Partition neighbor points given a euclidean distance range - algorithm

Given two points P,Q and a delta, I defined the equivalence relation ~=, where P ~= Q if EuclideanDistance(P,Q) <= delta. Now, given a set S of n points, in the example S = (A, B, C, D, E, F) and n = 6 (the fact points are actually endpoints of segments is negligible), is there an algorithm that has complexity better than O(n^2) in the average case to find a partition of the set (the representative element of the subsets is unimportant)?
Attempts to find theoretical definitions of this problem were unsuccessful so far: k-means clustering, nearest neighbor search and others seems to me different problems. The picture shows what I need to do in my application.
Any hint? Thanks
EDIT: while the actual problem (cluster near points given some kind of invariant) should be solvable in better better than O(n^2) in the average case, there's a serious flaw in my problem definition: =~ is not a equivalence relation because of the simple fact it doesn't respect the transitive property. I think this is the main reason this problem is not easy to solve and need advanced techiques. Will post very soon my actual solution: should work when near points all satisfy the =~ as defined. Can fail when poles apart points doesn't respect the relation but they are in relation with the center of gravity of clustered points. It works well with my input data space, may not with yours. Do anyone know a full formal tratment of this problem (with solution)?

One way to restate the problem is as follows: given a set of n 2D points, for each point p find the set of points that are contained with the circle of diameter delta centred at p.
A naive linear search gives the O(n^2) algorithm you allude to.
It seems to me that this is the best one can do in the worst case. When all points in the set are contained within a circle of diameter <= delta, each of n queries would have to return O(n) points, giving an O(n^2) overall complexity.
However, one should be able to do better on more reasonable datasets.
Take a look at this (esp. the section on space partitioning) and KD-trees. The latter should give you a sub-O(n^2) algorithm in reasonable cases.
There might be a different way of looking at the problem, one that would give better complexity; I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

Definitely a problem for Quadtree.
You could also try sorting on each coordonate and playing with these two lists (sorting is n*log(n), and you can check only the points that satisfies dx <= delta && dy <= delta. Also, you could put them in a sorted list with two levels of pointers: one for parsing on OX and another for OY.

For each point, calculate the distance D(n) from the origin, this is an O(n) operation.
Use a O(n^2) algorithm to find matches where D(a-b) < delta, skipping D(a)-D(b) > delta.
The result, on average, must be better than O(n^2) due to the (hopefully large) number skipped.

