how to rename a joomla component? - joomla

I want to change the component name build by me , i have tried changing the xml file but it does not help also tried changing the component name through datbase but same result .can anybody help me in this ?
any help would be appriciated .
thanks in advance .

I know this is old, but there's a lot involved in renaming a component if you want to do it properly, you have to change the class names, folder name, the xml.. etc.. you also would need to edit the database OR uninstall and re install it once you've made all of your changes.
The same applies to modules, plugins and templates.. though those tend to be a little easier..

I would guess that you need to change it in the database, AS WELL AS in the xml, AS WELL AS you need to change the directory and file names to match the new component's name.

Using PhpMyAdmin go to the MySQL database table named jos_components and browse the data. Find the component name under Field you want to change... edit & save the entry.


Folder metadata displaying ID instead of folder Name

I am new to Oracle UCM(already hate it) and I have this bug on the standart "Content information" page when displaying "Folder" meta - instead of DCOLLECTIONNAME I get DCOLLECTIONID from COLLECTIONS table. Now we have two versions of UCM installed on different servers, one with our custom module and one without it, you can guess which one works fine :-) I checked settings in admin aplet / Configuration manager and they are the same on both servers, so my next thought was there must be some problem with page template(I found some function named getCollectionPathFromID somewhere which does exactly what I need but dont know where to put it to make it work). Can anyone point me to the right direction? I found some template called std_page.htm but it contains realy huge amount of code... Any help would be appreciated.
What specific versions of WebCenter Content are you using? Are the two instances on the exact same version? You can find this information on the Configuration for instance name page.
How are you trying to view the data?
Are you calling &IsSoap=1 or &IsJava=1? Or are you meaning the display of the folder name/path on the page is showing dCollectionID?
I assume that based on dCollectionID you are using the Folders_g (Contribution Folders) component and not FrameworkFolders.
Can you provide a link to download your custom component? It sounds like this may be the culprate.

How to delete the settings while uninstalling the extension in the Magento

Can anybody tell me that how can i remove all the settings associated to the extension from the database tables. Like if i am uninstalling the abc extension than the value abc_setup will also be deleted from the core_resource table. Similarly other setting from the core_config_data table too. And also delete the database tables too. Thanks.....
You will have to do that manually in the database (or sometimes via a script which is provided by the plugin author).
You can easily remove your extension using magento connect. It will remove all associated tables from DB. No settings are saved. And your extension is not EAV type then you can delete that file manually with tables.
Some extension add EAV related row in eav_attribute table so you need to check its setup folder for this and if that has been added you need to delete it manually.
Also one entry of version goes into core config table that too needs to be removed.
Module moght also created tables specific for its own feature looking at its setup folder sql code will give you idea on that.
Plus you need to remove complete module folder and >xml that was added to etc/modules folder.

I want to customize profile edit with some additional fields on database(users table) in Joomla 2.5

I tried to override profile.xml file along with edit.php (view file) by placing them within templates/template_name/html/com_users/profile folder, and also made sure the edit.php file know about new profile.xml ($this->form->loadFile( dirname(__FILE__) . DS . "profile.xml");) but i cant seem to make it work while updating custom fields from profile editing page at the front end. Also i can see that custom fields are not in order as it should be with respect to profile.xml. Please somebody help me...
You can't override an Joomla xml file. You need to create a user plugin to install separately for the form fields to appear. There is a profile plugin that comes with the default Joomla installation. Further details on this can be found here.

How to store extension settings in MediaWiki?

I looked up for some plugins and I found that most of them ask to create manually one more table in database, or store their settings in some file.
What is the best way? Thanks.
PS I really don't think that the client want to create anything manually in his DB.
For now I'm using Special Page with form on it, and store settings as serialized data in file.
As the install manual says, having shell access to the server is a requirement.
There are workarounds but don't expect everything to work.

Magento - $this->getSkinUrl() returns Wrong theme in homepage

I use a template with 3 columns in homepage, in my file right_col.phtml I use "$this->getSkinUrl()" and that returns me the wrong theme: /default/default/ instead of /default/my_second_theme, but it works good in all other pages.
How can I fix this problem to get the good theme??
Thanks a lot.
Also make sure that the asset actually exists (or that you specify an existing path). If an asset is not found in any theme, Magento will always use default/default as the resulting skin path.
Check the CMS page for the home page, go to the Design tab, and make sure that you didn't set the "Custom Theme" to something that is overriding the theme that you want to use.
Check the $argument you are passing and verify that the target file actually exists. getSkinUrl() does more than just generate the proper URL, it also verifies that the file exists. If it doesn’t find the file within the store’s /default/my_second_theme folder, it will revert to /default.
Refer to:
I have used this to solve it :
if (Mage::app()->getStore()->getCode()=='deutsch') {
It works good now ;)
