String restriction within protobuf - protocol-buffers

Can I represent this XSDSchema enumeration/String restriction within a protobuf enum?
<s:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="Condition">
<s:restriction base="s:string">
<s:enumeration value="EQ" />
<s:enumeration value="NE" />
<s:enumeration value="GT" />
<s:enumeration value="LT" />
<s:enumeration value="GE" />
<s:enumeration value="LE" />
<s:enumeration value="LK" />
<s:enumeration value="=" />
<s:enumeration value="!=" />
<s:enumeration value=">" />
<s:enumeration value="<" />
<s:enumeration value="=>" />

.proto enums are named integers, but note that the last few names will barf. You would need to tweak the names in your .proto / DTO layer, but it would a pain to have to disambiguate between "EQ" and "=", "LE" and "<"
But you could map something similar in .proto, sure.
If you store a string that would work, but will be more bytes. Not many more (1 byte for the string length plus 1-4 bytes for the char-data, versus 1 byte for the enums).


Fhir , slicing based on the value of an extension

is there a way to define a slicing based on the value of an extension on top of each element of a collection? example: Procedure.bodySite
<element id="Procedure.bodySite">
<path value="Procedure.bodySite" />
<type value="value" />
<path value="bodySite.extension("http://a/ext").value" />
<rules value="open" />
<element id="Procedure.bodySite.extension">
<path value="Procedure.bodySite.extension" />
<type value="value" />
<path value="url" />
<rules value="open" />
<element id="Procedure.bodySite.extension:myExtension">
<path value="Procedure.bodySite.extension" />
<sliceName value="myExtension" />
<code value="Extension" />
<profile value="http://a/ext" />
<element id="Procedure.bodySite:sliceBodySite">
<path value="Procedure.bodySite" />
<sliceName value="sliceBodySite" />
<max value="1" />
<element id="Procedure.bodySite:sliceBodySite.text">
<path value="Procedure.bodySite.extension" />
<fixedBoolean value="true" />
the result is : Unable to resolve discriminator in definitions: bodySite.extension('http://a/ext').value
so what is the problem here?
You can use .extension("url") as part of the path in a discriminator. So you can slice by value with a discriminator path of:

