how can I 'walk' the relationships between tables in LINQ? - linq

Let's say I have three tables:
In LINQ to SQL, how can I start from the SalespeopleOffices table and "walk" from that table to the People table or the Office table via the relationships between the tables? Specifically without knowing what those relationships are; pull the data about the relationships instead of interacting with the objects directly. I'm looking for a way to programatically analyze table relationships. The database I'm working with has many more tables than this, so in reality it's a lot more complex than this.
I'd ideally like to create a LinqPad script to do this.

You can use reflection to examine the properties on each type in the context. (In LinqPad, the context is this).
Value and string properties will be scalar fields on the table,
EntitySet properties will represent [something]-to-many relationships, and
other types will be [something]-to-one relationships.
If you connect the two sides of the relationships you can figure out what the [something] is in each case. Does that make sense?
I was just poking around a little, and there's a better approach. The model information is available via the Mapping property. Try this:
var tableData = from t in this.Mapping.GetTables()
select new
Associations =
from a in t.RowType.Associations
select new
TypeName = a.ThisMember.Type.Name
Assuming you've activated Auto Completion, it should be a piece of cake to find the exact data you're interested in by exploring the properties on this meta data.

If you're using LINQ to SQL, your SalespeopleOffices instances shoud have People and Office properties.
Something like:
var salesPO = dataContext.SalespeopleOffices.First()
var office = salesPO.Office
var man = salesPO.People


Runtime join in lightswitch

I have a generic group members table with a GUID for a "group type" and a GUID for "referenced object". An example would be if I have a table of customers(each having a GUID) I can group them under "already paid" by creating a group GUID and in my "Group members table" referencing every customer by their respective GUID. This allows for any type of group to be added to the model as we expand(without adding extra tables).
Here is the problem. I have created a subquery in an entity in order to filter the universal group members table for a certain group and what "items" are and are not in that group; like so:
partial void ElementsNotMemberOfGroup_PreprocessQuery(int? UniversalGroupTypeIDParameter, int? UniversalGroupsIDParameter, ref IQueryable<UniversalGroupMember> query)
query = query.Where(x => x.UniversalGroup.UniversalGroupType.UniversalGroupTypeID == UniversalGroupTypeIDParameter);
query = query.Where(x => x.UniversalGroup.UniversalGroupsID != UniversalGroupsIDParameter);
This returns the GUIDs for the referenced object in the group, but for a user that's useless. I need to join this table and my customers table at runtime on the GUID so I can extract the customer info and display it.
Any Ideas?
LightSwitch wasn't really created with this kind of scenario in mind. LightSwitch makes things very easy for you when you create relationships between tables that are, well, "related". When you do this, you never need manual joins between entities.
While it's possible to do something similar to what you're describing (see the link below), it's a lot more work to achieve it, and in my opinion it isn't really worth the extra trouble. Not only that, but as you're discovering, it complicates even the most simple operations.
In essence, you're working against LightSwitch, instead of with it. My advice to you would be that if you really must do this type of manual optimization, then LightSwitch may not be the best product for you to use.
Beth Massi has a blog article, Using Different Edit Screens Based on Record Types (Table Inheritance), which isn't exactly what you're doing, but it may give you some ideas if you decide to still use LightSwitch for your project.

EAV - Get value using Linq to entities

In a data model like this ( I want to get the value from an EAV_Attribute using Linq to SQL.
Assuming that an EAV_Attribute only exists in one inherited table (varchar, decimal, int, etc.) how can I get it in a linq query?
I know that I can use the Inheritance for this, but I want to execute it in the SQL Database side...
Is it possible to do a kind of Coalesce in Linq, considering that the elements have different types?
EAV and linq is not a happy marriage. I think your best shot is to create an unmapped property in eav_attribute that resolves the value (as object) from it's typed attribute child. With entity framework, you won't be able to use this property in an expression (i.e. not in a Where or Select), You must convert to IEnumerable first to access it. (Linq-to-sql may allow it because it can switch to linq-to-objects below the hood).
Another option is to create a calculated column of type sql_variant that does the same, but now in t-sql code. But... EF does not suport sql_variant. You've got to use some trickery to read it.
That's the reading part.
For setting/modifying/deleting values I don't see any shortcuts. You just have to handle the objects as any object graph with parents and children. In sql server you can't use cascaded delete because it can only be defined for one foreign key. (This may tackle that, but I never tried).
So, not really good news, I'm afraid. Maybe good to know that in one project I also work with a database that has an inevitable EAV part. We do it with EF too, but it's not without friction.
First of all, I recommend using TPH and not TPT for EAV tables. (One table with multiple nullable value columns (one per type) + discriminator vs. one table per type.)
Either way, if you modelled the value entity as an abstract class (containing the two IDs) with an inheriting entity per value data type that adds the value property, then your LINQ should look like this:
var valueEntity = context.ProductAttributes.Where(pa =>
pa.ProductId == selectedProductId
&& pa.AttributeTypeId == selectedAttributeTypeId)
.SingleOrDefault() as ProductAttributeOfDouble;
if valueEntity != null
return valueEntity.Value;
return null;
Where the entity types are: Product, AttributeType, ProductAttribute, ProductAttributeOfDouble, ... ProductAttributeOfString.

