Raster path following algorithms - algorithm

I've got a raster grid of values that looks something like the image below (white is high values, the black background value is zero).
I'm trying to write some kind of path-following code to start at the end of one of the lines and trace to the other end, going via the highest possible values (that is, the whiter the pixels chosen to be in the line the better) but still getting to the other end.
I've been struggling with this for a while, and can't seem to get anything I try to work. So I wondered, has a generic algorithm already been developed for this sort of problem? I've done a lot of searching, but most path algorithms seem to be designed to work on vectors/networks, not raster grids like this.
Any ideas?

The simplest idea probably is to use the A* algorithm, where each pixel is a node, and the cost of the node is the pixel darkness.
Update: Found a nice tutorial.

One way to do this:
Filter the image to get it closer to black and white only pixels.
Draw a line through the white pixels. To do this, start at a white pixel. Draw a line from that pixel to each other white pixel a distance of 2 (or 3 or so) away, but ignore pixels near a previous line. Keep going until you've covered every pixel not close (2 or 3 pixels) from a line. You'll have to do some minor adjustments here to get it to work well.
Connect the endpoints of the lines you've drawn. If there are two endpoints near (1 or 2 pixels?) one another, connect them. You should end up with a few lines made up of a lot of short segments, possibly with some loops and forks.
Get rid of any small loops in the lines, and seperate the lines at forks, so you have a few lines made of a lot of short segments.
Reduce points. For each line, check to see if it is nearly straight. If so, remove all the interior points. If not, check the two halves of the line recursively until you get down to the minimum segment lengths.
You can optionally fit a spline curve through the lines at this point.
It will take some tweaking to get it to work well, but it is possible to do it this way. One other variant is to outline the white sections, if they are wider than 1 or 2 or 3 pixels, and combine the double lines afterward.

I don't think you'll need a genetic algorithm or anything ridiculous; good old fashion recursion and dynamic programming should suffice. I am initially thinking, that you should be able to accomplish your goal by doing a breadth first search. From your starting point, you visit all the neighbors with scores greater then that paths value --all cells start out at infinity, and costs to black cells would be infinity, and these are the paths you can prune off). Once at your destination, if reachable, you should be able to backtrack to find the path. It's greedy, but if your paths are well behaved like these are, it should be fine.
For paths with more gray and twists and turns, it might be a good idea to convert the raster image to a graph, with the edge weight being the the gray scale values of the neighbors (or difference in gray scale values, depending on what this data actually means). So, you should be able to use any algorithm for shortest paths based on that interpretation.

If you are doing this on big scale or for research you might try whit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant_colony_optimization, but if you are doing this for money just pick up something like flood fill http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_fill


Matrix of pixels to coordinates

I have to convert a given matrix of pixels (coefficients are in a range from 0 to 255, since the matrix corresponds to a black and white image) into two lists. Both of them may be composed of lists, one containing the abscissas of the points, the other the ordinates.
As you can notice on the included picture, the first case corresponds to a single curve, whereas both the others involve multiple ones, crossing one each other. The algorithm should be able to make the difference between the two or three curves (in the two last examples), so in the two mainlists, a given sublist corresponds to a given curve.
I have absolutely no idea of what to start from...
One last thing : I'm seeking ideas on how to program this algorithm, so this is why I didn't add any specific programming language (if code may help any explanation, feel free to speak any language).
Thanks in advance >^.^<
Check out the Hough transform. It is a simple voting algorithm, that allows finding simple geometric shapes in images. One complication could be that your lines are not strictly straight. But it would give you equations on the lines it does find. Since your case is a little nonstandard I'd try to understand the algorithm itself and write my own implementation.
In my first implementation (centering a circle on a square in long focal depth image I took) I started with a very simple Python example I found online, rewrote it for my purposes and then later moved to C# for speed, since I needed more parameters (higher dimensional search space) than you need for this simple case.
In your case I would start with the simple assumption of a straight line. Then the Hough transform will give 1, 2 and 3 maxima respectively for your three cases.
The idea of the Hough transform is well described on wikipedia.
Here just the gist of the idea:
For a straight line think of giving each black pixel the right to vote
for 180 possible lines that could go through it (one for each angle in
single degree steps), then plotting the vote as histogram over a 2d space, where one
dimension is the angle of the line, another is the distance from
origin (using the Hesse normal form of the line for practical reasons
rather than the common y= m x +b) and the z-dimension is the number of votes. The actual line formed by the black
pixels will get more votes than any other possible line, so you are
simply looking for the Maximum vote location in the transformation
space (say in Python/numpy it would be argmax).
If there are two lines, you will find two clear maxima, the higher one with the longer or thicker line (more votes). You can then start playing with grayscale in your image, giving non-integer votes to pixels. You can also play with the resolution of the angle, depending on the content of your problem.

