Is there any way for "make" to echo commands - makefile

Is there a way to have make echo commands that are manually suppressed with # in the makefile? I can't find this in the help or man page, it just says "--quiet" to do the opposite.

The most obvious idea is to change the shell that runs the commands, e.g. modify your makefile and add to the top SHELL = sh -xv.
Another solution is to change how you call make to make SHELL='sh -xv'
Lastly if your Makefile is generated by cmake then call make with make VERBOSE=1

I run into this question from time to time using cmake because it hides the command. You can use "make VERBOSE=true" to get them to print out.


Makefile execution properly [duplicate]

I tried to use a make file in code::blocks but I am doing it wrong. I have the version installed with the compilers included. What do I do with the make file? It starts with:
best, US
You don't tend to execute the make file itself, rather you execute make, giving it the make file as an argument:
make -f
If your make file is actually one of the standard names (like makefile or Makefile), you don't even need to specify it. It'll be picked up by default (if you have more than one of these standard names in your build directory, you better look up the make man page to see which takes precedence).
As paxdiablo said make -f would execute the makefile, if you directly execute it by typing ./, then you would get syntax error.
Also you can just type make if your file name is makefile/Makefile.
Suppose you have two files named makefile and Makefile in the same directory then makefile is executed if make alone is given. You can even pass arguments to makefile.
Check out more about makefile at this Tutorial : Basic understanding of Makefile

Two lines of shell script

I know nothing about shell scripting but something has come up and I need to be able to understand what two lines of code do so that I can modify a project I am working on
SDKROOT= make -C $TEMP_DIR -f $PROJECT_DIR/greg/Makefile VPATH=$PROJECT_DIR/greg || exit $?
will you please explain what these two lines of code do... I know what the variables are and the path names but the rest of the syntax is confusing and foreign. Please help.
The first line:
SDKROOT= make -C $TEMP_DIR -f $PROJECT_DIR/greg/Makefile VPATH=$PROJECT_DIR/greg || exit $?
SDKROOT= sets the environment variable SDKROOT to nothing for the execution of the make command.
make is the build tool, and it's being run with the following options:
-C $TEMP_DIR: means run make in the directory $TEMP_DIR
-f $PROJECT_DIR/greg/Makefile specifies to make to use the Makefile in $PROJECT_DIR/greg
VPATH=$PROJECT_DIR/greg sets another variable, VPATH to $PROJECT_DIR/greg. VPATH specifies to make a search path for prerequisits.
|| exit $? means that if the make command fails the script should exit with the same error code as make, as $? means the return code of the last run program/command.
The second line:
appears to be running the command $TEMP_DIR/greg with the option -o $DERIVED_FILES_DIR/${INPUT_FILE_BASE}.m and with some input from $INPUT_FILE_PATH. This looks like the program which may have been built from the previous line's make command, so it's hard to know exactly what it does.
The SDKROOT is an environment variable used by XCode to say where the SDK it's using is installed. It will be a path like /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX"${HOST_VERSION}".sdk/ for instance. The value should be setup somewhere in XCode I imagine (I don't used xcode so can't be more helpful than that.). By doing SDKROOT= at the beginning of the command the value of SDKROOT will be nothing/blank. The reason for this is that the code being compiled will use resources which exist in the SDKROOT, rather than local ones; such resources may be classes, config or libraries for example.

Can I refer to the default target on the "make" command line?

If I type just
$ make
it will invoke the make command with the default target (typically the first target specified in the Makefile, but the rules are a bit more complicated than that).
Is there a way to specify the default target on the command line without knowing what it is, other than by simply omitting the target name?
What I'd like to be able to do is combine these two commands:
$ make clean
$ make
into a single invocation of make. If I happen to know that the default target is all, I can type:
$ make clean all
but that doesn't work if I don't know what the default target is.
Ideally, I'd like some syntax that refers to the default target (the GNU make manual calls it the "default goal"). This:
$ make clean .DEFAULT_GOAL
shows the general idea, but it doesn't work.
Second best would be a simple and reliable way to determine, from the command line, what the default target is:
$ make clean $(get-default-target)
A GNU-specific solution would be ok.
I suspect, from a quick look into the manual, that there's no good way to do this.
For a shot at the second-best solution, you can parse the default goal from the output of make -pq:
make -pq | sed -ne 's/^.DEFAULT_GOAL := //p'

Is there a smarter alternative to "watch make"?

