What's the best reserved seat sorting algorithm? - algorithm

I'm trying to find the best algorithm for the following sorting problem.
There are N = K × M seats in an auditorium with one aisle, K rows, and M seats per aisle. The assumption is made that K is a bigger than M, but I don't think that's very important. There are N people that are in
bijection with the seats (assigned seats). Assuming that people don't
like waiting, what's the fastest way to line them up to get them all
in their seats as quickly as possible?
I ran some simple experiements (using random permutations) and it
seemed that letting them line up randomly is faster than having the
people in the front third (further down the aisle) line up first, then
the middle third, then the back third. That seems wrong to me.
I'm writing this in MatLab if that matters at all. Any ideas or answers?

There is a very nice article by Bachmat, Berend, Sapir, Skiena and Stolyarov entitled Analysis of airplane boarding via space-time geometry and random matrix theory that models this exact problem for airplane boarding. From their abstract:
We show that airplane boarding can be
asymptotically modeled by
2-dimensional Lorentzian geometry.
Boarding time is given by the maximal
proper time among curves in the model.
Discrepancies between the model and
simulation results are closely related
to random matrix theory. We then show
how such models can be used to explain
why some commonly practiced airline
boarding policies are ineffective and
even detrimental.
The conclusions of the paper are:
BEST: Window-Middle-Aisle
NEAR OPTIMAL: Random Boarding
REALLY BAD: Back-to-Front
For your set-up, I think this means you should ignore how far down the aisle the people are and instead focus on how far from the aisle they are. This model also accounts for time to store luggage, so you may need to adjust that somewhat for your situation. In any event, I think this confirms what you are finding through your model.


What string distance algorithm is best for measuring typing accuracy?

I'm trying to write a function that detects how accurate the user typed a particular phrase/sentence/word/words. My objective is to build an app to train the user's typing accuracy of certain phrases.
My initial instinct is to use the basic levenshtein distance algorithm (mostly because that's the only algo I knew off the top of my head).
But after a bit more research, I saw that Jaro-Winkler is a slightly more interesting algorithm because of its consideration for transpositions.
I even found a link that talks about the differences between these algorithms:
Difference between Jaro-Winkler and Levenshtein distance?
Having read all that, in addition to the respective Wikipedia posts, I am still a little clueless as to which algorithm fits my objective the best.
Since you are grading the quality of typing, and you want to train the student to make zero mistakes, you should use Levenshtein distance, because it is less forgiving.
Additionally, Levenshtein score is more intuitive to understand, and easier to represent graphically, than the Jaro-Winkler results. You can modify Levenshtein algorithm to report insertions, deletions, and mistypes separately, and show end-users a list of corrections. Jaro-Winkler, on the other hand, gives you a score that is hard to show to end-user, because penalties for misspelling in the middle are lower than penalties at the end.
Slightly tongue-in-cheek, but only slightly: build a generative model for typing that gives high (prior) probability to hitting the right letter, and apportion out some probabilities for hitting two neighboring keys at once, two keys from different hands in the wrong order, two keys from the same hand in the wrong order, a key near the correct one, a key far from the correct one, etc. Or perhaps less ad-hoc: give your model a probability for a given sequence of keypresses given the current pair of keys needed to continue the passage. You could do a lot of things with such a model; for example, you could get a "distance"-like metric by giving a likelihood score for the learner's actual performance. But even better would be to give them a report summarizing which kinds of errors they make the most -- after all, why boil their performance down to a single number when many numbers would do? Bonus points if you learn the probabilities for the different kinds of errors from a large corpus of real typists' work.
I mostly agree with the answer given by dasblinkenlight, however, would suggest to use the Damerau-Levenshtein distance instead of only Levenshtein, that is, including transpositions. Transpositions are fairly frequent and easy to make while typing, and there is no good reason why they should incur a double distance penalty with respect to the other possible errors (insertions, deletions, and substitutions).

