How to mimic stopPropagation using - ajax

So I know that one of the downsides of using is the unavailability of .stopPropagation(). But I need it badly.
Here's my use case. I have a checkbox is that is currently bound to a click. However, other checkboxes appear on-screen via an AJAX call, meaning I really need .live('click', fn). Unfortunately, the checkbox is situated atop another clickable element, requiring .stopPropagation(). This works fine with .bind('click', fn), but the inability to use it with .live() is hampering me. Using return false doesn't work as the checkbox will not be checked.
Any ideas on how to mimic .stopPropagation() when using .live() without returning false?

Instead of binding a .live handler to the checkboxes, bind a smarter event handler to the container, with behaviour dependent on which element is the target of the event.
$("#container").click(function(e) {
var ele =;
if(ele.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'input'
&& ele.type.toLowerCase() == 'checkbox') {
// do something special for contained checkboxes
// e.g.:
var val = $(ele).val();
Here is something of an example to show how this can be used.


Fullcalendar Problems w/ filtering Events in agendaDay-View (works only one time, then no more events exist)

I have a problem with filtering events:
I use fullcalender in agendaDay-View
I use a drop-Down list to select a driver
I compare the name (it is a property of event-object) with the selected value
(this part is ok)
I remove all Events (.fullCalendar('removeEvents');)
Add the specific events
(add with renderEvents doesn't work proberly at the moment)
And now my problem appears:
For the first time it works, however, when I select another 'driver', the events are gone, because of the 'removeEvents'-Action before.
So, how can I solve this problem, that I can only display the filtered events and keep the other (actualley all events) to filter again for second, third n- time?
$('#' + id).fullCalendar('refetchEvents');
was the first idea, however, its brings all back and selected Issues were doubled (and so on).
I'm thankful for every hint.
Ok I think you can solve your problem with fullCalendar's eventRender function.
The function can also return false to completely cancel the rendering of the event.
Your event from events.json should have a property like 'driver_id'.
I would have select field instead of dropdown with option keys being driver ids, values - names or whatever. Lets say it's id would be 'driver_select'.
Then render events like this:
eventRender: function(event, element) {
//driver select should have default value assigned or else no events will be rendered
if ($("#driver_select").val() !== event.driver_id) {
return false; //do not render other driver events
Handle select changes to update
$("#driver_select").off('change').on('change', function() {
$("#calendar").fullCalendar( 'refetchEvents' );
Another approach would be to show all drivers in a timeline. For that you can use FullCalendar Scheduler.

map keyboard keys with mootools

I am looking to make the enter key behave exactly like the tab key on a form.
I am stuck on the fireEvent section.
var inputs = $$('input, textarea');
$each(inputs,function(el,i) {
el.addEvent('keypress',function(e) {
if(e.key == 'enter') {
How do I fire a keypress event with a specified key? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
this will work but it relies on dom order and not tabindex
var inputs = $$('input,textarea');
el.addEvent('keypress',function(e) {
if(e.key == 'enter'){
var next = inputs[i+1];
if (next){
else {
// inputs[0].focus(); or form.submit() etc.
additionally, textarea enter capture? why, it's multiline... anyway, to do it at keyboard level, look at Syn.
the above will fail with hidden elements (you can filter) and disabled elements etc. you get the idea, though - focus(). not sure what it will do on input[type=radio|checkbox|range] etc.
p.s. your code won't work because .fireEvent() will only call the bound event handler, not actually create the event for you.
Take a look at the class keyboard (MooTools More).
It can fire individual events for keys and provides methodology to disable and enable the listeners assigned to a Keyboard instance.
The manual has some examples how to work with this class, here's just a simple example how I implemented it in a similar situation:
var myKeyEv1 = new Keyboard({
defaultEventType: 'keydown'
'shift+h': // <- calls a function opening a help screen
Regarding the enter key in your example, you have to return false somewhere to prevent the enter-event from firing. Check out this SO post for more details.

Unable to set focus on autocomplete

I have an autocomplete inside of a panelBar. When a panelBar is activated, I would like to set the focus to the autoComplete input. I have tried several ways to get this to work, but cannot find a way to do this.
The method is invoked and I can find the autocomplete. However, I am unable to set focus.
//Kendo PanelBar
function onPanelBarActivate(e) {
var $autoComplete = $('input .txtProductText', e);
var $panelBar = $('#panelbar').kendoPanelBar({ expandMode: "single", expand: onPanelBarActivate }).data("kendoPanelBar");
This returns empty jQuery object:
$('input .txtProductText', e);
First e is the event argument of the activate event. It cannot be used as the context of jQuery. You should use e.item instead. Second 'input .txtProductText' means 'child of an input whose class is txtProductText'. This is probably not what you need since 'input' elements can't really have children.
Try this instead:
$('.txtProductText', e.item);

Titanium Mobile: reference UI elements with an ID?

