Including libraries while compilation - include

to include say gstreamer libraries we need to use
but if i want to manually specify the complete path.. which in this case is
how can i do that
i tried doing the following, but this give me following errors:

-L defines the search path so:
-L/usr/lib -lgstreamer-0.10
Note that if you don't use the expected style of library name ('lib' prefix - library name - '.a' suffix) the -L doesn't work. Instead, just include the entire name of the library at the end of your compile line in the makefile.
cc -o tst tst.o /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10


C++ makefile with relative include path to parent

I've got a working project that I need to take parts from it without changing it's code and just write new main() for it.
My directory structure:
in main.cpp I have: include "dir1/child1/file1.h"
In file1.h I have: include "dir2/child2/file2.h"
I'm compiling:
g++ main main.cpp
I'm getting "dir2/child2/file2.h" no such file or directory.
I can't change file1 to do: include "../../dir2/child2/file2.h"
Somehow in the original project something in the makefile to search for all include path relative to the [main_dir] so the include from file1.h can be found.
What should I add to the makefile in order to do it as well?
When using double-quotes to include a header file, as in
#include "dir2/child2/file2.h"
then the compiler will use the directory of the current file to search for the header file.
If you have it in your file1.h then the compiler will look for the header file [main_dir]/dir1/child1/dir2/child2/file2.h. Which isn't correct.
You can solve it by telling the compiler to add [main_dir] to the list of standard include search paths. This is done with the -I (upper-case i) option:
g++ -I [main_dir] main.cpp
Then when the compiler fails to find dir2/child2/file2.h in its first search, it will continue with the list of standard include search paths, and it should be found.
You need to manage CPPFLAGS in your Makefile.
And compile application with receipt like this:
g++ $(CPPFLAGS) main.cpp -o main
Also it's recommended to read make style guides to write a good one Makefile. You can meet there tips for include folders declaration.

GCC linked static library failed

I tried to use gcc command to link a static library, but it didn't work.
If you want to use the -l flag command to link your application like so:
gcc t.c -L. -lt1.a -o t
Then your .a archive needs to have a filename of libt1.a not just t1.a.
When using -lsome_name to link in a library, the linker will look for a file named or libsomename.a
If you do not want to rename your .a archive, you can also just do
gcc t.c t1.a -o t
also, in the future please don't post an image of your code or commands, just copy paste it as text into your post
Libraries in POSIX environments (like Linux and OSX) are usually named in the pattern lib<name of library>.a. When you link with the library you either use the -l option and only use <name of library> and the linker will automatically add the lib prefix and .a suffix. Or you don't use the -l option and istead give the whole file-name verbatime.
Since you don't use the standard naming scheme for the libraries, you can't use the -l option and instead have to explicitly use the library file, similar to
$ gcc ... t1.a
If you want to use the -l option you have to name your library libt1.a and only use t1 when linking:
$ gcc ... -L. -lt1

Linking to so library in gcc

I will start by saying that I am new to gcc and makefiles. I have a .so file on the desktop (~/Desktop) called I want to link my program (called myProgram) to it. What I wrote in my makefile is:
g++ myProgram.o -L ~/Desktop -l lib -o myProgram
When I run make I get an error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llib
I also tried -l and got the same error.
What is the correct way to link?
Two solutions:
Rename the file to, then use -l something. The linker automatically wraps the name with lib prefix and .so suffix (or .a suffix for static libraries).
Use the option -l When you prefix the name with :, the linker uses the name as given.
These are explained in the ld man page.

How to customize the meaning of the "-l" flag for GCC?

I have problems with GCC and I would like to use the -l flags in a customized way.
I would like to specify the search path for the correspondant libfoo specified by -lfoo , I also would like to override any internal search path in GCC, i don't want GCC to use any random lib that can solve the symbols, I only want GCC to compile with a really specific lib when -l is specified.
I know that there are utils such as pkg-config but my problem is more gcc-centric because i'm focusing on having more control on the compilation steps.
There is an undocumented syntax for specifying an absolute lib path to gcc:
$ gcc -o test test.c -l:/usr/lib/ #(note the colon)
See here:
A more standard way to do this would simply be:
$ gcc -o test test.c /usr/lib/
Really, the only reason to use the -l: syntax is if you have a conflicting library of the same name in your search path and you can't change the search path.

Makefile -L command

If I have this line in the make file:\
libpqxx_Libs = -L/share/home/cb -lpqxx-2.6.9 -lpq
Does this indicate the compiler to use the shared object file or does this indciate the compiler to use all the .so in the foler lpqxx-2.6.9? Or is this something else altogether?
Thanks for the help!
-L in this context is an argument to the linker, that adds the specified directory to the list of directories that the linker will search for necessary libraries, e.g. libraries that you've specified using -l.
It isn't a makefile command, even though it's usually seen in makefiles for C projects.
The -L is actually not a makefile command (as you state it in the title of your question).
What actually happens in this line is an assignment of a value to the variable libpqxx_Libs -- nothing more and nothing less. You will have to search in your makefile where that variable is used via $(libpqxx_Libs) or ${libpqxx_Libs}. That is most likely as a argument in a link command, or a compile command that includes linking.
In that context, the meaning of -L and -l can be found in, for example, the gcc man pages, which state that
Use the library named library when linking.
The linker searches a standard list of directories for the li-
brary, which is actually a file named `liblibrary.a'. The linker
then uses this file as if it had been specified precisely by
The directories searched include several standard system direc-
tories plus any that you specify with `-L'.
