Symfony: How can I create user-templates from filled out forms - ajax

In my Symfony project I'm trying to provide a "save as template"-button for an embedded Form. The embedded form contains dynamic embedded forms itself.
The user should be able to save the template without saving the whole form. So i'm going to use AJAX to achieve this (as I already did, for the dynamic add-behavior).
The actual problem is that Symfony names the form in dependence on the parent form, e.g.
<input name="Project[Workflow][1][name]" />
But the template isn't related to "Project" at all. On the other hand, this naming format is required later, when saving the whole form.
Sending the whole form to the server might be a solution, but I think it's a bad practice / overkill / waste of bandwidth.
Is there a common way how to do this?
If not, do you have a basic approach in mind?

symfony sfForms take 2 arrays on the bind method, you don't really need to take them from the request.
since you have several WorkflowForms there is a loop involved!
$formData = $request->getParameter('Project'); // you could do Project['Workflow'] except for symfony 1.4
foreach ($formData['Workflow'] as $embeddedData)
$formFiles = $request->getFiles('Project');
$embeddedFiles = $formFiles['Workflow'];
$form = new WorkflowForm();
$form->bind($embeddedData, $embeddedFiles);
if ($form->isValid())
// do your thing
// ...
then you process each form as you would usually do on // do your thing


How to access View Template Properties for Revit and compare them in Real Time?

I am trying to list the view template’s properties so we can compare them with another old template.
For example what model elements are hidden or have overrides in a given template or which Revit links have been hidden or overridden in a given template.
View Template
I’m looking to devise a View Template Compare tool and access to the owner and creator of them.
public void ApplyViewTemplateToActiveView()
Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
View viewTemplate = (from v in new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
where v.IsTemplate == true && v.Name == "MyViewTemplate"
select v)
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc,"Set View Template"))
doc.ActiveView.ViewTemplateId = viewTemplate.Id;
With Revit API you can access with:
GetTemplateParameterIds Method / ViewTemplateId Property
The Revit API exposes almost all the ViewTemplate properties.
For instance this method returns all the Visibility/Graphic Overrides for a specific category:
The only thing I couldn't get for a ViewTemplate are the "includes", but all the rest seems to be there.
The list or properties "not included" can be retrieved with GetNonControlledTemplateParameterIds().
Yes, and no.
Yes, I guess you can use Forge Model Derivative API to export RVT file and then build a dashboard around the View Templates data. That's assuming that View Templates data actually gets exported when the model is translated. That data is not attached to any geometry so I would not be surprised if it was skipped. The question here is why? This is like renting a 16-wheel truck to move a duffel bag across the street.
No, if your intention is to directly interact with the RVT model. Forge can view it, but to push anything back or request changes to the model, is not available yet. Then again, I am not even sure that the view template data is available via model derivative exports.
This brings me another alternative. Why not just collect the data using Revit API, the standard way and then push it out to a Database and build on top of that? There is no reason to employ Forge for any of that.
Thanks Jeremy, I had dig into your amazing website and also some solution that Konrad post in the Dynamo Forum about this. In Revit seems pretty achievable, you filter the View that is View Template and then extracts these properties, is it correct?.
I am wondering if someone can point me in the right direction with Forge.
Some amazing guys are developing a BQL
BQL(Building Query Language) is a query language for buildings, similar to how SQL is a query language for databases. It is fast and flexible. BQL helps improve efficiency for QA/QC (quality assurance and quality control), and building data extraction without leaving Revit. I am also trying these and I would like to understand if there are some works where I could start with Forge next week about this.

Accessing dynamic links in the format of<dynamic_page_name> in CodeIgniter

I am using code Igniter for my PHP project. I want to give provision in my site such that users can create new pages of their own, and access them directly from
But, my developers have raised a concern that, 1000's of dynamic links that are presented in the format of is "not good for site's performance". For some 10-15 pages, it is fine. But, beyond that, it would effect the site's performance.
So, they proposed that the URL format should be like (here, 'something' is the controller name, as they mentioned it)
But, I really can't sacrifice my framework nor my requirement.
Is there any way that I can achieve the format of "" without effecting the site's performance?
Thanks in advance.
No issues on\userpagename.
It's not a framework issues. Codeigniter support this type of can create n no of URL.
Performance will matter how you are handling that particular controller or that particular function.
If may be 10 may be 100 ,work around same way.
You just have to put route accordingly.
$route[userurl/(:any)]=userurl yourfunction/$1`;
What it seems you need is dynamic controller, which can be done using Codeigniter's build in function _remap().
A code example is:
public function _remap($method){
if($method != null){
} else {
// handle the error as you like
public function yourFunction($key){
// your code logic here
All this code block goes inside your controller.
Edit: the performance is exactlu the same as going with What it matters, as stated above, is how you handle the data.

