I'm creating a hash that will eventually be dumped on disk in YAML, but I need to capture multiple values stored in a file on disk and insert them into a hash. I can successfully create a variable with comma separated values, but I need to insert those values into a my "classes" key:
variable_values = "class1,class2,class3"
Ultimately, I need to get them into my test hash so it simulates something like this:
test_hash = {'Classes' => ['class1', 'class2', 'class3']}
Finally, I can output them to yaml so it looks like this:
- class1
- class2
- class3
What's the best way to iterate through the values and insert them into the hash? Thanks for any help you can offer!
You'd probably want something like:
test_hash = {'Classes' => variable_values.split(',')}
If you're wanting to serialize Ruby Classes (I'm not able to tell for sure), you'll probably want the following code (courtesy of opensoul.org, and as used in the Small Eigen Collider)
class Module
yaml_as "tag:ruby.yaml.org,2002:module"
def Module.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
if String === val
val.split(/::/).inject(Object) {|m, n| m.const_get(n)}
raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid Module: " + val.inspect
def to_yaml( opts = {} )
YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) { |out|
out.scalar( "tag:ruby.yaml.org,2002:module", self.name, :plain )
class Class
yaml_as "tag:ruby.yaml.org,2002:class"
def Class.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
if String === val
val.split(/::/).inject(Object) {|m, n| m.const_get(n)}
raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid Class: " + val.inspect
def to_yaml( opts = {} )
YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) { |out|
out.scalar( "tag:ruby.yaml.org,2002:class", self.name, :plain )
The code currently throws an exception if you try to serialize/deserialize anonymous classes (something I could fix but don't need to), and apart from that it works well for me.
def do_the_thing(file_to_load, hash_path)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, { symbolize_names: true })
do_the_thing(file_I_want, '[:foo][:bar][0]')
Tried a few methods but failed so far.
Thanks for any help in advance :)
Assuming you missed the parameters names...
Lets assume our file is:
// test.json
"foo": {
"bar": ["foobar"]
Recomended solution
Does your param really need to be a string??
If your code can be more flexible, and pass arguments as they are on ruby, you can use the Hash dig method:
require 'json'
def do_the_thing(file, *hash_path)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, symbolize_names: true)
do_the_thing('test.json', :foo, :bar, 0)
You should get
It should work fine !!
Read the rest of the answer if that doesn't satisfy your question
Alternative solution (using the same argument)
If you REALLY need to use that argument as string, you can;
Treat your params to adapt to the first solution, it won't be a small or fancy code, but it will work:
require 'json'
BRACKET_REGEX = /(\[[^\[]*\])/.freeze
# Treats the literal string to it's correspondent value
def treat_type(param)
# Remove the remaining brackets from the string
# You could do this step directly on the regex if you want to
param = param[1..-2]
case param[0]
# Checks if it is a string
when '\''
# Checks if it is a symbol
when ':'
rescue ArgumentError
# Converts your param to the accepted pattern of 'dig' method
def string_to_args(param)
# Scan method will break the match results of the regex into an array
param.scan(BRACKET_REGEX).flatten.map { |match| treat_type(match) }
def do_the_thing(file, hash_path)
hash_path = string_to_args(hash_path)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, symbolize_names: true)
do_the_thing('test.json', '[:foo][:bar][0]')
This solution though is open to bugs when the "hash_path" is not on an acceptable pattern, and treating it's bugs might make the code even longer
Shortest solution (Not safe)
You can use Kernel eval method which I EXTREMELY discourage to use for security reasons, read the documentation and understand its danger before using it
require 'json'
def do_the_thing(file, hash_path)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, symbolize_names: true)
do_the_thing('test.json', '[:foo][:bar][0]')
If the procedure you were trying to work with was just extracting the JSON data to an object, you might find yourself using either of the following scenarios:
def do_the_thing(file_to_load)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, { symbolize_names: true })
or use the dig function of Hash :
def do_the_thing(file_to_load, sections)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, { symbolize_names: true })
do_the_thing(file_I_want, [:foo, :bar, 0])
Simple parser which turned out to be much harder than i thought. I need a string parser to convert nested fields to ruby object. In my case api response will only return desired fields.
Parser.parse "album{name, photo{name, picture, tags}}, post{id}"
Desired output or similar
{album: [:name, photo: [:name, :picture, :tags]], post: [:id]}
Any thoughts?
