RubyMine debugger with Rake? - ruby

Using RubyMine 3.0, I set up a Rake configuration to run a Unit Test. Then I set some breakpoints, then ran the Rake task. No breakpoints were hit, the test just executed like normal and then exited.
Does the RubyMine debugger not work through Rake?

Try this:
Go to Run -> Edit Configurations
Expand the Rake node and add new rake configuration for your rake task (if not already done)
Go to Run -> Debug...
Select your configured rake task.

The Edit/Debug Configurations tab can be a little confusing when setting up rake tasks. I will assume you followed this approach:
Run > Edit Configurations
Select Rake from the List and select the + button (Add New Configuration)
You are greeted with a Configuration tab:
The name attribute just assigns a unique name for this task. You can call it whatever you want.
Task Name
This one is important for rake tasks. This specifies the name of the rake task to be executed. So let's say you wanted to run "rake db:migrate" in debug mode, then for the task name here, you would put "db:migrate" without the quotes.
Turn on invoke/execute tracing, enable full backtrace (--trace)
This option is useful to turn on the standard rake --trace option.
Ruby Arguments
The other useful option is to specify the arguments to be passed to the Ruby interpreter.
Those are the main options. Now you can use Run > Debug and it will stop at breakpoints in the rake task itself.

The above answer is correct. I just want to elaborate on it a little bit, when using a mountable engine. In that case, I had to do the following:
Run > Edit Configuration > Rake
Enter task name e.g. scan_spreadsheet
Change the working directory to your main application or dummy application, not the engine root directory.
If you are using RVM with multiple gemsets, select the second option for Ruby SDK and select the correct gemset


how can I run test files on Windows using rake?

UPDATE: when I run rake test from root, I get:
C:\workspace\faker>rake test
DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle
C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.1.0/bin/ruby.exe -w -I"lib;test;." -I"C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rake-10.4.2/lib" "C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby2.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rake-10.4.2/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.r
b" "test/test_array_sample_method_compat.rb" "test/test_avatar.rb" "test/test_en_au_ocker_locale.rb" "test/test_en_ca_locale.rb" "test/test_en_locale.rb" "test/test_en_ug_locale.rb" "test/test_en_us_locale.rb" "test/test_es_l
ocale.rb" "test/test_faker.rb" "test/test_faker_app.rb" "test/test_faker_bitcoin.rb" "test/test_faker_book.rb" "test/test_faker_business.rb" "test/test_faker_city.rb" "test/test_faker_code.rb" "test/test_faker_color.rb" "test
/test_faker_commerce.rb" "test/test_faker_company.rb" "test/test_faker_date.rb" "test/test_faker_hacker_talk.rb" "test/test_faker_internet.rb" "test/test_faker_lorem.rb" "test/test_faker_name.rb" "test/test_faker_number.rb" "
test/test_faker_shakespear.rb" "test/test_faker_shakespeare.rb" "test/test_faker_slack_emoji.rb" "test/test_faker_street.rb" "test/test_faker_team.rb" "test/test_faker_time.rb" "test/test_faker_university.rb" "test/test_flexi
ble.rb" "test/test_helper.rb" "test/test_locale.rb" "test/test_pl_locale.rb" "test/test_uk_locale.rb"`
I don't fully understand what rake is doing at this point, but the system hangs infinitely. What am I missing?
So I have built some added functionality for the faker gem, and want to run the tests I wrote before submitting a pull request. However, all my attempts to run the existing tests, and my new tests, have failed. I am worried that it is a Windows machine related issue.
I have tried running rake test:units but it gives me an error and then hangs, while also ringing the Bell on my system 5 times. Strange right?
I have also tried running bundle exec rspec spec, but no tests are found becasue they are not RSpec unit tests, or at least not in the right location.
To see how the gem is formatted, check it out at the repo
All the test files, including my new one, live in the test directory. But for the life of me, I can't run them.
I tried this and works fine:
bundle install
bundle exec ruby test