This is a C# KdTree implementation that should solve the "Find all neighbors of a point P within a delta". It makes heavy use of functional programming techniques (yes, I love Python). It's tested but I still have doubts doubts in understanding _TreeFindNearest(). The code (or pseudo code) to solve the problem "Partition a set of n points given a ~= relation in better than O(n^2) in the average case" is posted in another answer.
Stripped C# 2.0 port of ``kdtree'', a library for working with kd-trees.
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 John Tsiombikas <>
Copyright (C) 2010 Francesco Pretto <>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ITR.Data.NET
public class KdTree<T>
#region Fields
private Node _Root;
private int _Count;
private int _Dimension;
private CoordinateGetter<T>[] _GetCoordinate;
#endregion // Fields
#region Constructors
public KdTree(params CoordinateGetter<T>[] coordinateGetters)
_Dimension = coordinateGetters.Length;
_GetCoordinate = coordinateGetters;
#endregion // Constructors
#region Public methods
public void Insert(T location)
_TreeInsert(ref _Root, 0, location);
public void InsertAll(IEnumerable<T> locations)
foreach (T location in locations)
public IEnumerable<T> FindNeighborsRange(T location, double range)
return _TreeFindNeighborsRange(_Root, 0, location, range);
#endregion // Public methods
#region Tree traversal
private void _TreeInsert(ref Node current, int currentPlane, T location)
if (current == null)
current = new Node(location);
int nextPlane = (currentPlane + 1) % _Dimension;
if (_GetCoordinate[currentPlane](location) <
_TreeInsert(ref current._Left, nextPlane, location);
_TreeInsert(ref current._Right, nextPlane, location);
private IEnumerable<T> _TreeFindNeighborsRange(Node current, int currentPlane,
T referenceLocation, double range)
if (current == null)
yield break;
double squaredDistance = 0;
for (int it = 0; it < _Dimension; it++)
double referenceCoordinate = _GetCoordinate[it](referenceLocation);
double currentCoordinate = _GetCoordinate[it](current.Location);
squaredDistance +=
(referenceCoordinate - currentCoordinate)
* (referenceCoordinate - currentCoordinate);
if (squaredDistance <= range * range)
yield return current.Location;
double coordinateRelativeDistance =
- _GetCoordinate[currentPlane](current.Location);
Direction nextDirection = coordinateRelativeDistance <= 0.0
? Direction.LEFT : Direction.RIGHT;
int nextPlane = (currentPlane + 1) % _Dimension;
IEnumerable<T> subTreeNeighbors =
_TreeFindNeighborsRange(current[nextDirection], nextPlane,
referenceLocation, range);
foreach (T location in subTreeNeighbors)
yield return location;
if (Math.Abs(coordinateRelativeDistance) <= range)
subTreeNeighbors =
nextPlane, referenceLocation, range);
foreach (T location in subTreeNeighbors)
yield return location;
#endregion // Tree traversal
#region Node class
public class Node
#region Fields
private T _Location;
internal Node _Left;
internal Node _Right;
#endregion // Fields
#region Constructors
internal Node(T nodeValue)
_Location = nodeValue;
_Left = null;
_Right = null;
#endregion // Contructors
#region Children Indexers
public Node this[Direction direction]
get { return direction == Direction.LEFT ? _Left : Right; }
public Node GetOtherChild(Direction direction)
return direction == Direction.LEFT ? _Right : _Left;
#endregion // Children Indexers
#region Properties
public T Location
get { return _Location; }
public Node Left
get { return _Left; }
public Node Right
get { return _Right; }
#endregion // Properties
#endregion // Node class
#region Properties
public int Count
get { return _Count; }
set { _Count = value; }
public Node Root
get { return _Root; }
set { _Root = value; }
#endregion // Properties
#region Enums, delegates
public enum Direction
LEFT = 0,
public delegate double CoordinateGetter<T>(T location);
#endregion // Enums, delegates

The following C# method, together with KdTree class, Join() (enumerate all collections passed as argument) and Shuffled() (returns a shuffled version of the passed collection) methods solve the problem of my question. There may be some flawed cases (read EDITs in the question) when referenceVectors are the same vectors as vectorsToRelocate, as I do in my problem.
public static Dictionary<Vector2D, Vector2D> FindRelocationMap(
IEnumerable<Vector2D> referenceVectors,
IEnumerable<Vector2D> vectorsToRelocate)
Dictionary<Vector2D, Vector2D> ret = new Dictionary<Vector2D, Vector2D>();
// Preliminary filling
IEnumerable<Vector2D> allVectors =
Utils.Join(referenceVectors, vectorsToRelocate);
foreach (Vector2D vector in allVectors)
ret[vector] = vector;
KdTree<Vector2D> kdTree = new KdTree<Vector2D>(
delegate(Vector2D vector) { return vector.X; },
delegate(Vector2D vector) { return vector.Y; });
HashSet<Vector2D> relocatedVectors = new HashSet<Vector2D>();
foreach (Vector2D vector in referenceVectors)
if (relocatedVectors.Contains(vector))
IEnumerable<Vector2D> neighbors =
kdTree.FindNeighborsRange(vector, Tolerances.EUCLID_DIST_TOLERANCE);
foreach (Vector2D neighbor in neighbors)
ret[neighbor] = vector;
return ret;


