Delete from string first occurrence of given character - ruby

string =
[something else in bracket]
{something else}
more text
I want to delete first occurrence of [] and {}
s.clean_method or regexp should return string like that
[something else in bracket]
{something else}
more text
Language Ruby 1.9.2

You need String#sub (not gsub):
irb> "[asd]{asd}[asd]{asd}".sub(/\[(.+?)\]/,'\1').sub(/\{(.+?)\}/,'\1')
=> "asdasd[asd]{asd}"

More of the same:
s = "[asd]{asd}[asd]{asd}"
%w({ } [ ]).each{|char| s.sub!(char,'')}
#=> "asdasd[asd]{asd}"

Well, if that's all you want to do, all you need to do is
result = string.sub('{', '').sub('[', '').sub('}', '').sub(']', '')
Of course, that's a terribly inelegant solution, and doesn't consider things like unmatched brackets, etc.
A better solution would probably be:
pattern1 = /\{(.*?)\}/
pattern2 = /\[(.*?)\]/
match1 = pattern1.match(string)
result = string.sub(match1[0], match1[1])
match2 = pattern2.match(result)
result = result.sub(match2[0], match2[1])
This could probably be simplified, but that's what comes off the top of my head :)
BTW, if you want to replace all instances, all you need to do is use gsub instead of sub


How would this complicated search-and-replace operation be done in Ruby?

I have a big text file. Within this text file, I want to replace all mentions of the word 'pizza' with 'spinach', 'Pizza' with 'Spinach', and 'pizzing' with 'spinning' -- unless those words occur anywhere within curly braces. So {pizza}, {} and {hot-pizza-oven} should remain unchanged.
My best proposed solution so far is to iterate over the file line-by-line, issuing a regex that detects everything before an { or after an }, and using regexes on each of those strings. But that gets really complex and unwieldy and I want to know if there's a proper solution for this problem.
This can be done in a few steps. I'd iterate through the file line by line, and pass each line to this method:
def spinachize line
# list of words to swap
swaps = {
'pizza' => 'spinach',
'Pizza' => 'Spinach',
'pizzing' => 'spinning'
# random placeholder for bracketed text
placeholder = 'fdjfafdlskdsfajkldfas'
# save all instances of bracketed text
bracketed_text = line.scan(/\{.*?\}/)
# remove bracketed text from line
line.gsub!(/\{.*?\}/, placeholder)
# replace all swaps
swaps.each do |original_text, new_text|
line.gsub!(original_text, new_text)
# re-insert bracketed text
The comments above explain things as we go. Here are a couple of examples:
spinachize "Pizza is good, but more pizza is better"
=> "Spinach is good, but more spinach is better"
spinachize "Leave bracketed instances of {pizza} or {} alone"
=> "Leave bracketed instances of {pizza} or {} alone"
As you can see, you can specify the items you want swapped, or modify the method to pull the list from a database or flat file somewhere. The placeholder just needs to be something unique that wouldn't come up in the source file naturally.
The process is this: remove bracketed text from the original line, and remember it for later. Swap all text that needs swapping, then add back the bracketed text. It's not a one-liner, but it works well and is readable and easy to update.
The last line of the method might need some clarification. Not many people know that the "gsub" method can take a block instead of a second parameter. That block then determines what gets put in place of the original text. In this case, every time the block is called I remove the first item off our saved bracket list, and use that.
rules = {'pizza' => 'spinach','Pizza' => 'Spinach','pizzing' => 'spinning'}
regexp = /\{[^{}]*\}|#{rules.keys.join('|')}/m
puts( { |s| rules[s] || s })
This constructs a regular expression that matches either bracketed strings or the strings to replace. We then run it through a block that replaces strings with the given value, and will leave bracketed strings unchanged. With the /m flag, the regular expression can tolerate newlines inside the brackets--if that won't happen, you can take it out. Either way, no need to iterate line by line.
str = "Pizza {pizza} with spinach is not pizzing."
swaps = {'{pizza}' =>'{pizza}',
'{Pizza}' =>'{Pizza}',
'{pizzing}'=> '{pizzing}'
'pizza' => 'spinach',
'Pizza' => 'Spinach',
'pizzing' => 'spinning'}
regex = Regexp.union(swaps.keys)
p str.gsub(regex, swaps) # => "Spinach {pizza} with spinach is not spinning."
I would call the following method for each line of the file.
def doit(line)
replace = {'pizza'=>'spinach', 'Pizza'=>'Spinach', 'pizzing'=>'spinning'}
r = /\{.*?\}/
arr= line.split(r).map { |str|
str.gsub(/\b(?:pizza|Pizza|pizzing)\b/, replace) }
line.scan(r).each_with_object(arr.shift) { |str,res|
res << str << arr.shift }
doit("Pizza Primastrada's {pizza} is the best {pizzing} pizza in town.")
#=> "Spinach Primastrada's {pizza} is the best {pizzing} spinach in town."
doit("{Pizza Primastrada}'s pizza is the best pizzing {pizza} in town.")
#=> "{Pizza Primastrada}'s spinach is the best spinning {pizza} in town."
line = "Pizza Primastrada's {pizza} is the best {pizzing} pizza in town."
replace = {'pizza'=>'spinach', 'Pizza'=>'Spinach', 'pizzing'=>'spinning'}
r = /\{.*?\}/
a = line.split(r)
#=> ["Pizza Primastrada's ", " is the best ", " pizza in town."]
b = { |str| str.gsub(/\b(?:pizza|Pizza|pizzing)\b/, replace) }
#=> ["Spinach Primastrada's ", " is the best ", " spinach in town."]
keepers = line.scan(r)
#=> ["{pizza}", "{pizzing}"]
keepers.each_with_object(b.shift) { |str,res| res << str << b.shift }
#=> "Spinach Primastrada's {pizza} is the best {pizzing} spinach in town."
Nested braces
If you wish to permit nested braces, change the regex to:
r = /\{[^{}]*?(?:\{.*?\})*?[^{}]*?\}/
doit("Pizza Primastrada's {{great {great} pizza} is the best pizza.")
#=> "Spinach Primastrada's {{great {great} pizza} is the best spinach."
You referred to the string
{words,salad,#{1,2,3} pizza|}
in a comment. If that is part of a string enclosed in single quotes, not a problem. If enclosed in double quotes, however, # will raise a syntax error. Again, no problem, if the pound character is escaped (\#).

