LINQ Query Similar to SQL WHERE x IN - linq

I have a need to create a LINQ query that returns results based on a subquery. Not quite sure I'm wording that properly but the best way I know to ask is to show an example. How can I turn the following TSQL query into a LINQ query (tables are same name as objects):
SELECT CuisineId, Name
FROM Cuisine
WHERE CuisineId NOT IN (SELECT CuisineId
FROM RestaurantCuisine
WHERE RestaurantId = #id)
As you can guess, I'm trying to get a list of "available" cuisines to be listed for a user to add to a list of cuisines that a restaurant offers. The LINQ I have thus far returns ALL cuisines and doesn't take in account of the existing CuisineId's that have already been added to the other table:
I've looked all over for an example but not quite sure how to describe exactly what I need. I looked at the MSDN reference for LINQ queries but couldn't find anything like what I need:
MSDN LINQ Sample Queries
Anyone able to give me an example?

In C#:
var query =
from c in db.Cuisine
where !(from rc in db.RestaurantCuisine
where rc.RestaurantId == id
select rc.CuisineId)
select new {
Dim availableCuisines = _
From c In db.Cuisines _
Where Not (From rc In db.RestaurantCuisines _
Where rc.RestaurantId = id _
Select rc.CuisineId) _
.Contains(c.CuisineId) _
Select c

var cuisines = db.Cuisine.Where(c => !RestaurantCuisine.Any(
rc => rc.RestaurantId == c.Id && rc.CuisineId == c.CuisineId);

Cuisine.Where(c => !RestaurantCuisine.Select(rc => rc.CuisineID).Contains(c.CuisineID)).Select(c => c);

var query = (from c in Cuisine
where !(from rest in RestaurantCuisine
where (rest.RestaurantID == id)).Contains(c.CuisineId)
select new
CuisineID = c.CuisineID,
Name = c.Name


Dynamic select in query with linq

I see Dynamic linq in below link:
I want to use this method to select a dynamic query like this:
I have a complex select and this way not solve my problem,
this is my select:
Select sUserName,sname, sFamily,sMobail,sid,sNumberSt,sActive,sPic,sDate from Student where {0} order by sid desc";
which {0} is a complex Condition:
sname like %somthing% and susername=N'something' and sid in (select sidfk from tablex where userteacher=N'name1')
and this condition is passed to method.
I must say that:
I don's know my condition,my condition specified with user search params.this condition that I say,Is only one example of what I want to do.
How can I do this?
Only way that solve my problem:
I send tow parameters instead of one,one for student and one for tablex:
var az = db.tablex.Where(p => p.userteacher== name1)
.Select(p => p.sidfk).ToList();
var query = db.Students.Where(textSearch).Where(s=>az.Contains(s.sid)).OrderByDescending(s => s.sid)
.Select(s => new
wiche textSearch is :
sname like %somthing% and susername=N'something'
with dynamic linq
any better way is exist?
You don't need to use dynamic linq for this situation.
string paramA = "", paramB = "";
var query = from x in context.table1
where == paramA
where context.table2.Where(y => y.field1 == paramB).Any(y => ==
select x;
Dynamic Linq usually use if in query you don't know what field will be use, so in your sample you use only params for conditions with field, so you don't ned dynamic linq
you can little optimize you query like this
var query = from student in db.Students
join teacher in db.tablex on student.sid equals teacher.sidfk
where student.sname.Contains('somthing') &&
susername=='something' &&
orderby s.sid descending
select new

How to write LINQ IN clause query which will work as LIKE operator as well?

How we can write a LINQ query for following select sql query:
string brandid="1,2,3"
string bodystyleid="1,2,3"
select * from car
where brandid in (brandid)
and bodystyleid in (brandid)
My specific requirement is that if brandid or bodystyleid is blank(if user does not select
any checkbox of a particular search option) query should return all record for that particular where condition.
Please guide me.
In order to fulfil your requirement about returning all items if none are specified, you need to check for the lists being empty.
var brands = brandid.Split(',').Select(x => Int32.Parse(x));
var styles = bodystyleid.Split(',').Select(x => Int32.Parse(x));
var result = from c in car
where (!brands.Any() || brands.Contains(c.brandid))
&& (!styles.Any() || styles.Contains(c.bodystyleid))
select c;
(similar to sgmoore's solution, but includes the check for no brand/style specified)
I've not actually checked how this gets converted back to SQL - it may be more efficient to use a flag to indicate whether there are any values:
var brands = ....; // As above
bool anyBrands = brands.Any()
var result = from c in car
where (!anyBrands || brands.Contains(c.brandid))
Is bodystyleid meant to check brandid or bodystyleid? (I am assuming bodystyleid, however have wrote the query to match the query in the question (brandid))
As a start you could do:
var results = (from c in car
where c.brandid.Contains(brandid)
&& c.bodystyleid.Contains(brandid)
select c).ToList();
var brandids = brandid .Split(',').Select(n => int.Parse(n)).ToList();
var bodyStyleids = bodystyleid.Split(',').Select(n => int.Parse(n)).ToList();
var results =
(from c in car where
brandids.Contains(c.brandid) &&
select c
the Ids you have are as strings with comma delimiter, you need them to be collections like List of the same type as your Ids of the Car table, so if brandid column is int then brandids has to be List<long>, then you can do
var results = (
from c in cars
where brandids.Contains(c.brandid) && bodystyleid.Contains(c.bodystyleid)
select c).ToList();

Entity Framework 4 - What is the syntax for joining 2 tables then paging them?

