coding techniques, tools and programming wisdom. This I have found to be crucial to my development. It's to easy to just code away and feel productive. What about what could be if you just had some more knowledge / weaponry under your belt to bang out that next widget. I know this one really sounds counter productive but it really isn't. Knowledge/know how is our real currency. The more we know the more we can make a better decision about how something should be done and do it faster.
Take breaks and be aware of your
body. When we are tired we don't
think as well and will make more
mistakes, become frustrated more
easily, etc...
Learn to use the 80 / 20 rule to your
advantage. I don't mean skimp or be
lazy. Often though we will work our
tail off for that 20% when it wasn't
Set goals for yourself (daily,
weekly, bi-weekly). Make sure the
goals are also in line with those you
are coding for or you may find you
have wasted some time.
From a technical aspect consider:
Consider Unit testing / TDD. I have found in
my own work that this actually saves
time. It takes a while to get the
hang of but with anything you will
get better.
Care for your code. Refactor it
(especially if you start unit
testing). The better your code is
the easier it is to maintain which
takes less time. The easier it is to
understand the faster you can change
/ implement features.
I'm learning to spend a lot more time planning out my day than I used to. This includes planning out projects, down to writing psuedo-code for the programming I need to do. I find that with all the interruptions in my schedule, it's difficult for me to get started at something. Having everything broken down into small tasks makes it much easier to start after an interruption.
According to operational research, shortest job first is the best scheduler to get most amount of things done.
I write and run integration and system tests, but no unit tests, because I've no need for early (pre-integration) testing: Should one test internal implementation, or only test public behaviour?
A corrolary of Conway's Law is that you need to test the internal software interfaces which separate/integrate developers, whereas a "one man army" don't need to explicitly test his internal interfaces in this way.
A lot of the other tips are good but they equally apply to developers working in a team as well as a lone developer.
I think the hardest thing as a one man team is effective communication with the rest of your company. You will always be a lone programmers voice in any meeting or discussion around how best to build software.
As a result I'd advise trying to improve negotiation skills and focus on improving the way you describe technical concepts in terms a non-programmer can understand. Reading books such as Getting to Yes and How to win friends and influence people are a good way to start.
When there is more than one person agreeing on a viewpoint, the viewpoint automatically gains credibility with those you are trying to convince. In the absence of this possiblity you need to work extra hard at preparing your arguments with well-researched evidence and a balanced view.
I'm in the same situation. There's already a lot of good advice above but one thing I'd add is find when your best coding times are and make sure you're coding during that time. I have a few hours in the morning that I seem to be at my best for coding. I try to keep that time free of all distractions. Plan things like meetings, writing documentation, testing (at least the tedious, repetitive stuff), and all that other stuff for your less productive time. Keep those coding hours when you're 2 to 5 times more productive for coding.
Make sure you refactor early and often. That serves almost like a second set of eyes (for me, at least).
Don't work insane hours (especially tricky if you're working from home). Actually, working less hours often proves more productive as the impending break/end of day pressure increases your efficiency.
You may want to look up Parkinson's Law for work/time management.
I use a text file to collect all the things I do every day. Every time I run into a problem or have a question or find a solution, I add it to my file. It's very low-tech but it provides a wealth of information, like "where am I spending most of my time?" or "how did I fix that problem before?". Also makes it super-quick to give your client a list of hours at the end of your billing cycle.
I also use another text file (per client) that contains all the work items on my plate, arranged in order of priority, and updated frequently. It helps both me and my clients focus on what I should be working on next, so the pump is always primed.
Eventually I'll move away from flat text files to using something like FogBugz, but for now I can't beat the price, or how easy it is to search, or how easy it is to e-mail.

How to measure a software task? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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This is a software management questions. If i asked to measure a software project task for my every task assigned to me, means how can i do that? Would it be in percentage (or) out of 10 (or) in man hours?
Any suggestions please?
I prefer the done/not-done approach. Either a task that is assigned to me is "done", meaning it's been implemented and tested, or it's "not done". If I'm asked how long I've been working on it, I do track man-hours, but it's not a measure of completeness at all.
Another approach that some people use is "in progress", "implemented", or "complete". "In progress" means that they are currently designing and/or implementing a solution, "implemented" means they are done with code and testing (or waiting on QA to validate the fix) and "complete" means it's all coded and tested.
The problem with percentages is the 80/20 rule. The first 80% of the work will take 20% of the time. The other 20% will take 80% of the time. If you have been working on something for 9 hours and are "90% done" implementing functionality, it doesn't mean you'll be 100% done in 1 hour.
If you are working on something (or have been assigned something), and someone asks how long it will take to finish, give your best estimate in hours, days, weeks...whatever. However, don't estimate too soon - take a look at the problem and requirements and never give an off-the-cuff estimate - it'll (almost) always be wrong. When you estimate, look at similar problems that you have solved in the past and use how long it took you to solve them as a guideline or basis for your estimate.
This idea comes from proxy-based estimating, which is part of the Personal Software Process. It's suitable if you are working on a task on your own. I'm not sure how well it will scale for a team.
What do you mean?
If you mean "My boss wants me to estimate how each task will take me." Then that should probably be done in hours.
If you mean something else, you'll have to clarify.
If you are talking about finished tasks, what you're probably being asked for is for the time (probably in hours) dedicated to each one of the tasks.