Return string until matched string in Ruby

How do you return the portion of a string until the first instance of " #" or " Apt"?
I know I could split the string up into an array based on "#" or "Apt" and then calling .first, but there must be a simpler way.
String splitting is definitely easier and more readable than trying to extract the portion of the string using a regex. For the latter case, you would need a capture group to get the first match. It will be the same as string splitting
string.split(/#|Apt/, 2).first
I'd write a method to make it clear. Something like this, for example:
class String
def substring_until(substring)
i = index(substring)
return self if i.nil?
i == 0 ? "" : self[0..(i - 1)]
Use String#[] method. Like this:
].map { |str| str[/^(.*)(#|Apt)/, 1] } #=> ["", "foo", "foo", "asdf"]
I don't write in ruby all that much, but I'm sure you could use a regular expression along the lines of
Or, if you put the string into a tokenizer, you could do something with that, but it'd be tougher considering you are looking for a word and not just a single character.

How do I remove a substring after a certain character in a string using Ruby?

How do I remove a substring after a certain character in a string using Ruby?
new_str = str.slice(0..(str.index('blah')))
I find that "Part1?Part2".split('?')[0] is easier to read.
I'm surprised nobody suggested to use 'gsub'
irb> "truncate".gsub(/a.*/, 'a')
=> "trunca"
The bang version of gsub can be used to modify the string.
str = "Hello World"
stopchar = 'W'
str.sub /#{stopchar}.+/, stopchar
#=> "Hello W"
A special case is if you have multiple occurrences of the same character and you want to delete from the last occurrence to the end (not the first one).
Following what Jacob suggested, you just have to use rindex instead of index as rindex gets the index of the character in the string but starting from the end.
Something like this:
str = '/path/to/some_file'
puts str.slice(0, str.index('/')) # => ""
puts str.slice(0, str.rindex('/')) # => "/path/to"
We can also use partition and rpartitiondepending on whether we want to use the first or last instance of the specified character:
string = "abc-123-xyz"
last_char = "-"
string.partition(last_char)[0..1].join #=> "abc-"
string.rpartition(last_char)[0..1].join #=> "abc-123-"

How to split a string in Ruby?

I have special strings like name1="value1" name2='value2'. Values can contain whitespaces and are delimited by either single quotes or double quotes. Names never contain whitespaces. name/value pairs are separated by whitespaces.
I want to parse them into a list of name-value pairs like this
string.magic_split() => { "name1"=>"value1", "name2"=>"value2" }
If Ruby understood lookaround assertions, I could do this by
string.split(/[\'\"](?=\s)/).each do |element|
element =~ /(\w+)=[\'\"](.*)[\'\"]/
hash[$1] = $2
but Ruby does not understand lookaround assertions, so I am somewhat stuck.
However, I am sure that there are much more elegant ways to solve this problem anyway, so I turn to you. Do you have a good idea for solving this problem?
This fails on values like '"hi" she said', but it might be good enough.
str = %q(name1="value1" name2='value 2')
p Hash[ *str.chop.split( /' |" |='|="/ ) ]
#=> {"name1"=>"value1", "name2"=>"value 2"}
This is not a complete answer, but Oniguruma, the standard regexp library in 1.9 supports lookaround assertions. It can be installed as a gem if you are using Ruby 1.8.x.
That said, and as Sorpigal has commented, instead of using a regexp I would be inclined to iterate through the string one character at a time keeping track of whether you are in a name portion, when you reach the equals sign, when you are within quotes and when you reach a matched closing quote. On reaching a closing quote you can put the name and value into the hash and proceed to the next entry.
class String
def magic_split
str = self.gsub('"', '\'').gsub('\' ', '\'\, ').split('\, ').map{ |str| str.gsub("'", "").split("=") }
This should do it for you.
class SpecialString
def self.parse(string){|s| s.split("=") }.inject({}) {|h, a| h[a[0]] = a[1].gsub(/"|'/, ""); h }
Have a try with : /[='"] ?/
I don't know Ruby syntax but here is a Perl script you could translate
use 5.10.1;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my $str = qq/name1="val ue1" name2='va lue2'/;
my #list = split/[='"] ?/,$str;
my %hash;
for (my $i=0; $i<#list;$i+=3) {
$hash{$list[$i]} = $list[$i+2];
say Dumper \%hash;
Output :
$VAR1 = {
'name2' => 'va lue2',
'name1' => 'val ue1'