How to implement range search in KD-Tree

I have built a d dimensional KD-Tree. I want to do range search on this tree. Wikipedia mentions range search in KD-Trees, but doesn't talk about implementation/algorithm in any way. Can someone please help me with this? If not for any arbitrary d, any help for at least for d = 2 and d = 3 would be great. Thanks!
There are multiple variants of kd-tree. The one I used had the following specs:
Each internal node has max two nodes.
Each leaf node can have max maxCapacity points.
No internal node stores any points.
Side note: there are also versions where each node (irrespective of whether its internal or leaf) stores exactly one point. The algorithm below can be tweaked for those too. Its mainly the buildTree where the key difference lies.
I wrote an algorithm for this some 2 years back, thanks to the resource pointed to by #9mat .
Suppose the task is to find the number of points which lie in a given hyper-rectangle ("d" dimensions). This task can also be to list all points OR all points which lie in given range and satisfy some other criteria etc, but that can be a straightforward change to my code.
Define a base node class as:
template <typename T> class kdNode{
public: kdNode(){}
virtual long rangeQuery(const T* q_min, const T* q_max) const{ return 0; }
Then, an internal node (non-leaf node) can look like this:
class internalNode:public kdNode<T>{
const kdNode<T> *left = nullptr, *right = nullptr; // left and right sub trees
int axis; // the axis on which split of points is being done
T value; // the value based on which points are being split
public: internalNode(){}
void buildTree(...){
// builds the tree recursively
// returns the number of points in this sub tree that lie inside the hyper rectangle formed by q_min and q_max
int rangeQuery(const T* q_min, const T* q_max) const{
// num of points that satisfy range query conditions
int rangeCount = 0;
// check for left node
if(q_min[axis] <= value) {
rangeCount += left->rangeQuery(q_min, q_max);
// check for right node
if(q_max[axis] >= value) {
rangeCount += right->rangeQuery(q_min, q_max);
return rangeCount;
Finally, the leaf node would look like:
class leaf:public kdNode<T>{
// maxCapacity is a hyper - param, the max num of points you allow a node to hold
array<T, d> points[maxCapacity];
int keyCount = 0; // this is the actual num of points in this leaf (keyCount <= maxCapacity)
public: leaf(){}
public: void addPoint(const T* p){
// add a point p to the leaf node
// check if points[index] lies inside the hyper rectangle formed by q_min and q_max
inline bool containsPoint(const int index, const T* q_min, const T* q_max) const{
for (int i=0; i<d; i++) {
if (points[index][i] > q_max[i] || points[index][i] < q_min[i]) {
return false;
return true;
// returns number of points in this leaf node that lie inside the hyper rectangle formed by q_min and q_max
int rangeQuery(const T* q_min, const T* q_max) const{
// num of points that satisfy range query conditions
int rangeCount = 0;
for(int i=0; i < this->keyCount; i++) {
if(containsPoint(i, q_min, q_max)) {
return rangeCount;
In the code for range query inside the leaf node, it is also possible to do a "binary search" inside of "linear search". Since the points will be sorted along on the axis axis, you can do a binary search do find l and r values using q_min and q_max, and then do a linear search from l to r instead of 0 to keyCount-1 (of course in the worst case it wont help, but practically, and especially if you have a capacity of pretty high values, this may help).
This is my solution for a KD-tree, where each node stores points (so not just the leafs). (Note that adapting for where points are stored only in the leafs is really easy).