How do you know that? You should use some timetracking tool, so at the end of the project (or in any moment) you can know how much time you have dedicated to any of the tasks (and/or breaks, meetings...). If you haven't registered your times, you'll have to make up them, and pray :)
If the project is finished, and he needs to know how many hours were spent on a project to bill it to a customer or something, then you should be keeping very accurate track, maybe using a tool or something.
But he might be referring to how effective the task is. For Example, if he asked you to reduce the load on the foozit, then you should measure the load on the foozit before and after your fixes.
But I think what you're asking is "How do we measure tasks in software development?" And the only sensible way to measure a task is hours. Some people like to measure how many lines of code that have been written, how many bugs were found, or how many tests they've written, but in my opinion, those aren't things that should really be measured for most projects.

How long does it really take to do something? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I mean name off a programming project you did and how long it took, please. The boss has never complained but I sometimes feel like things take too long. But this could be because I am impatient as well. Let me know your experiences for comparison.
I've also noticed that things always seem to take longer, sometimes much longer, than originally planned. I don't know why we don't start planning for it but then I think that maybe it's for motivational purposes.
It is best to simply time yourself, record your estimates and determine the average percent you're off. Given that, as long as you are consistent, you can appropriately estimate actual times based on when you believed you'd get it done. It's not simply to determine how bad you are at estimating, but rather to take into account the regularity of inevitable distractions (both personal and boss/client-based).
This is based on Joel Spolsky's Evidence Based Scheduling, essential reading, as he explains that the primary other important aspect is breaking your tasks down into bite-sized (16-hour max) tasks, estimating and adding those together to arrive at your final project total.
Gut-based estimates come with experience but you really need to detail out the tasks involved to get something reasonable.
If you have a spec or at least some constraints, you can start creating tasks (design users page, design tags page, implement users page, implement tags page, write tags query, ...).
Once you do this, add it up and double it. If you are going to have to coordinate with others, triple it.
Record your actual time in detail as you go so you can evaluate how accurate you were when the project is complete and hone your estimating skills.
I completely agree with the previous posters... don't forget your team's workload also. Just because you estimated a project would take 3 months, it doesn't mean it'll be done anywhere near that.
I work on a smaller team (5 devs, 1 lead), many of us work on several projects at a time - some big, some small. Depending on the priority of the project, the whims of management and the availability of other teams (if needed), work on a project gets interspersed amongst the others.
So, yes, 3 months worth of work may be dead on, but it might be 3 months worth of work over a 6 month period.
I've done projects between 1 - 6 months on my own, and I always tend to double or quadrouple my original estimates.
It's effectively impossible to compare two programming projects, as there are too many factors that mean that the metrics from only aren't applicable to another (e.g., specific technologies used, prior experience of the developers, shifting requirements). Unless you are stamping out another system that is almost identical to one you've built previously, your estimates are going to have a low probability of being accurate.
A caveat is when you're building the next revision of an existing system with the same team; the specific experience gained does improve the ability to estimate the next batch of work.
I've seen too many attempts at estimation methodology, and none have worked. They may have a pseudo-scientific allure, but they just don't work in practice.
The only meaningful answer is the relatively short iteration, as advocated by agile advocates: choose a scope of work that can be executed within a short timeframe, deliver it, and then go for the next round. Budgets are then allocated on a short-term basis, with the stakeholders able to evaluate whether their money is being effectively spent. If it's taking too long to get anywhere, they can ditch the project.
Hofstadter's Law:
'It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take Hofstadter's Law into account.'
I believe this is because:
Work expands to fill the time available to do it. No matter how ruthless you are cutting unnecessary features, you would have been more brutal if the deadlines were even tighter.
Unexpected problems occur during the project.
In any case, it's really misleading to compare anecdotes, partly because people have selective memories. If I tell you it once took me two hours to write a fully-optimised quicksort, then maybe I'm forgetting the fact that I knew I'd have that task a week in advance, and had been thinking over ideas. Maybe I'm forgetting that there was a bug in it that I spent another two hours fixing a week later.
I'm almost certainly leaving out all the non-programming work that goes on: meetings, architecture design, consulting others who are stuck on something I happen to know about, admin. So it's unfair on yourself to think of a rate of work that seems plausible in terms of "sitting there coding", and expect that to be sustained all the time. This is the source of a lot of feelings after the fact that you "should have been quicker".
I do projects from 2 weeks to 1 year. Generally my estimates are quite good, a posteriori. At the beginning of the project, though, I generally get bashed because my estimates are considered too large.
This is because I consider a lot of things that people forget:
Time for bug fixing
Time for deployments
Time for management/meetings/interaction
Time to allow requirement owners to change their mind
The trick is to use evidence based scheduling (see Joel on Software).
Thing is, if you plan for a little extra time, you will use it to improve the code base if no problems arise. If problems arise, you are still within the estimates.
I believe Joel has wrote an article on this: What you can do, is ask each developer on team to lay out his task in detail (what are all the steps that need to be done) and ask them to estimate time needed for each step. Later, when project is done, compare the real time to estimated time, and you'll get the bias for each developer. When a new project is started, ask them to evaluate the time again, and multiply that with bias of each developer to get the values close to what's really expects.
After a few projects, you should have very good estimates.