Wrote my own solution
module Parser
extend self
def parse str
parse_list(str).map do |i|
extract_item_fields i
def extract_item_fields item
field_name, fields_str = item.scan(/(.+?){(.+)}/).flatten
if field_name.nil?
fields = parse_list fields_str
result = fields.map { |field| extract_item_fields(field) }
{ field_name => result }
def parse_list list
return list if list.nil?
str = 'album{name, photo{name, picture, tags}}, post{id}'
puts Parser.parse(str).inspect
# => [{"album"=>["name", {"photo"=>["name", "picture", "tags"]}]}, {"post"=>["id"]}]
I have .csv file with rows of which every row represents one call with certain duration, number etc. I need to create array of Call objects - every Call.new expects Hash of parameters, so it's easy - it just takes rows from CSV. But for some reason it doesn't work - when I invoke Call.new(raw_call) it's nil.
It's also impossible for me to see any output - I placed puts in various places in code (inside blocks etc) and it simply doesn't show anything. I obviously have another class - Call, which holds initialize for Call etc.
require 'csv'
class CSVCallParser
attr_accessor :io
def initialize(io)
self.io = io
a: :date,
b: :service,
c: :phone_number,
d: :duration,
e: :unit,
f: :cost
def run
parse do |raw_call|
def parse_call(raw_call)
NAMES.each_with_object({}) do |name, title, memo|
memo[name] = raw_call[title.to_s]
def parse(&block)
CSV.parse(io, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol, &block)
Small sample of my .csv file: headers and one row:
"01.09.2016 08:49","International","48627843111","0:29","","0,00"
I noticed a few things that isn't going as expected. In the parse_call method,
def parse_call(raw_call)
NAMES.each_with_object({}) do |name, title, memo|
memo[name] = raw_call[title.to_s]
I tried to print name, title, and memo. I expected to get :a, :date, and {}, but what I actually got was [:a,:date],{}, and nil.
Also, raw_call headers are :a,:b,:c..., not :date, :service..., so you should be using raw_call[name], and converting that to string will not help, since the key is a symbol in the raw_call.
So I modified the function to
def parse_call(raw_call)
NAMES.each_with_object({}) do |name_title, memo|
memo[name_title[1]] = raw_call[name_title[0]]
name_title[1] returns the title (:date, :service, etc)
name_title[0] returns the name (:a, :b, etc)
Also, in this method
def run
parse do |raw_call|
You are not returning any results you get, so you are getting nil,
So, I changed it to
def run
res = []
parse do |raw_call|
res << parse_call(raw_call)
Now, if I output the line
p CSVCallParser.new(File.read("file1.csv")).run
I get (I added two more lines to the csv sample)
[{:date=>"01.09.2016 08:49", :service=>"International", :phone_number=>"48627843111", :duration=>"0:29", :unit=>"", :cost=>"0,00"},
{:date=>"02.09.2016 08:49", :service=>"International", :phone_number=>"48622454111", :duration=>"1:29", :unit=>"", :cost=>"0,00"},
{:date=>"03.09.2016 08:49", :service=>"Domestic", :phone_number=>"48627843111", :duration=>"0:29", :unit=>"", :cost=>"0,00"}]
If you want to run this program from the terminal like so
ruby csv_call_parser.rb calls.csv
(In this case, calls.csv is passed in as an argument to ARGV)
You can do so by modifying the last line of the ruby file.
p CSVCallParser.new(File.read(ARGV[0])).run
This will also return the array with hashes like before.
csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => true)
puts csv.map(&:to_h)
[{a:1, b:1}, {a:2, b:2}]
I have defined a custom function currently based on the very simple example here: https://docs.puppet.com/guides/custom_functions.html
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:transform_service_hash) do |args|
filename = args[0]
hash_to_be_transformed = args[1]
File.open(filename, 'a') {|fd| fd.puts hash_to_be_transformed }
This kinda works. I can call it like this:
$my_hash = { key => "value1" , key2 => "value2" }
notify{ "new hash!! $my_hash" :}
and the file displays:
mgt21 ~ # cat /var/tmp/blah
But, if I try to access elements of the hash, nothing changes:
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:transform_service_hash) do |args|
filename = args[0]
hash_to_be_transformed = args[1]
element1 = hash_to_be_transformed["key"]
File.open(filename, 'a') {|fd| fd.puts element1 }
The above block outputs the exact same data to /var/tmp/blah.
