Windows Phone 7 - Silverlight Checkmark color - windows-phone-7

Can anyone tell me how I can change the color of my checkmark for a checkbox in Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 development?
I see some references on the web for changing a template but that is more for WPF or SilverLight apps, not WP7.
Right now I have a white background on my stackpanel and my background for my checkboxes are black. It would be sweet to make the checkmark white.
Any ideas?
I should mention that I'm creating these checkboxes in the code behind (via a loop), and I'm using VS 2010 for my phone app development.
The Answer:
Thanks to Mick who lead me down the right path. I had to fiddle with it a little but I used MS Blend to create my own style and then I copied the XAML from there and put that style XAML in the App.xaml in between the tags.
Then I applied it in my code behind like this:
chk.Style = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["CheckBoxStyle1"];

You can access this by retemplating the control in Blend.
Target the check box.
Right click
Edit Template
Edit a Copy
Drill down to the CheckMark path
Change it's colour


How to change titlebar color in Delphi 10.4 FMX application?

Why there is no property about Form TitleBar in Delphi 10.4 FMX multi-device application? (Windows 64bit application)
How to change the form TitleBar color?
I can not edit the custom or the default style for Form either.
Found a third-party site that shows some styles have colored TitleBar.
So, does anyone knows the mystery part about it?
In order to edit Title bar style the style editor that is built into Delphi IDE won't be enough. The built in style designer is mostly intended to quickly create custom styles for specific components.
What you want to use is standalone Bitmap Style Designer that you launch from Tools-> Bitmap Stlye Designer

Widgets change places when running from design tab

I am building a visual studio application and have designed it using visual studio windows form. I am using the siticone library for the GUI but when i lay widgets out on the designer and then run the application all the widgets move. The buttons do not but the labs on them do. Also i have added a user control page that moves aswell. Please Help.
Cheers.enter image description here
Make sure that your Winform Font style and size match with all child controls including all Siticone controls.
Verify that you have anchored your controls accordingly on your form or panel control.

UWP: App Top Bar always shows on right click, how to prevent it?

I have an application that is already on the Windows 10 Store. It has an AppBar with items, such as File, Edit, Help.
When I right click on any control inside the app, say ListView, the AppBar shows up. Why?
I want to create context menu for ListView, but the context menu isn't showing up, because AppBar becomes focused? How can I prevent this?
Note: if I comment out AppBar in xaml, everything is working as expected.
Try changing the AppBar to CommandBar which is really similar and recommended in UWP.
XAML provides both the AppBar control and the CommandBar control. You should use the AppBar only when you are upgrading a Universal Windows 8 app that uses the AppBar, and need to minimize changes. For new apps in Windows 10, we recommend using the CommandBar control instead.
(Command bar)

How to use a horizontal WrapPanel in Panorama (sketchflow)

I would like to use a horizontal WrapPanel in my application (like the People Hub). However, I have to start with a SketchFlow project.
My question is: how can I do?
In fact, I saw that I had to add the dll to my project but how do next? If I extend my panoramaitem, rendering is not pretty (the second item does not move).
In this picture you can see how it looks: it's not nice.
Could you post the xaml?
Just to verify, you added a reference to the SL toolkit dll from the SL version (not the Windows Phone version, as you are actually creating a SL app in SketchFlow).
If that control in the screenshot is the wrap panel, you could set it to an explicit size to fix the problem most likely.

How can i change the appearance of Windows 7 menus?

My Win32 Application displays Menus as shown when running on Win 7:
This is the Default for the themes Windows 7 as well as Windows 7 Aqua.
Please note that the selected menu entry is only slightly different from the other entries. I think it is much too less highlighted and therefore i am looking for a way to give the selected entry a different color. But unfortunately all possibilities to modify menu colors disappeared in Windows 7. The settings made in the window color dialog are non effective for menus.
But amazingly Microsoft's own applications look different. I.e. Paint has different color and appearance of menus:
This has good contrast and is much better than the default for a Win32 application.
Also Visual Studio 2010 looks different:
I know that VS 2010 is build on WPF. I don't know if and how the ribbon, used in paint influences the menu appearance. My menus are set up dynamically using SetMenu();
My Question: Is there any way to change the appearance of my applications menu using a API or maybe a manifest or resource?
Or is there a way to modify the color of the selected menu entry in Windows 7 through settings?
You can make your own user drawn menus. For an example, take a look at this article:
Also, VS 2010 is not entirely built on WPF - only the code editor.
