How do I parse a quoted string inside another string? - ruby

I want to extract the quoted substrings from inside a string. This is an example:
string = 'aaaa' + string_var_x + 'bbbb' + string_var_y
The output after parsing should be:
["'aaaa'", "'bbbb'"]
The initial solution was to string.scan /'\w'/ which is almost ok.
Still I can't get it working on more complex string, as it's implied that inside '...' there can be any kind of characters (including numbers, and !##$%^&*() whatever).
Any ideas?
I wonder if there's some way to make /'.*'/ working, but make it less greedy?

Lazy should fix this:
Another possibility is to use this:

An alternate way to do it is:
>> %{string = 'aaaa' + string_var_x + 'bbbb' + string_var_y}.scan(/'[^'].+?'/)
#=> ["'aaaa'", "'bbbb'"]
String.scan gets overlooked a lot.


Change string to hash with ruby

I have ugly string that looks like this:
Which will be the best way to converting it into hash object?
Problem with "\"New\"=>\"0\"" is it does not look like a Hash. So first step should be to manipulate it to look like a Hash:
"{" + a + "}"
# => "{\"New\"=>\"0\"}"
Now once you have a hash looking string you can convert it into Hash like this:
eval "{" + a + "}"
# => {"New"=>"0"}
However there is still one issue, eval is not safe and inadvisable to use. So lets manipulate the string further to make it look json-like and use JSON.parse:
require `json`
JSON.parse ("{" + a + "}").gsub("=>",":")
# => {"New"=>"0"}
How about JSON.parse(string.gsub("=>", ":"))
You can use regex to pull out the key and value. Then create Hash directly
Hard to nail down the best way if you can't tell us exactly the general format of those strings. You may not even need the regex. eg
Also works for "\"Rocket\"=>\"=>\""

Is there a more elegant way to pad a string in Ruby?

So I have a string called borrowed_book_bitmask and I want to pad this string with another string both on the left and right. The padding is defined in some class as a constant. So I have
borrowed_book_bitmask = Module1::Model1::BITMASK_PADDING + borrowed_book_bitmask + Module1::Model1::BITMASK_PADDING
This syntax is a bit clunky and inelegant. Is there a better, more succinct way to express the above?
Assume I can't change the variable name and constant name.
You can use the center method
a = "abc"
" + 4 * 2)
=> " abc "
borrowed_book_bitmask.gsub! /\A|\z/, Module1::Model1::BITMASK_PADDING
What do you mean by "pad"? Always adding the same strings on each side?
What do you mean by "elegant"? Interpolation is vaguely more elegant than concatenation (and more performant IIRC, which I might not). If borrowed_book_bitmask is a method then you could embed this in a method, or use a decorator to encapsulate the functionality.
It seems to me that the inelegance comes from the repetition of the module parameter; I keep having to visually parse two long terms to check that they are the same.
pad = Module1::Model1::BITMASK_PADDING
borrowed_book_bitmask = pad + borrowed_book_bitmask + pad
...too obvious? Maybe that's only more elegant for me.

Simple Ruby Regex Question

I have a string in Ruby:
str = "<TAG1>Text 1<TAG1>Text 2"
I want to use gsub to get a string like this:
want = "<TAG2>Text 1</TAG2><TAG2>Text2</TAG2>"
In other words, I want to save everything in between a <TAG1> and EITHER: 1) the next occurrence of a "<", or 2) the end of the string.
The best regex i could come up with was:
regex = /<TAG1>(.*)(?:<|$)/
But the problem with this is that it'll just match the entire str, where what I want is both matches within str. (In other words, it seems like the end of string char ($) seems to have precedence over the "<" character--is there a way to flip it around?
/<TAG1>([^<]*)/ will match that. If there's no < it'll go all the way to the end of the string. Otherwise it will stop when it hits a <. Your problem is that . matches < as well. An alternative way would be to do /<TAG1>(.*?)(?:<|$)/, which makes the * non-greedy.

Ruby: Escaping special characters in a string

I am trying to write a method that is the same as mysqli_real_escape_string in PHP. It takes a string and escapes any 'dangerous' characters. I have looked for a method that will do this for me but I cannot find one. So I am trying to write one on my own.
This is what I have so far (I tested the pattern at and it worked):
# Finds the following characters and escapes them by preceding them with a backslash. Characters: ' " . * / \ -
def escape_characters_in_string(string)
pattern = %r{ (\'|\"|\.|\*|\/|\-|\\) }
string.gsub(pattern, '\\\0') # <-- Trying to take the currently found match and add a \ before it I have no idea how to do that).
And I am using start_string as the string I want to change, and correct_string as what I want start_string to turn into:
start_string = %("My" 'name' *is* -john- .doe. /ok?/ C:\\Drive)
correct_string = %(\"My\" \'name\' \*is\* \-john\- \.doe\. \/ok?\/ C:\\\\Drive)
Can somebody try and help me determine why I am not getting my desired output (correct_string) or tell me where I can find a method that does this, or even better tell me both? Thanks a lot!
Your pattern isn't defined correctly in your example. This is as close as I can get to your desired output.
"\\\"My\\\" \\'name\\' \\*is\\* \\-john\\- \\.doe\\. \\/ok?\\/ C:\\\\Drive"
It's going to take some tweaking on your part to get it 100% but at least you can see your pattern in action now.
def self.escape_characters_in_string(string)
pattern = /(\'|\"|\.|\*|\/|\-|\\)/
string.gsub(pattern){|match|"\\" + match} # <-- Trying to take the currently found match and add a \ before it I have no idea how to do that).
I have changed above function like this:
def self.escape_characters_in_string(string)
pattern = /(\'|\"|\.|\*|\/|\-|\\|\)|\$|\+|\(|\^|\?|\!|\~|\`)/
string.gsub(pattern){|match|"\\" + match}
This is working great for regex
This should get you started:
print %("'*-.).gsub(/["'*.-]/){ |s| '\\' + s }
Take a look at the ActiveRecord sanitization methods:
Take a look at escape_string / quote method in Mysql class here

Flatten an array of strings in Ruby

What's the best idiomatic (cleanest) way to convert an array of strings into a string, while keeping the enclosing quotes for each elements.
In other words, from this:
a = ["file 1.txt", "file 2.txt", "file 3.txt"]
I'd need to get this
"'file 1.txt' 'file 2.txt' 'file 3.txt'"
Single and double quotes could be interchanged here.
The best ways I know of is by using map and inject/reduce.
eg:{|dir| "'" + dir + "'"}.join(' ')
eg2: a.reduce("'"){|acc, dir| acc += dir+"' "}
Performance could be improved by avoiding temp string creation (+ operator). That's not my main question though. Is there a cleaner more concise way to achieve the same result?
Shorter doesn't always mean simpler. Your first example was succinct, readable, and easily changeable, without being unnecessarily complex. { |s| "'#{s}'" }.join(' ')
Try out
"'#{a.join("' '")}'"
Or if golfing
?'+a*"' '"+?'
Try this:
"'" + a.join("' '") + "'"
"'"+a*"' '"+"'"
"'#{a*"' '"}'"
a.to_s[1...-1].gsub /",?/,"'"
