Developer Documentation has gone in xcode 3.2.5? - xcode

I used to looking up classes/methods from Help->Developer Documentation, which has API doc in local. But after I just upgraded my xcode to 3.2.5, it becomes totally different. When I type something in the search box (e.g. NSString), it accesses the network slowly and asks my developer account/password.
The even worse thing is after I type the password it keeps saying,
"You Request Is Being Redirected: You may have used an outdated link or typed the address (URL) incorrectly. If you came to this page via a bookmark, please update it accordingly. "
What happened with it? How to get the old Developer Documentation back?

Happened to me with an earlier update, 2-3 versions before the official iOS 4.2 SDK. You can easily get it back from your Xcode preferences > Documentation (all the way to the right side)


In-App Review doesn't show up in Internal Test Track

I can only get the review prompt to show up once, even when in internal test track, in order for it to show up again I need to clear data and cache of the Google Play Store.
I meet all of the testing requirements since I have another game which I'm using In-App Review and everything works correctly on that one.
No errors show up when logging.
I'm using the unity version of the plugin, here are some of the things I've tried and their results:
Popup works every time in the Internal App Sharing, submit button is greyed out since it wasn't downloaded from the store.
Clearing storage and cache from Google Play makes the review appear once, but it doesn't have the correct settings, even though it was downloaded though the internal test track, the comment is tagged as optional, and when trying to publish said review, either including the comment or not, it always gives the following error: DF-DFERH-01 Server Error
I've also tried multiple versions of the plugin, mainly 1.6.1, 1.7.0, and 1.8.0, without success on any of them (I did update proguard every time).
I also tried resolving dependencies with other versions of the External Dependencies Manager, .172 and .174, both without success.
I've tried another account also included in the internal test track, didn't work
On another game I published, the In-App Review works as intended, I'm using the exact same code.
What's weird to me is that it works correctly on the Internal App Sharing, the app is currently on Open Beta, while the other game which In-App Reviews work correctly is on production, but I doubt that's related.
I was able to confirm that this is an issue on Google's side, after releasing the game to production, the popup started showing up on the Internal Test Track every time while using the same version as before.
To anyone that is also having this issue, if the In-App Review works on Internal App Sharing, you should be safe to release it to production and the issue will fix itself.
I can't say for sure this will work for everyone, but it did for me.

Where is WinAPI documentation?

E.g. I search “JetCommitTransaction”, search finds which redirects to
That API is available in all versions of Windows starting from Win2000 to the very latest Win10, and even available for Windows 10 UWP apps, so it’s not deprecated or something. works but it's slow and inconvenient.
Microsoft is moving all documentation from to so I assume this will work itself out after a while but this is the first time I have seen a completely broken redirect.
I think Google cache and are your best options for now. You could also try contacting #docsmsft/Github issues.
We are working on moving all MSDN documentation to Some of the redirects were accidentally deployed early - those have been rolled back, until the migration is complete. In the meantime, the documentation is accessible on MSDN on the links you specified above.

How to customize the Mac OSX login?

I need to customize the whole login screen and functionality for any Apple`s Macbook.
The general idea is to have control under the user credentials to authenticate this user on a external authentication server.
Thus, it's important to customize the UI, like adding a new TextField for a second password input or displaying a image like a QR Code.
What I have done so far
After digging some research, I`ve found out only two relevant projects:
1 -
However it is from 4 years ago and it seems outdated.
2 -
And I've deployed the sample code for the PreLoginAgent from Apple, however it only opens an external application on login.
What I'm looking for
What is the most appropriated way to handle a customization inside the Mac OSX authentication?
Note: I'm looking for a solution where I can avoid breaking out the login as well.
I'm not sure why you discount your first link (NameAndPassword)
It's a "fixed" version of one of Apple's sample projects for SFAuthorizationPluginView. That is the class you need to use. Unfortunately as you see by Apple's own sample not compiling, and the very thin documentation, it might be tricky to get it working.
However, I took the project from the link above and compiled it on my machine.
Then I copied the resulting .bundle to /Library/Security/SecurityAgentPlugins
Next you need to register the plugin in the authorization database:
security authorizationdb read system.login.console > outfile.plist
Modify the outfileplist by replacing:
Now, update the database:
security authorizationdb write system.login.console < outfile.plist
Now, log out and the login screen will reflect the custom view.
Once installed, the link you provided is a good simple PoC. If you need additional help in customising your SFAuthorizationPluginView to do what you want, I suggest you post specific questions around that.
Just because the API is older does not mean it's out of date. The login screen has not changed a lot over the years. As for the out-of-date samples and poor documentation, that seems fairly typical of these more esoteric macOS developer features.
Useful links:
Customize Login Screen Mac OSX (SFAuthorizationPluginView)
Custom login/lock screen in OS X Mavericks

Xcode started to not work with downloaded docsets when offline

I had a lot of problems trying to download these docsets since updating to the latest Xcode. Various popups appearing saying it didn't know how to install it. Eventually after reading on here I just persisted and their servers started to work so i downloaded a few sets, iOS, WatchOS, and XCode so far. They're downloaded and show as having a tick box next to them.
However even though the docs are downloaded, when I go to use the documentation browser it requires an internet connection to show anything. Sometimes you see it rendering the webpage on apple's site to get the details and then it redraws in the usual documentation form.
I've a few docsets yet to download, but I'm not that bothered about them at this time.
Has anyone else encountered this and got any suggestions?

Firefox Nightly Google Search Bar shrunk

I have the latest update for Nightly (34.0a1 (2014-08-14)). It addressed one of the two problems I have from the previous update, which was the disappearing input fields. The other problem was the shrinking of the Google search field. What can I do to fix this?
See screenshot here.
#Acnologia, we are aware of the issue and have logged a bug with Google for them to fix the issue. You can follow along on here if you need more details.
The way I worked around the problem was to close Nightly, open Internet Explorer, and then re-download Firefox Nightly over the version I already have (DO NOT DEINSTALL!). Apparently it reset the version back to "34.0a1 (2014-07-21)" - before the "Google Search Results Page Searchbar Too Small" issue started. Then each time I start Nightly and Windows7 asks me if I want to allow the application to make changes to my computer, I answer "No" so Nightly does not get updated.
Then, each evening after I get home from work, I Google the past 24 hours to see if the issue has been fixed yet, and I will not update Nightly again until it has.
I realize this is a cheap workaround, and I would love to be able to trust Nightly Updates again, but this common issue should have been foreseen before the build was released. - And I will give them another week or two to figure it out, and if not... bye, bye Nightly!