Coldfusion Coldbox - create and cache drop down options from queries

I am looking for opinions and alternate ideas, as what I am doing is working, but wanted to ask if it was optimal
I have a site that when the index handler is called, it populates the request collection with specific queries from database tables so that I can build drop downs for the user to select.
i am querying two models and putting their results in their respective variables, then loop thru them in the view to create the drop down
index Handler
function index(event, rc, prc){
rc.stages = getmodel("tms_proposal_stage").select();
rc.plannedGiftTypes = getmodel("tms_funding_type").select();
index view
<div class="form-group">
<label for="proposal_stage" class="control-label">Proposal Stage Code</label>
<select id="proposal_stage" name="proposal_stage" class="form-control">
<cfloop query="rc.stages">
<option value="#stage_code#">#short_desc#</option>
I understand that two queries isnt that costly, but if I needed to run 100 of these that would have scalability issues. These query result sets do not change much, so I was thinking, shouldnt these be cached or stored and accessed a different way?
I thought about html5 local storage, which I have used but not in this regard.
I also considered making a new handler function that makes all of these database calls and is cached, then referenced by other functions
anyways, all thoughts are appreciated
You have several options available to you. Since you're using ColdBox, you have CacheBox readily available to you.
A very simple way to do inline caching of the data would be to inject a CacheBox provider at the top of your component:
component {
property name="cache" inject="cachebox:default";
Then use the cache API in your event to store and retrieve data. My favorite method is getOrSet() because it wraps it up in a single call.
rc.stages = cache.getOrSet(
return getmodel("tms_proposal_stage").select();
The closure is only executed if the key is not already in the cache.
Another approach is to cache the full HTML. To do this, create a viewlet that only outputs the HTML for your form control. Create an event that returns the output of just that view like so:
function stagesFormInput(event, rc, prc) cache=true {
var stagesData = getmodel("tms_proposal_stage").select();
return renderView(view="viewlets/stages", args={ stagesData : stagesData } );
Note, I'm passing stageData directly into the view so it doesn't pollute the rc or prc. This data will be available in your viewlet as "args.stagesData".
Also note the "cache=true" in the method declaration. That's the magic that will tell ColdBox to cache this event (inside CacheBox's "template" provider"). You can specify a timeout, but this will use the default. Now, enabled eventCaching in your /config/ColdBox.cfc file.
eventCaching = true
And finally, in your main view or layout, just run your new viewlet everywhere you want the cached HTML to be output.
This is a little bit more setup, but is more powerful since it caches the full HTML snippet which is really ideal. I also have an entire sample app that demos this inside a working app. You can check it out here:

Change url of angular-ui-router without reloading page

I'd like for changes in the URL to drive my application, and for changes in the application to change the URL, but not actually change state.
I have a route like this. The country/city example is a bit contrived, hopefully that doesn't confuse things. The relationship in the real application is somewhat hierarchical. Child views don't seem a fit though because there's no need for nested views.
$stateProvider.state( 'viewMap', {
url: '/viewMap/:country/:city',
templateUrl: 'pages/viewMap/viewMap.html',
controller: 'ViewMapController'
In ViewMapController, I can construct the page based on $ and .city. As these values change, my application reacts and I want the url to stay in sync. I don't want to reload the whole page, however. I just want to update the url and push a history state on to the stack.
I understand I could manually construct a string:
updateUrl = function() {
window.location.hash = '#/viewMap/'+ $ +'/'+ $
This feels fragile, as the way I build the string is separate from the way the framework parses it. I would prefer for the framework to build me a string based on the current params, but $state.href('.') describes the current route, which doesn't include $stateParams that haven't yet been activated/navigated to.
I've also looked at reloadOnSearch, but I think it only applies to query params.
Is there a better way to model this? It feels like I'm fighting the framework over something simple.
You can pass state params to $state.href function to get the complete URL
$state.href('.', $stateParams)
To generate arbitrary urls you can pass non-current params and/or configuration:
$state.href('.', {country:'usa',city:'sf'}, {absolute:true})

I need a global event when data binding occurs in Knockout

I am a newbie to knockoutjs. I have searched examples and so far no luck. I have a page that is a data collection form with the values bound using knockout. What I am trying to do is provide the user with a flag letting him know data is modified and that it needs to be saved. In the app a user may pull down the form and display the data from the server and use it only as information. In other cases he may modify that data. I want to display a label that says something like "data has been modified" to the user once any binding has changed plus if he tries to navigate away from the page I want to warn him the changes will be lost. Is there some event I can subscribe to that tells me when any value has been changed in the model?
Take a look at Ryan Niemeyer's Dirty Flag. It might be what you are looking for. An example of his method can be seen in this jsFiddle.
this.dirtyItems = ko.computed(function() {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.items(), function(item) {
return item.dirtyFlag.isDirty();
}, this);
More info can be found in this SO thread: Knockout isDirty example, using dynamic viewmodule from mapping plugin