I leaf some of the optimizations out and will explain them at the end, this to reduce the complexity of the solution.
The get_range function has varargs at the end, and can be called like,
x1, y1, x2, y2 or
x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 etc. Where first the low values of the range are given and then the high values.
(You can use as many dimensions as you like).
static public <T> void get_range(K_D_Tree<T> tree, List<T> result, float... range) {
if (tree.root == null) return;
float[] node_region = new float[tree.DIMENSIONS * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < tree.DIMENSIONS; i++) {
node_region[i] = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
node_region[i+tree.DIMENSIONS] = Float.MAX_VALUE;
_get_range(tree, result, tree.root, node_region, 0, range);
The node_region represents the region of the node, we start as large as possible. Cause for all we know this could be the region we are dealing with.
Here the recursive _get_range implementation:
static public <T> void _get_range(K_D_Tree<T> tree, List<T> result, K_D_Tree_Node<T> node, float[] node_region, int dimension, float[] target_region) {
if (dimension == tree.DIMENSIONS) dimension = 0;
if (_contains_region(tree, node_region, target_region)) {
_add_whole_branch(node, result);
else {
float value = _value(tree, dimension, node);
if (node.left != null) {
float[] node_region_left = new float[tree.DIMENSIONS*2];
System.arraycopy(node_region, 0, node_region_left, 0, node_region.length);
node_region_left[dimension + tree.DIMENSIONS] = value;
if (_intersects_region(tree, node_region_left, target_region)){
_get_range(tree, result, node.left, node_region_left, dimension+1, target_region);
if (node.right != null) {
float[] node_region_right = new float[tree.DIMENSIONS*2];
System.arraycopy(node_region, 0, node_region_right, 0, node_region.length);
node_region_right[dimension] = value;
if (_intersects_region(tree, node_region_right, target_region)){
_get_range(tree, result, node.right, node_region_right, dimension+1, target_region);
if (_region_contains_node(tree, target_region, node)) {
One important thing that the other answer does not provide is this part:
if (_contains_region(tree, node_region, target_region)) {
_add_whole_branch(node, result);
With a range search for a KD-Tree you have 3 options for a node's region, it's:
fully outside
it intersects
it's fully contained
Once you know a region is fully contained, then you can add the whole branch without doing any dimension checks.
To make it more clear, here is the _add_whole_branch:
static public <T> void _add_whole_branch(K_D_Tree_Node<T> node, List<T> result) {
if (node.left != null) _add_whole_branch(node.left, result);
if (node.right != null) _add_whole_branch(node.right, result);
In this image, all the big white dots where added using _add_whole_branch and only for the red dots a check for all dimensions had to be done.
Instead of starting with the root node for the _get_range function, instead you can find the split node. This is the first node that has it's point within the query range. To find the split node you will still need to start at the root node, but the calculations are a bit cheaper (cause you go either left or right till).
Now I create the float[] node_region_left and float[] node_region_right, and since this happens in a recursive function it can lead to quite some arrays. However, you can reuse the one for the left for the right. I didn't do it in this example for clarity reasons.
I can also imagine storing the region size in the node, but this takes quite some more memory and might lead to a lot of cache misses.