Algorithm to find smallest number of points to cover area (war game)

I'm dealing with a war game. I have a list of my bases B(x,y) from which I can send attacks on the enemy (they have bases between my own bases). Each base B can attack at a range R (the same radius for all bases). How can I find my bases to be able to attack as many enemy bases as possible, but use a minimum number of my bases?
I've reduced the problem to finding the minimum number of bases (and their coordinates) required to cover the largest area possible. I wonder if there is a better way than looking at all the possible combinations and because the number of bases could reach thousands.
Example: If the attack radius is 10 and I have five bases in a square and its center: (0,0), (10,0), (10,10), (0,10), (5,5) then the answer is that only the first four would be needed because all the area covered by the one in the center is already covered by the others.
Note 1 The solution must be single-threaded.
Note 2 The solution doesn't have to be perfect if that means a big gain in speed. The number of bases reaches thousands and this needs to use as little time as possible. I would consider running time greater than 100 ms for 10,000 bases in Python on a modern computer unacceptable, so I was thinking maybe I could start by eliminating the obvious, like if there are multiple bases within R/10 distance of each other, simply eliminate all except for one (whichever).
If I understand you correctly, the enemy bases and your bases are given as well as the (constant) attack radius. I.e. if you select one of your bases, you know exactly which of the enemy bases get attacked due to the selection.
The first step would be to eliminate those enemy cities from the problem which can not be attacked by any of your bases. Then, selecting all of your bases guarantees attacking all attackable enemy bases, so there is solution that attacks as many enemy bases as possible.
Under all those solutions you are looking for the one that uses the minimum number of your bases. This problem is equivalent to the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_cover_problem, which is unfortunately NP-hard. You can apply all known solution methods such as Integer Linear Programming or the already mentioned greedy algorithm / metaheuristics.
If your problem instance is large and runtime is the primary concern, greedy is probably the way to go. For example you could always add that particular base of yours to the selection which adds the highest number of enemy bases that can be attacked which were previously not under attack by your already selected bases.
Hum the solution depends on your needs. If you need real time answer, maybe a greedy algorithm could provide good solution.
Other solution could be using meta-heuristic with constraint time(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaheuristic). I probably would use genetic algorithm to search a solution for this problem under a limited time.
If interested I can provide a toy example of implementation in Python.
When you have to provide solution quickly a greedy algorithm is often better. But in your case I doubt. Particularity of many greedy algorithm is that you need to start from scratch each time you try to compute a new result.
Speaking again of genetic algorithm, you could for example each time you have to take a decision restart the search process from its last result. In fact you could probably let him turning has a subprocess and each 100ms take the better solution computed during the last loop.
If not too greedy in computing resource, this solution would provide better results than greedy one on the long run as the solution will probably need to be adapted to the changes of the situation but many element will stay unchanged. Just be aware that initializing a meta-search with the solution of a greedy algorithm is anyway a good idea!