I ran into this useful tip that if you're working on files a lot and you want them to build automatically you run:
watch make
And it re-runs make every couple seconds and things get built.
However ... it seems to swallow all the output all the time. I think it could be smarter - perhaps show a stream of output but suppress Nothing to be done for 'all' so that if nothing is built the output doesn't scroll.
A few shell script approaches come to mind using a loop and grep ... but perhaps something more elegant is out there? Has anyone seen something?
Using classic gnu make and inotifywait, without interval-based polling:
while true; do \
inotifywait -qre close_write .; \
This way make is triggered on every file write in the current directory tree. You can specify the target by running
make watch WATCHMAKE=foo
This one-liner should do it:
while true; do make --silent; sleep 1; done
It'll run make once every second, and it will only print output when it actually does something.
Here is a one-liner:
while true; do make -q || make; sleep 0.5; done
Using make -q || make instead of just make will only run the build if there is something to be done and will not output any messages otherwise.
You can add this as a rule to your project's Makefile:
while true; do $(MAKE) -q || $(MAKE); sleep 0.5; done
And then use make watch to invoke it.
This technique will prevent Make from filling a terminal with "make: Nothing to be done for TARGET" messages.
It also does not retain a bunch of open file descriptors like some file-watcher solutions, which can lead to ulimit errors.
How about
# In the makefile:
.PHONY: continuously
while true; do make 1>/dev/null; sleep 3; done
This way you can run
make continuously
and only get output if something is wrong.
Twitter Bootstrap uses the watchr ruby gem for this.
After two years the watchr project seems not to be maintained anymore. Please look for another solution among the answers. Personally, if the goal is only to have a better output, i would recommend the answer from wch here
I do it this way in my Makefile:
(while true; do make build.log; sleep 1; done) | grep -v 'make\[1\]'
build.log: ./src/*
thecompiler | tee build.log
So, it will only build when my source code is newer than my build.log, and the "grep -v" stuff removes some unnecessary make output.
This shell script uses make itself to detect changes with the -q flag, and then does a full rebuild if and only if there are changes.
while true;
if ! make -q "$#";
echo "#-> Starting build: `date`"
make "$#";
echo "#-> Build complete."
sleep 0.5;
It does not have any dependencies apart from make.
You can pass normal make arguments (such as -C mydir) to it as they are passed on to the make command.
As requested in the question it is silent if there is nothing to build but does not swallow output when there is.
You can keep this script handy as e.g. ~/bin/watch-make to use across multiple projects.
There are several automatic build systems that do this and more - basically when you check a change into version control they will make/build - look for Continuous Integration
Simple ones are TeamCity and Hudson
#Dobes Vandermeer -- I have a script named "mkall" that runs make in every subdirectory. I could assign that script as a cron job to run every five minutes, or one minute, or thirty seconds. Then, to see the output, I'd redirect gcc results (in each individual makefile) to a log in each subdirectory.
Could something like that work for you?
It could be pretty elaborate so as to avoid makes that do nothing. For example, the script could save the modify time of each source file and do the make when that guy changes.
You could try using something like inotify-tools. It will let you watch a directory and run a command when a file is changed or saved or any of the other events that inotify can watch for. A simple script that does a watch for save and kicks off a make when a file is saved would probably be useful.
You could change your make file to output a growl (OS X) or notify-send (Linux) notification. For me in Ubuntu, that would show a notification bubble in the upper-right corner of my screen.
Then you'd only notice the build when it fails.
You'd probably want to set watch to only cycle as fast as those notifications can display (so they don't pile up).
Bit of archaeology, but I still find this question useful. Here is a modified version of #otto's answer, using fswatch (for the mac):
TARGET ?= foo
#fswatch -1 . | read i && make $(TARGET)
#make -ski TARGET=$(TARGET)
%: %.go
#go build $<

How can I ctreate a simple makefile for minGW + gfortran

I am absolutely new in gfortran+minGW.
I need to create makefile.
When I run
$ gfortran -c q.f
All is ok!
But how can I run makefile like this?
CC = gfortran
q.o : q.f
$(CC) -c q2.o q2.f
I receive error “CC: command not found”.
(OS – Win 7 (64))
It kind of looks like you're trying to run the makefile as a regular script. Try
$ make
$ make -f mymakefilename
if you named the file something other than "makefile" or "Makefile".
You can potentially just execute the makefile, but if so you need a "shebang" line, something like
at the top of the file, but frankly hardly anyone uses that option. Just use the make(1) command.
It's because they're in the wrong order. Makefiles process (by default) the first target in the file. When you run make it sees the rule to make, q.o from q.f, it compiles it, and says, "Okay, I'm done."
If you put the q.exe target first, it says "Hmmm, I want to build q.exe and to do that I need a q.o. Do I have a q.o? No? Okay, hen I'll build a q.o. I have a rule for that -- I can build a q.o from q.f. okay, that's done. Now can I build q.exe? Oh, yes, I can. I'll build q.exe. Anything? Nope, I'm done."
If you were to use the commend
$ make q.exe
then you'd explicitly tell make to make q.exe, which would cause the same thing to happen, but better you should reorder your makefile and get used to the way they work.