How to solve algorithmic questions with transitive dependencies/graphs?

I kind of struggle when I get asked these questions in interviews. Say for example, I have a question where I need to find the converted currency amount from one currency to another and I am given the list of currencies. How do I build the adjacency/relationship mapping so that I could get to the correct amount. Even an algorithm that explains the logic would suffice. Appreciate your suggestions on this !.
For example:
Lets say I am given a list of currency Objects that contains different conversion rates(USD->INR = 75, INR -> XXX = 100). I need to find the conversion from USD-> XXX = 7500. I should also be able to do the conversion backwards say INR->USD. How do I find it by building a graph ?.
public Currency{
String fromCurrency;
String toCurrency;
double rate;
public double currencyConverter(List<Currency> currencies, fromCurrency, toCurrency){
return convertedCurrency;
In the problem you mentioned, the graph is directed graph. Let us say you represent the graph using adjacency matrix. Fill the matrix with the data you have for all the currencies. For example, USD->INR has R1 rate, so INR->USD would be 1/R1 rate. After filling the adjacency matrix, use algorithms to compute transitive closure of a directed graph, for example Floyd–Warshall algorithm.
I am not sure how to use Floyd-Warshall Algorithm to solve this problem. However, I was able to solve this problem using dynamic programming. Here is my solution:
class Currency{
String fromCurrency;
String toCurrency;
double rate;
public Currency(String fromCurrency, String toCurrency, double rate) {
this.fromCurrency = fromCurrency;
this.toCurrency = toCurrency;
this.rate = rate;
public class CurrencyConverter {
public static double currencyConverter(List<Currency> currencies, String fromCurrency, String toCurrency) {
Set<String> currencyNotes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for(Currency currency : currencies) {
Map<String, Integer> currencyMap = new TreeMap<>();
int idx = 0;
for(String currencyNote : currencyNotes) {
currencyMap.putIfAbsent(currencyNote, idx++);
double[][] dp = new double[currencyNotes.size()][currencyNotes.size()];
for(double[] d : dp) {
Arrays.fill(d, -1.0);
for(int i=0;i<currencyNotes.size();i++) {
dp[i][i] = 1;
for(Currency currency : currencies) {
Integer fromCurrencyValue = currencyMap.get(currency.fromCurrency);
Integer toCurrencyValue = currencyMap.get(currency.toCurrency);
dp[fromCurrencyValue][toCurrencyValue] = currency.rate;
dp[toCurrencyValue][fromCurrencyValue] = 1/(currency.rate);
for(int i=currencyNotes.size()-2;i>=0;i--) {
for(int j= i+1;j<currencyNotes.size();j++) {
dp[i][j] = dp[i][j-1]*dp[i+1][j]/(dp[i+1][j-1]);
dp[j][i] = 1/dp[i][j];
return dp[currencyMap.get(fromCurrency)][currencyMap.get(toCurrency)];
I believe the best way to solve transitive dependency problems is to first identify the nodes and their relationships, and backtrack it. As joker from the dark knight says "Sometimes all it takes is a little push" :)

