Scheme function to remove atoms? - scheme

If I have a list like (e q(r))
How would I remove all the atoms and just return (()) ?

Hey, a technique known as tree-recursion is useful for this type of problem.
I agree with the general structure of the Greg's answer, but I think we need to explicitly filter atomic (non-list) values from nested lists.
(define (rem-atoms lst)
((not (list? lst)) lst)
((null? lst) (list))
(lambda (a) (list? a))
(cons (rem-atoms (car lst))
(rem-atoms (cdr lst)))))))
(rem-atoms '(f (x y) z () (k ()))) ; --> (() () (()))
(rem-atoms '(f x (y))) ; --> (())
Upon further inspection, a tiny amendment to Greg's good solution also now provides the correct results. Specifically: (not (list? xx)) rather than (not (pair? xx)).
(define (rem-atoms lat)
((null? lat) lat)
((not (list? (car lat))) (rem-atoms (cdr lat)))
(cons (rem-atoms (car lat))
(rem-atoms (cdr lat)))))))
(rem-atoms '(f (x y) z () (k ()))) ; --> (() () (()))
(rem-atoms '(f x (y))) ; --> (())
Hmm. I think I like this second version the best!
Note, I'm brand new here, but I hope this helps.

(define rem-atoms
(lambda (lat)
((null? lat) lat)
((not (pair? (car lat))) (rem-atoms (cdr lat)))
(cons (rem-atoms (car lat)) (rem-atoms (cdr lat)))))))
If the list is empty, return the empty list. If it's an atom (or rather, not a list), just eliminate it. If it's a list, call the function recursively on both the car and the cdr of the list.


How to create a function that receives a list and creates a new list in Scheme

I'm trying to create a function called evenElememt that takes a list as a parameter and appends all the elements in even positions to a new list and displays the new list.
My attempt:
(define newList '())
(define elementHelper
(lambda lst
((cdr lst)
(cons newList (car lst))
(elementHelper(cdr lst)))
(define evenElement
(lambda (lst)
((null? lst) ())
((null? (cdr lst)) ())
(else (elementHelper lst)
(display lst))
Example output: if I enter (evenElement '('a 'b 'c 'f 't 'y)), the output should be (b f y).
This is essentially the same as Can I print alternate elements of a list in Racket?, except that you want to print even positions (1-indexed) instead of odd positions.
(define (even-positions lst)
(cond ((null? lst)
((null? (cdr lst))
(cons (second lst)
(even-positions (cddr lst))))))
(even-positions '(a b c f t y)) returns '(b f y).
Then, this is the function you are looking for:
(define (display-even-positions lst)
(display (even-positions lst)))
You don't need elementHelper. Just make evenElement return the result instead of displaying it.
You also don't need the global variable newList. The function should construct the result as it goes.
(define evenElement
(lambda (lst)
((null? lst) '())
((null? (cdr lst)) '())
(else (cons (car (cdr lst))
(evenElement (cdr (cdr lst)))))
(display (evenElement '(a b c f t y)))

How to determine if a list has an even or odd number of atoms

tScheme novice question:
I need to determine if a list contains an even or odd amount of atoms using recursion. I know the easy way is to get list length and determine if it is even or odd, but I would like to see hows it's done using recursion.
(LIST 'x 'y 'v 'd 'r 'h 'y))
should return #t, while
'((n m) (f p) l (u k p)))
should return #f
appreciate the help.
Here's my version of the solution:
(define (oddatom? lst)
(let recur ((odd #f)
(x lst))
(cond ((null? x) odd)
((pair? x) (recur (recur odd (car x)) (cdr x)))
(else (not odd)))))
I like Chris Jester-Young's answer, but I think it's worth providing a tail-recursive version that maintains its own stack as well. Note that this is an exercise in converting non-tail recursion into tail recursion, which is an imporant technique for some algorithms in Scheme. In this case, though, it's probably not all that important, and the code in Chris Jester-Young's answer does feel much more natural. So take this as an exercise, not necessarily a significant improvement.
The idea here is that the inner function, odd?, takes a list of things, and a value indicating whether an odd number of atoms (other than the empty list) have been seen so far.
(define (oddatom? thing)
(let odd? ((things (list thing))
(result #f))
;; We're out of things to see. Did we see an odd number of things?
((null? things)
;; Our list of things has the form ((x . y) …), so we recurse on
;; (x y …), with the *same* value for result, since we haven't
;; "seen" x or y yet, we've just "unwrapped" them.
((pair? (car things))
(odd? (cons (caar things) (cons (cdar things) (cdr things))) result))
;; Our list of things has the form (() …), so we recurse on
;; (…), with the *same* value for result, since we haven't "seen" any
;; additional atoms.
((null? (car things))
(odd? (cdr things) result))
;; Our list of things has the form (<atom> …), so we recurse on (…),
;; but with a flipped value for result, since we've seen one more atom.
(odd? (cdr things) (not result))))))
The last two cases could be combined, making the second recursive argument based on the value of (null? (car things)) as:
(define (oddatom? thing)
(let odd? ((things (list thing))
(result #f))
((null? things)
((pair? (car things))
(odd? (cons (caar things) (cons (cdar things) (cdr things))) result))
(odd? (cdr things) (if (null? (car things))
(not result)))))))
I'd go for this:
(define (oddatom lst)
((null? lst) #f)
((not (pair? lst)) #t)
(else (not (eq? (oddatom (car lst)) (oddatom (cdr lst)))))))
which means:
the empty list is not odd (#f)
an atom is odd (#t)
otherwise, one and only one of the car or the cdr of the list may be odd (exclusive or).
Test cases (in Racket), including improper lists:
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (oddatom (list 'x 'y 'v 'd 'r 'h 'y)) #t)
(check-equal? (oddatom '((n m) (f p) l (u k p))) #f)
(check-equal? (oddatom '(a (b) c)) #t)
(check-equal? (oddatom (cons 1 2)) #f)
(check-equal? (oddatom 1) #t)
(check-equal? (oddatom '(1 (2 . 3))) #t)
Here is one:
(define (odd-atom? obj)
(and (not (null? obj))
(or (not (pair? obj))
(let ((this? (odd-atom? (car obj)))
(rest? (odd-atom? (cdr obj))))
(or (and (not this?) rest?)
(and (not rest?) this?))))))
or, learning from #uselpa to simplify the 'or this? rest?' logic above, another one:
(define (odd-atom? obj)
(and (not (null? obj))
(or (not (pair? obj))
(not (eq? (odd-atom? (car obj))
(odd-atom? (cdr obj)))))))
If '() is an atom (like it is in CommonLisp where '() is also T), it should be (odd-atom? '(() () ())) is #t:
(define (odd-atom? obj)
(and (not (null? obj))
(or (not (pair? obj))
(let ((this? (or (null? (car obj))
(odd-atom? (car obj))))
(rest? (odd-atom? (cdr obj))))
(not (eq? this? rest?))))))
> (odd-atom? '())
> (odd-atom? '(()))
> (odd-atom? '(() () ()))
> (odd-atom? '(() ()))
> (odd-atom? '(() (a)))
> (odd-atom? '(() (a b)))
> (odd-atom? '((a) (a b)))
> (odd-atom? '((a b) (a b)))