Linq doubts with DB context

Hi I have a question that is braking my mind for some days.
I have my SQL server Database and my C# application.
In the DB I have differemt tables, let me show you a simple ex
Business Rules:
The person are from a City, so the person has IdCity
A person has a relationship with other person, and about that relationship you need to save the starting date.
In other projects I already did something like that, but in this proyect this is not working for me.
When I retrieved with LinQ the information about the person, the city is not coming, and an error appears when I try "", for ex.
I try using Include("City") in the linq query, but it didn't work. Besides that, I don't know how to manage the circular reference to the person to person relationship.
One important thing, that I think that can be the problem, is that I rename all the tables from the DataModel, for example, the table in database is called Prd_City, so I change the Name and the Entity Set Name for City in c# project. So in the included I have to use the real table name, in other case the query fail, but if I use the real name nothing happens.
using (var context = new MyContext())
List<Person> oPeople = (from p in context.Person.Include("Prd_City")
select p).ToList();
return oPeople ;
Any help will be welcome.
"It didn't work" is never a good description of your problem. But from the rest of your question I can infer that Person has a navigation property named "Prd_City", while you expected it to be "City". The thing is: you renamed the entities, but not the navigation properties in the entities.
My advice (for what it's worth): it seems that your work database-first. If you can, change to code-first and manually map the POCO classes to their table names, and properties to their database columns. It may be a considerable amount of work (depending on the size of your data model), but after that you will never run the risk of EF "un-renaming" your entities. Besides, the DbContext API is easier to use than ObjectContext. Currently, it's the preferred EF API.

Can I use the auto-generated Linq-to-SQL entity classes in 'disconnected' mode?

Suppose I have an automatically-generated Employee class based on the Employees table in my database.
Now suppose that I want to pass employee data to a ShowAges method that will print out name & age for a list of employees. I'll retrieve the data for a given set of employees via a linq query, which will return me a set of Employee instances. I can then pass the Employee instances to the ShowAges method, which can access the Name & Age fields to get the data it needs.
However, because my Employees table has relationships with various other tables in my database, my Employee class also has a Department field, a Manager field, etc. that provide access to related records in those other tables. If the ShowAges method were to invoke any of those methods, this would cause lots more data to be fetched from the database, on-demand.
I want to be sure that the ShowAges method only uses the data I have already fetched for it, but I really don't want to have to go to the trouble of defining a new class which replicates the Employee class but has fewer methods. (In my real-world scenario, the class would have to be considerably more complex than the Employee class described here; it would have several 'joined' classes that do need to be populated, and others that don't).
Is there a way to 'switch off' or 'disconnect' the Employees instances so that an attempt to access any property or related object that's not already populated will raise an exception?
If not, then I assume that since this must be a common requirement, there might be an already-established pattern for doing this sort of thing?
maybe not the answer you're looking for,but how about projecting the results of your query into a more light-weight POCO, eg:
var employeePOCOs = from e in l2sEmployees
select new EmployeePOCO
Id = e.Id,
Name = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName
where EmployeePOCO is a predefined class
would that help? I've used this when returning Entity Framework objects back through an AJAX call where the output was going to JSON, and it seemed to do the trick.
One way to do this is to 'detach' the entity from its database context. Take a look at an answer I gave to a similar question. It shows you a couple ways of detaching entities.

Using LINQ with stored procedure that returns multiple instances of the same entity per row