Visiting Selected Points in a Grid before Reaching a Destination using BFS

Alright so i was implementing a solution of a problem which started of by giving you a (n,n) grid. It required me to to start at (1,1), visit certain points in the grid, marked as * and then finally proceed to (n,n). The size of the grid is guaranteed to be not more then 15 and the number of points to visit , * is guaranteed to be >=0 and <=n-2. The start and end points are always empty. There are certain obstacles , # where I cannot step on. Also, if i have visited a point before reaching a certain *, i can go through it again after collecting *.
Here is what my solution does. I made a datastructure called 'Node' which has 2 integer datatypes (x,y). It's basically a tuple.
class Node
int x,y;
Node(int x1,int y1)
While taking in the grid, i maintain a Set which stores the coordinates of '*' in the grid.
Set<Node> points=new HashSet<Node>();
I maintain a grid array and also a distance array
char [][]
int distances [][]
Now what i do is, i apply BFS as (1,1) as source. As soon as i encounter any '*' ( Which i believe will be the closest because BFS provides us with the shortest path in an unweighted graph ), I remove it from the Set.
Now i apply BFS again where my source becomes the last coordinate of '*' found. Everytime, i refresh the distance array since my source coordinate has changed. For the grid array, i refresh the paths marked as 'V' (visited) for the previous iteration.
This entire process continues until i reach the last '*'.
BTW if my BFS returns -1, the program prints '-1' and quits.
Now if I have successfully reached all '' in the shortest possible way(i guess?), i set the (n,n) coordinate in the Grid as '' and apply BFS one last time. This way i get to the final point.
Now my solution seemd to be failing somewhere. Have gone wrong somewhere? Is my concept wrong? Does this 'greedy' approach fail? Getting the shortest path between all '*' checkpoints should eventually get me the shortest path IMO.
I looked around and saw this this problem is similar to the Travelling Salesman problem and also solvable by Dynamic Programming and DFS mix or A* algorithm.I have no clue how though. Someone even said dijkstra between each * but according to my knowledge, in an unweighted graph, Dijktra and BFS work the same. I just want to know why this BFS solution fails
Finally, Here is my code:
import java.util.*;
* Created by Shreyans on 5/2/2015 at 2:29 PM using IntelliJ IDEA (Fast IO Template)
class Node
int x,y;
Node(int x1,int y1)
class N1
//Datastructures and Datatypes used
static char grid[][];
static int distances[][];
static int r=0,c=0,s1=0,s2=0,f1=0,f2=0;
static int dx[]={1,-1,0,0};
static int dy[]={0,0,-1,1};
static Set<Node> points=new HashSet<Node>();
static int flag=1;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
int t=sc.nextInt();//testcases
for(int ixx=0;ixx<t;ixx++)
{;//Taking in '.' basically
System.out.println("0");//Already there
c=r;//Rows guarenteed to be same as rows. It a nxn grid
grid=new char[r][c];
distances=new int[r][c];
for(int i=0;i<r;i++)
for(int j=0;j<c;j++)
points.add(new Node(i,j));
}//built grid
distances[s1][s2]=0;//for 0,0
int ansd=0;
for(int i=0;i<r;i++)
for (int j = 0; j < c; j++)
int dis=BFS();
ansd += dis;//Adding on (minimum?) distaces
//System.out.println("CURR DIS: "+ansd);
flag = 0;
for(int i11=0;i11<r;i11++)
for(int j1=0;j1<c;j1++)
if(grid[i11][j1]=='V')//These pnts become accesible in the next iteration again
int x=BFS();
System.out.println((ansd+x));//Final distance
System.out.println("-1");//Not possible
public static int BFS()
// Printing current grid correctly according to concept
System.out.println("SOURCE IS:"+(s1+1)+","+(s2+1));
for(int i2=0;i2<r;i2++)
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < c; j1++)
Queue<Node>q=new LinkedList<Node>();
q.add(new Node(s1,s2));
Node p=q.poll();
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
{//If point is in range
int cx,cy;
for(Node rm:points)// finding the node and removing it
grid[cx][cy]='.';//It i walkable again
s1=cx;s2=cy;//next source set
return distances[cx][cy];
else if(grid[cx][cy]=='.')//Normal tile. Now setting to visited
grid[cx][cy]='V';//Adding to visited
q.add(new Node(cx,cy));
return -1;
Here is my code in action for a few testcases. Gives the correct answer:
C++ :
Here is where my code fails:,bholagabbar
Your idea is wrong. I haven't read the code because what you describe will fail even if implemented perfectly.
Consider something like this:
You will traverse the maze like this:
Then go from 5 to the bottom-left * and back to 5, taking 16 steps. This however:
Takes 12 steps.
The correct solution to the problem involves brute force. Generate all permutations of the * positions, visit them in the order given by the permutation and take the minimum.
13! is rather large though, so this might not be fast enough. There is a faster solution by dynamic programming in O(2^k), similar to the Travelling Salesman Dynamic Programming Solution (also here).
I don't have time to talk about the solution much right now. If you have questions about it, feel free to ask another question and I'm sure someone will chime in (or leave this one open).