how to delete all the line items from the file after the first one

I need to delete all the line items <LineItem> from the file which does not suffice with this requirements:
elements in Line Item : <LineItemNumber V="00000000000000000010" /> and <PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" /> have to be matched, another words in integer Line Item Number would be 10 and Purchase order number after pipe line | would be 10. we need to have only one those line Items which are matching this requirement. Sorry, i'm really bad at describing.
<InterchangeUsageIndicator V="T" />
<GroupSenderID V="CCC" />
<TotalNumberOfShipmentsInGroup V="000005" />
<InvoiceChargeType V="T" />
<DocumentType V="ORDER" />
<DocumentProcessingCode C="00" />
<BOLNumber V="BOL2309460180582136" />
<AlternateQuantity Quantity="12.0" UOM="PK" UOMType="SQ" Characteristic="" />
<Buyer Name="" Q="ZP" ID="COUSPO001">
<AlternateIDs />
<Seller Name="" Q="2" ID="CNTR">
<AlternateIDs />
<Party PartyType="SF">
<Name V="SHA" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="SHA" />
<City V="Shanghai" />
<Country V="CN" />
<LocationPurpose V="" />
<Party PartyType="ST">
<Name V="LEB" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="" />
<LocationID Q="" ID="LEB" />
<City V="Lebanon" />
<Country V="TN" />
<LocationPurpose V="" />
<Party PartyType="VN">
<LocationID Q="" ID="4100000423" />
<AlternateLocationIDs />
<City V="JIANGSU" />
<Country V="CN" />
<LocationPurpose V="" />
<DR Type="D" Q="ETA" Date="2019-12-19" />
<DR Type="D" Q="EST" Date="2019-11-28" />
<RR Type="R" Q="K6" V="86|SEAL230946" />
<RR Type="R" Q="V3" V="VYG230946|BKG230946" />
<Vessel VesselName="VSL230946" VesselNumber="" VesselCountryOfRegistration="" VesselRegistrationNumber="" />
<Equipment Initial="CNTR" Number="230946" Length="0" Type="" TotalContainerVolume="52.06" />
<LineItemNumber V="00000000000000000010" />
<LineItemType C="LI" />
<TransportationServiceCode Code="" />
<PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" />
<AdditionalReferenceNumber V="" />
<CommodityCode Q="" C="M9160" />
<BuyerProductID V="" />
<BilledRatedAsQuantity V="0.0" UOM="PA" />
<LadingQuantity V="0.0" UOM="PA" />
<LineItemTotalAmount V="0.0" />
<LineItemWeight V="0.00" />
<LineItemVolume V="0.00" />
<LineItemNumber V="00000000000000900001" /> //this one would not work,because it is 900001
<LineItemType C="LI" />
<LineItemSubType C="SCH" />
<TransportationServiceCode Code="" />
<PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" />
<AdditionalReferenceNumber V="" />
<CommodityCode Q="" C="M9160" />
<BuyerProductID V="" />
<BilledRatedAsQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LadingQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LineItemTotalAmount V="0.0" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="CR" V="22859470896|001|0001" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="S6" V="|3|20" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="19" V="M9160|USDS|0001" Description="" />
<LineItemWeight V="2959.54" />
<LineItemVolume V="104.12" />
<LineItemNumber V="00000000000000900002" />
<LineItemType C="LI" />
<LineItemSubType C="SCH" />
<TransportationServiceCode Code="" />
<PurchaseOrderNumber V="0100230946|00010" />
<AdditionalReferenceNumber V="" />
<CommodityCode Q="" C="M9160" />
<BuyerProductID V="" />
<BilledRatedAsQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LadingQuantity V="24.0" UOM="PA" />
<LineItemTotalAmount V="0.0" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="CR" V="22859470902|001|0002" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="S6" V="|3.5|20" Description="" />
<UDR Type="U" Q="19" V="M9160|USDS|0001" Description="" />
<LineItemWeight V="2959.54" />
<LineItemVolume V="104.12" />
I tried to start on LINQ: this is where I got so far:
try {
var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(msg.Body);
var xDocument = xDoc.Root.XPathSelectElement("Groups/Group/Documents/Document");
var xLineItems = xDocument.XPathSelectElements("LineItems/LineItem");
var poNumbers = xLineItems.Select(e => (string)e.Element("PurchaseOrderNumber").Attribute("V")).Distinct();
foreach (var poNumber in poNumbers) {
msg.Body = xDoc.ToString();
I believe you would like to Delete all LineItem where LineItemNumber!=10 and PurchaseOrderNumber after the Pipe NOT equals 10. You could use Linq to filter the elements that match the purpose and use the Remove method to deletes the selected nodes.
var xDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
.Where(x=> Convert.ToInt32(x.Element("LineItemNumber").Attribute("V").Value)!=10
&& Convert.ToInt32(x.Element("PurchaseOrderNumber").Attribute("V").Value.Split('|')[1])!=10
var result = xDoc.ToString();