I have the following linq-to-entities query with 2 joined tables that I would like to add pagination to:
IQueryable<ProductInventory> data = from inventory in objContext.ProductInventory
join variant in objContext.Variants
on inventory.VariantId equals
where inventory.ProductId == productId
where inventory.StoreId == storeId
orderby variant.SortOrder
select inventory;
I realize I need to use the .Join() extension method and then call .OrderBy().Skip().Take() to do this, I am just gettting tripped up on the syntax of Join() and can't seem to find any examples (either online or in books).
NOTE: The reason I am joining the tables is to do the sorting. If there is a better way to sort based on a value in a related table than join, please include it in your answer.
2 Possible Solutions
I guess this one is just a matter of readability, but both of these will work and are semantically identical.
IQueryable<ProductInventory> data = objContext.ProductInventory
.Where(y => y.ProductId == productId)
.Where(y => y.StoreId == storeId)
pi => pi.VariantId,
v =>,
(pi, v) => new { Inventory = pi, Variant = v })
.OrderBy(y => y.Variant.SortOrder)
.Select(x => x.Inventory);
var query = from inventory in objContext.ProductInventory
where inventory.ProductId == productId
where inventory.StoreId == storeId
join variant in objContext.Variants
on inventory.VariantId equals
orderby variant.SortOrder
select inventory;
var paged = query.Skip(skip).Take(take);
Kudos to Khumesh and Pravin for helping with this. Thanks to the rest for contributing.
Define the join in your mapping, and then use it. You really don't get anything by using the Join method - instead, use the Include method. It's much nicer.
var data = objContext.ProductInventory.Include("Variant")
.Where(i => i.ProductId == productId && i.StoreId == storeId)
.OrderBy(j => j.Variant.SortOrder)
Add following line to your query
var pagedQuery = data.Skip(PageIndex * PageSize).Take(PageSize);
The data variable is IQueryable, so you can put add skip & take method on it. And if you have relationship between Product & Variant, you donot really require to have join explicitly, you can refer the variant something like this
IQueryable<ProductInventory> data =
from inventory in objContext.ProductInventory
where inventory.ProductId == productId && inventory.StoreId == storeId
orderby inventory.variant.SortOrder
select new()
property1 = inventory.Variant.VariantId,
//rest of the properties go here
pagedQuery = data.Skip(PageIndex * PageSize).Take(PageSize);
My answer here based on the answer that is marked as true
but here I add a new best practice of the code above
var data= (from c in db.Categorie.AsQueryable().Join(db.CategoryMap,
cat=> cat.CategoryId, catmap => catmap.ChildCategoryId,
cat, catmap) => new { Category = cat, CategoryMap = catmap })
select (c => c.Category)
this is the best practice to use the Linq to entity because when you add AsQueryable() to your code; system will converts a generic System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable to a generic System.Linq.IQueryable which is better for .Net engine to build this query at run time
thank you Mr. Khumesh Kumawat
You would simply use your Skip(itemsInPage * pageNo).Take(itemsInPage) to do paging.

LINQ to Entities three table join query

I'm having a bit trouble with a query in Linq to Entities which I hope someone can shed a light on :-) What I'm trying to do is to create a query that joins three tables.
So far it works, but since the last table I'm trying to join is empty, the result of the query doesn't contain any records. When I remove the last join, it gives me the right results.
My query looks like this:
var query = from p in db.QuizParticipants
join points in db.ParticipantPoints on
equals points.participantId into participantsGroup
from po in participantsGroup
join winners in db.Winners on
equals winners.participantId into winnersGroup
from w in winnersGroup
where p.hasAttended == 1 && p.weeknumber == weeknumber
select new
ParticipantId =,
HasAttended = p.hasAttended,
Weeknumber = p.weeknumber,
UmbracoMemberId = p.umbMemberId,
Points = po.points,
HasWonFirstPrize = w.hasWonFirstPrize,
HasWonVoucher = w.hasWonVoucher
What I would like is to get some records even if the Winners table is empty or there is no match in it.
Any help/hint on this is greatly appreciated! :-)
Thanks a lot in advance.
/ Bo
If you set these up as related entities instead of doing joins, I think it will be easier to do what you're trying to do.
var query = from p in db.QuizParticipants
where p.hasAttended == 1 && p.weeknumber == weeknumber
select new
ParticipantId =,
HasAttended = p.hasAttended,
Weeknumber = p.weeknumber,
UmbracoMemberId = p.umbMemberId,
Points = p.ParticipantPoints.Sum(pts => pts.points),
HasWonFirstPrize = p.Winners.Any(w => w.hasWonFirstPrize),
HasWonVoucher = p.Winners.Any(w => w.hasWonVoucher)
This is assuming hasWonFirstPrize and hasWonVoucher are boolean fields, but you can use any aggregate function to get the results you need, such as p.Winners.Any(w => w.hasWonFirstPrize == 1)
I don't use query syntax a lot but I believe you need to change from w in winnersGroup to from w in winnersGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()

converting group SQL expression into LINQ

I am having a real pain in converting this query expression into my LINQ expression.
, r.disc_Code
order by r.disc_code
i can work with one table but i have not seen any example which chains two group expressions in stackoverflow or MSDN. Am i missing some thing ?
Maybe something like this:
var results = from r in dataContext.Race
where r.EVENT_CODE == 100
orderby r.Disc_Code ascending
group r by new { r.Sex, r.Disc_Code } into g
select g.Key;
Here's an example of grouping by multiple columns in VB.NET.
Dim query = From r In db.Race _
Where r.EVENT_CODE = 100 _
Order By r.disc_Code _
Group By Key = New With {r.Sex, r.disc_Code} Into Group _
Select Key, Group
to group on multiple criteria you have to do something like this:
var query = from book in books
group book by new {, book.editor} into books;
to access them:
var author =;
var editor = books.Key.editor;