Optimization of irregular functions

I have a complicated function defined (4 double parameters), which has a lot of different local optima. I have no reason to think that it should be differentiable either. The only thing I can tell is the hypercube in which the (interesting) optima can be found.
I wrote a really crude and slow algorithm to optimize the function:
public static OptimalParameters brutForce(Model function) throws FunctionEvaluationException, OptimizationException {
double startingStep = 0.02;
double minStep = 1e-6;
int steps = 30;
double[] start = function.startingGuess();
int n = start.length;
Comparer comparer = comparer(function);
double[] minimum = start;
double result = function.value(minimum);
double step = startingStep;
while (step > minStep) {
System.out.println("STEP step=" + step);
GridGenerator gridGenerator = new GridGenerator(steps, step, minimum);
double[] point;
while ((point = gridGenerator.NextPoint()) != null) {
double value = function.value(point);
if (comparer.better(value, result)) {
System.out.println("New optimum " + value + " at " + model.timeSeries(point));
result = value;
minimum = point;
step /= 1.93;
return new OptimalParameters(result, function.timeSeries(minimum));
private static Comparer comparer(Model model) {
if (model.goalType() == GoalType.MINIMIZE) {
return new Comparer() {
public boolean better(double newVal, double optimumSoFar) {
return newVal < optimumSoFar;
return new Comparer() {
public boolean better(double newVal, double optimumSoFar) {
return newVal > optimumSoFar;
private static interface Comparer {
boolean better(double newVal, double optimumSoFar);
Note that it is more important to find a better local optimum than speed of the algorithm.
Are there any better algorithms to do this kind of optimization? Would you have any ideas how to improve this design?
You can use simplex based optimization. It is suitable exactly for problems like you have.
If you can use Matlab, at least for the prototyping, try using fminsearch
[1] Lagarias, J.C., J. A. Reeds, M. H. Wright, and P. E. Wright, "Convergence Properties of the Nelder-Mead Simplex Method in Low Dimensions," SIAM Journal of Optimization, Vol. 9 Number 1, pp. 112-147, 1998.
Try something classic:
Your problem sounds as if metaheuristics would be an ideal solution. You can try a metaheuristic such as Evolution Strategies (ES). ES was designed for tough multimodal real vector functions. ES and several real functions are implemented (Rosenbrock, Rastrigin, Ackley, etc.) in our software HeuristicLab. You can implement your own function there and have it optimized. You don't need to add a lot of code and you can directly copy from the other functions that can work as examples for you. You would need to port your code to C# though, but only the evaluation, the other parts are not needed.
An advantage is that if you have your function implemented in HeuristicLab you can also try to optimize it with a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method, Genetic Algorithm, or Simulated Annealing which are also already implemented and see which one works best. You only need to implement the evaluation function once.
Or you just scan the literature for papers on Evolution Strategies and reimplement it yourself. IIRC Beyer has implementations on his website - it's written for MatLab.

Ordered insertion working sporadically with primitive types & strings

For an assignment, we've been asked to implement both ordered and unordered versions of LinkedLists as Bags in Java. The ordered versions will simply extend the unordered implmentations while overriding the insertion methods.
The ordering on insertion function works... somewhat. Given a test array of
String[] testArray= {"z","g","x","v","y","t","s","r","w","q"};
the output is
q w r s t y v x g z
when it should be
g q r s t v w x y z
However, the ordering works fine when the elements aren't mixed up in value. For example, I originally used the testArray[] above with the alphabe reversed, and the ordering was exactly as it should be.
My add function is
public void add(E e){
Iter iter= new Iter(head.prev);
int compValue;
E currentItem= null;
//empty list, add at first position
if (size < 1)
else {
while (iter.hasNext()){
currentItem=; //gets next item
//saves on multiple compareTo calls
compValue= e.compareTo(currentItem);
//adds at given location
if (compValue <= 0)
iter.add(e, iter.index);
else //moves on
The iterator functionality is implemented as
//decided to use iterator to simplify method functionality
protected class Iter implements Iterator<E>, ListIterator<E>{
protected int index= 0;
protected Node current= null;
//Sets a new iterator to the index point provided
public Iter(int index){
while (index > nextIndex()) //moves on to the index point
public void add(E e, int index){
Iter iterator= new Iter(index);
Node node= new Node();
Node current= iterator.current.prev;;
node.prev= current; node; node;
node.item= e;
As it is right now, the only things being used are primitive types. I know for objects, a specific comparable class will have to be written, but in this case, String contains a compareTo() method that should give correct ordering.
By chance, a classmate of mine has a similar implementation and is returning the same results.
Using natural ordering, how can I resolve this problem?
Three things about your add() function jump out at me:
It should exit the loop as soon as it inserts the new value; this might not actually be a problem, but it is inefficient to keep looking
You call next_item at the top of the loop, but call it AGAIN if the value isn't added
If your list has just 1 value in it, and you try to add a value larger than the one currently in the list, won't the new value fail to be added?