Algorithm for sorting people into rooms based on age and nationality

I’m working on program for the English Language school I work for. I’m not being paid, its just a kind of a hobby to improve / automate my work flow.
It’s a residential school and one aspects I’m looking at automating is the way we allocate room to students, and although I don’t want a full blown solution I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction… Suggestions of the way you might approach this or by suggesting algorithms to look at etc.
Basically at the school we have a whole bunch of different rooms ranging from singles to dormitories for 8 people. We get lots of different nationalities from all over the world, and we always try to maker sure each room has a mix of nationalities. Where there is more than one nationality we try to balance them. Age is also important, we always put students of a similar age together, while still trying to mix nationalities, and its unusual for us to have students sharing with more than two years between them.
I suppose more generically speaking, I am in interested in how to sort a given set of students based on two parameters to an optimal result with a few rules attached.
I hope I’ve explain clearly what I am trying to achieve… in a way it sounds really simple, but I’ve trying to think how to do it in a simple way, i.e. by sorting by nationality and then by age but it just doesn’t cut it and I know there must be a better way of approaching this. When I do it “by hand” on an excel sheet it does feel quite intuitive.
Thank you to anyone who offers help / advice.
This is an interesting question but it's not easy to answer. Somehow it's connected with subdivsion and bin packing or the cutting-stock problem. You may want to look for a topological sort too. You can look for Drools a business logic platform that let you define such rules.
First of all you might find this interesting: Stable Room-mates Problem (wikipedia). Unfortunately it does not answer your question.
Try a genetic algorithm.
There are three main criteria for using a genetic algorithm:
ability to represent a solution as a mutable array. We can have an array of integers such that a[i] is the room for the ith student.
mutation of the state should produce predictable results. In our case this is true. Mutating the array will predictably shuffle students between the rooms.
easy to write a fast fitness function. Shouldn't be too hard to write a O(n) fitness function.
This is an interesting problem. I'll try writing some code with this approach and we'll see what happens.
How about, you think of a room as something that repels students of a nationality it already has, and attracts students of a close age to what it already has. The closer the age to the average age, the more it attracts it, and the more guys of X nationality are in the room, the more if repels guys of X nationality.
Then you would, for every new student to be added, iterate through each room and see which is the one that attracts it more. I guess if the room is empty you can set all forces to 0. Also, you would have a couple of constants that multiply each of both "forces" so you can calibrate it depending on how important is to have the same age against how important is to have different nationalities.
I'd analyze each student and create a 'personality' vector based on his/her age & nationality. Then I'd sort the vectors, and maybe scramble the results a bit after sorting to encourage diversity.
The general theme of "assign x to y with respect to constraints while optimizing some quantity" falls within operations research or more specifically http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_optimization. The usual approach is to formally specify the problem and use a generic optimization solver such as one of those listed in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_optimization_software.
Give it a try, the formal specification languages for using the existing solvers are rather easy to learn and you might get an optimal solution without having to debug a complicated algorithm.
Formulation as a General Optimization Problem
It will be useful to formalize constraints and parameters. Let us assume that for 1 <= i <= 8, we have n_i rooms available of size i. Now let us impose the hard constraint that in a particular room S, every two students a, b \in S, we have that:
|Grade(a) - Grade(b)| <= 2 (1)
Now we are interested in optimizing the "diversity" function which intuitively represents the idea that we want rooms to be as mixed as possible. So we can represent this goal as:
max over all arrangements {{ Sum over all rooms S of DiversityScore(S) }}
where we have DiversityScore(S) = # of Different Nationalities in the Room
Formulation as a Graph Problem
This is the most general setting, but clearly max over all arrangements is not computationally feasible. Now let us pose this as a sort of graph problem with the hard grade constraints. Denote all students as a vertex in a Graph G. Connect two vertices if students satisfy constraint (1). Now a clique in this graph represents a group of students that can all be placed in the same room. Now proceed in a greedy manner. Choose the largest clique of size 4 which has the largest Diversity Score. Then place them in a room and continue until all rooms are filled. This clique search method can also incorporate gender constraints which is useful, however not that Clique finding is NP Hard Problem.
Now before trying to come up with something that may be faster, let us think about how to weaken the hard constraint (1). We can massage our graph formulation by including edge weights into the picture. So if the hard constraint is satisfied denote the edge weight from i to j as 1. If two students i and j deviate by age more than 2 denote the edge weight as 1 / (Age Difference)^2 or something. Then the score of a clique should be a product of the cliques edge weights with some diversity score. However it becomes clear that now the problem is on a complete graph, which is just the general optimization we hoped to avoid, so we need to impose some hard restrictions to reduce the connectivity of our graph.
A Basic Sorting Approximation Algorithm
Sort all students by their age, so we have a sorted array where all students in a[i] have the same age, and all students in a[i] are older than all students in a[j] for all j < i.
Now consider each pair i, j, of which there are O(n^2), where we also have that |Age[i] - Age[j]| <= 2. Find the largest group of students with different nationalities and place them in a room together. We successively iterate over O(n^2) index pairs which satisfy the hard constraint and take any students with nationality difference (which we can find by preprocessing and hashing on the index pairs). Doing this carefully (like looking at indices i j which are spread apart before close together) improves running time further. It feels like it should be polytime, but I think there are certain subtleties to address first before saying so.

What are some examples of problems well suited for Integer Linear Programming?