How to replace the last occurrence of a substring in ruby?

I want to replace the last occurrence of a substring in Ruby. What's the easiest way?
For example, in abc123abc123, I want to replace the last abc to ABC. How do I do that?
How about
new_str = old_str.reverse.sub(pattern.reverse, replacement.reverse).reverse
For instance:
irb(main):001:0> old_str = "abc123abc123"
=> "abc123abc123"
irb(main):002:0> pattern="abc"
=> "abc"
irb(main):003:0> replacement="ABC"
=> "ABC"
irb(main):004:0> new_str = old_str.reverse.sub(pattern.reverse, replacement.reverse).reverse
=> "abc123ABC123"
"abc123abc123".gsub(/(.*(abc.*)*)(abc)(.*)/, '\1ABC\4')
#=> "abc123ABC123"
But probably there is a better way...
...which Chris kindly provided in the comment below.
So, as * is a greedy operator, the following is enough:
"abc123abc123".gsub(/(.*)(abc)(.*)/, '\1ABC\3')
#=> "abc123ABC123"
There is also a solution which neatly illustrates parallel array assignment in Ruby:
*a, b = "abc123abc123".split('abc', -1)
#=> "abc123ABC123"
Since Ruby 2.0 we can use \K which removes any text matched before it from the returned match. Combine with a greedy operator and you get this:
'abc123abc123'.sub(/.*\Kabc/, 'ABC')
#=> "abc123ABC123"
This is about 1.4 times faster than using capturing groups as Hirurg103 suggested, but that speed comes at the cost of lowering readability by using a lesser-known pattern.
more info on \K:
Here's another possible solution:
>> s = "abc123abc123"
=> "abc123abc123"
>> s[s.rindex('abc')...(s.rindex('abc') + 'abc'.length)] = "ABC"
=> "ABC"
>> s
=> "abc123ABC123"
When searching in huge streams of data, using reverse will definitively* lead to performance issues. I use string.rpartition*:
sub_or_pattern = "!"
replacement = "?"
string = "hello!hello!hello"
array_of_pieces = string.rpartition sub_or_pattern
( array_of_pieces[(array_of_pieces.find_index sub_or_pattern)] = replacement ) rescue nil
p array_of_pieces.join
# "hello!hello?hello"
The same code must work with a string with no occurrences of sub_or_pattern:
string = "hello_hello_hello"
# ...
# "hello_hello_hello"
*rpartition uses rb_str_subseq() internally. I didn't check if that function returns a copy of the string, but I think it preserves the chunk of memory used by that part of the string. reverse uses rb_enc_cr_str_copy_for_substr(), which suggests that copies are done all the time -- although maybe in the future a smarter String class may be implemented (having a flag reversed set to true, and having all of its functions operating backwards when that is set), as of now, it is inefficient.
Moreover, Regex patterns can't be simply reversed. The question only asks for replacing the last occurrence of a sub-string, so, that's OK, but readers in the need of something more robust won't benefit from the most voted answer (as of this writing)
You can achieve this with String#sub and greedy regexp .* like this:
'abc123abc123'.sub(/(.*)abc/, '\1ABC')
simple and efficient:
s = "abc123abc123abc"
p = "123"
s.slice!(s.rindex(p), p.size)
s == "abc123abcabc"
string = "abc123abc123"
pattern = /abc/
replacement = "ABC"
matches = string.scan(pattern).length
index = 0
string.gsub(pattern) do |match|
index += 1
index == matches ? replacement : match
#=> abc123ABC123
I've used this handy helper method quite a bit:
def gsub_last(str, source, target)
return str unless str.include?(source)
top, middle, bottom = str.rpartition(source)
If you want to make it more Rails-y, extend it on the String class itself:
class String
def gsub_last(source, target)
return self unless self.include?(source)
top, middle, bottom = self.rpartition(source)
Then you can just call it directly on any String instance, eg "fooBAR123BAR".gsub_last("BAR", "FOO") == "fooBAR123FOO"
.gsub /abc(?=[^abc]*$)/, 'ABC'
Matches a "abc" and then asserts ((?=) is positive lookahead) that no other characters up to the end of the string are "abc".