Is there any algorithm for finding LINES by PIXEL COLORS on picture?

So I have Image like this
(source: de-viz.ru)
I want to get something like this (I hevent drawn all lines I want but I hope you can get my idea)
(source: narod.ru)
I need algorithm for finding all straight lines on it by just reading colors of pixels. No hard math, no Haar, no Hough. Some algorithm which would be based on points colors. I want to give to algorithm parameters like min line length and max line distortion. I want to get relative to picture pixel coords start and end points of lines.
So I need algorithm for finding straight lines of different colors on picture. Algorithm which would be based on idea of image of different colors and Lines of static colors. Yes - such algorithm will not work for images with lots of shadows and lights. But It willl probably be fast (I hope so).
Is there any such algorithm?
IPOL : LSD: a Line Segment Detector
Just do some post-processing. You get all edges from LSD, then you only keep the ones you want by computing their length.
You should use an edge detect filter.

Merging and splitting overlapping rectangles to produce non-overlapping ones

I am looking for an algorithm as follows:
Given a set of possibly overlapping rectangles (All of which are "not rotated", can be uniformly represented as (left,top,right,bottom) tuplets, etc...), it returns a minimal set of (non-rotated) non-overlapping rectangles, that occupy the same area.
It seems simple enough at first glance, but prooves to be tricky (at least to be done efficiently).
Are there some known methods for this/ideas/pointers?
Methods for not necessarily minimal, but heuristicly small, sets, are interesting as well, so are methods that produce any valid output set at all.
Something based on a line-sweep algorithm would work, I think:
Sort all of your rectangles' min and max x coordinates into an array, as "start-rectangle" and "end-rectangle" events
Step through the array, adding each new rectangle encountered (start-event) into a current set
Simultaneously, maintain a set of "non-overlapping rectangles" that will be your output set
Any time you encounter a new rectangle you can check whether it's completely contained already in the current / output set (simple comparisons of y-coordinates will suffice)
If it isn't, add a new rectangle to your output set, with y-coordinates set to the part of the new rectangle that isn't already covered.
Any time you hit a rectangle end-event, stop any rectangles in your output set that aren't covering anything anymore.
I'm not completely sure this covers everything, but I think with some tweaking it should get the job done. Or at least give you some ideas... :)
So, if I were trying to do this, the first thing I'd do is come up with a unified grid space. Find all unique x and y coordinates, and create a mapping to an index space. So if you have x values { -1, 1.5, 3.1 } then map those to { 0, 1, 2 }, and likewise for y. Then every rectangle can be exactly represented with these packed integer coordinates.
Then I'd allocate a bitvector or something that covers the entire grid, and rasterize your rectangles in the grid. The nice thing about having a grid is that it's really easy to work with, and by limiting it to unique x and y coordinates it's minimal and exact.
One way to come up with a pretty quick solution is just dump every 'pixel' of your grid.. run them back through your mapping, and you're done. If you're looking for a more optimal number of rectangles, then you've got some sort of search problem on your hands.
Let's look at 4 neighboring pixels, a little 2x2 square. When I write algorithms like these, typically I think in terms of verts, edges, and faces. So, these are the faces around a vert. If 3 of them are on and 1 is off, then you've got a concave corner. This is the only invalid case. For example, if I don't have any concave corners, I just grab the extents and dump the whole thing as a single rectangle. For each concave corner, you need to decide whether to split horizontally, vertically, or both. I think of the splitting as marking edges not to cross when finding extents. You could also do it as coloring into sets, whatever is easier for you.
The concave corners and their split directions are your search space.. you can use whatever optimization algorithm you'd like. Branch/bound might work well. I bet you could find a simple heuristic that performs well (for example, if there's another concave corner directly across from the one you're considering, always split in that direction. Otherwise, split in the shorter direction). You could just go greedy. Or you could just split every concave vert in both directions, which would generally give you fewer rectangles than outputting every 'pixel' as a rect, and would be pretty simple.
Reading over this I realize that there may be areas that are unclear. Let me know if you want me to clarify anything.

What is the efficient Algorithm for Solving Jigsaw Puzzle?