I've always been writing software to solve business problems. I came across about LIP while I was going through one of the SO posts. I googled it but I am unable to relate how I can use it to solve business problems. Appreciate if some one can help me understand in layman terms.
ILP can be used to solve essentially any problem involving making a bunch of decisions, each of which only has several possible outcomes, all known ahead of time, and in which the overall "quality" of any combination of choices can be described using a function that doesn't depend on "interactions" between choices. To see how it works, it's easiest to restrict further to variables that can only be 0 or 1 (the smallest useful range of integers). Now:
Each decision requiring a yes/no answer becomes a variable
The objective function should describe the thing we want to maximise (or minimise) as a weighted combination of these variables
You need to find a way to express each constraint (combination of choices that cannot be made at the same time) using one or more linear equality or inequality constraints
For example, suppose you have 3 workers, Anne, Bill and Carl, and 3 jobs, Dusting, Typing and Packing. All of the people can do all of the jobs, but they each have different efficiency/ability levels at each job, so we want to find the best task for each of them to do to maximise overall efficiency. We want each person to perform exactly 1 job.
One way to set this problem up is with 9 variables, one for each combination of worker and job. The variable x_ad will get the value 1 if Anne should Dust in the optimal solution, and 0 otherwise; x_bp will get the value 1 if Bill should Pack in the optimal solution, and 0 otherwise; and so on.
Objective Function
The next thing to do is to formulate an objective function that we want to maximise or minimise. Suppose that based on Anne, Bill and Carl's most recent performance evaluations, we have a table of 9 numbers telling us how many minutes it takes each of them to perform each of the 3 jobs. In this case it makes sense to take the sum of all 9 variables, each multiplied by the time needed for that particular worker to perform that particular job, and to look to minimise this sum -- that is, to minimise the total time taken to get all the work done.
The final step is to give constraints that enforce that (a) everyone does exactly 1 job and (b) every job is done by exactly 1 person. (Note that actually these steps can be done in any order.)
To make sure that Anne does exactly 1 job, we can add the constraint that x_ad + x_at + x_ap = 1. Similar constraints can be added for Bill and Carl.
To make sure that exactly 1 person Dusts, we can add the constraint that x_ad + x_bd + x_cd = 1. Similar constraints can be added for Typing and Packing.
Altogether there are 6 constraints. You can now supply this 9-variable, 6-constraint problem to an ILP solver and it will spit back out the values for the variables in one of the optimal solutions -- exactly 3 of them will be 1 and the rest will be 0. The 3 that are 1 tell you which people should be doing which job!
ILP is General
As it happens, this particular problem has a special structure that allows it to be solved more efficiently using a different algorithm. The advantage of using ILP is that variations on the problem can be easily incorporated: for example if there were actually 4 people and only 3 jobs, then we would need to relax the constraints so that each person does at most 1 job, instead of exactly 1 job. This can be expressed simply by changing the equals sign in each of the 1st 3 constraints into a less-than-or-equals sign.
First, read a linear programming example from Wikipedia
Now imagine the farmer producing pigs and chickens, or a factory producing toasters and vacuums - now the outputs (and possibly constraints) are integers, so those pretty graphs are going to go all crookedly step-wise. That's a business application that is easily represented as a linear programming problem.
I've used integer linear programming before to determine how to tile n identically proportioned images to maximize screen space used to display these images, and the formalism can represent covering problems like scheduling, but business applications of integer linear programming seem like the more natural applications of it.
SO user flolo says:
Use cases where I often met it: In digital circuit design you have objects to be placed/mapped onto certain parts of a chip (FPGA-Placing) - this can be done with ILP. Also in HW-SW codesign there often arise the partition problem: Which part of a program should still run on a CPU and which part should be accelerated on hardware. This can be also solved via ILP.
A sample ILP problem will looks something like:
maximize 37∙x1 + 45∙x2
x1,x2,... should be positive integers
...but, there is a set of constrains in the form
a1∙x1+b1∙x2 < k1
a2∙x1+b2∙x2 < k2
a3∙x1+b3∙x2 < k3
Now, a simpler articulation of Wikipedia's example:
A farmer has L m² land to be planted with either wheat or barley or a combination of the two.
The farmer has F grams of fertilizer, and P grams of insecticide.
Every m² of wheat requires F1 grams of fertilizer, and P1 grams of insecticide
Every m² of barley requires F2 grams of fertilizer, and P2 grams of insecticide
Let a1 denote the selling price of wheat per 1 m²
Let a2 denote the selling price of barley per 1 m²
Let x1 denote the area of land to be planted with wheat
Let x2 denote the area of land to be planted with barley
x1,x2 are positive integers (Assume we can plant in 1 m² resolution)
the profit is a1∙x1 + a2∙x2 - we want to maximize it
Because the farmer has a limited area of land: x1+x2<=L
Because the farmer has a limited amount of fertilizer: F1∙x1+F2∙x2 < F
Because the farmer has a limited amount of insecticide: P1∙x1+P2∙x2 < P
a1,a2,L,F1,F2,F,P1,P2,P - are all constants (in our example: positive)
We are looking for positive integers x1,x2 that will maximize the expression stated, given the constrains stated.
Hope it's clear...
ILP "by itself" can directly model lots of stuff. If you search for LP examples you will probably find lots of famous textbook cases, such as the diet problem
Given a set of pills, each with a vitamin content and a daily vitamin
quota, find the cheapest cocktail that matches the quota.
Many such problems naturally have instances that require varialbe to be integers (perhaps you can't split pills in half)
The really interesting stuff though is that actually a big deal of combinatorial problems reduce to LP. One of my favourites is the assignment problem
Given a set of N workers, N tasks and an N by N matirx describing how
much each worker charges for the each task, determine what task to
give to each worker in order to minimize cost.
Most solution that naturally come up have exponential complexity but there is a polynomial solution using linear programming.
When it comes to ILP, ILP has the added benefit/difficulty of being NP-complete. This means that it can be used to model a very wide range of problems (boolean satisfiability is also very popular in this regard). Since there are many good and optimized ILP solvers out there it is often viable to translate an NP-complete problem into ILP instead of devising a custom algorithm of your own.
You can apply linear program easily everywhere you want to optimize and the target function is linear. You can make schedules (I mean big, like train companies, who need to optimize the utilization of the vehicles and tracks), productions (optimize win), almost everything. Sometimes it is tricky to formulate your problem as IP and/or sometimes you meet the problem that your solution is, that you have to produce e.g. 0.345 cars for optimum win. That is of course not possible, and so you constraint even more: Your variable for the number of cars must be integer. Even when it now sounds simpler (because you have infinite less choices for your variable), its actually harder. In this moment it gets NP-hard. Which actually means you can solve ANY problem from your computer with ILP, you just have to transform it.
For you I would recommend an intro into reading some basic (I)LP stuff. From my mind I dont know any good online site (but if you goolge you will find some), as book I can recommend Linear Programming from Chvatal. It has very good examples, and describes also real use cases.
The other answers here have excellent examples. Two of the gold standards in business of using integer programming and more generally operations research are
the journal Interfaces published by INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)
winners of the the Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Interfaces publishes research that uses operations research applied to real-world problems, and the Edelman award is a highly competitive award for business use of operations research techniques.