How do you keep track of your UI elements in Titanium? Say you have a window with a TableView that has some Switches (on/off) in it and you'd like to reference the changed switch onchange with a generic event listener. There's the property event.source, but you still don't really know what field of a form was just toggled, you just have a reference to the element. Is there a way to give the element an ID, as you would with a radiobutton in JavaScript?
Up to now, registered each form UI element in a dictionary, and saved all the values at once, looping through the dictionary and getting each object value. But now I'd like to do this onchange, and I can't find any other way to do it than create a specific callback function for each element (which I'd really rather not).
just assign and id to the element... all of these other solution CAN work, but they seem to be over kill for what you are asking for.
// create switch with id
var switcher0 = Ti.Ui.createSwitch({id:"switch1"});
then inside your event listener
myform.addEventListener('click', function(e){
var obj = e.source;
if ( == "switch1" ) {
// do some magic!!
A simple solution is to use a framework that helps you keep track of all your elements, which speeds up development quite a bit, as the project and app grows. I've built a framework of my own called Adamantium.js, which lets you use a syntax like jQuery to deal with your elements, based on ID and type selectors. In a coming release, it will also support for something like classes, that can be arbitrarily added or removed from an element, tracking of master/slave relationships and basic filter methods, to help you narrow your query. Most methods are chainable, so building apps with rich interaction is quick and simple.
A quick demo:
// Type selector, selects all switches
// Bind a callback to the change event on all switches
// This callback is also inherited by all new switch elements
$(':Switch').bind('change', function (e) {
alert(e.type + ' fired on ' + + ', value = ' + e.value);
// Select by ID and trigger an event
$('#MyCustomSwitch').trigger('change', {
foo: 'bar'
Then there's a lot of other cool methods in the framework, that are all designed to speed up development and modeled after the familiar ways of jQuery, more about that in the original blog post.
I completely understand not wanting to write a listener to each one because that is very time consuming. I had the same problem that you did and solved it like so.
var switches = [];
function createSwitch(i) {
switches[i] = Ti.UI.createSwitch();
switches[i].addEventListener('change', function(e) {'switch '+i+' = '+e.value);
return switches[i];
for(i=0;i<rows.length;i++) {
row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow();
However keep in mind that this solution may not fit your needs as it did mine. For me it was good because each time I created a switch it added a listener to it dynamically then I could simply get the e.source.parent of the switch to interact with whatever I needed.
module Id just for the hold it's ID. When we have use id the call any another space just use . and use easily.
Try This
var but1 = Ti.Ui.createButton({title : 'Button', id:"1"});
window.addEventListener('click', function(e){
var obj = e.source;
if ( == "1" ) {
// do some magic!!
I, think this is supported for you.
how do you create your tableview and your switcher? usually i would define a eventListener function while creating the switcher.
// first switch
var switcher0 = Ti.Ui.createSwitch();
// second switch
var switch1 = ..
so no generic event listener is needed.

Using jQuery Autocomplete with Validator onBlur timing problem

Here's my problem, I have an input element in a form that is implementing jQuery.Autocomplete and jQuery.validate, all working normally except when I click an element in the autocomplete list to select it.
What happens is validation occurs before the autocomplete sets its value. Because validation occurs on onBlur, and you just clicked an item in the autocomplete list, blur fires and validation occurs a split second before the input is filled with its new value.
I wouldn't mind a double-validation if it was client side, but I happen to be executing an expensive remote ajax validation on this field, so I'd really like to solve this the right way.
My first thought is to proxy all validation onBlur events through a function that times out 10ms later, essentially flip flopping the event order. But, I think, that means tearing into the jQuery.Validate.js code, which I'd rather not do.
Any ideas?
I was able to get this working but perhaps not as elegantly as I would have liked. Ideally I would have liked to call the prototype or defaults version of of onfocusout from within a timeout closure but I wasn't able to figure out how to reference it from that scope.
The approach that I took instead was to override the onfocusout method with its code copy/pasted into a timeout closure. The only other tweak was to change references from this to _this to work within the different scope of the timeout closure.
success: "valid",
onkeyup: "false",
function(element) {
//Delay validation so autocomplete can fill field.
var _this = this;
setTimeout(function() {
if (!_this.checkable(element) && ( in _this.submitted || !_this.optional(element)))
_this = null;
}, 250);
Feel free to post improvements.