And, interestingly, if I remove the filename pass and define it statically in the module:
$my_hash = { key => "value1" , key2 => "value2" }
notify{ "new hash!! $my_hash. element1 is: $my_hash.key" :}
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:transform_service_hash) do |args|
hash_to_be_transformed = args[0]
element1 = hash_to_be_transformed["key"]
File.open('/var/tmp/blah2', 'a') {|fd| fd.puts element1 }
I get the following error: "Error 400 on SERVER: can't convert Hash into String" with a line reference pointing to "transform_service_hash($my_hash)"
I am new to both puppet and ruby...so I'm unsure I am not passing the element properly, if I am not receiving it properly, or if it something that puppet cannot handle. Please note that I am using version 3.8 of puppet and 1.8.7 of ruby.
Thanks for any help. I've been banging my head against this, and google hasn't been forthcoming yet.
---Edit to clarify my goals (I also edited my code a bit for specificity): I am attempting to pass a hash into a custom ruby function within puppet. The "test" hash has two elements: one string and one array. It is defined as such:
$my_hash = { key => "value1" , key2 => ['array_value1', 'array_value2'] }
notify{ "new hash!! $my_hash. the first value of the array stored in element2 is: $my_display_element" :}
The function appears like so:
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:transform_service_hash) do |args|
filename = args[0]
hash_to_be_transformed = args[1]
element1 = args[1]["key"]
element2 = args[1]["key2"][0]
#element1 = hash_to_be_transformed["key"]
#element2 = hash_to_be_transformed["key2"][0]
File.open(filename, 'a') {|fd| fd.puts "hash_to_be_transformed: #{hash_to_be_transformed}\n" }
File.open(filename, 'a') {|fd| fd.puts "element1: #{element1}\n" }
File.open(filename, 'a') {|fd| fd.puts "element2: #{element2}\n" }
For now, I just want to be able to see that I am able to access elements within the passed hash like a hash. So I'd love for the output file to look like:
hash_to_be_transformed: keyvalue1key2array_value1array_value2
element1: value1
element2: array_value1
However, in the output file, I see:
mgt21 ~ # cat /var/tmp/blah
Clearly, something is off here as my text is not being added and the full hash is just printed out just once and seemingly in string form.
I believe that this may be related to the error that I get when I don't pass in a file name (see above). I think that my hash is getting interpreted (or passed) as a string and, as such, I am unable to access the elements. Unfortunately, I still have been unable to verify this or figure out why it might be happening.
---Edit2 based on Matt's answer below.
I decided to simplify my code to isolate this "can't convert Hash into String error". I also made his suggested changes to remove the ambiguity from my key declarations.
$my_hash = { 'key' => "value1" , 'key2' => ['array_value1', 'array_value2'] }
notify{ "new hash!! $my_hash. the first value of the array stored in element2 is: $my_display_element" :}
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:transform_service_hash) do |args|
hash_to_be_transformed = args[0]
element1 = args[0]['key']
element2 = args[0]['key2'][0]
File.open('/var/tmp/blah', 'a') {|fd| fd.puts "hash_to_be_transformed: #{hash_to_be_transformed}\n" }
File.open('/var/tmp/blah', 'a') {|fd| fd.puts "element1: #{element1}\n" }
File.open('/var/tmp/blah', 'a') {|fd| fd.puts "element2: #{element2}\n" }
But, I still end up with the same "Hash to String error". It is worth noting that I also tried simplifying my hash to:
$my_hash = { 'key' => "value1" , 'key2' => "value2" }
and I still get the "Hash to String error".
I quickly took your custom parser function and converted it into pure ruby like the following:
hash = { 'key' => 'value1', 'key2' => %w(array_value1 array_value2) }
def newfunction(filename, a_hash)
element1 = a_hash['key']
element2 = a_hash['key2'][0]
File.open(filename, 'a') do |fd|
fd.puts "hash_to_be_transformed: #{a_hash}"
fd.puts "element1: #{element1}"
fd.puts "element2: #{element2}"
newfunction('foo.txt', hash)
This results in the output text file like the following:
hash_to_be_transformed: {"key"=>"value1", "key2"=>["array_value1", "array_value2"]}
element1: value1
element2: array_value1
This seems to confirm my initial suspicion about what is going wrong here. Your hash in Puppet of:
$my_hash = { key => "value1" , key2 => ['array_value1', 'array_value2'] }
has keys of implicit/ambiguous types. In the ruby code I used to test, I explicitly established them as strings. This also correlates strongly with these lines in your code failing:
element1 = args[1]["key"]
element2 = args[1]["key2"][0]
and your error message of:
Error 400 on SERVER: can't convert Hash into String
because you are specifying in your ruby code that you expect the keys to be string. Changing your hash in Puppet to:
$my_hash = { 'key' => "value1" , 'key2' => "value2" }
should fix this.
On an unrelated note, I recommend the use of linters to help you learn these languages. Puppet-Lint, Rubocop, and Reek will all help point out suboptimal and messy parts of your code to help you learn the new languages.