Using match in chez scheme

I'm trying to learn how to use match in scheme. I sort of understand how it works with really short problems (ie: defining length is just two lines) but not with problems where there's more than one input, and helper programs. For example, here's a popular way of defining union:
(define ele?
(lambda (ele ls)
[(null? ls) #f]
[(eq? ele (car ls)) #t]
[else (ele? ele (cdr ls))])))
(define union
(lambda (ls1 ls2)
[(null? ls2) ls1]
[(ele? (car ls2) ls1) (union ls1 (cdr ls2))]
[else (union (cons (car ls2) ls1) (cdr ls2))])))
How do you do this using match in both programs? (or would you even need two programs?)
the first one could be implemented like that:
(define ele?
(lambda (a b)
(let ((isa? (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) a))))
(match b [(? null?) #f]
[(? isa?) #t]
[_ (ele? a (cdr b))]))))
then the second is easy
(define uni
(lambda (ls1 ls2)
(let ((carinls2? (lambda (x) (ele? (car x) ls1))))
(match ls2 [(? null?) ls1]
[(? carinls2?) (uni ls1 (cdr ls2))]
[_ (uni (cons (car ls2) ls1) (cdr ls2))]))))
maybe there is a smarter way to avoid these one argument let lambdas but i'm still learning ;)

Writing flatten method in Scheme

I have been working on the following function flatten and so far have it working for just lists. I was wondering if someone could provide me with some insight on how to get it work with pairs? For example (flatten '(a .a)) would return (a a). Thanks.
(define (flatten list)
(cond ((null? list) null)
((list? (car list)) (append (flatten (car list)) (flatten (cdr list))))
(cons (car list) (flatten (cdr list))))))
Here's one option:
(define (flatten x)
(cond ((null? x) '())
((pair? x) (append (flatten (car x)) (flatten (cdr x))))
(else (list x))))
This does what you want, without requiring append, making it o(n). I walks the list as a tree. Some schemes might throw a stack overflow error if the list is too deeply nested. In guile this is not the case.
I claim no copyright for this code.
(define (flatten lst)
(let loop ((lst lst) (acc '()))
((null? lst) acc)
((pair? lst) (loop (car lst) (loop (cdr lst) acc)))
(else (cons lst acc)))))
(define (flatten l)
[(empty? l) empty]
[(list? l)
(append (flatten (first l))
(flatten (rest l)))]
[else (list l)]))

Removing null elements from the scheme list

(define filter-in
(lambda (predicate list)
(lambda (l)
(filter-in-sexpr predicate l))))
(map f list))))
(define filter-in-aux
(lambda (pred lst)
(if (null? lst) '()
(cons (filter-in-sexpr pred (car lst))
(filter-in-aux pred (cdr lst))))))
(define filter-in-sexpr
(lambda (pred sexpr)
(if (equal? (pred sexpr) #t)
Calling (filter-in number? ’(a 2 (1 3) b 7)) produces ( () 2 () () 7).
How I can skip null elements from the generated list to get final outcome of (2 7) ?
The problem is that you're mapping filter-in-sxpr over the list. You can either run another filter pass to remove the nulls, or use a modified filter-in-aux like this:
(define filter-in-aux
(lambda (pred lst)
(if (null? lst) '()
(let ((h (filter-in-sexpr pred (car lst)))
(t (filter-in-aux pred (cdr lst))))
(if (null? h) t
(cons h t))))))