Run command after gem install from gem root folder

I'm deploying a Sinatra app as a gem. I have a command that starts the app as a service.
We are using chef to manage our deployments.
How can I run the command to start the app service but only after it's fully installed (including run-time dependencies)?
I've tried Googling for trying to run a post-install script but I haven't found anything that is of use or concrete without some complicated 'extconf.rb' work around
I would prefer not to use an execute resource if I can help it.
EDIT: I tried what was suggested but it breaks thins in way that causes berkshelf not to work in our pipeline.
Here's the code I'm using:
execute "run-service:post_install" do
cwd (f = File.expand_path(__FILE__).split('/')).shift(f.length - 3).join('\\')
timeout 5
command "bundle && rake service:post_install"
# action :nothing
# subscribes :run, "gem_package[gem_name]" , :delayed
It doesn't matter if I un-comment or not the last two lines, it just breaks things but if i take out the whole thing it stops breaking things. Obviously I'm doing something wrong but I'm not sure what.
IT's the command itself that breaks it, when I change command to ls and action to :run, it breaks.
EDIT:after changing the command path around a bit I managed to get it to spit out a usable error, it was trying to run the command from chef cook books path, so I've (hopefully) forced it to use the correct path.
Why do you not want to use an execute resource? That is exactly what it is for, running commands from Chef. Chef obeys the order of the resources, so if you have a gem_package followed by an execute they will run in that order.
So, In the end I decided to try using the service resource because it allows you to set start, and stop commands.
The code that I used is :
service service_name do
init_command ("#{%x(gem env gemdir).strip.gsub('/','\\')}\\gems\\gem_name-#{installing_version}")
start_command "rake service:start"
stop_command "rake service:stop"
reload_command "rake service:reload"
restart_command "rake service:restart"
supports start: true, restart: true, reload: true
action [:enable,:start]
I'm still having problems but this is of a different sort.

Using minitest-reporters with TeamCity (minitest-reporters tries to override reporter selection)

Does anyone have experience with using minitest-reporters for correct test output on TeamCity?
I want to use the JUnit reporter and when I am running the rake test task on my computer, the output is correctly in xml format under test/reports. But when I run the tests from TeamCity, then it tries to use the RubyMine reporter instead (although test_helper specifies JUnit reporter). I found that reports.rb file from mintiest-reporters has these lines:
def self.choose_reporters(console_reporters, env)
if env["TM_PID"]
elsif env["RM_INFO"] || env["TEAMCITY_VERSION"]
And it seems that here the RubiMine reporter is chosen by default when these environment variables are given, although I specified another reprter in my test_helper (and it seems that I could not use the RubiMine reporter as it tries to require some TeamCity files and they somehow cannot be accessed).
I tried to override TEAMCITY_VERSION while calling rake test but it does not seem to work.
Has anyone solved this problem? Or is there some other reporter gem that would work better (I also tried ci_reporter, as it works with my other projects with lower ruby versions but somehow not with 2.0.0)?
I had this exact problem today and was able to solve it by unsetting the 3 environment variables before executing the rake task.
For example, I have a TeamCity command line build step that basically looks like this:
#! /bin/bash
unset TM_PID
unset RM_INFO
rake my_task

What is a Rakefile?

I have started learning Ruby and just tried out my first hello world program in NetBeans IDE. I have one doubt, I can see that the new project wizard created set of package structure. It had one "Rakefile" in it. What does that mean and what is the use of it?
It is an alternative to Makefile with Ruby syntax.
I've been using a rake file to manually kick off a call in the code to import various config files.
My rake file "import_contracts.rake" has the following code:
require 'yaml'
task :import_choice_contracts => :environment do
desc 'Import Choice Contracts for Contract Service'
path = "/Users/ernst.r/Desktop/import_contract.yml"
This rake task calls the "import_contract_from_file()" method and passes it the path to a file to import. Once the server is running I use the command "rake import_choice_contracts". Its great for testing my code while I still don't have a GUI frontend to call the completed code in the backend.

How can I modify/extend a rake file from another rake file?

I'm trying to find a way to modify/extend a RakeFile from another RakeFile without actually changing it.
When I run my rake task I retrieve a solution from SVN which contains a rakefile. I want to:
Change a variable in this rakefile.
Add a new task to this rakefile
which makes use of existing tasks.
Execute the new task.
I want to do this preferably without actually modifying the original RakeFile on disc.
Here's a way to run arbitrary code prior to executing the task.
your_task = Rake::Task['task:name']
your_task.enhance { this_runs_before_the_task_executes }
You can execute rake tasks similarly.
Full docs here.
This is the code which I ended up with to solve the particular problem I was having.
Dir.chdir File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/their_app'
load 'RakeFile'
# Modify stuff from original RakeFile
COMPILE_TARGET = "release"
# Add my task
task :my_task =>[:my_pre_task, :their_task]
I don't know if this is the right way to do it and would appreciate comments/edits if anyone knows a better way.
Thanks to leethal for submitting a answer which helped me on the way and was very useful for another problem I was having.