Yesterday I was just playing Jigsaw Puzzle and somehow wondered what would be algorithm for solving it.
As human, steps which I followed where:
Separate all pieces in 3 parts, single flat edge, double flat edge and no edge at all.
Separate flat edge pieces as they would be corners of image
Separate single edge pieces as they would form 4 end edges of images
Lastly, pieces with no edges would form internal of the image.
Match the color and image pieces to put pieces together.
I was wondering what would be the efficient algorithm to solve this puzzle efficiently and what datastructure would provide optimum efficient solution.
Solving problems like this can be deceptively complicated, especially if no constraints are placed on the size and complexity of the puzzle.
Here's my thoughts on an approach to writing a program to solve such a puzzle.
There are four key pieces of information that you can use individually and together as clues to solving a jigsaw puzzle:
The shape information of each of the pieces (how their edges appear)
The color information of each of the pieces (adjacent pieces will generally have smooth transitions)
The orientation information of each piece (where flat and corner edges may lie)
The overall size and number of pieces provide the general dimensions of the puzzle
So what kind of information will the program will be supplied - let's assume that each puzzle piece is an small rectangular image with transparency information used to identify the portion of the puzzle piece that represent non-rectangular edges.
From this, it is relatively easy to identify the four corner pieces (in a typical jigsaw). These would have exactly two edges that have flat contours (see contour map below).
Next, I would build information about the shape of each of the four edges of a puzzle piece. This information can be used to build an adjacency matrix indicating which pieces fit together.
Now we can prune this adjacency matrix to identify just those pieces that have smooth color transitions in their adjacent configuration. This is somewhat tricky because it requires a level of fuzzy matching - since not every pixel-to-pixel boundary will necessarily have a smooth color transition.
Using the four corner pieces originally identified, we should now be able to reconstruct the dimensions and positions of all of the pieces in the puzzle.
A convenient data structure for representing edge shapes may be a contour map - essentially a set of integers representing the incremental deltas in distance from the opposing side of the image to the last non-transparent pixel in each of the four sides of the puzzle piece. Pieces that match should have mirror-image contour maps.
Make sure to scan for male/female portions of a piece--this will cut the search in half.
Assuming you're not going to get into any computer vision stuff, it would be very small variations on a search of the entire problem space, i.e. trying every piece until one fits, and repeating. The major optimization would be not trying the same piece in the same place if you know it doesn't fit. Side/corner pieces make up relatively few of the pieces and probably couldn't be considered in any major optimization.
The data structure would probably be something like a hash matrix, where you could quickly check if you're already tried a piece in a position.
An easy optimization that includes computer vision would be to try pieces at each position after sorting pieces by how close their average color matches adjacent positions.
This just off the top of my head of course.
I don't think that the human way would be that helpful for an implementation - a computer can look at all pieces many times a second and I see no (big) win by categorizing the pieces into corner, edge, and inner pieces, especially because there are only three categories and they have very different sizes.
Given a set of images of all pieces I would try to derive a simple descriptor for every piece or edge. The descriptor must contain information about the rough shape and the color of the piece respectively the four edges. Given a puzzle with 1000 pieces, there are 4000 edges and always two must be equal (ignoring the border of the puzzle). In consequence the descriptor must be able to distinguish 2000 edges requiring at least 11 bits.
Dividing one piece into a 3 x 3 check board pattern with nine fields will give three colors per edge - with eight bits per channel we already have 72 bits. I first tended to suggest to reduce the color resolution, but this seems not to be a good idea - for example a blue sky might really benefit from a high color resolution. Note that calculating the colors probably requires separating the piece from the background and trying to align the edges to the horizontal and vertical axises.
In very uniform areas like blue skies the color information will probably not be enough to find good matches and additional geometric information will be required. I would try to describe the shape of the edge by its curvature or a derived measure. Maybe sampled at ten to twenty points per edge. This probably again relies on background separation and edge alignment.
Finally the computer can do the easy part - compare all pairs of edge descriptors and find the best matches. This process should probably be controlled to become more local instead of simple best match first because when ever you have found a corner (Correct English word? I mean three pieces in a L-shape.) you have two edges constraining the piece to find and one can track back early if no good match can be found (indicating an error made before or a hard puzzle).
Passing over this I thought of an interesting solution which solves it at increasing costs over a series of steps.
Separate all puzzle pieces into sets of two. Test to see if they fit together. If not, try a different piece it hasn't seen before. If it does, put the set into a correct pile. Repeat until all sets of two has found a match.
From the correct pile combine the set of twos to make a set with sets of twos i.e {{1,2},{5,6}}. See if at least one puzzle piece from one set of two fits with at least another puzzle piece from the other set of two. If not, try a different set of two it hasn't seen before. If it does, combine the two sets into one set of four in the correct orientation with the piece you found to fit together and put the combined set into a correct pile. Repeat until all sets of four has been found.
Repeat the steps until the final problem where set n/2 is combined with set n/2.
Not positive what the computation time for this would be.