On a related note, you may want to put something like this at the top of your custom parser function:
raise(Puppet::ParseError, 'newfunction expects two arguments') if args.length != 2
After much gnashing of teeth (and some very helpful pointers from #MattSchuchard), I realized that none of the changes to my function were going into effect. One needs to restart the puppetmaster service after each change to a custom function: docs.puppet.com/guides/custom_functions.html (appropriately under "Gotchas").
Once I started restarting this service after each change to the function, my hash was able to be parsed properly:
from the .pp file:
$filename = "/var/tmp/test"
$my_hash = { 'key' => "value1" , 'key2' => ["M\'lady\n*doffs cap*", 'array_value2'] }
transform_service_hash($filename, $my_hash)
from the ruby file:
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:transform_service_hash) do |args|
filename = args[0]
hash_to_be_transformed = args[1]
array_val = hash_to_be_transformed['key2'][0]
File.open(filename, 'a') {|fd| fd.puts "#{array_val}\n" }
and output:
mgt21 tmp # cat test
*doffs cap*
I am creating an import feature that imports CSV files into several tables. I made a module called CsvParser which parses a CSV file and creates records. My models that receive the create actions extends theCsvParser. They make a call to CsvParser.create and pass the correct attribute order and an optional lambda called value_parser. This lambda transforms values in a hash to a preffered format.
class Mutation < ActiveRecord::Base
extend CsvParser
def self.import_csv(csv_file)
attribute_order = %w[reg_nr receipt_date reference_number book_date is_credit sum balance description]
value_parser = lambda do |h|
h["is_credit"] = ((h["is_credit"] == 'B') if h["is_credit"].present?)
h["sum"] = -1 * h["sum"].to_f unless h["is_credit"]
return [h]
CsvParser.create(csv_file, self, attribute_order, value_parser)
The reason that I'm using a lambda instead of checks inside the CsvParser.create method is because the lambda is like a business rule that belongs to this model.
My question is how i should test this lambda. Should i test it in the model or the CsvParser? Should i test the lambda itself or the result of an array of the self.import method? Maybe i should make another code structure?
My CsvParser looks as follows:
require "csv"
module CsvParser
def self.create(csv_file, klass, attribute_order, value_parser = nil)
parsed_csv = CSV.parse(csv_file, col_sep: "|")
records = []
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
parsed_csv.each do |row|
record = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = []}
row.each_with_index do |value, index|
record[attribute_order[index]] = value
if value_parser.blank?
records << klass.create(record)
value_parser.call(record).each do |parsed_record|
records << klass.create(parsed_record)
return records
I'm testing the module itself:
require 'spec_helper'
describe CsvParser do
it "should create relations" do
file = File.new(Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/importrelaties.txt'))
Relation.import_csv(file).should be_kind_of Array
it "should create mutations" do
file = File.new(Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/importmutaties.txt'))
Mutation.import_csv(file).should be_kind_of Array
it "should create strategies" do
file = File.new(Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/importplan.txt'))
Strategy.import_csv(file).should be_kind_of Array
it "should create reservations" do
file = File.new(Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/importreservering.txt'))
Reservation.import_csv(file).should be_kind_of Array
Some interesting questions. A couple of notes:
You probably shouldn't have a return within the lambda. Just make the last statement [h].
If I understand the code correctly, the first and second lines of your lambda are overcomplicated. Reduce them to make them more readable and easier to refactor:
h["is_credit"] = (h['is_credit'] == 'B') # I *think* that will do the same
h['sum'] = h['sum'].to_f # Your original code would have left this a string
h['sum'] *= -1 unless h['is_credit']
It looks like your lambda doesn't depend on anything external (aside from h), so I would test it separately. You could even make it a constant:
class Mutation < ActiveRecord::Base
extend CsvParser # <== See point 5 below
PARSE_CREDIT_AND_SUM = lambda do |h|
h["is_credit"] = (h['is_credit'] == 'B')
h['sum'] = h['sum'].to_f
h['sum'] *= -1 unless h['is_credit']
Without knowing the rationale, it's hard to say where you should put this code. My gut instinct is that it is not the job of the CSV parser (although a good parser may detect floating point numbers and convert them from strings?) Keep your CSV parser reusable. (Note: Re-reading, I think you've answered this question yourself - it is business logic, tied to the model. Go with your gut!)
Lastly, you are defining and the method CsvParser.create. You don't need to extend CsvParser to get access to it, although if you have other facilities in CsvParser, consider making CsvParser.create a normal module method called something like create_from_csv_file