How to assign array in a BPEL process

I have a simple string as input and after calling a web service which adds the string to an array.Now i have to assign the array to the output(which i have set as a string array in the schema).The enterprise manager gives a fault and says the result contains multiple nodes for the XPath expression given.The Assign activity is shown as pending.So basically how do i assign an array or a list to the output variable which is also set as an array.The wsdl file used is:
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<xsd:import namespace="http://examples2/" schemaLocation="http://localhost:7101/Examples2-Examples2-context-root/ReturnTypePort?xsd=1"/>
<message name="display">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:display"/>
<message name="displayResponse">
<part name="parameters" element="tns:displayResponse"/>
<portType name="ReturnType">
<operation name="display">
<input message="tns:display"/>
<output name="displayResponse"
<binding name="ReturnTypePortBinding" type="tns:ReturnType">
<soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
<operation name="display">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<service name="ReturnTypeService">
<port name="ReturnTypePort" binding="tns:ReturnTypePortBinding">
<soap:address location="http://localhost:7101/Examples2-Examples2-context-root/ReturnTypePort"/>
#vanto Is there a way to assign an array from input variable to invoke_input variable?The problem is there are multiple inputs in my web service so i am not able to copy the wrapping element in input variable to wrapping variable in invoke variable.Will copy the snippet of the code here :
<assign name="Assign1">
<from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"
<to variable="Invoke1_processList_InputVariable"
part="parameters" query="/ns1:processList/dsaName"/>
<from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"
<to variable="Invoke1_processList_InputVariable"
part="parameters" query="/ns1:processList/linesOfData"/>
<from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"
<to variable="Invoke1_processList_InputVariable"
part="parameters" query="/ns1:processList/description"/>
<from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"
<to variable="Invoke1_processList_InputVariable"
part="parameters" query="/ns1:processList/application"/>
The problem is only one is of list type all others are of string type.The XML for this is:
<element name="process">
<element name="dsaName" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="linesOfData" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<element name="description" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="processResponse">
<element name="result" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
A from-spec and to-spec must not select more than one element or attribute. In your case it appears to select all <return> elements in your variable's part (i.e. the items of the array). Try to copy the element that wraps the items (i.e. the ns1:displayResponse element) and copy this element to ns2:processResponse (the wrapping element in the to-variable).
Since both source and target elements seem to be in different namespaces and are of different types, you probably need to run it through an XSLT script (using doXSLTransform) to translate it from the source schema to the target schema.

XDT Config Transforms - ReplaceAll?

I've got a custom section in my web.config file similar to this structure:
<Message id="1'>
<Property Name="foo" value="bar" />
<Message id="2'>
<Property Name="foo" value="bar2" />
I want to apply a custom transformation on this such that I can change the value of ALL instances of the Property element with Name="foo" - but I cant seem to get it to work.
I've tried:
<Property Name="foo" value="updated" xdt:Locator=Match(Name) xdt:Transform="Replace" />
I can remove all the elements by replacing the Transform=Replace with a Transform=RemoveAll - any ideas how I can achieve something similar to replace all the values?
It seems like Transform:Replace only replaces the first matched element from the documentation on msdn: ...If more than one element is selected, only the first selected element is replaced. I solved this issue by using a combination of Match-Conditions and SetAttributes, something like:
<Property value="updated" xdt:Locator=Condition(#Name='foo') xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(value)" />
</Messages> Expression Examples

I need some web.config examples for each expression types below :
The last substring matched by group number number.
The last substring matched by group named name matched by (?< name > ).
The value of the property when the expression is evaluated.
The result of calling the transform on the specified value.
The result of mapping the specified value using the map. Replaced with empty string if no mapping exists.
The result of mapping the specified value using the map. Replaced with the default if no mapping exists.
<if url="/tags/(.+)" rewrite="/tagcloud.aspx?tag=$1" />
<!-- same thing as <rewrite url="/tags/(.+)" to="/tagcloud.aspx?tag=$1" /> -->
Thank you very much !
Here's what I found/guessed. Not tested.
$number :
<rewrite url="^(.*)/(\?.+)?$" to="$1/default.aspx$2?" />
$1 matches (.*)
$2 matches (\?.+)
$< name > : this one I'm not so sure on the regex, couldn't find anything in documentation
<rewrite url="^(?<group1>(.*))/(\?.+)?$" to="$<group1>/default.aspx$2?" />
$<group1> matches
${property} :
<set property="branch" value="$3" />
<rewrite to="/showbranch.aspx?branch=${branch}" />
${transform(value)} :
<set property="transform-name" value="lower" />
<set property="value-to-transform" value="THIS WAS UPPER CASE" />
<redirect to="/WebForm1.aspx?q=${encode(${${transform-name}(${value-to-transform})})}" />
results in "/WebForm1.aspx?q=this+was+upper+case"
${map:value} :
<mapping name="areas">
<map from="sydney" to="1" />
<map from="melbourne" to="2" />
<map from="brisbane" to="3" />
<rewrite to="/area.aspx?area=${areas:$3}" />
results in "/area.aspx?area=brisbane"
<mapping name="areas">
<map from="sydney" to="1" />
<map from="melbourne" to="2" />
<map from="brisbane" to="3" />
<rewrite to="/area.aspx?area=${areas:$4|perth}" />
results in "/area.aspx?area=perth"