How do you evaluate the efficiency of an algorithm, if the problem space is underspecified?

There was a post on here recently which posed the following question:
You have a two-dimensional plane of (X, Y) coordinates. A bunch of random points are chosen. You need to select the largest possible set of chosen points, such that no two points share an X coordinate and no two points share a Y coordinate.
This is all the information that was provided.
There were two possible solutions presented.
One suggested using a maximum flow algorithm, such that each selected point maps to a path linking (source → X → Y → sink). This runs in O(V3) time, where V is the number of vertices selected.
Another (mine) suggested using the Hungarian algorithm. Create an n×n matrix of 1s, then set every chosen (x, y) coordinate to 0. The Hungarian algorithm will give you the lowest cost for this matrix, and the answer is the number of coordinates selected which equal 0. This runs in O(n3) time, where n is the greater of the number of rows or the number of columns.
My reasoning is that, for the vast majority of cases, the Hungarian algorithm is going to be faster; V is equal to n in the case where there's one chosen point for each row or column, and substantially greater for any case where there's more than that: given a 50×50 matrix with half the coordinates chosen, V is 1,250 and n is 50.
The counterargument is that there are some cases, like a 109×109 matrix with only two points selected, where V is 2 and n is 1,000,000,000. For this case, it takes the Hungarian algorithm a ridiculously long time to run, while the maximum flow algorithm is blinding fast.
Here is the question: Given that the problem doesn't provide any information regarding the size of the matrix or the probability that a given point is chosen (so you can't know for sure) how do you decide which algorithm, in general, is a better choice for the problem?
You can't, it's an imponderable.
You can only define which is better "in general" by defining what inputs you will see "in general". So for example you could whip up a probability model of the inputs, so that the expected value of V is a function of n, and choose the one with the best expected runtime under that model. But there may be arbitrary choices made in the construction of your model, so that different models give different answers. One model might choose co-ordinates at random, another model might look at the actual use-case for some program you're thinking of writing, and look at the distribution of inputs it will encounter.
You can alternatively talk about which has the best worst case (across all possible inputs with given constraints), which has the virtue of being easy to define, and the flaw that it's not guaranteed to tell you anything about the performance of your actual program. So for instance HeapSort is faster than QuickSort in the worst case, but slower in the average case. Which is faster? Depends whether you care about average case or worst case. If you don't care which case, you're not allowed to care which "is faster".
This is analogous to trying to answer the question "what is the probability that the next person you see will have an above (mean) average number of legs?".
We might implicitly assume that the next person you meet will be selected at random with uniform distribution from the human population (and hence the answer is "slightly less than one", since the mean is less than the mode average, and the vast majority of people are at the mode).
Or we might assume that your next meeting with another person is randomly selected with uniform distribution from the set of all meetings between two people, in which case the answer is still "slightly less than one", but I reckon not the exact same value as the first - one-and-zero-legged people quite possibly congregate with "their own kind" very slightly more than their frequency within the population would suggest. Or possibly they congregate less, I really don't know, I just don't see why it should be exactly the same once you take into account Veterans' Associations and so on.
Or we might use knowledge about you - if you live with a one-legged person then the answer might be "very slightly above 0".
Which of the three answers is "correct" depends precisely on the context which you are forbidding us from talking about. So we can't talk about which is correct.
Given that you don't know what each pill does, do you take the red pill or the blue pill?
If there really is not enough information to decide, there is not enough information to decide. Any guess is as good as any other.
Maybe, in some cases, it is possible to divine extra information to base the decision on. I haven't studied your example in detail, but it seems like the Hungarian algorithm might have higher memory requirements. This might be a reason to go with the maximum flow algorithm.
You don't. I think you illustrated that clearly enough. I think the proper practical solution is to spawn off both implementations in different threads, and then take the response that comes back first. If you're more clever, you can heuristically route requests to implementations.
Many algorithms require huge amounts of memory beyond the physical maximum of a machine, and in these cases, the algorithmically more ineffecient in time but efficient in space algorithm is chosen.
Given that we have distributed parallel computing, I say you just let both horses run and let the results speak for themselves.
This is a valid question, but there's no "right" answer — they are incomparable, so there's no notion of "better".
If your interest is practical, then you need to analyze the kinds of inputs that are likely to arise in practice, as well as the practical running times (constants included) of the two algorithms.
If your interest is theoretical, where worst-case analysis is often the norm, then, in terms of the input size, the O(V3) algorithm is better: you know that V ≤ n2, but you cannot polynomially bound n in terms of V, as you showed yourself. Of course the theoretical best algorithm is a hybrid algorithm that runs both and stops when whichever one of them finishes first, thus its running time would be O(min(V3,n3)).
Theoretically, they are both the same, because you actually compare how the number of operations grows when the size of the problem is increased to infinity.
The way your problem is defined, it has 2 sizes - n and number of points, so this question has no answer.
