How to terminate a windows console application that has not associated process? - windows

I have an application the when launched in debug mode in visual studio will some times hang but not have an associated process.
The console windows is there, but it does not respond to exit or Ctrl-C.
It prevents me from rebooting as well.
Is there a way to kill this console session?

Have you looked with Process Explorer from Sysinternals (free) where it has a "target" that you can use to click a window and it will highlight from the list what the program is associated with to kill it or get information?

Known issue with debugging in XP and Server 2003.

To exit the console windows just change the return type of the main() to int and put the return 0; in the last of the main() function. console window automatically terminates.


applicationShouldTerminate: not called when system restarts

I have to run some code when the app is about to terminate. applicationShouldTerminate: runs when quit is selected from the menu or when I press Cmd Q but not when I restart the mac.
Is there a way to force applicationShouldTerminate when a user tries to restart the mac? Or is it another function being called in this scenario?
Your app might have Sudden Termination enabled.
macOS 10.6 and later includes a mechanism that allows the system to log out or shut down more quickly by, whenever possible, killing applications instead of requesting that they quit themselves.
Debugging tip
You can determine the value of the sudden termination using the following LLDB command.
print (long)[[NSClassFromString(#"NSProcessInfo") processInfo] _suddenTerminationDisablingCount]

Suppress message: "python.exe has stopped working"

I'm running Python 2.7 with ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 on Windows for Server (2 Xeon 2.13 Ghz processors).
Is it possible to suppress or automatically close the dialogue box from Windows that says "python.exe has stopped working" when python crashes? I have a continuously running, multiprocessing script that sometimes crashes for unknown reasons (working on that). When I click to close the crash report window, the script restarts and everything is okay. I want this to happen automatically until I can track down what is causing the crashes.
Thanks very much!
Procedure for disabling the Windows Debugger dialogue box found here:
This prevents the debug dialogue box that requires the user to click [Debug] or [Cancel] if python crashes.
However, there is now another Windows dialogue box that says "python.exe has stopped working. Please close the program" with a button [Close Program]. Sheesh!
The dialog you refer to is part of Windows Error Reporting.
The exact method varies between editions of Windows (Windows 7 instructions here, Google will happily provide for other versions...), but if you disable this feature of Windows, your crashes will happen a lot faster(!).
This is an simply an arcpy bug. You can try to avoid using the steps that are causing the crash, but it generally happens under different tools when used to process through a long list of data.
The only workaround I have found is to make my script save its progress along the way to disk so if you restart the process, it knows where to pickup from.
If you then disable windows debugger message by altering the registry (see below), you can then just repeatedly execute the script in cmd.exe until it completes the entire batch without having to close the process manually every time in between.
I know this is an awful workaround, but it is quite uncommon to have a python library kill off the python interpreter.
DWORD HKLM or HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\DontShowUI = "1"
DWORD HKLM or HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\Disabled = "1"

How can I handle console closing in a Windows CE?

I have a Win32 C++ console application running in Window CE 6.0 that contains a number of continuously running threads. Occasionally there is a need to stop the application, and I would like that to happen in a controlled manner. One method of doing this would be to simply monitor the console window, and if it closes then stop the process. Unfortunately SetConsoleCtrlHandler does not appear to be part of the Win32 api for Windows CE 6.0. Does anyone know how I can detect that the console is closing in a Win32 C++ program running in CE?
You can watch for Ctrl-C by calling DeviceIoControl with IOCTL_CONSOLE_SETCONTROLCHANDLER. Use _fileno(stdout) for the hDevice parameter.
I don't think there's any way to get notified for any other "close" mechanism.
I got this working on Windows Embedded Compact 7. The Ctrl+C and the "window closed" events are both catched.
Create a Win32 event.
Pass that event to DeviceIoControl() using the IOCTL_CONSOLE_SETCONTROLCEVENT, and given the console handle (e.g., _fileno(stdout)). That event will be signaled when Ctrl+C is typed, or the console window is closed.
Create a thread that waits on the Win32 event becoming signaled, and when it becomes so, calls your Ctrl+C handler or performs your cleanup, and probably exits the program.
Notice that IOCTL_CONSOLE_SETCONTROLCHANDLER has been deprecated and DeviceIoControl() fails when it is given that IOCTL code.

console windows not close after stopping program

Visual Studio 2005 C++
Windows XP Pro
I have a sample application that I am testing, that links with boost libraries.
However, the program runs ok. However, when I try and stop the program by clicking the 'Stop Debugging' button. The program ends, but the console window remains open. So I have many of them, as during my testing I am starting and stopping the application.
Even when I try and close it by clicking the close button it has no affect. And it doesn't seem to appear under task manager when the program ends.
The only way I can close them if I reboot windows.
I am thinking it might be a thread that has not closed, and maybe that is keeping the console windows open.
Many thanks for any advice,
I have also seen this issue, I think it happens when a mutex or semaphore is still locked, or a thread hasn't cleanly exited. The only way I've found to prevent this is to make sure all mutexes/ semaphores/threads are cleaned up after before stopping the debugger.
Also it's interesting to note that this problem doesn't happen on Windows 7 or Linux. I have tried stopping the same program at the same places and the program always cleanly exits.
Good luck and happy coding!

Console windows that cannot be killed by closing or via Task Manager

When I run a test harness through the Visual Studio 2005 debugger, it creates a console window every time I run it.
In the past, the console window would close automatically when the test harness process terminated, but now I'm finding that the console window is hanging around afterwards.
After the test harness terminates:
I cannot close the console window by clicking the close (x) button on the top-right
The test harness process doesn't exist anymore in Task Manager
So I cannot seem to kill these console windows.
Does anyone know:
How these console windows can exist without a managing process?
How can I can kill these console windows?
Rebooting is obviously an option, but there must be another way.
It's a known bug in windows, introduced with KB978037 security patch.
You can find out more here
and here
In Windows, "Administrator" is not the highest level user. Some processes/files/directories are only accessible by the "SYSTEM" user.
This may be the reason why it is unkillable.