How is the photoshop cutout filter implemented?

Photoshop has a lot of cool artistic filters, and I'd love to understand the underlying algorithms.
One algorithm that's particularly interesting is the Cutout filter (number 2 at the link above).
It has three tunable parameters, Number of Levels, Edge Simplicity, and Edge Fidelity. Number of levels appears to drive a straightforward posterization algorithm, but what the other sliders do technically eludes me.
I would think that they're doing something related to Vornoi diagrams or k-means partitionion, but poking around on wikipedia hasn't resulted in anything that maps obviously to what Photoshop is doing, especially considering how fast the filter renders itself.
Is there any source for technical descriptions of the Photoshop filters? Alternatively, do you have any thoughts about how this particular filter might be implemented?
Edge detection is usually a Sobel or Canny filter then the edges are joined together with a chain code.
Look at something like the OpenCV library for details
Did you see this post. It explains how to get the same result using ImageMagic, and IM is opensource.
Very old question but maybe someone searching for an answer and maybe this helps.
Opencv's findcontours and approxPolyDP functions can do this. But we need to prepare the image before main process.
First; find most used N colors with k-means. For example find 8 colors.Find contours for each color and then calculate contourArea for all colors one by one (We will have N=8 layers). After that draw filled contours after approxPolyDP for each color from biggest ContourArea to smaller with its pre-calculated color.
My another suggestion is eliminate very small contours while calculating contourArea.
Photoshop cutout effects parameters;
Number Of Levels=K-Means-find most used N colors.
Edge Simplicity=I guess gaussian blur or other removing noise filters like bilateral filter or meanshift filter with edge preserving will be useful for this step.This step can be executed after K-Means and before finding contours.
Edge fidelity=openCV's approxPolyDP epsilon parameter.
I'm not sure it could be some kind of cell shading, but it also looks like a median filter with a very big kernel size or which was applied several times.
The edge simplicity/fidelity might be options which help decide whether or not to take in account an adjacent pixel (or one which falls inside the kernel) based on difference of color with the current pixel.
Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but if you like knowing how filters work, you could check out the source code of GIMP. I can't say if GIMP has an equivalent of cutout filter you mentioned, but it's worth taking a look if you are truly interested in this field.
The number of levels seems to resemble how cell-shading is done and this is how I'd implement that part in this case: you simply take this histogram of the image and divide it into the "No. of levels" amount of sections then calculate an average for each section. Each color in the histogram will then use that average in stead of their original color.
The other two parameters require some more thinking but 'Edge simplicity' seems to detonate the number of segments the shapes are build up off. Or rather: the number of refinements applied to some crude Image Segmentation Algorithms. The fidelity slider seems to do something similar; it probably controls some kind of threshold for when the refinements should take place.
This might help
Got a simple solution, which would theoretically produce something similar to that filter.
Somehow similar to what Ismael C suggested.
Edge Simplicity controls window size. Maybe window should be weighted.
But unlike it happens for regular windowed filters this one would take only a fixed size portion of random pixels from this window. The size of the portion is controlled with Fidelity parameter.
Set the pixel color to the median of the sample.
Given we have some posterization algorithm, it is applied afterwards.
Here we go!
Please report results if you implement it.
PS. I really doubt that segmentation is used at all.
I imagine it's probably some thresholding, edge-detection (Sobel/Canny/Roberts/whatever) and posterisation.
From tinkering with it I've found out that:
it's deterministic
it doesn't do any kind of pixel based posterization to achieve final effect
it probably doesn't use any kind of pixel based edge detection, it seems to work rather with areas then edges.
it calculates the shapes closed polygons to draw (some of the polygon edges might overlap with image edges).
when the edges of polygons are known then color of each area enclosed in edges (not necessarily belonging to one polygon) is colored with average color of pixels of original image that area covers.
edge of polygon can intersect with itself.
Especially visible for high edge simplicity.
as 'line simplicity' drops, the number of polygon edges increases, but also number of polygons increases.
edge fidelity influences line polygon edge count but does not influence polygon count
high edge fidelity (=3) causes single polygon to have very long and very short edges at the same time, low fidelity (=1) causes single polygon to have all edges roughly the similar length
high edge simplicity and low edge fidelity seem to prefer polygons anchored at edges of image, even at cost of sanity.
Altogether it looks like simplified version of Live Trace algorithm from Adobe Illustrator that uses polygons instead of curves.
... or maybe not.