Our development policy dictates that all database accesses are made via stored procedures, and this is creating an issue when using LINQ.
The scenario discussed below has been somewhat simplified, in order to make the explanation easier.
Consider a database that has 2 tables.
Orders (OrderID (PK), InvoiceAddressID (FK), DeliveryAddressID (FK) )
Addresses (AddresID (PK), Street, ZipCode)
The resultset returned by the stored procedure has to rename the address related columns, so that the invoice and delivery addresses are distinct from each other.
OrderID InvAddrID DelAddrID InvStreet DelStreet InvZipCode DelZipCode
1 27 46 Main St Back St abc123 xyz789
This, however, means that LINQ has no idea what to do with these columns in the resultset, as they no longer match the property names in the Address entity.
The frustrating thing about this is that there seems to be no way to define which resultset columns map to which Entity properties, even though it is possible (to a certain extent) to map entity properties to stored procedure parameters for the insert/update operations.
Has anybody else had the same issue?
I'd imagine that this would be a relatively common scenarios, from a schema point of view, but the stored procedure seems to be the key factor here.
Have you considered creating a view like the below for the stored procedure to select from? It would add complexity, but allow LINQ to see the Entity the way you wanted.
Create view OrderAddress as
Select o.OrderID
,i.AddressID as InvID
,d.AddressID as DelID
from Orders o
left join Addresses i
on o.InvAddressID= i.AddressID
left join Addresses d
on o.DelAddressID = i.AddressID
LINQ is a bit fussy about querying data; it wants the schema to match. I suspect you're going to have to bring that back into an automatically generated type, and do the mapping to you entity type afterwards in LINQ to objects (i.e. after AsEnumerable() or similar) - as it doesn't like you creating instances of the mapped entities manually inside a query.
Actually, I would recommend challenging the requirement in one respect: rather than SPs, consider using UDFs to query data; they work similarly in terms of being owned by the database, but they are composable at the server (paging, sorting, joinable, etc).
(this bit a bit random - take with a pinch of salt)
UDFs can be associated with entity types if the schema matches, so another option (I haven't tried it) would be to have a GetAddress(id) udf, and a "main" udf, and join them:
var qry = from row in ctx.MainUdf(id)
select new {
Order = ctx.GetOrder(row.OrderId),
InvoiceAddress = ctx.GetAddress(row.InvoiceAddressId),
DeliveryAddress = ctx.GetAddress(row.DeliveryAddressId)) };
(where the udf just returns the ids - actually, you might have the join to the other udfs, making it even worse).
or something - might be too messy for serious consideration, though.
If you know exactly what columns your result set will include, you should be able to create a new entity type that has properties for each column in the result set. Rather than trying to pack the data into an Order, for example, you can pack it into an OrderWithAddresses, which has exactly the structure your stored procedure would expect. If you're using LINQ to Entities, you should even be able to indicate in your .edmx file that an OrderWithAddresses is an Order with two additional properties. In LINQ to SQL you will have to specify all of the columns as if it were an entirely unrelated data type.
If your columns get generated dynamically by the stored procedure, you will need to try a different approach: Create a new stored procedure that only pulls data from the Orders table, and one that only pulls data from the addresses table. Set up your LINQ mapping to use these stored procedures instead. (Of course, the only reason you're using stored procs is to comply with your company policy). Then, use LINQ to join these data. It should be only slightly less efficient, but it will more appropriately reflect the actual structure of your data, which I think is better programming practice.
I think I understand what you're after, but I could wildy off...
If you mock up classes in a DBML (right-click -> new -> class) that are the same structure as your source tables, you could simply create new objects based on what is read from the stored procedure. Using LINQ to objects, you could still query your selection. It's more code, but it's not that hard to do. For example, mock up your DBML like this:
Pay attention to the associations
Make sure you pay attention to the associations I added. You can expand "Parent Property" and change the name of those associations to "InvoiceAddress" and "DeliveryAddress." I also changed the child property names to "InvoiceOrders" and "DeliveryOrders" respectively. Notice the stored procedure up top called "usp_GetOrders." Now, with a bit of code, you can map the columns manually. I know it's not ideal, especially if the stored proc doesn't expose every member of each table, but it can get you close:
public List<Order> GetOrders()
// our DBML classes
List<Order> dbOrders = new List<Order>();
using (OrderSystemDataContext db = new OrderSystemDataContext())
// call stored proc
var spOrders = db.usp_GetOrders();
foreach (var spOrder in spOrders)
Order ord = new Order();
Address invAddr = new Address();
Address delAddr = new Address();
// set all the properties
ord.OrderID = spOrder.OrderID;
// add the invoice address
invAddr.AddressID = spOrder.InvAddrID;
invAddr.Street = spOrder.InvStreet;
invAddr.ZipCode = spOrder.InvZipCode;
ord.InvoiceAddress = invAddr;
// add the delivery address
delAddr.AddressID = spOrder.DelAddrID;
delAddr.Street = spOrder.DelStreet;
delAddr.ZipCode = spOrder.DelZipCode;
ord.DeliveryAddress = delAddr;
// add to the collection
// at this point I have a List of orders I can query...
return dbOrders;
Again, I realize this seems cumbersome, but I think the end result is worth a few extra lines of code.
this it isn't very efficient at all, but if all else fails, you could try making two procedure calls from the application one to get the invoice address and then another one to get the delivery address.
